Thomas Porter

When Thomas Porter erected his home in Whittens Lane, the stone was layed in equally spaced courses with stones of equal length.

Thomas Porter's brick house on the east side of Whittens Lane near the bend. It was built about 1860. Now demolished. DP0199 

The house was demolished in the late 1920's and the stone moved to Holy Trinity to rebuild the old wooden chancel. However, sandstone often deteriorates when exposed to the weather and only a few pieces were suitable to be used to build the memorial gate posts.

Holy Trinity Anglican Church Doncaster Gates built from Porter's Home GoogleStreetView2016

Source: Extract from: 1979 05 DTHS Newsletter

The Doncaster Church of Christ commenced on 30th August 1863 when 9 people met at Thomas and Elizabeth Porter’s cottage in Whitten’s Lane Doncaster.(1)

1863 First meeting place of Doncaster Church of Christ: Thomas Porter's house in Whittens Lane, Doncaster (Source: Chapman)

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