Historical sketch of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Doncaster April 1858 - March 1899 and Minutes of Congregational Meetings January 1879 - April 1915

Historical sketch of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Doncaster April 1858 - March 1899 and Minutes of Congregational Meetings January 1879 - April 1915
Original Scan Files

"Historical sketch of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Doncaster April 1858 - March 1899 and Minutes of Congregational Meetings January 1879 - April 1915". Book held by Trinity Lutheran Church, 51 Victoria Street, Doncaster as at 2021.  "Sketch" is in English. Minutes have been translated from German (source?). 

Historical sketch of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Doncaster April 1858 - March 1899 and Minutes of Congregational Meetings January 1879 - April 1915.  Translated by Reverend W.H, Paech, Camberwell Victoria.  Photocopied at the archives and research Centre LCA (Lutheran Church of Australia) October 1979

A Historical Sketch of “Trinity” Evang. Lutheran Church, Doncaster April 1858 - March 1899

Scan files 005-011. Handwritten in English

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, Doncaster.
First Minute Book and Condensed History
April 30, 1858 – March 7, 1899

After the congregation had previously met for worship in private homes, a meeting was called for April 30, 1858, in order to discuss the erection of a chapel.  On that day the following members of the congregation met together: Thiele, sen., Thiele, jun., Aumann, sen., Aumann, jun., A. Zander, sen., W. Zander, jun., Straube, sen., E. Straube, jun., Walther, sen., Walther, jun., Tucheband, Hanke, Christian Finger, Simon, Lenkerstorff, Wittig, Frommhold, Gűnther.
The meeting was opened with a hymn & prayer.  Mr. Thiele, sen., was elected Chairman.  After the Chairman had said a few words about the purpose of the meeting, a building committee was elected; it consisted of the following members: Aumann, sen., Lenkerstorf & Thiele, sen., the last-mentioned being elected chairman.  The following sites were offered to the congregation: one acre by Mr. Straube, sen., one acre by Mr. Finger on the rear portion of his land; half an acre by Mr. Aumann, sen.  A motion by Mr. Simon to buy one or two acres from Mr. Burnley was turned down.  As the sites which had been offered were not known to some of those present at the meeting, it was resolved unanimously to inspect the various sites before taking the vote & to meet again on Monday, May 3.  The meeting was closed with a hymn & prayer.

Meeting of Congregation on May 3, 1858.
The following members were present: Thiele, sen., Thiele, jun., Lenkerstorf, Aumann, sen., Aumann, jun., Straube, sen., Straube, jun., Zander, sen., Zander, jun., Walther, sen., Walther, jun., Simon, Gűnther, Wittig, Hanke, jun.
Several misunderstandings between the chairman & Mr. Straube, sen., were first settled.  After Mr. Zander, sen., had said that it was not advantageous to have the cemetery next to the church & that it was preferable to buy a site for the church, the majority took the view that it was desirable to have the church & the cemetery in close proximity to each other.  It was then resolved to accept the site offered by Mr. Straube.  The resolution was adopted unanimously.  Mr. Walther, sen., moved that Mr. Finger’s offer of a site be declined with thanks.  Carried.  The meeting asked Mr. Straube to hasten the release of the site, as the erection of the church could not begin until the release had been obtained.  Mr. Straube’s plan for a church 40’ long, 20’ wide & 10’ high with its walls built of poles with lath & plaster & its roof of palings met with approval.  The committee was instructed to make the necessary preparations for the building of the church.

Meeting of Congregation on June 23, 1858.
Present: Thiele, sen., Thiele, jun., Straube, sen., Straube, jun., Walther, sen., Walther, jun., Simon, Frommhold, Stecher, Aumann, sen., Hanke, sen., Lenkerstorf, Gűnther, Fuhrmann, jun., Wittig.
The letter of the Savings Bank written to Mr. Straube was read.  The letter stated that the Commissioners were quite prepared in consultation with Mr. Straube to draw up a Contract of Sale for the trustees regarding the acre of land to be used for church purposes.  The following five members were elected as trustees: Messrs. Thiele, sen., Thiele, jun., Straube, sen., Aumann, sen., Walther, sen.
There was a credit balance of £31.12.0 in the congregation’s treasury.  Mr. Walther, sen., 

was asked to submit a financial statement to the next meeting.  Mr. Aumann, sen., moved & Mr. Thiele seconded that the church be erected on beams (sleepers).  Carried by a majority vote.  Mr. Lenkerstorf estimated that two men could erect the building in four weeks not including doors, windows & plastering.  He offered to work for six shillings a day & Mr. Walther, sen., offered to help him for five shillings a day.  Moved by Mr. Straube, sen., & seconded by Mr. Aumann, sen., that Mr. Lenkerstorf undertake to erect the building in conjunction with Mr. Walther, sen.  Carried unanimously.  Following the remarks of Mr. Aumann, sen. & Mr Simon who felt that the building without beams, would not be sufficiently firm, it was resolved to erect the walls to a height of 12” instead of 10” and to add 9 beams braced with joist timber.
Mr. Aumann, sen., moved & Mr. Straube seconded that the trustees & the building committee select the most suitable position on the site for the building & prepare an estimate of the cost.  Carried unanimously.  It was further resolved on the motion of Mr. Thiele, jun., seconded by Mr. Straube that one-third of a chain on the southern boundary of the land be cut off & one-third of a chain be added to eastern boundary, in order that the church might be positioned more in the centre of the land.  Mr. Thiele, jun., Mr. Aumann, sen., & Mr. Straube, sen., offered to engage in the planning of the building.
The following details of the estimated cost of the church were submitted later:
£ sh
In each of the two long walls 3 windows @ £1 6     - 0
In the eastern gable wall 2 half-sized windows @10/- 1    - 0
One double door 2     - 0
1500 palings @ 20/- per 100 15   - 0
500’ of laths @ 16/- per 100’ 4     - 0
3000 shingles @ 3/6 per 100 4     - 10
Nails, tie clips, etc 3     - 0
Labour for erection 13   -
£48  -  10
Meeting of the congregation on July 22, 1858.
Present: Thiele, sen., Thiele, jun., Straube, sen. & jun., Lenkerstorf, Walther, sen., Gűnther, Zander, sen., Aumann.
An estimate was made of the amount of money which had been spent since the building was commenced.  Mr. Thiele, sen., moved & Mr. Aumann seconded that it would be good to prepare a list for the collecting of voluntary contributions.  Carried.  Mr. Lenkerstorf moved that the gable be closed in with boards.  In reply Mr. Thiele, jun., stated that it could be closed with plaster.  The latter’s suggestion was adopted.  The names of those who had done work was read& it showed that nine had not worked at all.  Mr. Thiele, sen., moved & Mr. Aumann seconded that arched (gothic) windows be made & that Mr. Lenkerstorf submit a drawing of the windows to the committee & an estimate of their cost.  Carried.  Mr. Thiele, jun., moved & Mr. Aumann, sen., seconded, that two men be in charge of the list for contributions.  Carried.
On November 25, 1858, Mr. Straube, sen., was asked to prepare a Bill of Sale for the land presented by him.

On December 26, 1858, the church was dedicated by Pastor Gὃthe. A “tea-meeting” was held in the evening.  Since then the congregation meets for divine services at 10 a.m. on all Sundays & on all church festivals observed on weekdays.
Whenever a pastor can come out to Waldau, an evening service is held.  In addition, our English neighbours use the church on Sunday afternoons for services & Sunday School.
At a meeting held at the close of 1859 the congregation passed the following resolutions:
1. That only those persons who receive Holy Communion in the church be regarded as members of the congregation.
2. That members of the congregation pay 15/- for the grave of an adult and 12/- for the grave of a child under ten years of age.
3. That the cost of a reserved grave be £2.
4. That in the case of people who are not members of the congregation the cost of the grave of an adult be £1 and of a child under the age of 10 years 15/-.
5. That the cost of a family grave be in keeping with the number of the persons in the family and that it be paid in full.
6. That for the digging of a grave for the setting of a border around the grave, the grave digger be paid 10/- in the case of adults and 8/- in the case of children.
7. That plans for the out-lay of the cemetery be prepared.
8. That children and adults be buried in separate sections.
9. That a verger and grave digger be appointed and that he be permitted to erect a home for himself on a part of the cemetery allocated to him.
10. That before the commencement of the main church services at 9 and 10 o’clock the church bell be rung for ten minutes and that this be done also before the commencement of all official acts in the congregation.
11. That after the death of a member of the congregation the bell be rung at 10 a.m. for 15 minutes and also for 15 minutes prior to the arrival of the casket at the grave.
12. That on every day the bell be rung three times, at the rising and setting of the sun and at 12 o’clock noon.
13. That, in addition to a quarterly collection, the verger receive an annual salary of £4.
On November 3, 1859, a tea meeting beginning at 5 p.m. was held in the church for the purpose of raising money for the purchase of the church bell & for the completion of the interior of the church.  The church was crowded with people, as also many English neighbours attended the meeting.
At a meeting held in April of 1860 it was resolved to establish a German school at Waldau & to ask M. Schramm whether he would accept the position of teacher.
On April 29 of the same year the congregation met in Mr. Aumann’s home.  M. Schramm informed the congregation that he would accept the proposal to serve as teacher of the school.  Thereupon Messrs. Thiele, sen., Aumann, sen., & Meyer were elected as school elders.  It was resolved to write to Pastor Gὃthe asking him to examine the teacher & if he was found to be proficient, to instal him as teacher.  The installation service was held on Ascension Day, May 17, 1860.  The school was opened on May 29 with 11 German children in attendance.
Minutes of Congregational Meetings January 1879 - April 1915

On December 2, 1860, the congregation met in order to discuss the arranging of a Christmas celebration for the school children combined with a tea meeting.  It was resolved that the celebration be held on December 25.
Meeting of the congregation on December 12, 1860.
Present: Gottlieb Thiele, Gottfried Thiele, C. Aumann, sen., Friedrich Straube, Ernst Straube, Chr. Finger, M. Bὃttger, Aug. Fuhrmann, Gottlieb Simon, Aug. Wittig, Chris. Tucheband, And. Zander, Wilh. Zander, Wilh. Hanke, Aug. Frommhold, M. Schramm.
The long expected prepared Certificate of Title for the church property was submitted to the meeting & was approved by all members.  Thereupon two new trustees were elected for Messrs. Friedrich Strauber & Johann Gottfried Walther, both of whom purpose never to leave the Colony.  The new trustees are Carl Hanke, sen., & Andreus Zander.
The abovementioned Christmas celebration took place on December 24, 1860.  At five o’clock the tea meeting, for which many German & English peopled had assembled, was opened with a hymn & prayer in the shade of a few trees.  Later, as darkness set in, the lights in the church & the candles on the Christmas tree were lit & the gathering, among whom there were about 50 children, invited by the ringing of the bell to enter the church.  After a number of addresses, given by Pastor Gὃthe, Mr. Thiele, sen., Mr. Naveau, Messrs. Grant, Serpell & others, gifts were distributed among the children & everything taken off the tree.  The celebration was closed at about 10 p.m. with a hymn & prayer.

Meeting of the congregation on May 8, 1861.
Present: C. Aumann, sen. & jun., Chr. Finger, Aug. Frommhold, Aug. Fuhrmann, Val. Gűnther, Carl Gűnther, C. Hanke. W. Hanke. Aug. Lenkerstorf, M. Schramm, Gottlieb Simon, Ernst Straube, Gottfried Schuhkraft, Gottlieb Thiele, Gottfried Thiele, And. Zander, W. Zander.
C. Aumann, sen., was elected as chairman & M. Schramm as secretary.  The Certificate of Title for the congregation’s property was read.  On a motion by C. Aumann, sen., those present resolved by a majority vote to elect another trustee in place of Mr. Gottlieb Thiele.  Before the election Gottlieb Thiele stated that he fully agreed with the Confession of the Church & with the contents of the Certificate of Title, but that he disagreed with Pastor Gὃthe & that he would leave it to the congregation to act as it deemed best.  By a majority vote Mr. Gottlieb Simon was then elected as trustee in place of Mr. Gottlieb Thiele.  On the motion of Mr. Gottlieb Thiele, it was resolved unanimously that a letter be written to Mr. Brahe expressing to him the congregation’s gratitude for having prepared the Certificate of Title free of cost to the congregation.  It was resolved unanimously to erect a fence around the congregation’s property.  Mr. G. Simon undertook to supply the necessary timber for £4.16.0 & Mr. V. Gűnther agreed to erect the fence for £5.4.0.
It was resolved to have a German translation made of the Certificate of Title.

Meeting of the congregation on June, 13, 1861.
Present: C. Aumann, sen., Aug. Fuhrmann, V. Gűnther, C. Gűnther, C. Hanke, Aug. Lenkerstorf, M. Schramm, G. Simon, Ernst Straube, Gottlieb Thiele, Gottfried Thiele, And. Zander, W. Zander.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & adopted.  Because of his disagreement with Pastor Gὃthe Mr. Gottlieb Thiele was with his consent released from his office as trustee by a majority vote of the congregation.  As the transfer of the Title to a new trustee would involve considerable expense, the meeting resolved that there be only four trustees.  The election of Mr. Gottlieb Simon on May 8, 1861, to the office of trustee had not taken place in conformity with the stipulation of the Certificate of Title & was therefore invalid.  It was resolved unanimously that half an acre of land next to the property of the congregation be purchased for £4 as soon as the consent of the mortgager can be obtained, in order that the residence of the verger might be on the property of the congregation.  The meeting declared itself willing to surrender the ownership of three ft. of land along the western boundary of the property for street construction.
Meeting of the congregation on July 15, 1861.
Present: C. Aumann, sen. & jun., Ch. Finger, Fried. Gűnther, Aug. Lenkerstorf, Franz Meyer. M. Schramm, Ernst Straube, Gottfried Thiele, And. Zander, W. Zander.
After the minutes of the last meeting had been read & adopted, Mr. C. Aumann moved that, as under the present circumstances a Bill of Sale was sufficient security & as the bonding of the Title would cause difficulties of the half acre of land be no longer deferred.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Franz Meyer & was carried unanimously.  It was then resolved that the Certificate of Title for the congregation’s property be temporarily held by Mr. C. Aumann, sen.  A report on the treasury of the congregation was submitted to the meeting.  Finally, the abovementioned half acre of land was bought from Mr. E. Straube for £5 & the Bill of Sale prepared.
At a meeting held on October 21, 1861, the congregation agreed to arrange for a tea meeting & a Christmas celebration for the children, as had been the case in the previous year.  Messrs. Thiele, sen., Meyer & Schramm were elected as a committee to make the necessary preparations.  On October 27 the committee met with the women of the congregation.  It was resolved that some of the women go around with a list & solicit gifts for the children.  The following agreed to act in the matter:  Mrs. Straube, sen., Mrs. C. Gűnther, jun., Mrs. Lenkerstorf, Mrs. A. Zander, Mrs. Oberdorf, & Mrs Beyer.  On December 7 the men met & soon after this also the women for the purpose of discussing and making the necessary arrangements for the Christmas celebration.
December 24, 1861.
As in the previous year the team meeting was held in the open air.  The weather was threatening.  When darkness was settling in, the people entered the church in which two decorated trees stood.  There were so many present, that many stood outside.  After a German hymn had been sung, the chairman, Dr. Embling, J.P., explained the purpose of the festival & in an interesting & impressive address emphasized the importance & blessing for parents to give their children a Christian education.  Other speakers were: Pastor Gὃthe, Messrs. Clarke, J.P., Grant, Serpell, Thiele, sen. & J. Walther.  Other men (Dr. Buchanan, Mr French & Mr. Naveen) could not address the gathering because of insufficient time.  After gifts had been.

distributed among more than 70 children, the celebration was brought to a close.  On Thursday, December 26, the committee presented a report to the congregation on the expenses of the tea meeting.
In May of 1862 trees & shrubs from the Botanical Garden were planted in the cemetery.
At a meeting of the congregation held on February 24, 1862, Mr. Arthur Pickering was elected as school elder.  On July 14, 1862, the assembled congregation elected Messrs. Nalder Clarke & Gottfried Thiele as school elders.  Messrs. Andreus Zander, Reinhold Dehnert & James Cumming were elected as school elders at a publicly announced meeting held on March 23, 1863.
In 1867 Pastor Gὃthe left Melbourne.  Pastor H. Herlitz succeed him on March 22, 1868.  After the roof of the church had at various times been repaired by nailing new boards to it, the church was covered with a new roof at the beginning of 1870.
On February 3, 1871, a notice of his dismissal from the office of verger was served on Mr. V. G. because of his indecent behaviour toward several children.  At a meeting of the congregation held three days later, February 6, Mr Georg was appointed as verger for the time being.
The meeting of the congregation held on December 19, 1863 resolved that on each of the three great festivals (Christmas, Easter & Pentecost) a collection for missions be received.
In 1864 the instruction in the school was transferred from the church of the congregation to the new school building on Doncaster Hill.  This building was bought by the State Government in 1876 to be used as a State School.  The instruction in the congregation’s school was then given in a house on an adjoining block, which the past state school teacher had erected.
After the congregation at a meeting held on February 20, 1876, had declared that, in view of the increasing irreligiousness in the State Schools, it was desirable that Christian congregational schools be established.  H. Finger, C. Aumann, G. Thiele, W. Hanke & A. Zander were elected as school elders at a meeting of the congregation held on March 27, 1876.
At the beginning of March, 1876, the congregation asked Teacher Max Schramm whether he would be prepared to accept a call & work as pastor of the congregation.  After he had considered the matter for a week, he stated that he was willing to accede to the wishes of the congregation.  The congregation then asked the convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Victoria, which was meeting in Ballarat on March 19-20, 1876, whether it would approve a call to Mr. Schramm.  The convention declared itself willing to grant the wish of the congregation on the condition that Teacher Schramm agree to an examination to prove as to whether or not he had the necessary ability for the office of pastor.  The Convention elected a commission for the examination consisting of four pastors & three laymen.  The examination was conducted on July 26 in the East Melbourne Lutheran Church and, as the result was favourable, Candidate M. Schramm was ordained in East Melbourne on November 5, 1876 by the president of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Victoria, Pastor H. Herlitz, & was installed by him as pastor of the congregation in the afternoon of the same day in the church of the Doncaster congregation. 

