Rev. Howard Secomb (1922 – 2025)

Memorial Service: Tuesday 11 March, 10:30, Canterbury Uniting Church, Balwyn Rd. 

Rev. Howard Secomb. 20.7.1922 – 27.2.2025 

Tupou College Kingdom of Tonga

Memorial Service for Rev. Howard Warren Secomb 20.07.1922 – 27.02.2025
Former Principal of Tupou College, President of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga and Royal ChaplainIn the Gracious Presence of Their Majesties King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipau'u Tuku'aho, Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala, Crown Princess Sinaitakala Tuku'aho and Special Welcome by Prince Taufa'ahau Manumata'ongo Tuku'aho Current Student of Tupou CollegeMoulton Chapel, Tupou College, Toloa, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga. 03.03.2025.Filmed by Broadcom Broadcasting 87.5FMA life of joy, intellect, service to others;rich in family, friends and colleagues.Missed by all who knew and loved him especially by Janet (Seneti), his wife of 76 years.Our condolences and prayers are with Seneti and family.A brief background of his works in Tonga although this space will not be enough to document his achievements and impact in the lives of his students and Tongan people.Howard Warren Secomb Born at Warracknabeal in North Western Victoria in 1922 and was a third generation minister. His father, Rev. Dr. Herbert Secomb, became the President-General of the Methodist Church from 1948 to 1951 and visited Tonga on one occasion . Entered Melbourne University in 1940 and completed his B.A. and Dip.Ed. after being interrupted by the war when he was sent to the Bonegilla Army Camp for a time. Ordained at the beginning of 1948 and spent one year at Echuca. He married Janet Wood at the beginning of 1949 and they offered for mission work arriving in Tonga at the beginning of 1950 with baby Gordon. Heather, Keith, Linnell and Bess were all born in Tonga. Chairman of Vava’u Beginning of 1950 - June 1951Preached the Ordination Charge at Ron Woodgate’s Ordination on 28th June 1951 in the Old Free Wesleyan Church at 6 am. He used the text from Acts 20:22 “And now, behold, I go bound in the Spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there.”Principal Tupou College and President of Schools June 1951 - end of 1963President and Royal Chaplain 1961 - 1963Some Important events while at Tupou College:Opening of first Moulton Chapel by Her Majesty Queen Salote Tupou III 1954Celebration of the 90th Anniversary of Tupou College 1956Opening of the Tungi Mailefihi Building by Her Majesty Queen Salote Tupou III on 3 October 1957
Unmade road from Malapo was made with coral from the neighbouring quarry by the boys and staff. A major undertaking under the leadership of the Head Tutor, ‘Amanaki Havea. Began August 1956 and finished at the end of 1956.At first no electricity at the College. but by mid fifties, a second hand generator had been acquired and this was run from 6pm to 10pm.By 1959 the thatched dormitories were all replaced with wooden buildings. A dining room was made from second hand timber next to the Head Tutor’s house.Water was a constant worry. Pump would break down and the students were sent to walk to Malapo to have a bath or swim.During the holidays of 1960/61 a block of six classrooms was built with donations from the various trustees of the FWC. This building was called the Fale Talasiti.Under Rev. Howard’s role as President of the Free Wesleyan Schools, the Primary Schools and Middle schools expanded rapidly. Enrolments: Primary Schools, 3,281, Middle Schools 994. Tupou College 554 and QSC 917. Finding Staff was always a challenge. Higher Leaving Certificate was introduced. 1963 Tupou High School was established.At the beginning of 1963 when ‘Amanaki Havea was appointed to revise the translation of the Old Testament by The Bible Society, Rev. Howard appointed Siupeli Taliai to be the Head Tutor.Rev. Howard continued in these roles and from 1961 - 1963 took on the additional responsibilities of President, and Royal Chaplain.Rev. Howard’s, strong leadership, friendship, sense of humour, faith and commitment, endeared him to the staff and students of Tupou College and to the wider Tongan community. Rev. Howard was always supported by the dedication of his wife Janet and they set a fine example in these very busy and important years.

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