Enid Menkhorst

Mrs Enid Menkhorst - Through Shadowed Vale 

Mrs Enid Menkhorst, who died recently at the age of 85 years, was a life member of our Society. Born at Doncaster in 1892, she was the daughter of Percy and Salome Crouch and grew up on the family orchard in Williamsons Road at a time when fruit growing was well established in the district.

Mrs. Menkhorst attended both Doncaster and Templestowe State Schools, and after her marriage lived at Shepparton where she was actively involved in the work of the Country Women's Association for many years. She was a person who was endowed with particular gifts and abilities in the realm of handcrafts. She joined the Doncaster and Templestowe Historical Society in 1967 and as a foundation member was very actively involved until advancing years made it impossible for her to continue to attend meetings.

Mrs Menkhorst wrote an account of her childhood years at Doncaster in which she recalled not only much of the happiness and joy of those days but also something of the difficulties and hardships. For such records as these, our Society is indeed grateful.

1977 11 DTHS Newsletter

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