On November 6, 1876, the congregation’s school in charge of the new pastor was opened with an enrolment of 32 children.  The school continued to function until it was closed in August of 1884.
Since November, 1884, Pastor Schramm ministers also to the Scoresby congregation, in which he conducts monthly services.  Since the middle of 1890 he goes to Harkaway four times a year.
In October of 1888 burials in the congregation’s cemetery has been for bidden.
On January 20, 1892, the foundation stone of the new Trinity Church was laid by Pastor H. Herlitz, the president of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Victoria.  Mr. J. A. B. Koch is the architect & Mr. G. W. Freeman the contractor.  Half an acre of land for the erection of the church had been bought for £100 from the beneficiaries of the estate of C. Aumann, sen.  The cost of the building without the interior requirements is to be £939.
On April 21, 1892, the new church was dedicated by Pastor Herlitz.  In addition to Pastor Herlitz, Pastor G. Heyer of Germantown & Pastor M. Schramm & the Rev A. J. Pickering (Church of England) of Heidelberg participated in the celebration.  A brass band had been formed by the young members of the congregation.  This band led the singing of hymns as the procession moved from the old to the new church.  Several hundred visitors from Melbourne, Scoresby, Harkaway & other places were present.  After the large gathering had been amply provided with lunch by the congregation, a service was held at 3 p.m. in the English language.  The cost of the church, its furniture, & the land amounted to £1303.14.4 of which £100 had been borrowed from an elder of the congregation.
On March9, 1893, the Synodical Mission Festival was held in the church.  It was attended by 13 pastors & a large number of lay people from other places.  The brass band led the singing.  Refreshments were served in Mr. Aumann’s barn.
The convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Victoria, held in Melbourne in March of 1899, was invited by the Doncaster congregation to attend a mission festival at Doncaster on March 7.  The sermons were delivered in the church & the midday meal was partaken of in Frommhold’s bush.  More than a hundred visitors were present: they expressed their great satisfaction with the congregation.

Translation of Minutes of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Doncaster. Jan. 1879 – Apr. 1915

Scan files 012-044. Handwritten in English. Transcription of scans of this translation of minutes pages 013-044

Meeting of Congregation on January 20, 1879.
Present: C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann. Jun., A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, Chr. Bloom, W. Hanke, J. Pump, J. Rosel, Fr. Schuhkraft, G.d  Thiele, A. Zander, W. Zander, V. Rosel, A. Reithe, A. Zerbe, A. Lenkerstorff, F. Romig, H. Thiele, and the pastor.
Minutes read & signed. 2) Resolved that £3 be sent to Basel & the balance of the mission money (£6.18.9), to the General Synod. 1) J. Pung was elected as auditor of the books.  Resolved that those not in membership with the congregation pay a fee of 7/- for baptisms.  Resolved that those not in membership with the congregation pay 25/- for a large grave & 20/- for a small grave & that of these amounts 7/- be paid as a fee to the pastor when he attends a funeral.  Resolved that points b., d., c., & f. be incorporated in the constitution of the congregation & that a new constitution be printed & that every member receive a copy.
27.10.1879 Max Schramm, P.

Meeting of Congregation on October 27, 1879.
Present: C. Aumann. sen., C. Aumann. jun., A. Aumann, G.d  Baum, Ch. Bloom, H. Finger, A Fuhrmann, W. Hanke, J. Pump, F. Roming, F. Schuhkraft, G.d  Thiele, C. Wolter, A. Zander, W. Zander, A. Zerbe, pastor.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & adopted.  Moved by G.d  Thiele & seconded by A. Zander that V. Aumann assume the duties of church verger until another member has been found for the position.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by W. Zander that a book of chorals be purchased.  Carried.  Moved by W. Zander & seconded by H. Finger that Sunday School begin at 9.30 a.m., morning service at 11 a.m., & evening service at 7.30 p.m.  Carried.
19.1.1880. Max Schramm, P.

Meeting on January 19, 1880.
Present: the pastor, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., A. Aumann, Gd Baum, H. Finger, W. Hanke, Gd Thiele, H. Thiele, A. Zander, W. Zander, A. Zerbe, J. Pump, A. Fuhrmann.  W. Zander moved & H. Finger seconded that £6.14.0 be sent to Missionary Meyer & that £6.14.0 be paid to the school treasury of the congregation for the children of parents who are unable to pay school fees.  Gd Thiele moved & H. Finger seconded that Holy Communion be celebrated on Good Friday.  A. Zerbe moved & A. Zander seconded that, 6 small hymn books be purchased for the use of visitors at the services.  The three motions were carried.
17.1.1881. Max Schramm, P.

Meeting on January 17, 1881.
Present: C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., A. Aumann, G.d  Baum, H. Finger, W. Hanke, A. Fuhrmann, W. Zander, A. Zander, J. Pump, F. Romig, Stecher, Schuhkraft, A. Zerbe, Gotfried Thiele, H. Thiele.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement was submitted.  F. Schuhkraft moved & G. Baum seconded that mission money amounting to £7.16.8 ½ be sent to Missionary Meyer.  Carried.  J. Pump moved & C. Aumann, jun., seconded that in future the mission money be applied only to mission purposes.  Carried.  Resolved that new elders be elected.  The following were elected: C. Aumann, jun., H. Finger, G. Thiele, A. Zander, W. Zander.  Resolved that Holy Communion be celebrated on Easter Sundays & that the mission collections be received on Good Fridays.  Resolved that the elders purchase an organ; that as much as possible of its cost be collected & any balance be paid by the congregation’s missionary; that the cost of the organ be not more than between £30 & £40.  Resolved that the elders have the church painted & that a seat outside of the church be erected.
16.1.1882 Max Schramm, P.

Meeting on January 16, 1882
Present: the pastor, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., L Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, A. Lenkerstorff, A. Silz, F. Schuhkraft, sen., F. Schuhkraft, jun., F. Stecher, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zander, W. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by C. Aumann, jun., that the mission collection be received on Palm Sunday instead of Good Friday.  Carried.

Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Zander that W. Zander be the second synodical delegate.  Carried.  Moved by W. Zander & seconded by F. Schuhkrafft that the mission money amounting to £8.15.4 be sent to Missionary Meyer at Lake Kopperamana.  Carried.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by A. Zander that two lamps be bought and fastened to the wall near the pulpit.  Carried.  Moved by H Finger & seconded by W. Zander that the money for the lamps be taken from the lights’ treasury.  Carried.  Moved by W. Zander & seconded by F. Winter that the choir be granted not more than £1 for books for the copying of musical notes.  Carried.
22.1.1883 Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on January 22, 1883.
Present: the pastor. C. Aumann, C. Aumann, jun., A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, F. Stecher, F. Schuhkrafft. Sen., F. Schuhkrafft, jun., A. Silz, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, A. Zander, W. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by W. Hanke that a family grave be not wider than 4 feet.  Carried.  Moved by H. Finger & seconded by W. Zander that a tent-fly be bought (12ft x 10ft) to be fastened over a grave in case of rain at funerals and that it be procured by H. Finger.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by C. Aumann that H. Finger as treasurer & H. Thiele as secretary of the congregation in their names pay the church dues into the bank.  Carried.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by W. Zander that the mission money amounting to £8.13.0 be sent to the mission of our Synod care of Missionary Meyer at Lake Halpaninna.  Carried.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by A. Zander that H. Finger & W. Zander by the congregation’s synodical delegates.  Carried.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by W. Hanke that a lectern be made to be as much as possible similar in design to the pulpit and that it be procured by H. Thiele.  Carried.  Move by G. Thiele & seconded by W. Hanke that the sum of £2.15.1 in the lights treasury be transferred to the church treasury.  Carried.
16.10.1883.  Max Schramm, P.

Meeting on October 16, 1883.
Present: C Aumann, jun., A. Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, W. Hanke, J. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, G. Thiele, Fr. Winter, A. Zander, W. Zander. A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., the pastor.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & adopted.  J. Pump moved & W. Hanke seconded that the 25th anniversary of the dedication of the church be observed in conjunction with the Christmas festival.  Carried.  J. Pump moved & A. Aumann seconded that a collection for a church building fund be received on the 2nd Christmas Day.  Carried.  G. Thiele moved & A. Zander seconded that other congregations be invited to the anniversary.  Carried.
21.1.1884.  Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on January 21, 1884.
Present: the pastor, Carl Aumann, jun., Aug. Aumann, H. Finger, A. Fuhrmann, W. Hanke, J. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, sen., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., A. Zander, W. Zander.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement was submitted & adopted.  W. Hanke moved & A. Aumann seconded that a subscription list for contributions to the church building fund be prepared & that it be available to members during the four weeks before Christmas.  Carried.  J. Pump moved & H. Finger seconded that 31/6 for 6 dozen cups be paid from the Sunday School treasury.  Carried.  W. Zander moved & G. Thiele seconded that the mission money of £8.13.6 ½ be sent to the mission of our Synod (Missionary Meyer).  Carried.  The following were elected as elders: H. Finger, J. Pump, G. Thiele, A. Zander, W. Zander.  W. Zander moved & F. Schuhkrafft seconded that for the lighting of the church as many as necessary kerosene lamps be purchased.  Carried.  W. Zander moved &O F. Schuhkrafft seconded that an additional black hymn board be made for the writing of hymn numbers.  Carried. F. Schuhkrafft moved & W. Hanke seconded that the ???? gates be painted.  Carried.  F. Schuhkrafft moved & H. Finger seconded that W. Hanke be auditor.  Carried.  W. Hanke moved & F. Schuhkrafft seconded that H. Finger & W. Zander be the congregation’s delegates at the forthcoming synod.  Carried.
4.8.1884 Max Schramm, P.

Meeting on August 4, 1884
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., C. Bloom, H. Finger, A. Fuhrmann, W. Berger, W. Hanke, A. Lauer, J. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, sen., F. Schuhkrafft, jun., G. Thiele, H, Thiele,

F. Stecker, H. Uebergang, F. Winter, E. Wittig, A. Zander, W. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun.  The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  Moved by F. Schuhkrafft and seconded by J. Pump that A. Fuhrmann be elder in place of the deceased W. Zander.  Carried.  Moved by C. Bloom & seconded by A. Zander that on Wednesday afternoons two hours of religious instruction (from 2 to 4 o’clock) be given by the pastor.  Carried.
19.1.1885 Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on January 19, 1885
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., C. Bloom, O. Bloom, A. Fuhrmann, W. Hanke, J. Finger, C. Maeder, J. Pump, O. Paufler, F. Schuhkrafft, sen., F. Schuhkrafft, jun., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, H. Uebergang, E. Wittig, jun., F. Winter, A. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., C. Zande.  The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement was submitted.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded b A. Fuhrmann that from the mission money £3 be sent to Jerusalem and the remainder of £5.10.4 to Basel.  Carried.  Moved by O. Paufler & seconded by J. Pump that H. Thiele by treasurer.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann & seconded by G. Thiele that the travelling expenses of the pastor to the Synod at Murtoa be paid from the treasury.  Carried.  Moved by C. Bloom & seconded by F. Schuhkrafft that this year another list for contributions to the church building fund be prepared & that it be available for subscriptions during the six weeks before Christmas.  Carried.  Moved by F. Schuhkrafft & seconded by A. Aumann that the pastor & the treasurer conjointly pay the money for the building fund into the bank.  Carried.
11.1.1886. Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on January 11, 1886.
Present: the pastor, Aug. Aumann, Carl Aumann, Charles Aumann, H. Finger, Joh. Finger, Wilh. Hanke, Aug. Lauer, C. Maeder, Aug. Meyer, Joh. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, sen., F. Schuhkrafft, jun., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, H. Uebergang, Fr. Winter, E. Wittig, jun., A. Zander, Carl Zander, Aug. Zerbe, sen., Aug. Zerbe, jun., Fr. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement was submitted to the congregation.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by C. Aumann that £5 from the Sunday School treasury be spent on books for the S. S. library.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by A. Zander that from the mission money amounting to £6.2.0 ½ half be sent to Basel & half to Missionaries Kramer & Bogish at the Ebenezer mission in the Wimmera.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by W. Hanke that the following proposal by The Waldau congregation be submitted to the General Synod:  That General Synod matters be placed on the agenda of the synod before speeches are given by the delegates.  Carried.  Moved by F. Schuhkrafft & seconded by J. Pump that in future the annual meeting of the congregation be held on the 2nd Monday of January.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Zerbe, sen., that Andreas Zander be the second member of the Church Council.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann & seconded by J. Pump that for this year W. Hanke & Aug. Zerbe, sen., be the synodical delegates.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by F. Winter that waters for Holy Communion be purchased.  Carried.  In place of the deceased trustees the following were elected:  Wilhelm Hanke, Johann Pump & August Zerbe, sen.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Aumann that as long as it is necessary an annual list for voluntary contributions to the church building fund be prepared & that it be available in the church for subscriptions during the six weeks before Christmas.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by Charles Aumann that for this year W. Hanke again be the auditor.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Zerbe that the harvest festival collection be for the benefit of the Children’s Hospital.  Carried.
26.4.1886. Max Schramm, P.

Special Meeting of the congregation held on April 26, 1886.
Present: The pastor, A. Aumann, Carl Aumann, Charles Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, J. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, sen., F. Schuhkrafft, jun., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, H. Uebergang, A. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by F. Schuhkrafft that persons who are not members of the congregation pay £3 for a large grave & £2.10.0 for a small grave & that no family graves be in future sold to non-members.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by A. Zander that members of the congregation pay £3.15.0 for a large grave & £3.12.0 for a small grave.  Carried.

Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by C. Aumann, jun., that non-members pay for their graves in advance & that the treasurer receive the payments.  Carried.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by C. Aumann, sen., that the addition ??? which the pastor receives 7/6 per grave, be eliminated.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by F. Schuhkrafft, sen., that the elders have the cemetery cleaned.  Carried.
Adopted 8.11.1886. H. Herlitz

Special meeting of the congregation held on November 8, 1886.
Present: Pastor Herlitz, Pastor Schramm, A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., O. Berger, R. Dehnert, jun., A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, J. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, A. Lauer, J. Pump, D. Rettich, Father Rosel, J. Rosel, jun., F. Schuhkrafft, sen., F. Schuhkrafft, jun., F. Stecher, sen., W. Stecher, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, - Toepffer, H. Uebergang, C. Uebergang, F. Winter, E. S. Wittig, E. Wittig, A. Zander, W. Zander, C. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  After his opening address on the basis of 1 Cor.13 the chairman, Pastor Herlitz exhorted the meeting to strive after love & explained the purpose of the special meeting.  At a visitation conference he had been told that complaints were current regarding the pastor’s way of acting & his pastoral guidance which, however, the pastor regarded as partly exaggerated & partly unfounded.  It was particularly complained that the pastor worked too much on his land & that in consequence he neglected the preparation of his sermons & the visiting of the members; this was well evident from his sermons which at times were quite unprepared.
In his replay the pastor had stated that his low salary was not sufficient to meet his needs & the needs of his family & that therefore he was compelled to augment his income in some other way in order to live decently.  In recent times he had prepared his sermons in the same way as in former years.  The sermons had all been written & he could submit them to a commission for examination.  From 6 to 8 hours had been spent in the preparation of every sermon.  On Saturdays he never worked in his garden, as he gave religious instruction in the forenoon & prepared his sermons in the afternoon.  At the most he spent four days in working in the garden.  Regarding the charge that he had neglected a visited he had stated that, if he had somehow been able to ascertain that the visit was desired, he would gladly have made it.
Pastor Herlitz stated that, in order to avoid enmity or even a split in the congregation because of the complaints against the pastor, this meeting had been called, in which the opportunity would be given to every member to mention any complaints.  He stated also that anyone who did not do so would be guilty of slander, if complaints or charges were raised after the meeting.
Aug. Aumann stated that the first reason for dissatisfaction was the fact that about two years ago the pastor had accepted a bad man as associate (“Compagnon”).  The pastor explained that, as soon as it became evident that the person in question had again begun a disorderly life, he had discharged him.
As nothing else worth mentioning was brought forward by the members, the chairman said: The congregation will recognise that its pastor with the present salary of about 31 shillings per week over the past years cannot make ends meet without some other income.  If it required the full-time services of the pastor, it was only right & proper that it pay him a proportionately higher salary.  As far the sermons were concerned, he had in his hand a little book which contained the sermons during the past months, dated & written word for word; this proved that the sermons were not unprepared.
The chairman then reminded the meeting of the fact that it is easier to work a pastor out of his position than to obtain a more suitable man in his place.  He also mentioned that the relation between pastor & congregation is similar to that between husband & wife & that it is wiser & more advisable to commit the dissolution of such alliances into the care of the Lord than to bring about a division arbitrarily & forcefully.
10.2.1887 Max Schramm

The annual meeting of the congregation held on January 10, 1887.
Present: the pastor, c. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., H Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, W. Hanke, J. Finger, J. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, sen., F. Schuhkrafft, jun., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, - Thompsen, D Rettich, F. Winter, A. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., C. Zander, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement was submitted.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Zander that new elders be elected.  Carried.  Moved by Pastor Schramm & seconded by H. Thiele that G. Thiele, A. Zander, J. Pump, A. Fuhrmann & A. Zerbe, sen., be elders.  Carried.

Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Zander that W. Hanke be auditor for the coming year.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by C. Aumann, jun., that the mission money amounting to £6.2.6 be sent to Basel.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by W. Hanke that others than Sunday School pupils pay something for the reading of books in the Sunday School library & that such as are not members of the congregation pay 1/6 Caution (security for books).  Carried.  Moved by A. Fuhrmann & seconded by A. Zerbe, sen., that the cemetery fence be repaired.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that the church verger land be put in proper order.  Carried.
17.10.1887 Max Schramm, P.

Special meeting of the congregation held on March 21, 1887.
Present: Pastor Herlitz, Pastor Schramm, - Bekefeld, - Weigmann, A. Kaiser, A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, J. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, D. Rettig, F. Schuhkrafft, jun., G. Schuhkrafft, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, A. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The chairman, Pastor Herlitz, informed the members of the reason for the calling of the meeting.  He said that a Commission appointed by the Synod for the consideration of the establishment of an immigrant mission had at its first session come to the conclusion that, with the consent of the Doncaster congregation, it be proposed that Pastor Schramm work as missionary in Melbourne on three days of the week.  He asked the meeting to declare its attitude to the proposal.  After Pastor Herlitz had also stated that the office of immigrant missionary would in no way be a hindrance to the performance of Pastor Schramm’s duties in the congregation, all but one of the members present declared themselves in agreement with the proposal.  Moved by J. Pump &O seconded by A. Zander that Pastor Schramm accept this call as immigrant & city missionary.  Carried.
17.10.1887 Max Schramm, P.

Special meeting of the congregation held on October 17, 1887.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., H Aumann. Ch. Bloom, H. Finger, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, A. Fuhrmann, W. Hanke, J. Pump, D. Rettich, F. Schuhkrafft, sen., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, E. Wittig, W. Schuhkrafft, H. Uebergang, W. Thomsen, A. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe, and the Councillors Tom Petty, J. Smedly & W. Sell.
The minutes of the last two meetings were read & signed.  The chairman mentioned that the meeting had been convened to discuss the question as to whether or not the congregation is willing to cede 3 feet on the frontage of the church property for improvement of the street.  He then called on Mr. Petty to explain the matter to the meeting.  However, as some of the trustees as well as many other members of the congregation were opposed to the proposal and as also the councillors stated that the ceding of 3 feet of the land was not absolutely necessary, it was after a thorough discussion considered best that the proposal be refused & the cemetery land remain intact.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that the congregation express its thanks to Mr. T. Petty for his donation of 25/- towards the fund for prizes of the Sunday School.  Carried.  Moved by A. Fuhrmann & seconded by J. Pump that Pastor Schramm be permitted to officiate for Pastor Heyer in Geelong on the Sunday before Christmas.  Carried.
9.1.1888 Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on January 9, 1888.
Present: the pastor, C. Aumann, Sen., C. Aumann, jun., H. Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, J. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, jun., W. Schuhkrafft, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, H. Uebergang, A. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement was read & adopted.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by A. Zander that A. Zerbe, sen., & A. Fuhrmann represent the congregation as synodical delegates at the forthcoming Synod in Germantown.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Zander that in view of the fact that the Sunday offerings are decreasing in spite of increased attendances & also in view of the fact that the church is increasingly in need of many repairs, the pastor encourage the members to contribute their offerings voluntarily to the best of their ability.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by A. Fuhrmann that the mission money amounting to £6.6.6 be forwarded to Basel.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by C. Aumann, sen., that W. Hanke be auditor for the coming year.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A Zerbe, sen., that a ladder 15feet in length & two buckets for use at the church be purchased.  Carried.

Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Fuhrmann that 12 non-gilt-edged hymn books be bought for use in the church.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that H. Uebergang mow the grass in the cemetery.  Carried.
23.4.1888.  Max Schramm, P.

Special meeting of the congregation held on April 23, 1888.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., A. Aumann, jun., A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, jun., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., H. Uebergang, E. Wittig, sen., F. Zerbe, A. Zander.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  Moved by A. Aumann, sen., & seconded by W. Hanke that the trustees make enquiries as to whether it is contrary to law for burials to take place in the cemetery & take steps for its registration if this is possible.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by C. Aumann, sen., that the elders make enquiries as to whether a piece of land (an acre or half an acre) near the centre of the congregation’s land could be obtained for the erection of a new church.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen. & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun. that the trustees be entitled in certain instances to make exceptions regarding the cost of graves for persons not in membership with the congregation.  Carried.
27.8.1888.  Max Schramm, P.

Special meeting of the congregation held on August 27, 1888.
Present: C. Aumann, sen., Henry Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, Ferdinand Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., & jun., W. Schuhkrafft, Friedrich Stecher, sen., G. Thiele, And. Zander, Aug. Zerbe, sen. & jun., the pastor.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & adopted.  The elders reported that so far they have found no suitable land for the erection of a new church.  Moved by J. Pump, sen. & seconded by A. Zander that a deputation of German & English men request the Chief Secretary to bring about the retraction of the prohibition based on misstatements with reference to burials in our cemetery.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Zander that the elders have a step erected at the main entrance of the cemetery.  Carried.  Moved by Aug. Zerbe, jun. & seconded by C. Aumann, sen., that a new paling fence be erected along the street & the small gate be placed in the south-west corner of the cemetery.  Carried.
17.9.1888.  Max Schramm, P.

Special Meeting of the congregation held on September 17, 1888.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., H. Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, H. Fromhold, F. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., J. Pump, jun., F. Schuhkraft, jun., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe, A. Zander.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Aumann that since the reply of the Chief Secretary was so unsatisfactory, it would be unnecessary to take any further steps regarding the cemetery.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by G. Thiele that the large gate be sold for £1 & that the small gate be hung in its place.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by C. Aumann that instead of a paling fence, a two-rail fence be erected along the street.  Carried.
19.11.1888. Max Schramm, P.

Special Meeting of the congregation held on November 19, 1888
The purpose of the meeting was to consider whether palings should be nailed to the rail fence and also to consider what reply should be given to the enquiry of Pastor Herlitz as to whether the Congregation was agreeable to the observance of the mission festival at Waldau (Doncaster) on the occasion of the next Synod.
Present: the pastor. A. Aumann, H. Aumann, J. Pump, A. Fuhrmann, G. Thiele, A. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., H. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe, F. Schuhkrafft, jun. 
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  Re the first matter: As so few members are present and as also some are not satisfied with the fence, it was moved by A. Aumann & seconded by F. Winter that the decision regarding the nailing of palings be deferred.  Carried.  Re the second matter:  As no particulars were available, it was moved by H. Thiele & seconded by A. Zerbe, sen., that the congregation has no objections to the mission festival being held here.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by A. Zander that the front wall of the church be renewed with rough-casting, the church coasted in white, and the windows frosted.  Carried.
14.1.189.  Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on January 14, 1889
Present: The pastor, A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., H Aumann, W. Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, J. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, W. Schuhkrafft, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, H. Uebergang, F. Winter, A. Zander, C. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe, A. Lieschke.  
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement for the past year was submitted to the congregation.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by W. Hanke that the money for the church be deposited with the E. S. & A. C. Bank in Doncaster.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by F. Winter that the £5 for pickets be paid by the church treasury.  Carried.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by A. Zander that the congregation’s reply to the question of the president (Pastor Herlitz) regarding the observance of the mission festival at Doncaster is not meant to be as declining, but that on the contrary the congregation would be very pleased if the president would make arrangements for the mission festival to be held here.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by C. Aumann, sen., that the mission money amounting to £6.15.10 be forwarded to Basel.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by F. Winter that W. Hanke be auditor for the current year.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Winter that the pastor write to the Secretary of the Templestowe cemetery & inquire whether our congregation could obtain a Lutheran section in the cemetery.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by W. Hanke that, as the verger had resigned, the elders take steps to secure another person for the position.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, jun., & seconded by G. Thiele that the verger be paid a salary of thirty shillings per quarter.  Carried.
18.2.1889.  Max Schramm, P.

Special meeting of the congregation held on February 18, 1889 for the purpose of making arrangements for the mission festival to be held on March 5.
Present: the pastor, C. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, Carl Aumann, jun., H. Aumann, W. Aumann, H. Frommhold, J. Finger, F. Finger, Mrs. Finger, Mrs. Aurisch, A. Fuhrmann, A. Lieschke, J. Pump, jun., F. Schuhkrafft, sen., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, F. Winter & wife, A. Zander, C. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe, Rachel Schramm, Mrs. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  Some of the members present volunteered to drive to the station.  Moved by A. Fuhrmann & seconded by A. Zerbe, sen. That the guests be brought from Box Hill in the morning & taken back in the evening.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zander & seconded by F. Winter that the mission festival be held in Finger’s paddock next to the church.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by C. Aumann, sen. that an entrance to the church grounds be made in the south-west corner.  Carried.  A. Zerbe, sen., protested against this decision, as he regarded the entrance as dangerous.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that a barbed wire be fixed around the cemetery fence.  Carried.
14.10.1889.  Adopted. H. Herlitz.

A special meeting of the congregation was held on October 14, 1889, for the purpose of receiving the elders’ report regarding the resolution of April 23, 1888 in connection with the obtaining of land for the erection of a new church.
Present: Pastor Herlitz, Pastor Schramm, A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., H. Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, J. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, A Műller, J. Pump, sen., J. Pump, jun., H. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, jun., W. Schuhkrafft, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, E. Wittig, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe, A. Zander, Carl Gabel.
Pastor Herlitz was asked to take the chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  After the elders had given their report & had read the relevant correspondence, those present were asked to voice their opinions on the matter submitted by the elders (the purchase of land for the erection of a new church).  As it seemed that it would not be possible to secure a unanimous vote, A. Fuhrmann moved & A. Zerbe, sen. seconded that a decision on the matter of purchasing land for the erection of the church be deferred until the annual meeting of the congregation in January, 1890.  Carried.  As it did not suit some members to attend the Sunday School festivities on the 2nd Christmas Day, consideration was given to a change of the day of the festivities on a trial basis.  A. Fuhrmann moved & C. Aumann, sen., seconded that the Sunday School teachers this year arrange for a Christmas tree celebration in the Church on the evening of the 1st Christmas Day.  Carried.
13.1.1890.  Max Schramm.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on January 13, 1890.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., A. Aumann, C. Aumann, jun., H. Aumann, B. Brűche, A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, J. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., J. Pump, jun., H. Pump, H. Frommhold, F. Stecher, F. Schuhkrafft, sen., F. Schuhkrafft, jun., W. Schuhkrafft, A. Műller, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, H. Uebergang, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., A. Zander, C. Zander, W. Thomsen.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement for the past year was submitted.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen. & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun. that the annual report of the treasury be pinned on the church door a week before the annual meetings.  Carried.  A motion for the printing of the report was lost.  Moved by A. Aumann, sen., & seconded by A. Zerbe, sen., that the collection on the harvest festival be added to the general collection on Hospital Sunday.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump, sen., & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that the mission money of £8 be forwarded to Basel.  Carried.  Moved by A. Fuhrmann & seconded by F. Schuhkrafft, sen., that the roof of the church, which is in a bad state, be repaired.  Carried.  Moved by A. Fuhrmann & seconded by F. Schuhkrafft, sen., that the exterior of the church be painted.  Carried.  
The following were nominated by the pastor for the office of elder:  A. Aumann, H. Finger, A. Fuhrmann, J. Pump, H. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zander, A. Zerbe, W. Hanke.  In the ballot they respectively received the following number of votes: 14, 10, 6, 20, 9, 14, 13, 16, 15. J. Pump, A. Zerbe, W. Hanke, A. Aumann & F. Winter were declared elected.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by J. Pump that A. Zerbe & W. Hanke be members of the synodical Church Council.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Aumann that J. Pump be a member of the City Mission Committee.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by A. Zander that A. Aumann & F. Winter be the congregation’s delegates for the next Synod.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Zander at the church Title be deposited in the bank.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Aumann that H. Thiele take charge of the money for the pastor’s salary.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by J. Pump that H. Frommhold be auditor for the current year.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump that the verger thoroughly clean the cemetery.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen. & seconded by F. Winter that a Sunday School picnic be held next to the church at 12 o’clock on Easter Monday under the supervision of the teachers.  Carried.
12.1.1891 Max Schramm, P.

