North Eastern Jewish Centre

The North Eastern Jewish Centre was formerly called the Synagogue Yeshurun.

DP1256 | Intersection of Doncaster Road and the Eastern Freeway, Doncaster |Jun-94 | Doncaster Road looking east from the intersection of the end of the Eastern Freeway on the left. On the left can be seen the Scout Hall at the corner of Doncaster Road and High Street. The white building in the centre is the Yeshurun Synagogue. | Doncaster Road, Doncaster Doncaster Road|Eastern Freeway|Jewish Synagogue|Yeshurun Synagogue|Scout Halls|Scanned images | Page, Carol

North Eastern Jewish Centre - History

1962, The story begins. Jewish families from around the North Eastern suburbs (primarily from North Balwyn) join together to form the nucleus of what will eventually grow to become the NEJC community. Initially, there was no permanent premises. Families would convene at each others homes.

1963, These families begin to hire the Frances Barkman House, a temporary premises located in Balwyn, to conduct shul services

1965, The community gathers the funds to secure the purchase of a house located at 14 Sevenoaks Street in Balwyn. The house is renovated into a small shul and is known as the Sevenoaks shul. There is no permanent Rabbi yet and the services are run by members of the community.

1968, Funds are raised and a large property is purchased on the corner of High Street and Doncaster Road. The properties grounds are uneven and unfit for construction. Meanwhile, a large shopping centre is under construction further up Doncaster Road. Its owner agrees to donate 30,000 square meters of soil from his development to the shul grounds. Further fundraising begins for the buildings construction.

1971, Building commences under the guidance of Mr Ben Alexander, the shuls Architect and one of the founding members of the Centre

1972, The shul construction is complete and is officially opened in the presence of the honourable Mr Andrew Peacock, the then Minister for External Affairs (currently – Foreign Affairs Minister). Several years later, at the completion of additional construction, the Centre was officially opened again by the then Prime Minister of Australia, the honourable Mr Malcom Fraser.
In the last 35 years the NEJC has had a fascinating journey and is today a vibrant and growing Jewish community.

6 High St. Doncaster, VIC 3108. (03) 9857-9000

Source: 1June2022

North Eastern Jewish Centre - Google Maps - 1June2022

North Eastern Jewish Centre GoogleEarth Aerial 2000

A famous rock band, ACDC, played at the centre on March 15, 1975.

Source: André Sonnenberg, Personal Communication May2022

Land, Centre for Nth.-Eastern

The North Eastern Jewish Centre, which com-menced activities only six years ago, has bought a two and a half acre block of land for develop ment as a community centre.
The Centre serves the six hundred Jewish families in the Balwyn-Doncaster areas.
President, Mr Ben .Alexan-der, said the Centre’s wide range of activities had out grown the present premises at 14 Sevenoaks St, necessi-tating the development of a new, modem centre.
The North Eastern Jewish Centre is more than a synagogue - it provides cultural, social, sporting and youth facilities, for all members.
Mr. Alexander said that al-though the synagogue services are conducted in the Orthodox manner many Liberal Jews belong to the centre and participate in its other activities.

The Centre at present hous-ed its own k'ndergarten, UJEB Hebrew classes, gym-nasium, synagogue, facilities for social and cultural events, and acts as a meet'ng place for Habonim and B’nai B’rith Young Adults.
Because of spare limitations. the Centre has been unable to further its develop-ment but these worries will soon be a thing of the past.
The Community Centre will be built at a cost of $200 000 at the comer of Doncaster Rd. and High St. Doncaster, and include a synagogue seat-ing 300, meeting hall, kinder-garten, tennis courts and sporting facilities, car space for eighty cars and resident caretaker’s accommodation.

The Centre will make an application to the Board of Deputies for an appeal period which it is hoped will enable building to commence shortly.
Mr. Alexander said the Board of Deputies did not seem interested in encour-aging this form of communi-ty endeavour.
He regretted the lack of leadership and the absence of an overall communal policy especially in the reallocation of funds from organisations such as the Carlton synagogue which he said are being liquidated.

Pictured: Perspective of the proposed North Eastern Jewish Centre as proposed by the Office of Ben Alexander, Architects.

Source: 1968 'New North Eastern Jewish Centre', The Australian Jewish Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1935 - 1968), 2 August, p. 7. , viewed 02 Jun 2022,

See also:  1968 'Land, Centre for Nth.-Eastern', The Australian Jewish News (Melbourne, Vic. : 1935 - 1999), 2 August, p. 21. , viewed 02 Jun 2022,

TONEC ‘direct’

T.O.N.E.C., a youth group at the North Eastern Jewish Centre, is corresponding directly with the children of Maalot in Israel. T.O.N.E.C. is raising money, through various functions, in order to help buy musical instruments, games, and other items which will be used by the children in play areas situated inside air-raid shelters.
The first such function is a dance to be held at the N.E.J.C. High St., Don-caster on Sat, 15th of March at 8.00 p.m, featuring the group AC-DC.

Source: Australian Jewish News (Melbourne, Vic. : 1935 - 1999), Friday 7 March 1975, page 12 headed "TONEC direct" mentioning at very bottom AC-DC to perform at the centre - 


at the N.E.J.C., High St, Doncaster.  Featuring the top Australian Group AC-DC.  Admission: $1.50. Prizes and Giveaways!  Buses from Caulfield Shule, St. Hilda Shule and Caulfield Town Hall at 7.00 p.m. 50c each way.  Proceeds to aid the children of Maalot.  Sponsored by: Ungar Metal Company. 668 Warrigal Rd., Chadstone. Phone 568 0272

Source1975 'Advertising', The Australian Jewish News (Melbourne, Vic. : 1935 - 1999), 14 March, p. 24. , viewed 06 Jun 2022,

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