"Bayview" 660 Doncaster Rd, Doncaster

With the arrival of Alfred Hummell in the 1870's, the social life of Doncaster found an exciting leader. Hummell was a tall, handsome Englishman in his forties, with a considerable private fortune. He had a flair for things spectacular, and at first enjoyed being the most sought after man in the district. He married Jane, the elder sister of Edwin and Birkby Lawford, and built his home in the centre of Doncaster.

South-east from the Doncaster Tower. Shows Tom Petty (Jnr)'s home, 'Bayview', and fruit packing shed. 'Bayview' was originally built by Alfred Hummel who also built the Doncaster Tower. (In distance right is John Whitten's home in Whittens Lane.) DTHS-DP007

Hummell had bought a two-roomed cottage on ninety acres of land from Lyle Bowers, and in 1877 built "Bayview" around this cottage. The house, located on the south side of Doncaster Road between Short and Station Streets, is still standing, and has some quite distinctive features. The original cottage with its verandah now forms the front, centre section of the building. Behind this a later portion was added with a higher ridge protruding over the top of the old cottage. On either side, high pitched gable sections were added. Barge boards with decorative fret work and shutters on the centre windows lend character and style to make this an outstanding building. On the east side, Hummell erected a separate building, divided by a passage and lattice work as a coach house and servant's quarters. This section has been demolished. It was alongside this that Hummell, who had been trained as an engineer, built the first of his three towers - one hundred feet high. For a few years the elite of Doncaster enjoyed many elegant dinner parties at "Bayview".

In 1885, Alfred Hummell left for Tasmania and Tom Petty (Jnr) bought the property.

Photo of Bayview when used by the ES&A Bank. Photo from http://www.norburys.info/individual.php?pid=I1038&ged=norburys

In 1886, the ES&A Bank opened its first Doncaster branch in the house. It operated there for four years until the bank was moved to the old school house.

Today "Bayview", half hidden in its garden of trees, has an old world charm. The past of Doncaster owes much to the owners of this building, the present one being Mrs. Fred Petty. There were the exciting days of Hummell's social occasions and the building of the Doncaster Towers. Life at "Bayview" lost nothing of its style with Tom Petty. His dynamic energy and over active brain made the house a centre of activity. In its design and construction the house is unique in Doncaster, and is surely worthy of preservation.

Irvine Green A.I.A.P. writing in 1970 04 DTHS Newsletter

Bayview Demolition

Frederick John Petty (Son of Tom Petty Jnr) according to the Sands & McDougall directory moved into "Bayview" in 1908.

Extract from Petty Family Tree (Norbury's Tree)

"Bayview" was located on the south side of Main rd, Doncaster (now Doncaster rd) between Station st (now Clay dve) and the Doncaster Church of Christ (now on the corner of Short St).

660 Doncaster Road (where Bayview used to be)

660 Doncaster Road. Site of BayView. Google StreetView 2016

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