After prior announcement a meeting of the congregation was held after the service on February 16, 1890.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zander that the resolution regarding the exterior painting of the church be rescinded.  Carried.
12.1.1891 Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 12, 1891
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., Charles Aumann, jun., H. Aumann, Carl Aumann, W. Aumann, B. Brűche, A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., F. Schuhkrafft, jun., W. Schuhkrafft, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, F. Winter, G. Wiese, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe, Joseph Zander.
The minutes of the last meetings were read & signed.  The report of the treasurer was presented & adopted unanimously on the motion of J. Pump sen., seconded by A. Aumann, sen.  The pastor reported that he had received a call from the Harkaway congregation to serve the members with Word & Sacrement on Sundays, the services to be held four times a year.  Moved by Ch. Aumann, jun., & seconded by W. Hanke that the pastor with the agreement of the congregation accept the call of the Harkaway congregation.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann, sen. & seconded by W. Hanke that G. Thiele by the synodical delegate.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by W. Hanke that the pastor’s travelling expenses to the Synod at Sandhurst be paid from the treasury.  Carried.  As J. Pump was resigning as member of the City

Mission Committee, H. Thiele moved & A. Aumann seconded that A. Zerbe, sen., be elected as a member of the City Mission Committee in place of J. Pump.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by H. Thiele that of the mission money amounting to £7.12.0 half be sent to Basel & half to the Cameroons Mission.  Lost.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Fuhrmann that of the mission money £4 be sent to Basel & £3.12.0 to the Immigrant – City Mission.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by H. Thiele that the congregation express its gratitude to H. Frommhold for his services as auditor & that he be elected as auditor for the current year.  Carried.  The meeting then discussed the matter of acquiring land.  It was considered that the time had come for the purchase of land for the erection of a new church.  As a member of the congregation offered a number of sites, H. Thiele moved & H. Finger seconded that the elders make enquiries regarding the matter & report to a special meeting to be held in about three months regarding the sites, their cost, terms of purchase, etc.  Carried. A. Zerbe, sen., moved & A. Fuhrmann seconded that the congregation submit the following proposal for inclusion in the agenda of the Synod: That the pastors occasionally exchange pulpits on Sundays & that the resultant travelling expenses be paid by the Synodical treasury.  Carried.
23.2.1891. Max Schramm.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, February 23, 1891.  The purpose of the meeting was to receive the report of the elders on the purchase of land for the erection of a church.
Present: the pastor, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann. jun., Carl Aumann, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., August Aumann, B. Brűche, A. Fuhrmann, H. Finger, J. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, W. Aumann, A. Meyer, J. Pump, sen., J. Pump, jun., H. Frommhold, G. F. Schuhkrafft, W. Schuhkrafft, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, H. Uebergang, F. Winter, G. Wiese, A. Zerbe, sen., F. Zerbe, Jos. Zander.
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by J. Pump that the minutes be adopted & signed.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by H. Thiele that A. Fuhrmann be the synodical delegate in place of G. Thiele.  Carried.  The elders now presented their report.  They reported that two pieces of land were available.  One, which consisted of ¾ of an acre, was in Waldan Lane opposite to A. Aumann’s.  The offer for this land was open only until March 31.  The other piece was next to the church on the northern side of the cemetery: it also contained ¾ of an acre.  A decision was not urgent; the offer was available for a longer period of time.  The terms for both pieces of land were the same, namely the exchange of 1 acre of the congregation’s land & that the costs incurred be borne by the congregation.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Winter that the congregation express its thanks to the brothers Finger for making land available for the erection of a church.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by A. Zerbe, sen., that the congregation considers the land next to the church as the better of the two.  Carried. Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by C. Aumann, sen., that a deputation consisting of W. Hanke, A. Zerbe, F. Winter, J. Pump, G. F. Schuhkrafft & the secretary make enquires as to whether the Board of Health would permit the erection of a church on or next to the cemetery.  Carried.
13.4.1891. Max Schramm.

A special meeting of the congregation was held on Monday, April 13, 1891, for the purpose of considering the offer of land for the erection of a church.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., August Aumann, A. Aumann, jun., C. Aumann, sen., Charles Aumann, jun., Carl Aumann, W. Aumann, H Aumann, B. Brűche, H. Baum, A. Fuhrmann, H. Frommhold, H. Finger, J. Finger, F. Finger, J. Pump, sen., J. Pump, jun., H. Pump, G. F. Schuhkrafft, sen., G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, F. Winter, G. Wiese, A. Zerbe, sen., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Moved by J. Pump sen., & seconded by A. Aumann that the minutes be adopted & signed, the chairman submitted the offer of a piece of land.  It comprised ½ an acre in Connelly’s paddock, 2 ½ chains from Frommhold’s corner, the price was £125 which was guaranteed a few members of the congregation.  After much discussion a vote was take; by 15 votes to 7 the meeting declared the land as unsuitable.  Elder J. Pump now reported that he had been instructed by the brothers Finger to make the following offer to the congregation:  that they would present to the congregation an acre

on the northern side of the congregation’s land for the erection of the church & would together contribute £100 for the building of the church provided that 5 other members would contribute a total of £500, one of these 5 would be Mrs. Finger.  Moved by G. F. Schuhkrafft & seconded by F. Winter that A. Zerbe, sen., be a member of the inner Committee of the Synod’s Church Council.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by C. Aumann, sen., that the motion submitted by them & adopted at the last meeting be rescinded & that A. Zerbe through Mr. Brahe (solicitor) endeavour to obtain a reply from the Board of Health.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump, sen., & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that after a reply had been received, a meeting of the congregation be held to consider the matter further.  Carried.
25.5.1891. Max Schramm, P.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, May 25, 1891.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., August Aumann, Charles Auman, Carl Aumann, H. Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, H. Frommhold, H. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., H. Pump, F. Schuhkrafft, jun., W. Schuhkrafft, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, A. Zerbe, sen., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Aumann that the minutes be adopted & signed.  Carried.  The chairman then read the reply of Mr. Brahe relation to the congregation’s enquiry as to whether a church could be built on or next to the cemetery.  The reply was as follows: 1) By law the Board of Health is empowered to refuse permission for the building of the church, 2) that in view of this it would be quite useless to proceed further in the matter.
The elders then reported that the executors of Mother Aumann’s land were willing to sell to the congregation ½ an acre with a frontage of one chain at a cost of £100, the congregation to erect a fence around the ½ acre.  The elders stated that they were not quite certain as to whether all beneficiaries of Mother Aumann’s will would be agreeable; they did not yet have the opportunity to discuss the matter with the beneficiaries.  Moved by A. Fuhrmann & seconded by W Hanke that the offer be accepted provided that there were no difficulties.  Carried.  Moved by A. Fuhrmann & seconded by H. Thiele that the elders & the executors take steps to obtain the consent of the beneficiaries & later report to the congregation.
6.7.1891. Max Schramm.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, July 6, 1891, for the purpose of taking further steps regarding the land for the erection of a church.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., Aug. Aumann, Carl Aumann, sen., Charles Aumann, jun., Carl Aumann, W. Aumann, H. Frommhold, F. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., H. Pump, A. Pump, F. Mottschall, H. Aumann, H. Dehnert, W. Schuhkrafft, J. Schramm, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, F. Winter, E. Wittig, G. Wiese, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by F. Winter that the minutes be adopted & signed.  The executors of the land reported that the beneficiaries had agreed to the sale of the land & that therefore all difficulties had been overcome.  The pastor moved & C. Aumann, sen., seconded that A. Zerbe, sen., W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., F. Winer & H. Thiele be the trustees for the land to be bought.  Carried unanimously.  Thereupon A. Zerbe, sen., moved & J. Pump, sen., seconded that the pastor & the treasurer prepare a list for contributions toward the erection of the church, that they approach members for contributions as from October & that the amounts by paid by the end of the year.
16.11.1891. Max Schramm, P.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday November 16, 1891.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., Carl Aumann, H. Aumann, W. Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, J. Pump, H. Pump, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, H. Uebergang, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  F. Winter moved & A. Zerbe, sen., seconded that the minutes be adopted & signed. Moved by F. Winter & seconded by C. Aumann, sen., that a brick church with a slate roof be erected.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by J. Pump that the pastor & treasurer deposit the money with the bank.  Carried. Moved by A. Auman, sen., &

seconded by W. Hanke that a building committee consisting of the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., W. Hanke, A. Zerbe, sen., J. Pump, F. Winter, H. Thiele, F. Finger & H. Frommhold be elected.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by J. Pump that the Committee have plans prepared of a church to seat about 160 persons & to cost about £900.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann, sen., & seconded by A. Zerbe, sen., that H. Uebergang mow the grass on the cemetery.  Carried.
30.11.1891. Max Schramm.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, November 30, 1891
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., C. Aumann, sen., H. Aumann, W. Aumann, August Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, H. Frommhold, F. Finger, A. Dehnert, W. Hanke, C. Māder, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, J. Pump, W. Thomsen, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & on the motion of F. Winter, seconded by A. Aumann, adopted & signed.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zerbe that the congregation supply the sand for the building of the church.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by W. Hanke that F. Winter, F. Finger & H. Thiele be a sub-committee of the building committee and see to the delivery of the sand.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by H. Frommhold that the building committee have the plans & specifications completed, then examine them & call for tenders, which shall then be submitted to a meeting of the congregation.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that the church title be again deposited with the bank.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that the Sunday School festival be held on the 2nd Christmas Day & begin at 10.30am.  Carried.
28.12.1891. Max Schramm.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, December 28, 1891.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., August Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., H. Aumann, A. Dehnert, W. Hanke, J. Pump, H. Pump, A. Fuhrmann, F. Finger, A. Meyer, H. Frommhold, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, H. Uebergang, F. Winter, F. Stecher, jun., A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that the minutes be adopted & signed.  Carried.  The building committee reported that the plans, etc. for the church had been completed, that tenders had been called for & that 14 had been received, which would now be submitted.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that the architect be instructed to accept one of the two lowest tenders & that it be left to his discretion to accept the tender which he regarded as the better one.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by A. Aumann, jun., that the pastor & the treasurer be authorized to sign the contract for the erection of the building in the name of the congregation.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that a foundation stone be laid.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by W. Hanke, sen., that three members of the building committee constitute a quorum.  Carried.
11.1.1892.  Max Schramm.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 11, 1892.
Present: The pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., Aug. Aumann, Carl Aumann, Rh. Dehnert, H. Aumann, F. Finger, W. Aumann, J. Pump, H. Pump, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, H. Uebergang, F. Schuhkrafft, A. Zerbe, sen., F. Zerbe, C. Mader, - Weckwerth.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, adopted & signed on the motion of J. Pump & seconded by W. Hanke.  The financial statement for the past year was presented & adopted.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by J. Pump that £400 be transferred from the church treasury to the church building treasury.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by W. Hanke of the mission money £4 be paid to Basel & £3 to the City & Immigrant Mission.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that H. Frommhold & F. Finger be auditors for the current year.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann, sen., & seconded by H. Thiele that at the laying of the foundation stone on January 20, 1892, refreshments be provided for guests & working men.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by J. Pump that the church be named the Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Church.  Carried.  The building committee

then held a meeting.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Zerbe, sen., that A. Aumann & J. Pump together with the pastor & the treasurer be a sub-committee to authorize payments for the building of the church.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Zerbe, sen., that a collection be received at the laying of the foundation stone.  Carried.
22.2.1892. M. Schramm

Special Meeting of the congregation held on Monday, February 22, 1892.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., H. Frommhold, F. Finger, J. Pump, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, F. Stecher, sen., W. Hanke, H. Uebergang, A. Zerbe, sen., F. Zerbe, A. Fuhrmann.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & on the motion of A. Fuhrmann, seconded by F. Stecher adopted & signed.  The building committee reported.  It submitted plans of the interior of the church, pews, pulpit, etc.  It reported that a price had been obtained from the contractor & that about £100 were still required to be contributed.  It asked the meeting to determine how this amount could best be made available.  After the matter had been discussed, F. Stecher moved & A. Fuhrman seconded that the Trustees be instructed to borrow the £100 for the completion of the church, etc.  Carried.
24.5.1892. Max Schramm.

Special Meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, May 24, 1892. The purpose of the meeting was to receive the financial statement for the completed church building & to decide what should be done with the old church.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, sen., H. Aumann, H. Frommhold, J. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, H. Uebergang, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement was submitted.  The statement showed that the total cost of the church, land, etc, amounted to £1302.19.4 & the income to £1303.14.4, so that there was a surplus of £1.5.0 in the treasury, to which another £1 was added.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by C. Aumann that the financial statement be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that a lantern be bought for the lobby at a cost of not more than ten shillings.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by W. Hanke that three foot-scrapers be bought.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by W. Hanke that a letter be written to the Council asking it to prepare the footpath & fill in a gutter at Frommhold’s gate.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by C. Aumann that offers for the purchase of the old church be invited by the end of June.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Zerbe that a lecturn (sic) be made.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by A. Aumann that four blinds for the northern side of the church be made.  Carried.
9.1.1893. Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 9, 1893.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, H. Aumann, W. Aumann, A. Fuhrmann, W. Hanke, C. Maeder, F. Mottshall, J. Pump, sen., J. Finger, F. Finger, A. Stecher, W. Thomsen, H. Thiele, G. Thiele, W. Schuhkraft, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe, F. Winter, H. Frommhold.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & adopted & signed on the motion of W. Hanke & seconded by A. Aumann, sen.  The report on the treasury was submitted.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by J. Pump that the report be adopted.  Carried.  As there was a deficiency of £25 in order to pay the first instalment of the church’s debt, which was payable in February, J. Pump moved & F. Winter seconded that a list for donations be prepared to be available in the church on three Sundays & that the pastor & treasurer collect any amount not subscribed.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by J. Pump that the old church be sold & that the buyer remove it as soon as possible.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by F. Winter that the offer of £5 by A. Aumann for the old church be accepted.  Carried.

Moved by A. Zerbe, jun., & seconded by W. Hanke that four of the old pews be painted.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that A. Aumann procure seven 9” clay pipes for the entrance to the church property.  Carried.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by J. Pump that as the elders had been in office for three years, a new election be held.  Carried.  The election results were: J. Pump, 17 votes; A. Aumann, 16 votes; W. Hanke, 14 votes; A. Zerbe, sen., 13 votes; F. Winter, 10 votes.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by A. Aumann that J. Pump & F. Winter be the synodical delegates.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by C. Aumann, sen., that the congregation expresses its thanks to the auditors.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Aumann that H. Frommhold & F. Finger be auditors for this year.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by W. Hanke that the congregation expresses its thanks to the Sunday School teachers & organists for their work.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that A. Zerbe, sen., & A. Aumann count the Sunday collections.  Carried.  Moved by J. Finger & seconded by A. Fuhrmann that the mission festival be held in the paddock of A. Zerbe, sen.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by J. Pump that the mission money amounting to £6.16.3 be given to the Immigrant & City Mission.  Carried. (No signature)

The annual meeting of the congregation held on January 8, 1894.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., H. Aumann, C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., W. Hanke, J. Finger, J. Pump, H. Pump, W. Thomsen, W. Schuhkraft, H. Uebergang, F. Winter, A. Zander, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The pastor expressed the thanks of Pastor Herlitz for having on two occasions agreed that the pastor conduct the services.  The financial statement & the report of the treasury were submitted.  A. Zerbe, sen., moved & C. Aumann, sen. seconded that they be adopted.  Carried.  A. Zerbe, sen., moved & C. Aumann, sen., seconded that £2.10.0 of the mission money be given to the Immigrant Mission & the balance to Basel.  Lost.  J. Pump moved & F. Winter seconded that the total amount be given to the Immigrant Mission.  Carried.  A. Zerbe, sen., moved & A. Aumann, sen., seconded that all cement work for the church be painted with oil paint.  Carried.  A. Aumann, sen., moved & F. Winter seconded that the auditors be asked to audit the books in the current year.  Carried.  It was agreed that the window blinds be pulled down after the services to keep the sun out & that the windows of the vestry be frosted.  Reported that J. Finger will have the grass on the cemetery mown.
21.1.1895.  Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 21, 1895.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, sen., H. Aumann, W. Aumann, B. Brűche, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., J. Pump, jun., Johann Pump, H. Pump, Hermann Pump, G. Thiele, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The report of the treasury was presented & adopted on the motion of A. Zerbe, jun., & F. Winter.  Moved by G. Thiele & seconded by C. Aumann that the elders be instructed to have the church grounds fenced, to have an altar railing made & to have the exterior of the church doors painted.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by H. Thiele that the altar railing be made first & be completed by Easter.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that sawn timber be used for the church fence as follows: posts 5” x 3” of redgum, rails of hard wood angle, footings 3” x 2” of red gum, pickets 4’6” x 3” x 1”.  Carried.  Two amendments 1) That palings instead of pickets be used & 2) that the usual post & rail fence be erected, were lost.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that the auditors be thanked for their work & be asked to audit the books also in the coming year.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by W. Hanke that the mission money be allocated as follows: £1 for Horsham, £2 for Queensland & £2 for Immigrant Mission.  Carried.
13.1.1896.  Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 13, 1896.
Present:  the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., C. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, jun., W. Aumann, W. Hanke, John Pump, Johann Pump, Heinrich Pump, Hermann Pump, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe, W. Schuhkraft.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & were adopted & signed on the motion of A. Zerbe, jun., seconded by C. Aumann, sen.  The financial statement & report on the treasury for the year 1895 were submitted & adopted on the motion of A. Zerbe, sen., seconded by W. Hanke.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by J. Pump, sen., that the auditors be thanked for their work & be asked to audit the books also in the present year.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by J. Pump, sen., that the secretary, treasurer & the organists be thanked for their services.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by J. Finger that provided they are willing, the elders continue in their office.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by W. Hanke that J. Pump, sen., & J. Finger be the synodical delegates.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, jun., & seconded by W. Hanke that of the mission money £2 be donated to City Mission & £2.10.0 to the General Mission.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that a new hymn tune book be purchased.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann, sen., & seconded by F. Zerbe, sen., that during the course of the year the two little houses (W.C.s) be moved & two divisions be made in the stable.  Carried.
11.1897.  Max Schramm.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 11, 1897.
Present: the pastor, C. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, W. Aumann, J. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., H. Pump, Hermann Pump, H. Fromhold, W. Schuhkraft, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, A. Zerbe, sen., A. Zerbe, jun., F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The financial statement & report on the treasury were presented & adopted on the motion of A. Zerbe, sen., seconded by C. Aumann.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by F. Finger that the following proposal be placed on the agenda of the Synod: That Synod resolve that as in previous years the synod be held on Sundays & Mondays.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, jun., & seconded by W. Hanke that H. Thiele & J. Finger be the synodical delegates.  Carried.  Moved by the pastor & seconded by W. Hanke that the congregation expresses its thanks to the auditors, Sunday School teachers, treasurer & organists for their services.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann, sen., & seconded by W. Hanke that H. Fromhold & F. Finger be again elected as auditors.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by W. Hanke that the fence along the street & the exterior of the church doors be painted.  Carried.  Moved by J. Finger & seconded by A. Zerbe, jun., that the mission money amounting to £5.8.2 be allocated as follows: £1.16.0 for Immigrant Mission, £1.16.0 for the Itinerant Preacher Treasury & £1.16.2 for General Missions.  Carried.  The treasurer then tendered his resignation.  Moved by C. Aumann & seconded by W. Hanke that J. Finger be treasurer.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe, sen., & seconded by F. Finger that the elders inspect the cemetery & have it cleaned.  Carried.
10.1.1898. Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 10, 1898.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., August Aumann, Carl Aumann, sen., Carl Aumann, H. Aumann, W. Aumann, Adolph Aumann, B. Brűche, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., J. Pump, jun., H. Pump, Hermann Pump, W. Schuhkraft, W. Thomsen, H. Thiele, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & adopted & signed on the motion of J. Pump, sen., seconded by A. Aumann, sen.  The report on the church & school treasuries was submitted & adopted on the motion of W. Hanke seconded by C. Aumann.  Moved by J. Pump, sen., & seconded by J. Finger that of the mission money amounting to £4.11.0 the sum of £2 be sent to Basel & £2.11.0 to the Immigrant Mission.  Carried.  In the place of the late A. Zerbe, sen., H. Thiele & A. Zerbe were nominated by the pastor for the position of elder.

