Schramm Cottage Verandah Memorial Plaques

These plaques to Henry White and James Kent were originally installed in the arch inside the entrance to Doncaster East Methodist Church in 19??. 

When the church was sold in 19??, they were donated to the Doncaster and Templestowe Historical Society and installed in the verandah wall of Schramm Cottage.

Schramm Cottage Verandah 
Sacred to the memory
Henry White
A founder of the Doncaster E Methodist Ch who died Dec 6th 1894 
Aged 71 years
And their works do follow them

Scared to the memory of
James Kent
Ons of the founders of the Doncaster E Methodist Ch
Who died 23 May 1911. Aged 73 years
Be ye faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life.

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