Mundy Family

"Aah doo loove Pumpkin Piee"

(2) Mundy family of Bulleen & Templestowe.  Illustrated family stories by Keith McMenomy
K. McMenomy 2017 ISBN 978-0-994446-6-0

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Bob Mundy's Orchard - "diagonally opposite 228 Foote St"

Michele McIntyre (Facebook):  Bob Mundy: Fond memories of a nice guy. I remember when his wife died.. everyone was devastated.  I also remember swimming in Bob Mundy's dam, climbing to the top of one of his pine trees one year and chopping the top off for a christmas tree. Mum nearly died when I staggered home with it. Dad built a kayak and he, my brother and i used to paddle around the dam. Bob's peaches were also delicious. I featured in an Ardmona promotional ad (which i still have a copy of) which was taken in Bob's peach orchard.
Bill Chivers (Facebook):  Bob's son Greg was a highly respected doctor.  I remember Gregs first car was an imported Japanese convertible [might have been a very early Toyota], which wasn't designed for Oz conditions, remember all of the dashboard which was a cheap grade vinyl, cracked and melted in the first summer heat. Bobs fruit was top grade.

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