The ballot resulted in A. Zerbe receiving 12 votes & H. Thiele 10.  Mr. A. Zerbe was declared elected.  C. Aumann moved & W. Hanke seconded that A. Zerbe be a member of Synod’s Church Council.  Carried.  The pastor moved & W. Hanke seconded that the congregation thank the Sunday School teachers, the auditors, the treasurer, the organists & H. Frommhold for their services.  Carried.  A. Zerbe moved & A. Aumann, sen., seconded that the auditors be re-elected for the coming year.  Carried.  A. Zerbe moved & C. Aumann, sen., seconded that the resolution of the elders “that corpses be not brought into the church” be ratified.  Carried.
9.1.1899.  Max Schramm, P.

Meeting after service.
On Sunday, November 13, 1898, the congregation resolved that in future the confirmation instruction be given in the winter instead of in the summer.
Annual meeting of the congregation held on January 9, 1899.
Present:  Aug. Aumann, sen., Carl Aumann, sen., B. Brűche, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., J. Pump, jun., Hermann Pump, W. Schuhkraft, W. Thomsen, Aug. Zerbe, F. Zerbe & the pastor.
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Moved by Aug. Zerbe & seconded by A. Aumann that the minutes be adopted & confirmed.  Carried.  The pastor moved & F. Zerbe seconded that the elders continue in their office as elders.  Aug. Aumann, sen. moved & W. Hanke seconded the amendment that an election take place.  The amendment was lost & the motion was carried.  The following report on the treasury was submitted:
Income - £19.3.4; balance from 1898 - £23.4.8 ½; total £42.8.0 ½ 
Expenses in 1898 - £18.11.2; Credit 1899 - £23.16.10 ½; total - £42.8.0 ½
The pastor moved & W. Hanke seconded that the congregation thank the Sunday School teachers, the auditors, the organists & the treasurer for their services.  Carried.  The treasurer, J. Finger, submitted his resignation.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by W. Hanke that B. Brűche be treasurer.  Carried.  C. Aumann, sen., moved & F. Zerbe seconded that the auditors be asked to continue in their office.  Carried. A. Zerbe moved & W. Hanke seconded that F. Winter & H. Frommhold be the delegates for the Synod.  Carried.  A. Aumann, sen., moved & A. Zerbe seconded that the spouting & the little tower be repaired.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & W. Hanke seconded that, provided the cost does not exceed £7, an asphalt path about 3 feet wide be made on the northern & eastern sides of the church.  Carried.  A. Zerbe moved & W. Hanke seconded that £2 of the mission money be allocated to Basel & £2.16.0 to the Immigrant Mission.  Carried.
8.1.1900.  Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 8, 1900.
Present: The pastor, A. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, sen., B. Brueche, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, J. Pump, sen., F. Finger, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The following report on the treasury was presented:  Income in 1899 - £22.1.9 ½; donation £50, balance 1.1 1899 £95.18.8.  Expenses in 1899 - £20.12.0; Credit 1.1.1900 - £75.6.8; total £95.18.8.  The report was adopted on the motion of A. Zerbe, seconded by A. Aumann, sen.  W. Hanke moved & C. Aumann seconded that the congregation express its thanks to the treasurer, the organists, the auditors & the Sunday School teachers.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by C. Aumann that the auditors, the treasurer & the organists be asked to continue in office for the current year.  Carried. C. Aumann moved & F. Zerbe seconded that the resolution of the elders regarding the purchase of a new altar cloth & two chairs be ratified.  Carried.  J. Pump moved & W. Hanke seconded that of the mission money amounting to £4.5.1, the sum of £2.0.0 be paid to the City Mission & £2.5.1 be sent to Basel.  Carried.
14.1.1901.  Max Schramm.
The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 14, 1901.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., Adolph Aumann, C. Aumann, J. Finger, H. Frommhold; J. Pump, sen., H. Pump, W. Schuhkraft, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe, B. Brueche.

The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The report on the treasury was presented.  It showed that the income for 1900 amounted to £23.3.3 ½, the expenditure to £24.10.0 & that on January 1, 1901, there was a credit balance of £73.18. 11 ½.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that the report be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann & seconded by F. Winter that the exterior woodwork of the church (doors, windows & tower) and the picket fence along the street be painted.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that A. Zerbe & the secretary make full enquiries with reference to the Szerelmes Stone Liquid recommended by the architect to prevent moisture penetrating through the gables of the church & that they report to the elders.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zerbe that an asphalt path about three feet wide be made also on the southern & western sides of the church.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by F. Winter that of the mission money £1.10.0 be paid to the City Mission & £1.15.3 be sent to Basel.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by F. Zerbe that H. Thiele & J. Finger be the delegates for the forthcoming Synod.  Carried.  Bro. J. Pump now informed the meeting that for reasons of ill-health he found it necessary to resign as elder.  The pastor moved & C. Aumann seconded that the resignation of Elder J. Pump be accepted with regret & that the congregation express its sincere thanks for the long & faithful administration of his office as elder.  Carried.  Moved by the pastor & seconded by F. Winter that H. Thiele be elected as elder in place of Bro. Pump.  Carried.
10.1.1902.  Max Schramm, P

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 20, 1902.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., C. Aumann, sen., B. Brueche, J. Finger, F. Finger, W. Hanke, H. Frommhold, E. Hanke, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  The report on the treasury was presented.  It showed that the income for 1901 amounted to £23.8.9 ½, the expenditure to £23.15.7 & that on January 1, 1902, there was a credit balance of £73.12.2.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Zerbe that the report be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by C. Aumann & seconded by W. Hanke that the congregation express its thanks to the organists, the treasurer & the auditors for their services & that they be asked to continue in office during this year.  Also thanks to Bro. Frommhold for permitting the holding of the picnic in his paddock.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by H. Frommhold that F. Finger & F. Zerbe be the synodical delegates.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by J. Finger that of the mission money £2.6.6 be paid to the City Mission & £2.10.0 to Basel.  Carried.  Moved by J. Finger & seconded by C. Aumann that the present elders (W. Hanke, A. Aumann, F. Winter, A. Zerbe & H. Thiele) remain in office.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by A. Zerbe that in order to obviate the stickiness of the church pews two of the pews be again varnished on a trial basis.  Carried.
12.1.1903.  Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 12, 1903.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, H. Aumann, B. Brueche, J. Finger, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, J. Pump, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, H. Wiese, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by J. Finger that the congregation express its thanks to the organist, the treasurer & the auditors for their services & also to Bro. Frommhold for permitting the Sunday School festival to be held in his paddock.  Carried.  The report on the treasury was submitted.  It showed that the income for 1902 amounted to £22.13.1, the expenditure to £14.1.1 & that the present credit balance was £82.4.2.  Moved by the pastor & seconded by H. Aumann that the report be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Zerbe that A. Aumann & J. Finger be the delegates for the forthcoming Synod in Melbourne.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded

by J. Finger that of the mission money £2.10.0 be given to Basel, & £2.6.3 to the City Mission.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by H. Thiele that the asphalt path around the church be renewed & that, as J. Finger had offered his services, he be asked to carry out the work.  Carried.
11.1.1904.  M Schramm, P.
The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 11, 1904.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, Paul Aumann, B. Brueche, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, E. Hanke, J. Pump, H. Thiele, W. Thomsen, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe, F. Winter.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & on the motion of W. Hanke, seconded by J. Pump, were adopted & signed.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by F. Finger that the confirmation again take place in the morning of the main service & that the examination be held on the previous Sunday also in the morning.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Winter that the necessary repairs to the church (fixing of an iron tie-rod, windows, curtains, fence, W.C’s, etc.) be effected, that the fence, church doors, etc., be painted & that Elders F. Winter & A. Zerbe arrange for & supervise the work.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zerbe that F. Finger & F. Zerbe be the delegates for the next Synod at Germantown.  Carried.  The report of the treasury was presented.  It showed that the income for 1903 amounted to £23.14.1, the expenditure to £14.10.3 & that the present credit balance was £91.8.0.  The report was adopted on the motion of H. Thiele, seconded by A. Aumann.  The report of the Sunday School treasury, which showed a credit balance of £2.19.0 was submitted & adopted on the motion of F. Zerbe, seconded by F. Winter.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by F. Winter that of the mission money £2.10.0 be allocated to Basel & £2 to the City Mission.  Carried.  Moved by the pastor & seconded by W. Hanke that the thanks of the congregation be expressed to the treasurer, minute secretary, organist & auditors, also to Bro. Frommhold for again granting his permission to hold the picnic in his paddock, & that the auditors be asked to continue in office during the current year.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by W. Hanke that J. Finger be asked to clean up the cemetery & to keep it in order, for which work the annual rent of 10/- would be refunded to him.  Carried.
17.1.1905.  Max Schramm.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, January 17, 1905.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, C. Aumann, B. Brueche, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, E. Frommhold, W. Hanke, J. Pump, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, adopted & signed on the motion of H. Thiele, seconded by C. Aumann.  The report on the treasury was presented.  In 1904 the income was £21.3.4; the expenditure £17.11.6: the credit balance on January 1, 1905 was £95.0.5.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by J. Pump that the report be adopted.  Carried.  The report of the Sunday School treasury was presented.  In 1904 the income was £7.14.9; the expenditure £8.0.5; the credit balance £2.8.4.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by F. Zerbe that the report be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by J. Finger & seconded by J. Pump that of the mission money £2 be allocated to Basel & £2.6.4 to the City Mission.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by F. Finger that Bro. Thiele be the synodical delegate.  Carried.  Moved by J. Pump & seconded by A. Aumann that the church pews be covered with suitable cloth to obviate the stickiness.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by J. Finger that Bro. Thiele secure samples & prices of cloth & report on next Sunday.  Carried.  A. Aumann tendered his resignation as elder of the congregation.  After discussion A. Zerbe moved & J. Finger seconded that Bro. Aumann be requested to continue as elder at least until next year.  Carried unanimously.  Bro. Aumann agreed to continue as elder.  The pastor moved & A. Zerbe seconded that the thanks of the congregation be expressed to the treasurer, the minute secretary, the organist & the auditors, also to Bro. Frommhold for granting the use of his paddock for the picnic, & that the auditors be asked to continue in their office for the present year.  Carried. 15.1.1906 (No signature)

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 15, 1906.
Present:  the pastor, C. Aumann, B. Brueche, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, E. Frommhold, W. Hanke, H. Pump, H. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Moved by A. Zerbe, seconded by W. Hanke, that the minutes be adopted & signed.  Carried.  The report on the treasury for 1905 was presented: the credit balance on January 1, 1905 was £95.05; income in 1905 was £22.0.2; expenditure £29.13.3; credit balance on January 1, 1906, £87.7.4.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by C. Aumann that the report be adopted.  Carried.  The report of the Sunday School treasury showed that the credit balance on January 1, 1905 was £2.8.4; the income in 1905 was £8.7.3 & the expenditure £6.12.8; the credit balance on January 1, 1906, was £4.2.11.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by B. Brueche that the report be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by J. Finger that of the mission money £2.6.0 be allocated to the City Mission & £2.10.0 be sent to Basel.  Carried.  On the motion of F. Winter, seconded by A. Zerbe, the first two articles of the congregation’s constitution were then read.  As Bro. A. Aumann declined to continue as elder, a number of members were nominated but all declined to accept the office.  The chairman therefore declared that the remaining elders, namely W. Hanke, F. Winter, H. Thiele & A. Zerbe were elected & that the vacancy remain open for the time being.  Moved by C. Aumann & seconded by W. Hanke that the church money be deposited in the Savings Bank in the names of the treasurer & the trustee H. Thiele.  Carried.  Moved by F. Zerbe & seconded by A. Zerbe that F. Winter & H. Thiele be the synodical delegates for this year.  Carried.  It was reported that the resolution of the last meeting regarding the covering of the pews with cloth had been changed by the congregation & that the pews had instead of the covering been painted over by Mr. H. Ellis.  He had guaranteed the work, but since the hot weather the pews were as sticky as previously.  In the meantime, Mr. Ellis had died, but the elders had in hand his written guarantee covering a period of three years.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by C. Aumann that a letter with reference to the carrying out of the contract or to the payment of compensation to the congregation be written to the executors of the late Mr. H. Ellis.  Carried.  F. Winter stated that he believed that he could remove the damage to the pews & offered as a trial to work on two pews.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by H. Thiele that Bro. Winter be permitted to take two pews to his home with a view to overcoming the trouble.  Carried.  The pastor moved & H. Thiele seconded that the congregation express its gratitude to the treasurer, the minute secretary, the organist & the auditors as well as to Bro. Frommhold for the use of his paddock for the picnic, & that the auditors be asked to continue in office for the current year.  Carried.
14.1.1907.  Max Schramm, P.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, January 14, 1907.
Present:  the pastor, C. Aumann, sen., B. Brueche, A. Aumann, jun., Oswald Dehnert, H. Frommhold, E. Frommhold, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, E. Thiele, A. Zerbe, F. Winter, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  As no action had been taken on one of the resolutions, A. Zerbe moved & C. Aumann seconded that the resolution of last year regarding the depositing of church money in the Savings Bank be carried out.  Carried.  On the motion of A. Zerbe, seconded by J. Finger, the minutes were then adopted & signed.  The report on the treasury was then submitted: the income for 1906 was £20.15.4; the expenditure £15.0.1; the credit balance on January 1, 1906 was £87.7.4 & on January 1, 1907, £93.2.7.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by A. Zerbe that the report be adopted.  Carried.  The report on the Sunday School treasury was as follows: credit balance on January 1, 1906 £4.2.11; expenditure in 1906 £8.14.3; income in 1906 £9.0.3; credit balance on January 1, 1907 £4.8.11.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by B. Brueche that the report be adopted.  Carried.  A. Zerbe moved & F. Finger seconded that of the mission money £2 be allocated to the

City Mission & £2 be sent to Basel.  Carried.  Moved by F. Zerbe & seconded by F. Winter that H. Thiele be the delegate for the next synod.  Carried.  The pastor reported that Elder W. Hanke had resigned & that therefore two new elders should be elected.  Moved by Pastor Schramm & seconded by H. Thiele that F. Finger be elected as elder.  Carried.  As no other member was willing to accept the office of elder, the pastor declared F. Finger elected unanimously as elder.  The pastor moved & A. Zerbe seconded that the congregation thank the organist, the auditors, the treasurer & the minute secretary for their services & also thank H. Frommhold for permitting the picnic to be held in his paddock.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by H. Thiele that H. Frommhold & F. Zerbe be auditors for this year.  Carried.
14.1.1908.  Henry Thiele.

