Max Schramm - Naturalisation 1863


Naturalization (or naturalisation) is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen of a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country.

Why did emigrants from European countries want to "naturalise ?


Max Schramm - Naturalisation papers

Max Schramm naturalised in 1863.  It may have cost him some money to organise.
He did not use his family prefix of "von" (why ?).  He and members of his family did use this prefix later in life.  Why ??

Naturalisation records are kept in the National Archives:


Schramm Max: Naturalisation 1863
Australian National Archives Series A712, Control symbol 1863/D8666 Item barcode 181525
Location: Canberra

Date 15 Oct 1863
In the Matter of Schramm Naturalisation 17 Oct 63
Max Schramm
?? Oath

SchrammMax Naturalisation Documents 1863-09-12
I hereby certify that I know Max Schramm of Doncaster, in the Colony of Victoria, Teacher, the memorialist mentioned in the memorial hereunto annexed, and that her is, to the best of my belief and knowledge, a person of good repute.
dated this 12th day of September, 1863 at Bulleen, Victoria
Sydney Ricardo JP

SchrammMax Naturalisation Documents 1863-09-12
To his excellency, Sir Charles darling ??? Governor of the Colony of Victoria in Council.
The memorial of Max Schramm of Doncaster in the Colony of Victoria, respectfully herewith
1. That your memorialists name is Max Schramm
2. That he is 34 years of age.
3. That he was born at Ziegenhals in Prussia
4. That he is by occupation a teacher
5. That on the 12th day of March in the year 1854, he resided??? in the colony of Victoria

SchrammMax Naturalisation Documents 1863-09-12

Victoria overland from new South Wales in which colony he arrived by the ship Prins Mouritz from the port of Liverpool in England on the 26th day of August in the year 1853, and that he has ever since his arrival, being a period of 9 years and 6 months, been a resident in said colony of Victoria.

6. That he is desirous of permanently settling in said colony and of being naturalised therein.

Your memorialist therefore prays that your excellency may be pleased to grant to your memorialist, letters of naturalisation, under the Act of the parliament of Victoria numbered 166, subject to such conditions as you excellency may consider necessary or advisable.

And you memorialist will ever pray
Dated the 12 Day of September AD 1863
Max Schramm

SchrammMax Naturalisation Documents 1863-10-01

Referred by the direction of his Excellency to the Hon? The Chief Secretary ?? Wardle ? Pour? Secretary  1/10/63

SchrammMax Naturalisation Documents 1863-10-13

Doncaster 15th October 1863
Made aware of my omission by your communication of the 5th inst., I beg leave to forward the required oath, confirming the truth of the statements set forth in my Memorial for Letters of Naturalisation.
I have the honour to be Sir, Your Obedient servant,  Max Schramm, Teacher

SchrammMax Naturalisation Documents 1863-10-15 AND 1863-09-12

I, Max Schramm of Doncaster, in the colony of Victoria, teacher, make oath that the statements set forth by me in the memorial praying for Letters of Naturalisation dated the 12th day of September 1863 are true.
So help me God !
Max Schramm

Taken before me one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the Colony of Victoria at Bulleen this fifteenth day of October 1863
Sydney Ricardo JP

SchrammMax Naturalisation Documents 1863-10-19

Max Schramm
Granted by the Governor Council
J H Kay   ???
19th October 1863

SchrammMax Naturalisation Documents 1863-10-31

I do sincerely promise and swear that i will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Victoria as ??ful sovereign of the united Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and this colony of Victoria.
So help me God
Max Schramm

The above named Max Schramm did take and subscribe the foregoing oath at Melbourne in the Colony of Victoria on the 31st day of ?? AD 1863
before me 

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