4 Beaconsfield Street Doncaster.

This weatherboard farm house with its outbuildings was associated with the early days of the Doncaster fruit growing industry when, Government Cool Stores were opened in Doncaster Road in March 1905. (20) Six years later the West Doncaster Co-Operative Cool Store was built on the corner of Beaconsfield Street and Doncaster Road. This store had a capacity of 36, 000 cases and 36 local growers became members. (21)
The site of 4 Beaconsfield Street on the north side of Doncaster Road was originally part of Lot 37 in the Doncaster Heights Estate owned in 1890 by Christian Bloom, gardener. (22) Christian also owned a substantial timber house on 30 acres in Wilhelm (now King) Street. (23) By 1892 Christian and Otto Bloom, gardeners, owned both properties. (24)
Otto Bloom, listed as labourer from the turn of the century, became the first owner and occupier of a more modest house on Lot 37 in 1902-3. (25) This was later identified as 4 Beaconsfield Street. By 1914, when his address was given at Tower Street (now near Westfield Shopping Town), Otto Bloom owned his house and Lots 37, 38 and 39 in the Doncaster Heights Estate. (26)
Otto Bloom's house remained in the ownership of the Bloom family during the 1920s and 1930s. In the early 1940s it was owned by Frederick Ernest Bloom. (27) And, although the local cool stores closed during the 1950s and 1960s, and orchard land was subdivided for housing, Bloom's Beaconsfield Street orchard house remains.
Of local historical significance for its associations with the Bloom family, early Doncaster fruit growers, and as one of the few orchard houses remaining in this part of Doncaster.

20 Irvine Green, The Orchards of Doncaster and Templestowe, 1985, p. 44.
21 Irvine Green, The Orchards of Doncaster and Templestowe, p. 46.
22 Shire of Bulleen RB 1890 Doncaster Riding No. 38 (NAV 15 shillings.
23 Shire of Bulleen RB 1890 Doncaster Riding No. 39 (NAV 140 pounds).
24 Shire of Bulleen RB 1892. Doncaster Riding Nos. 25, 26; Parish of Bulleen. Directory Maps of the County of Bourke. 1892 (shows Bloom's King Road property).
25 Shire of Doncaster RB 1902-3 No. 24 (NAV IO pounds)
26 Shire of Doncaster RB 1914-15 Nos. 31, 32.
27 Shire of Doncaster and Templestowe Water Supply RB 1942-43 Doncaster Riding No. 11 (NAV 20 pounds).

Doncaster and Templestowe Heritage Study Additional Research Carlotta Kellaway - July 1994 -http://www.manningham.vic.gov.au/file/26136/download

Demolished ??? to make way for Auto sales ???

Beaconsfield Street No4 Doncaster - Google Maps 2018

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