On March 12, 1907, President H. Herlitz by invitation of the elders conducted an evening service.  After the service a special meeting of the congregation was held which was attended by many members.  The President took the chair.  The purpose of the meeting was to consider complaints that the pastor because of his age was no longer capable to perform his work to the welfare of the congregation; that members were gradually being lost & that other circumstances made it desirable to effect a change, in order that the congregation as such might not go to pieces.  After the members had aired their views on the matter, the following resolution was adopted:  That in the interests of the congregation’s welfare Pastor Schramm be asked to relinquish his office as pastor of the congregation on the 1st of July of this year, that this decision be communicated to the pastor by the President, & that the pastor give his reply to the elders at the latest until their next meeting.  Carried with one dissentient vote.
22.4.1907. August Zerbe, Church Council

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, April 22, 1907.
Present: A. Aumann, P. Aumann, Hermann Aumann, Albert Aumann, B. Brueche, W. Hanke, H. Fromhold, E. Fromhold, E. Hanke, J. Finger, F. Finger, A. Dehnert, O. Dehnert, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
In the absence of the pastor, Bro. A. Zerbe, member of the Church Council, was elected as chairman.  The minutes of the last special meeting of the congregation were read & on the motion of F. Zerbe, seconded by A. Aumann, adopted & signed.  The chairman gave information on the purpose of the meeting.  He mentioned that the pastor had informed the elders that at the expressed wish of the congregation he would relinquish his office on July 1 of this year.  This meeting should therefore consider how the congregation should be spiritually cared for.  H. Thiele moved & A. Aumann seconded that the resignation of Pastor Schramm be accepted.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & F. Zerbe seconded that a list be opened to receive voluntary donations as a fare well gift to Pastor Schramm.  Carried.  It was reported that Pastor Heyer of Germantown had expressed the wish to transfer to Doncaster & that he could be present on Wednesday evening to submit particulars to the congregation.  After many matters had been discussed, it was considered best to wait until Wednesday evening.  The chairman then stated that the meeting will be adjourned until Wednesday evening, April 24.
28.5.1907. August Zerbe

On Wednesday, April 24, 1907, Pastor Heyer of Germantown an evening service in the church which was attended by many members.  After the service the adjourned meeting of Monday, April 22, was continued.  In an address to the meeting Pastor Heyer said that he would gladly officiate in Doncaster and be prepared to accept a call as pastor of the congregation, but that he could not give a final answer that evening.  After the elders had a discussion with Pastor Heyer, H. Thiele moved & F. Winter seconded that Pastor G. Heyer be asked to take charge of the pastoral office in the Doncaster congregation & that a yearly salary of £100 & a free residence be offered to him.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Winter that the two Church Council members (W. Hanke & A. Zerbe) visit the Scoresby congregation to discuss with the members matters relative to their agreement with the above resolution & their support.  Carried.
28.5.1907. August Zerbe.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday evening, May 28, 1907.
Present: A. Zerbe (chairman), A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., P. Aumann, H. Aumann, A. Aumann, W. Hanke, E. Hanke, B. Brueche, H. Fromhold, E. Fromhold, J. Finger, O. Pump, A. Dehnert, O. Dehnert, F. Winter, H. Thiele, F. Zerbe, A. Rieschieck.
The minutes of the last special meeting were read & on the motion of F. Zerbe, seconded by W. Hanke, adopted & signed.  Correspondence from Pastor Heyer & Pastor Hegelan was read.  The former wrote that he could not accept the call of the congregation.  The chairman stated that the purpose of the meeting was to take steps regarding the spiritual care of the congregation during the vacancy.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that from July 1 reading services be conducted by the elders & that President Herlitz be asked to arrange for monthly services with the preaching of the Word & the Sacrament to be conducted either by him or another pastor.  Carried.
12.8.1907.  August Zerbe.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, August 12, 1907
Present: A. Zerbe (chairman), F. Winter, H. Thiele, F. Finger, J. Finger, H. Frommhold, E. Frommhold, A. Dehnert, O. Dehnert, E. Hanke, P. Aumann, H. Aumann, A. Aumann, A. Aumann, E. Aumann, E. Thiele, F. Zerbe, H. Zerbe.
The minutes were read & were adopted & signed on the motion of J. Finger, seconded by F. Zerbe.  The chairman explained the purpose of the meeting.  He stated that £15 had been signed on the list for the pastor & that the meeting should now determine what should be done further.  It should also consider further pastoral services in the congregation.  F. Finger moved & F. Winter seconded that in addition to the signed £15 for Pastor Schramm £15 be taken from the church treasury.  Carried.  J. Finger moved & F. Zerbe seconded that the elders & as many members as wished to do so visit Pastor Schramm & hand the present over to him.  Carried.  Regarding services in the congregation H. Thiele moved & F. Winter seconded that the itinerant preacher Pastor Hegelan be invited to conduct a service during the next month on a Sunday convenient to him.  Carried.
30.9.1907.  Henry Thiele.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, September 30, 1907.
Present: H. Thiele (chairman), A. Aumann, A. Aumann, jun., C. Aumann, Paul Aumann, Hermann Aumann, Adolph Aumann, Albert Aumann, O. Dehnert, A. Dehnert, W. Hanke, E. Hanke, H. Frommhold, E. Frommhold, J. Finger, F. Finger, O. Pump, C. Bloom, B. Brueche, A. Thiele, E. Thiele, A. Rieschieck, G. Wiese, sen., F. Winter, F. Zerbe, A. Zander.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & on the motion of F. Winter, seconded by J. Finger, adopted & signed.  As purpose of the meeting the chairman said the following: The time has come to consider the necessity & the possibility of calling a pastor for the congregation.  This was evident & needed little consideration.  However, the matter chiefly depended on how much the congregation was able to raise for the salary.  A discussion then followed during which the members stated how much they would contribute.  It was reported that at his visit Pastor Hegelan had said that, if the congregation desired his services & could offer him a sufficient salary & a free residence, he would gladly come.  Since the promised contributions amounted to about £90, H. Thiele moved & F. Winter seconded that, in view of the fact the congregation cannot offer a sufficient salary, no call be at this time extended to Pastor Hegelan or any other pastor.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & J. Finger seconded that, since a manse was required, the Brethren Winter, Finger, Zerbe & Thiele enquire whether Mr. Stutt would sell half an acre of land & that if the enquiry was favourable, another meeting be called to take further steps.  Carried.
7.10.1907.  Henry Thiele

Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, October 7, 1907
Present: H. Thiele (chairman), A. Aumann, H. Aumann, P. Aumann, Alb. Aumann, E. Hanke, Ad. Aumann, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Frommhold, E. Frommhold, F. Winter.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & on the motion of F. Winter, seconded by F. Finger, adopted & signed.  The delegation of four members reported that Mr. Stutt was willing to sell half an acre next to Frommhold’s land with a width of 1 to 1 ½ chains for the erection of a manse.  Mr. Stutt would sell the land for £25, but the congregation would have to erect the fence.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by H. Aumann that Mr. Stutt’s offer be accepted.  Carried.  A. Aumann moved & F. Winter seconded that the elders make enquiries regarding plans & the cost of a timber or brick house & report within 3 or 4 weeks.  Carried.
19.11.1907.  Henry Thiele.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, November 19, 1907.
Present: H. Thiele (chairman), A. Aumann, P. Aumann, Ad. Aumann, Alb. Aumann, E. Aumann, J. Finger, H. Frommhold, E. Frommhold, O. Dehnert, A. Dehnert, W. Hanke, E. Hanke, F. Winter, A. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, adopted & signed.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by J. Finger that A. Zerbe & H. Frommhold and the present trustees be trustees of the church property.  Carried. A. Zerbe moved & F. Winter seconded that the land for the manse be 1 chain in width & 5 chains in depth.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & J. Finger seconded that the elders & W. Hanke constitute the manse building committee.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & W. Hanke seconded that a manse be built at a cost of about £300.  Carried.  A. Zerbe moved & J. Finger seconded that a list be prepared for contributions to the manse, that the list be available in the church on two Sundays, that if the contributions to the manse are insufficient the list be circulated, and that contributions be in hand by the end of the year.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & A. Zerbe seconded that the old hedge next to & behind the church be grubbed & that A. Aumann do the work for five shillings.  Carried.
10.12.1907.  Henry Thiele.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, December 10, 1907.
Present: H. Thiele (chairman), A. Aumann, sen., Aug. Aumann, P. Aumann, Ad. Aumann, Alb, Aumann, E. Aumann, O. Dehnert, A. Dehnert, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Fromhold, E. Fromhold, B. Brueche, A. Pump, W. Hanke, E. Hanke, H. Aumann, F. Winter, A. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, adopted & signed on the motion of A. Zerbe, seconded by W. Hanke.  The chairman said that Elder F. Finger had sent in his resignation.  It was received & its consideration was deferred until the annual meeting.  F. Winter moved & W. Hanke seconded that H. Fromhold be a member of the building committee.  Carried.  A letter from Mr. Stutt’s solicitor was submitted asking for the full names of the trustees & the plan of the land.  F. Winter moved & A. Zerbe seconded that V. Wischer search the Title & that he be instructed to have the old title made over to the new trustees.  Carried.  The plan & estimated cost of the manse which the building committee had obtained were submitted.  The committee stated that although the estimate was higher, namely £383, it had after consideration resolved to recommend that the congregation accept the plan.  F. Winter moved & W. Hanke seconded that the submitted plan be accepted.  Carried.  Calling of a pastor:  The chairman stated that had in hand a letter from Missionary Grau as well as an accompanying letter from Pastor Meyer of Lights Pass, S.A.  He read both letters & asked the meeting to express its views.  After a thorough discussion, F. Winter moved & W. Hanke seconded that, as some members still hoped

that Pastor Heyer would accept the position if it were again offered to him, the President of the Synod, Pastor Herlitz, be asked to make enquiries & that if this were negative, a call be sent in the name of the Doncaster parish to the Basel Mission Committee asking that Missionary Grau be sent, if his health would enable him to perform the work as pastor of a congregation.  If the Committee was of the opinion that it was inadvisable to send Missionary Grau, it should send another suitable young man who, however, must be able in case of need to preach in the English language.  The parish would obligate itself to pay him an annual salary of £100 (paid quarterly) & to provide a free residence in Doncaster.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by F. Finger that this resolution with amplifications be communicated to Pastor Herlitz by W. Hanke & H. Thiele.  Carried.
14.1.1908.  Henry Thiele

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, January 14, 1908.
Present: H. Thiele (chairman), P. Aumann, Ad. Aumann, Alb. Aumann, E. Aumann, B. Brueche, O. Dehnert, A. Dehnert, H. Fromhold, E. Fromhold, E. Hanke, A. Thiele, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe, A. Pump.
The minutes of the last annual & the last special meetings were read & adopted & signed on the motion of A. Zerbe, seconded by B. Brueche.  The report on the treasury was presented.  It showed a credit balance on January 1, 1907 of £93.2.7; income in 1907 £21; expenditure £34.7.1; credit balance on January 1, 1908 £80.13.3.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by F. Zerbe that the report be adopted.  Carried.  A. Zerbe moved & B. Brueche seconded that the mission money amounting to £3.11.6 be sent to Basel.  Carried.  A. Zerbe moved & F. Zerbe seconded that H. Thiele be the delegate for the forthcoming Synod.  Carried.  F. Zerbe moved & B. Brueche seconded that, as Pastor Herlitz desired to conduct the confirmation service with Holy Communion on the second Sunday in February, Holy Communion be not celebrated on the fourth Sunday in January & that Pastor Hegelan be informed of this.  Carried.
12.2.1908. H. Herlitz

A special meeting of the congregation held on Wednesday, February 12, 1908.
Present:  Pastor Herlitz (chairman), H. Aumann, Her. Aumann, Alb. Aumann, J. Finger, F. Finger, H. Fromhold, E. Fromhold, W. Hanke, E. Hanke, A. Pump, A. Rieschieck, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, G. H. Thiele, E. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, adopted & signed on the motion of A. Zerbe, seconded by H. Aumann.  The secretary explained the purpose of the meeting by reading a petition which some members of the congregation had sent to the elders & in which they asked that a meeting of the congregation be called to consider 1) that the resolution of the congregation with reference to the calling of a pastor from Basel be rescinded & 2) that a call be extended to Pastor Hegelan to assume the pastoral office in the congregation.  The chairman asked the members to discuss the matter.  After discussion F. Finger moved & F. Winter seconded that the resolution regarding the sending of a call to Basel be rescinded.  After the matter had been disputed for some hours & it became evident that no one was willing to yield, the chairman declared that the meeting had been called irregularly, but that he had not declared this sooner since he desired to give the members the opportunity to express themselves.  The meeting then agreed that it be mentioned in the next issue of the “Christenbote” that the pastoral office of the Doncaster congregation was vacant & that pastors who desired to apply for the position should do so by the end of March.  Further information could be obtained from the minute secretary.
7.4.1908.  H. Herlitz.

Special meeting of the Congregation held on Tuesday, April 7, 1908.
Present: Pastor Herlitz (chairman), A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., Aug. Aumann, H. Aumann, P. Aumann, Ad. Aumann, Alb. Aumann, Herm. Aumann, E. Aumann, B. Brueche, J. Finger, F. Finger, E. Fromhold, W. Hanke, W. Schuhkraft, A. Rieschieck, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & were adopted & signed on the motion of A. Zerbe, seconded by W. Hanke.  The chairman stated that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the call of a pastor for the congregation.  The secretary reported that, in response to the notice in the “Christenbote” regarding applications by pastors for the pastoral office of the Doncaster parish, one reply had been received.  This was from Pastor Hampe of Dimboola.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by A. Aumann, sen., that the congregation is of the opinion that because of his advanced age it would not be advisable to call Pastor Hampe as Pastor of the parish.  Carried.  A petition was then submitted signed by 38 persons, who had pledged to contribute £95.16.0 annually toward a pastor’s salary & who petitioned the meeting to resolve forthwith to call a pastor.  The chairman reported that he had received information from Basel stating that a very suitable young man was available.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by H. Thiele that the wish of the petitioners be granted & that in accordance with the previous resolution of the congregation, a call be immediately sent to Basel for the calling of a pastor for the Doncaster-Scoresby parish.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by W. Hanke that the called pastor be paid a salary of £100 per annum, but that the erection of a manse be deferred until the pastor had arrived & that for the time being he have his quarters in a private home toward which the congregation would contribute part of the rent.  Carried.
Adopted unanimously, Doncaster 27.7.1908. R. Held, Pastor.

Following the above resolution R. Held was allocated to Doncaster by the Mission Committee at Basel.  He arrived in Melbourne on July 2.  He passed a colloquy on July 9 & was on July 12 in the afternoon installed by President Herlitz in the Doncaster church.  May the Lord bless his coming in & his going out & grant His blessing to his work in the congregation.
Special meeting of the congregation held on Monday, July 27, 1908.
Present: Pastor Held (chairman), A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, jun., Carl Aumann, Henry Aumann, Hermann Aumann, P. Aumann, Alb, Aumann, E. Aumann, Ad. Aumann, B. Brueche, O. Dehnert, J. Finger, F. Finger, Franz Finger, E. Hanke, E. Fromhold, H. Fromhold, A. Műhle, O. Pump, H. Pump, A. Rieschieck, F. Winter, W. Schuhkraft, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe, H. Zerbe.
In the absence of the secretary A. Zerbe was appointed as minute secretary.  The minutes of the last meeting were read, adopted & signed.  F. Winter moved & H. Aumann seconded that, as we now have a new pastor we now begin completely anew.  That the elders still in office resign & another election take place with the elected elders remaining in office for three years; & that in future the annual meeting be held in July instead of in January.  Carried.  The following were then elected as elders: Henry Aumann, August Rieschieck, Henry Thiele, Friedrich Winter, August Zerbe.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by J. Finger that B. Brueche again be treasurer.  Carried.  Moved by A. Aumann & seconded by F. Zerbe that H. Thiele again be secretary.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by C. Aumann that F. Finger & F. Zerbe be auditors.  Carried.  Confirmation & Instruction: The pastor stated that it was desirable that confirmees attend the instruction for six months &, if possible, come for two years.  F. Winter moved & A. Zerbe seconded

that the time of instruction & confirmation be left to the pastor & that it be as most convenient.  Carried.  The pastor further mentioned that he would gladly give lessons in German, if the congregation desired it.  Moved by J. Finger & seconded by F. Winter that the German lessons be held in the vestry on Saturday mornings at 8.30.  Carried.  The pastor also said that he had been struck by something strange in the order of services & moved that at Confession & Absolution & at the recitation of the Creed the congregation stand & that at the reading of the epistle & gospel it remain seated: the motion was seconded by F. Winter & carried.  Moved by the pastor & seconded by C. Aumann that, as the Special Constitution of the Congregation was out-of-date, a new one based on the old constitution & on the Synodical Constitution adopted in Melbourne on March 6, 1882, be prepared & be submitted for adoption at a later meeting of the congregation.  Carried.  The pastor moved & F. Winter seconded that a seal of the congregation be obtained.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by A. Aumann that, as a manse had not yet been built, the pastor be paid five shillings per week as compensation for his rent.  Carried.  Confession & Communion: It was resolved that as in the past Holy Communion be celebrated on the first Sunday of every quarter & the Elders’ meeting be held on the following Monday & that Confession begin before the service at 10.30a.m.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by F. Finger that the elders see to it that the fence be repaired & that other necessary repairs be effected.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zerbe that the pulpit Bible be bound or if more practical a new one be bought.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Zerbe that the pastor’s salary be paid quarterly.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by H. Aumann that the congregation express its gratitude to our worthy president, Pastor Herlitz, for all that he has done in recent time for the Doncaster congregation, namely, for providing it with Word & Sacrament & for giving good advice & help in connection with the calling & the installation of our beloved new pastor, & that this vote of thanks be communicated to Pastor Herlitz in writing.  Carried.  On the question of Bro. A. Aumann relative to the building of the manse Pastor Held said that, if the house is built, he would live in it, but that he would prefer if its erection were deferred for about 12 months.
1.12.1908. R. Held, Pastor.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, December 1, 1908.
Present: the pastor (chairman), A. Aumann, H. Aumann, P. Aumann, Alb, Aumann, E. Aumann, Herm. Aumann, B. Brueche, O. Dehnert, F. Finger, Franz Finger, E. Fromhold, H. Fromhold, W. Hanke, E. Hanke, H. Thiele, F. Zerbe, H. Zerbe, F. Winter.
The minutes of the last meeting were read: they were adopted & signed on the motion of F. Winter, seconded by H. Aumann.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Zerbe that the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the old church be observed on the 2nd Christmas Day in conjunction with the Sunday School festival, that it begin at 10.30 a.m. & that President Herlitz be invited to attend.  Carried.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by H. Thiele that the pastor inquire from Pastor Hiller of Murtoa how the instruction in the German language, which is held on a school-day, is arranged.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by F. Finger that the elders make enquiries as to whether screens could be fixed externally to the windows on the northern side of the church to keep out the sun &, if this can be done, to have the screens made.  Carried.  Moved by W. Hanke & seconded by F. Winter that the subscriptions for the erection of the manse be now paid, that a new list be prepared for further contributions to be paid at the beginning of the coming year, in order that a beginning might soon be made for the building of the manse, & that it is desirable that the manse be built of bricks.  Carried.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by F. Zerbe that the pastor & the elders make enquiries with the architect, Mr. Koch, regarding plans & the likely cost of the building.  Carried.
26.1.1909.  August Zerbe

Special meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, January 26, 1909.
Present: A. Zerbe (chairman), H. Aumann, P. Aumann, Ad. Aumann, Hermann Aumann, B.  Brueche, H. von Bertouch, Os. Dehnert, E. Fromhold, H. Fromhold, E. Hanke, F. Finger, J. Finger, Franz Finger, A. Rieschieck, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, F. Winter, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by A. Rieschieck that the minutes be adopted & signed.  Carried.  Correspondence was read from W. Hanke in which he stated that because of his advanced age he was resigning as trustee of the congregation.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Rieschieck that the resignation of Trustee W. Hanke be accepted & that the congregation express the hope that the Lord grant him health yet for a long time.  Carried.  The secretary reported that at their last meeting the elders had raised the salary of the verger to £3 per quarter & that this meeting ratify their action.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by B. Brueche that the resolution of the elders that the verger receive a salary of £3 per quarter (his work to include the washing of the church floor) be confirmed.  Carried.  Also reported that the elders had received a gift of half an acre of land for the erection of the manse next to the church & that they had accepted the gift in the name of the congregation.  The donor, Mrs. Fromhold had stipulated that the land be fenced by the congregation, that the cost of the deeds be borne by the congregation & that a brick manse be erected on the land.  Moved by J. Finger & seconded by F. Zerbe that this be ratified by the meeting.  Carried.  The secretary reported that he had discussed the matter of the land for the manse with Mr. Stutt, who had said that he would re-possess the land previously bought from him & repay the purchase price (£25) & that the congregation bear the cost of the deeds.  Moved by J. Finger & seconded by F. Finger that Mr. Stutt’s offer be accepted with thanks.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Rieschieck that F. Finger & F. Zerbe be elected as trustees in place of W. Hanke & H. Fromhold.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by J. Finger that the elders, the trustees, the treasurer & the pastor be the building committee for the manse.  Carried.  It was further reported that the Committee had made enquiries with Mr. Koch (architect) regarding the likely cost of the manse & had obtained sketch plans & an estimate of the cost which would amount to about £750.  The treasurer reported that he had about £260 in hand & that so far £110 had been signed on the new list, so that the congregation could reckon on a total of about £400.  He added that the congregation should determine what further steps should be taken.  Moved by F. Zerbe & seconded by F. Winter that the manse be built of bricks.  Carried.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by F. Zerbe that the cost of the manse be between £650 & £750 & that if possible it have a slate roof.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Winter that the congregation sincerely thank Mrs. Fromhold for donating the land for the building of the manse.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & F. Finger seconded that the fence next to the church be moved to the outer boundary & that any shortage (of land for the manse) be made up.  Carried.  The secretary was asked to invite Mr. Koch to the premises & to inform the committee & to have the deeds prepared by Mr. V. Wischer.
Doncaster, 12.7.1909 (No signature)

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, July 12, 1909.
Present: the pastor, H. Aumann, A. Aumann, Ad. Aumann, P. Aumann, Hermann Aumann, E. Aumann, B.  Brueche, J. Finger, F. Finger, Franz Finger, E. Fromhold, H. Fromhold, O. Dehnert, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe, H. Zerbe, E. Hanke.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & on the motion of F. Winter, seconded by F. Zerbe, adopted & signed.  Pastor Held reminded the meeting of the death in the past year of his predecessor, Pastor Schramm.  By rising the meeting expressed that it held its memory of him with honour.  The report on the treasury was then presented.  It showed that the income during the past 18 months amounted to £1038.18.0, that the expenditure was £1014.7.5 & that therefore there was a credit balance of £24.10.7 on July 1.  The report was adopted.  A report was also submitted on the treasury for the erection of the manse.  It showed that the cost of the manse amounted to £793.10.0 including extras & commission, which had been paid;

it also showed that a house had been bought from Mrs. Fromhold for £12, which had been converted into a school, a part of it to be used as wash house, etc.: this amount still had to be paid as well as an account of £14.12.11 from P. Bird for timber for the fence & the conversion of the house.  Wages, nails, paint, etc. accounted for about £10; the total cost was approximately £36.  H. Finger moved & H. Aumann seconded that the £12 for the house be paid to Mrs. Fromhold.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & J. Finger seconded that the account for the timber (£14.12.11) be paid & that the other items be paid for when the accounts will have been received.  Carried.
The pastor informed the meeting that his bride would soon be leaving Europe & visit her father, who is a missionary in India; he believed that it was fitting for him to meet her in India & bring her to Australia & hoped that the congregation would grant him the necessary holidays; the trip would mean an absence of about 8 weeks.  The secretary reported that the elders had considered the matter &, although they were sorry over a prolonged absence of the pastor, they advised the congregation to grant him the necessary leave of absence.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by H. Aumann that it be the wish of the congregation that the pastor fetch his bride from India & readily grant him the necessary holidays.  Carried.  As the congregation’s hymn books were badly worn & as the same kind of hymn books were no longer for sale, it was reported that the pastor had made enquiries regarding suitable hymn books & that he recommends the so called General Berlin hymn book of which he had a sample for inspection by the meeting.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by H. Aumann that new hymn books be introduced & that the said Berlin books be bought.  Carried.  J. Finger moved & F. Zerbe seconded that the members be asked to order the required number of hymn books with the pastor within two weeks, in order that he might obtain them together with 12 for the congregation & 12 spare copies.  Carried.  The draft of a new constitution for the congregation, which had been prepared by the pastor & revised by the elders, was read & discussed in depth by the meeting: several minor changes were made.  Moved by H. Aumann & seconded by F. Finger that this Congregational Constitution be ratified & adopted.  Carried.  H. Thiele moved & F. Winter seconded that the constitution be printed & that every member be given a free copy.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Aumann that F. Finger & F. Zerbe be again elected as auditors.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & A. Zerbe seconded that H. Thiele be minute secretary.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & A. Zerbe seconded that B. Brueche again be treasurer.  Carried.  The mission money in hand amounted to £9.  The pastor stated that Bro. W. Hanke had promised an additional £1, so that £10 were available.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by F. Winter that the £10 be sent to Basel for its General Missions.  Carried.
Doncaster, 18.7.1910.  R. Held, Pastor.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, July 18, 1910.
Present: the pastor, H. Aumann, P. Aumann, Alb. Aumann, Herm. Aumann, Ernst Aumann, B. Brueche, O. Dehnert, J. Finger, F. Finger, Franz Finger, H. Fromhold, E. Hanke, A. Rieschieck, W. Rieschieck, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zerbe, F. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & were adopted & signed on the motion of F. Zerbe, seconded by F. Winter.  The pastor submitted a detailed annual report on events in the congregation, on the progress in the Saturday & Sunday Schools, thanked the teachers & others who had been helpful, etc., he also clearly explained his attitude toward lodges & secret societies.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Winter that the consideration of the pastor’s report be tabled to later in the meeting.  Carried.  The report on the treasury showed that the receipts were £271.3.8, the expenditure £249.15.1 & a credit of £21.8.7 in the treasury.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by J. Finger that the report be adopted.  Carried.  It was reported that the mission money amounted to £14.5.2, viz., Collections £12.3.10, mission box £2.1.4.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by A. Rieschieck that £10 be sent to Basel & the balance of £4.5.2 for the building of a home for orphans to Jerusalem.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & F. Finger seconded that an underground water tank with a wall of masonry be dug near the manse.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & A. Rieschieck seconded that a low fence be erected between the church & the manse.  Carried.  F. Finger moved & J. Finger seconded that the elders see to it that the work is carried out.  Carried.

H. Thiele moved & H. Aumann seconded that B. Brueche be again elected as treasurer.  Carried.  As Bro. Brueche thought that he might be relieved of part of the work, A. Rieschieck moved & F. Winter seconded that H. Thiele be assistant treasurer & that he receive the contributions for the pastor’s salary.  Carried.  As F. Zerbe was not prepared to continue as auditor, E. Hanke moved & F. Winter seconded that F. Finger & A. Thiele be auditors for the coming year.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & A. Rieschieck seconded that H. Thiele be re-elected as minute secretary.  Carried.  The report of the pastor & the lodge matter were then discussed.  The Brethren F. Zerbe & A. Zerbe said that they could not agree with the pastor’s statement on lodges & that they would in no case leave the lodge.  H. Thiele moved & F. Finger seconded that the meeting thank the pastor for his report & that it be in agreement with the views expressed by him in the report.  Carried.  A. Zerbe then tendered his resignation as elder of the congregation.  The resignation was accepted by the meeting with regret.  F. Winter moved & E. Hanke seconded that a proposal on the lodge matter be submitted to the Synod.  Carried.
Doncaster, 14.2.1911. R. Held, P.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, February 14, 1911.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, H. Aumann, Alb, Aumann, Ernst Aumann, B. Brueche, O. Dehnert, E. Fromhold, H. Fromhold, F. Finger, J. Finger, Franz Finger, Herm. Pump, E. Hanke, A. Rieschieck, Wilhelm Rieschieck, Walter Rieschieck, H. Sὃderlund, H. Thiele, Aug. Thiele, Ernst Thiele, F. Winter.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & on the motion of F. Winter, seconded by A. Rieschieck, were adopted & signed.  The pastor then mentioned the reason for calling the meeting, viz.:-At the last meeting of the elders he had handed in his resignation as pastor of the congregation & intended to relinquish his office on Juily 1.  He then gave as reasons for his resignation the following: his present field of labour was too small & that ????? in Australia there was little hope for improvement; he had therefore resolved to return to Germany & after an examination to seek a position in the State Church, in which his future would be assured.  The pastor thereupon left the meeting to give the members the opportunity to discuss the matter more freely.  By resolution of the meeting H. Thiele took the chair.  After a thorough discussion the meeting was convinced that, as the pastor had firmly decided to leave, it would serve no purpose to make an endeavour for the retraction of the even though they would be very sorry to lose their pastor.  H. Aumann moved & F. Finger seconded that the resignation of Pastor Held be accepted with great regret.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & A. Rieschieck seconded that a notice be inserted in the “Christenbote” that the Doncaster parish is seeking a successor to Pastor Held who is relinquishing his office on July 1: any further information would be given by the secretary.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & B. Brueche seconded that Pastor Held be asked to conduct the confirmation service before leaving.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & A. Rieschieck seconded that H. Thiele & F. Finger be the delegates at this year’s Synod in Hamilton.  Carried.  The meeting was then closed & the secretary informed the pastor of the result of the discussions.  The verger stated that he would resign from his office on April 1.  On Sunday, March 26, the congregation resolved that applications for the position be in hand by April 15.
18.4.1911.  Henry Thiele.

Special meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, April 18, 1911.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, sen., A. Aumann, A. Aumann, jun., H. Aumann, P. Auman, Ad. Aumann, Herm. Aumann, B. Brueche, O. Dehnert, J. Finger, F. Finger, Franz Finger, H. Frommhold, W. Hanke, E. Hanke, A. Rieschieck, H. Soderlund, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, G. H. Thiele, E. Thiele, F. Winter.

As the meeting was being held to call a successor in his place, pastor Held stated that he did not wish to take the chair.  F. Winter moved & A. Aumann seconded that H. Thiele be elected as chairman.  Carried.
The minutes were read & then adopted & signed on the motion of F. Finger, seconded by A. Rieschieck.  F. Winter moved & A. Rieschieck seconded that the pastor to be called receive the same salary as Pastor Held, viz. £100 per annum, free residence in the manse & incidental offerings.  Carried.  As Pastors Hegelan & Bay had applied for the position & Pastor A. Hiller had declared himself willing to accept a call, F. Winter moved & H. Aumann seconded that a vote be taken.  The result of the vote was: Pastor Hegelan 17 & Pastor A. Hiller 4 votes.  Pastor Hegelan was declared elected.  F. Winter moved & F. Finger seconded that the elders confer with the president & have the Call Certificate prepared.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & F. Finger seconded that the elders inquire from Pastor Hegelan as to the travelling expenses from Toowoomba to Doncaster.  Carried.  H. Aumann moved & A. Aumann seconded that Pastor Held refund £20 of the money paid to him as travelling expenses.  Carried.
10.7.1911. Henry Thiele

A letter dated April 24 from Pastor Hegelan with reference to the travelling expenses from Toowoomba to Doncaster was received.  He wrote that he estimated the expenses to amount to £30.  The letter was read to the congregation on Sunday, April 30.  On Sunday May 20, a further letter dated May 17 was read, in which Pastor Hegelan stated that, as he had not received a reply to his first letter, he assumed that the congregation was satisfied with the estimated cost of £30 for travelling expenses.  He also stated he had not yet submitted his resignation, but intended to do so at a meeting of his congregation to be held soon, in order that it become effective on June 1.  As he had to give three months’ notice, he hoped that the Doncaster congregation would be satisfied.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by W. Hanke that the congregation be in agreement with the wishes of Pastor Hegelan as expressed in his letter.  Carried.
10.7.1911. H.T.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, July 10, 1911
Present: Henry Aumann, Aug. Aumann, jun., Paul Aumann, Hermann Aumann, Ernst Aumann, B. Brueche, W. Hanke, J. Finger, F. Finger, Franz Finger, A. Rieschieck, H. Thiele, Aug. Thiele, H. Soderlund, F. Winter, A. Zerbe.
H. Thiele was elected as chairman.  The minutes of the last meeting were read & were adopted & signed, on the motion of F. Finger, seconded by A. Rieschieck.  The report on the treasury was presented.  It showed that the receipts amounted to £267.4.6, the expenditure to £230.1.0, & the credit balance £37.3.6.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Rieschieck that the report be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by J. Finger that the mission money amounting to £7.12.6 be sent to Basel.  Carried.  Election of elders: F. Winter moved & J. Finger seconded that H. Aumann, F. Finger, A. Rieschieck, H. Thiele & A. Zerbe be elected as elders.  An amendment moved by F. Finger & seconded by A. Thiele that the election of elders be deferred until Pastor Hegelan had arrived in October & that the present elders remain in office until then.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Winter that the auditors be thanked for their work & that they be asked to accept the office for the coming year.  Carried.  The treasurer, B. Brueche, submitted his resignation.  H. Thiele moved & F. Winter seconded that the congregation express its gratitude to Bro. Brueche for his 13 years of faithful services as treasurer of the congregation & express its regret over his resignation.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & F. Finger seconded that H. Thiele be treasurer of the congregation.  Carried.  F. Finger moved & J. Finger seconded that the congregation express its gratitude to the elders & declare its satisfaction with their arrangements for the conducting of the services.  Carried.
Doncaster, 21.11.1911. J. G. Hegelan, Pastor

Special meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, November 21, 1911
Present: Pastor Hegelan (chairman), Aug. Aumann, Aug. Aumann, jun., H. Aumann, Ad. Aumann, Alb. Aumann, Her. Aumann, Ernst Aumann, J. Finger, F. Finger, E. Fromhold, H. Fromhold, E. Hanke, F. Rieschieck, Wilh. Rieschieck, Walter Rieschieck, H. Sὃderlund, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, E. Thiele, F. Winter.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & were adopted on the motion of F. Winter, seconded by H. Aumann.  Correspondence from the president written at the request of the Pastors’ Conference, asking whether the congregation would permit its pastor to conduct monthly services in the Green Lake congregation until the time of the next synod.  As the congregation regarded it as its duty to assist other congregations in times of need, H. Thiele moved & F. Finger seconded that the congregation permit the pastor to officiate in the Green Lake congregation on the 2nd Sunday of every month until the next synod is held.  Carried.  Election of elders.  As the election was deferred at the meeting on July 10, 1911, H. Thiele moved & F. Winter seconded that the elders to be elected remain in office until the annual meeting in July of 1914.  Carried.  The pastor moved & Aug. Aumann, jun., seconded that H. Aumann, F. Finger, A. Rieschieck, H. Thiele & F. Winter be elected as elders.  Carried.  As F. Finger had been elected as elder he resigned as auditor.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by J. Finger that Wilhelm Rieschieck be auditor in place of F. Finger for the coming year.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & H. Aumann seconded that J. Finger & H. Thiele be the delegates for the next synod.  Carried.  F. Winter moved & F. Finger seconded that two dozen hymn books be bought.  Carried. A. Aumann moved & J. Finger seconded that six of these hymn books remain in the church for the use of visitors.  Carried.  The secretary reported that the constitution of the congregation which had been revised & adopted on July 12, 1909, is not to be located since Pastor Held left & that it is therefore necessary to draw up another constitution.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by H. Aumann that the meeting instruct the secretary to write to Pastor Held & to ask him whether he had a draft of the constitution, if such were the case, that he return it or notify him what had become of it.  Carried.  The pastor reported that his father-in-law A. Kaiser of Glenferrie, who was well known to the congregation, was very old & frail & in need of care.  He & his wife would therefore be pleased to have their dear parents-in-law living near to them & they had also said that they would gladly come if the congregation had nothing against it.  H. Aumann moved & J. Finger seconded that the congregation have the venerable parents-in-law of the pastor live in the manse & extends a hearty welcome to them.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Finger that the travelling expenses of the pastor from Toowoomba, Queensland, to Doncaster be paid.  Carried.  
Found as correct & adopted unanimously at the meeting of the congregation 22.7.1912.  J. G. Hegelan, Pastor, Chairman.
The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, July 22, 1912.
Present: the pastor, B. Brueche, P. Aumann, Ernst Aumann, J. Finger, F. Finger, E. Fromhold, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, F. Rieschieck, F. Winter.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & were adopted on the motion of J. Finger, seconded by B. Brueche.  The report on the treasury was presented.  It stated that the receipts amounted to £277.3.0, the expenditure to £272.17.5, leaving a credit balance of £4.5.7.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by B. Brueche that the report be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by J. Finger that F. Winter be thanked for presenting 700 bricks for work on the manse.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Finger that the auditors be thanked for their services & that they be re-elected for the coming year.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by J. Finger that the mission money amounting to £10 be sent to Basel.  Carried.  Moved by H. Thiele & seconded by F. Finger that a draft of a new Special Constitution of the Congregation be prepared by the pastor & the elders & that it be submitted for adoption at the next meeting of the congregation.  Carried.  The pastor moved & P. Aumann seconded the congregation express its gratitude to the Sunday School teachers, the secretary, the treasurer, the organist, etc., for their work & service in the congregation.  Carried.
These minutes were adopted as correct in the meeting of the congregation on 21.7.1913 
Doncaster 21.7.1913. J. G. Hegelan, Pastor.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, July 21, 1913.
Present: the pastor, Aug. Aumann, sen., Aug. Aumann, jun., Henry Aumann, Adolph Aumann, Albert Aumann, Paul Aumann, Ernst Aumann, H. Dehnert, J. Finger, F. Finger, E. Hanke, E. Fromhold, H. Fromhold, A. Rieschieck, Walter Rieschieck, F. Rieschieck, H. Thiele, A. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zerbe.
The minutes were read & adopted on the motion of F. Winter, seconded by J. Finger.  The report on the treasury was presented.  It showed that the receipts for the year were £278.7.8. that the expenditure amounted to £244.19.6, leaving a credit balance of £33.8.2.  Moved by A. Rieschieck & seconded by H. Aumann that the report be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by F. Winter that the auditors be thanked & that they be asked to continue in office for the coming year.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Rieschieck that of the mission money which amounted to £15, the sum of £10 be sent to Basel & £5 to the Asylum for Lepers in Jerusalem.  Carried.  The elders reported that the horse stable at the church was inadequate & that it was necessary to provide room for about four additional horses.  F. Winter moved & A. Thiele seconded that further accommodation for four horses be erected.  Carried.  E. Fromhold moved & A. Thiele seconded that the elders determine where & how the new stalls are to be built.  Carried.  A recommendation of the elders to remove the two box trees was rejected. E. Fromhold moved & - Aumann seconded that the two trees remain, but that it was advisable to trimmed.  Carried.  It was resolved on the motion of the pastor that the congregation’s thanks be expressed to the Sunday School teachers, the minute secretary, the treasurer, the lady organist, etc.  A letter written by the president, Pastor Herlitz, to the pastor & elders was read.  In the letter he expressed his joy & congratulated the congregation on the fact that the debt on the manse had been paid & wished the congregation success & God’s blessings.  The pastor moved & H. Thiele seconded that the thanks for the congregation for his letter be communicated to the worthy president in writing.  Carried.  H. Thiele moved & A. Zerbe seconded that the constitution, which had been adopted on July 12, 1909, be revoked.  Carried.  The draft of a new constitution was then read & discussed & several minor changes were made.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by H. Aumann that this Constitution of the Congregation be confirmed & adopted.  Carried.  The proposal of the president to the last synod, which was tabled to the next synod, viz., that a minimum salary of £150 for pastors of the Synod be fixed was fully discussed.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by J. Finger that the synodical delegates be asked to advise the Synod that the proposal be withdrawn, but if this were not done, they vote against the proposal.  Carried.  H. Aumann moved & F. Finger seconded that the salary of the pastor be increased from £100 to £125 per annum.  Carried.  A. Zerbe moved & P. Aumann seconded that the congregation express its sincere gratitude to Miss Dora Thiele, who will soon be married & leave Doncaster, for her services as organist, Sunday School Teacher, etc., & wish her success & God’s blessings for her new position in life.  Carried.
On Sunday, February 15, 1914, the following resolutions of the congregation were made: Moved by H. Aumann & seconded by A. Rieschieck that the recommendation of the elders that the travelling expenses of the congregation’s delegates to the Synod be reimbursed from the congregation’s treasury.  Carried.  Moved by F. Winter & seconded by A. Rieschieck that H. Thiele be one of the delegates.  Carried.
Sunday, February 22, 1914, H. Thiele moved & F. Winter seconded that F. Finger be the second delegates of the congregation.  Carried.  Synodical programme: H. Thiele moved & J. Finger seconded that it be left to the delegates to vote according to their best judgment.  Carried.
Found as correct & adopted, 13.7.1914. J. G. Hegelan, Chairman.

The annual meeting of the congregation held on Monday, July 13, 1914.
Present: the pastor, A. Aumann, H. Aumann, Ad. Aumann, P. Aumann, H. Aumann, E. Aumann, B. Brueche, H. Dehnert, E. Fromhold, F. Finger, A. Rieschieck, H. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & then adopted & signed on the motion of A. Zerbe, seconded by A. Rieschieck.  The annual report of the treasury was submitted.  It showed the following: credit balance on July 1, 1913, £33.8.2; receipts £38.0.11; contributions to pastor’s salary £124.13.0; expenditure £11.18.10; pastor’s salary £125; credit balance on July 1, 1914 £59.3.3.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by F. Finger that the report be adopted.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by H. Aumann that the ladies who attended to the cleaning of the church receive the salary of the verger.  Carried.  Moved by H. Aumann & seconded by F. Finger that the auditors, A. Thiele & W. Rieschieck be thanked for their work & that they be asked to take over the office for the coming year.  Carried.  The pastor moved & A. Zerbe seconded that the thanks of the congregation be expressed to the elders, Sunday School teachers, organist, treasurer, secretary, etc.  Carried.  The pastor moved & A. Rieschieck seconded that the mission money amounting to £13 be allocated as follows: £7 for Basel, £3 for the asylum of lepers in Jerusalem & £3 for the Syrian Orphanage in Jerusalem.  Carried.  A. Zerbe moved & A. Aumann seconded that the synodical contribution be increased to £2.  Carried.  Bro. B. Brueche, who was one of the two deponents of the congregation’s money in the Savings Bank, stated that as he was leaving Doncaster another deponent should be elected in his place.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by A. Rieschieck that A. Zerbe be elected in place of B. Brueche.  Carried.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by F. Winter that the material for the erection of the horse stable be purchased.  Carried.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by A. Rieschieck that a new tank for the church be purchased.  Carried.  Attention was drawn to the fact that the organ was old & in poor order.  Moved by F. Rieschieck & seconded by A. Thiele that a subscription list for a new organ be prepared & that it be available in the church for subscriptions on the next four Sundays.  H. Aumann moved & F. Winter second the amendment that the consideration of the purchase of a new organ be deferred for six months.  The amendment was declared as carried by 6 votes to 5 & the motion lapsed.  Regarding pastoral assistance to be given to the Melbourne congregation A. Zerbe moved & A. Aumann seconded that the recommendation of the elders that on the whole day of the 4th Sunday in the month & for the afternoons of the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays Pastor Hegelan render services to the Melbourne Congregation, be agreed to.  Carried.
16.2.1915. Henry Thiele

As the election of elders had been overlooked at the last meeting, a further meeting was held after the morning service on Sunday, August 9, 1914.  Moved by Aug. Aumann, jun., & seconded by Aug. Thiele that, since the elders (H. Aumann, F. Finger, A. Rieschieck, H. Thiele & F. Winter) are willing to continue in office, they be re-elected for the next three years.  The pastor reminded the meeting of the fact that, as was well known, Great Britain was to our regret involved in war against Germany & that therefore it was desirable to declare our adherence & loyalty to our King George V & the British Empire.  The foregoing was moved by the pastor & seconded by F. Finger.  Carried unanimously.  F. Winter moved & A. Rieschieck seconded that this resolution be published in the daily papers (“The Age” & “The Argus”).  Carried.  A letter was read in which Mr. Bettmann wrote that the elders of the Melbourne congregation petitioned the Doncaster congregation to permit Pastor Hegelan to serve the Melbourne Congregation every second Sunday morning & one Sunday at Thomastown, this to apply as from Sunday, August 23.  F. Winter Moved & H. Aumann seconded that the request of the Melbourne elders be granted & that permission be given to the pastor to serve the Melbourne Congregation (parish).  Carried.
16.2.1915.  Henry Thiele

Regularly called special meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday, February 16, 1915.
Present: the pastor, Aug. Aumann, Aug. Aumann, jun., Albert Aumann, Adolph Aumann, Ernest Aumann, Paul Aumann, Henry Aumann, Hermann Aumann, Ch. Bloom, H. Dehnert, Oswald Dehnert, John Finger, F. Finger, Marie Fromhold, E. Fromhold, Henry Fromhold, E. Hanke, A. Rieschieck, W. A. Rieschieck, W. S. Rieschieck, F. W. Rieschieck, H. Soderlund, H. Thiele, Aug. Thiele, G. H. Thiele, F. Winter, Aug. Zerbe.
The pastor opened the meeting & explained its purpose.  He stated that, as the congregation knew, he had several Sundays previously announced his resignation as pastor & informed the members of the circumstances which had induced him to take this step.  He asked that the congregation consider the matter & resolve whether it would accept the resignation or whether it desired him to withdraw it & further remain pastor of the congregation.  He said that he would prefer to vacate the chair now & moved that H. Thiele be asked to take the chair.  This was seconded by E. Hanke.  The motion was carried.
The minutes of the last meeting were then read & were adopted & signed on the motion of A. Rieschieck, seconded by F. Winter.  The chairman then reported how it had come about that the elders felt themselves compelled to advise the pastor to resign.  He now asked the meeting to consider well as to what it should resolve.  After the members had expressed their views in detail, E. Hanke moved & F. Winter seconded that the vote be taken by ballot.  Carried.  E. Hanke & F. Rieschieck were elected as scrutineers.  Moved by Aug. Rieschieck & seconded by F. Finger that the resignation of the pastor be accepted.  After the ballot papers had been counted, it was announced that 19 had voted in favour of the motion, 4 against the motion & 4 had not voted.  The resignation was then declared to have been accepted.  As a further step F. Finger moved & A. Thiele seconded that a notice for a Lutheran pastor for the Doncaster congregation be published in the “Christenbote”, that the notice appears until the end of March & that applications be in the hands of the secretary by March 31.  Carried.  The pastor was then asked to return to the meeting & the chairman submitted to him the resolutions of the congregation.  The pastor expressed his gratitude & requested the congregation to extend the time of his resignation from May 1 to May 31, in order to give him sufficient time to make his arrangements.  Aug. Aumann moved &F. Finger seconded that the wish of the pastor be granted & he therefore continue to serve the congregation until May 31.  Carried.
12.4.1915.  Henry Thiele

Special Meeting of the Congregation on Monday evening, April 12, 1915.
Present: H. Thiele (chairman), Aug. Aumann, Adolph Aumann, Albert Aumann, Ernst Aumann, Henry Aumann, J. Finger, F. Finger, G. Finger, E. Fromhold, A. Rieschieck, W. Rieschieck, Walter Rieschieck, F. Rieschieck, H. Soderlund, A. Thiele, F. Winter, A. Zerbe.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & were adopted & signed on the motion of F. Finger, seconded by A. Rieschieck.  The chairman stated that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the application which had been received for the pastorate & a possible election of a pastor.  He reported that four pastors had applied, viz., Karl Fiedler of Temora, N.S.W.; E. Bemmann of Bethel, S.A; Max Wittig of Wondai, Q’ld; Albrecht Fehlberg of Bismarck, Tas.  Pastor E. Hiller had also made enquiries, but had written that he would not apply.  As two of the applicants belonged to other Lutheran Synods, the question was raised whether this was a hindrance.  The chairman replied that, as the two applicants belonged to recognised Lutheran Synods, there was no hindrance provided they would join our Synod if elected.
Moved by H. Aumann & seconded by A. Rieschieck that the election be by ballot.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by H. Aumann that A. Thiele & F. Rieschieck be scrutineers.  Carried.  The result of the ballot was as follows: A. Fehlberg 15 & M. Wittig 2 votes.  Pastor A. Fehlberg was declared elected.  Moved by F. Finger & seconded by J. Finger that the salary be £125 per annum plus the usual other income, incidentals, etc.  Carried.  Moved by A. Zerbe & seconded by J. Finger that the elders have the call forwarded to Pastor Felberg by the president, Pastor C. G. Hiller.  Carried.  Moved by J. Finger & seconded by H. Aumann, that none of Pastor Hegelan’s travelling expenses from Queensland, which the congregation had paid, be deducted from his salary.  Carried.
12.7.1915. Albr. Fehlberg, Pastor.

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