Aumann : the family history, 1853 - 1993 (Eric Uebergang) Pt2

Uebergang, Eric.  1993,  Carl Samuel Aumann : the family history, 1853 - 1993 / Eric Uebergang  Aumann Reunion Committee Diamond Creek, Vic (NLA Record)

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 Carl Samuel Aumann and Charlotte Aumann nee Schmidt.

Children of Carl Samuel and Johanne Eleonore Aumann


CARL AUGUST 1835-1909

ERNST AUGUST 1838-1912





Daughter of Charlotte Schmidt Step Daughter of Carl Samuel Aumann


Carl Samuel Aumann was born on November 8th, 1807, at Seckerwitz, Silesia, Prussia; the son of Carl Siegismund Aumann and Maria Elizabeth nee Mai.

Records of the “Baptismal Register of the Church at Jauer and the Jauer Superintendency for the City of Jauer and various villages which include Seckerwitz” state the following:—

“1807. One Thousand eight hundred and seven. Number 177. Seckerwitz. On November 30th the Senior Minister H. Marbuch baptised the little son of Carl Siegismund Aumann resident in Seckerwitz — who was born on 8th of the same month at 8 o’clock in the morning; he was named CARL SAMUEL AUMANN, his mother was Maria Elizabeth Aumann nee May.

Wroclaw, 6.8.1982

Stamped and signed by Authorities


we Wroclawlu (1)

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Wojewddzkie Arohiwura we Y/roclawiu stwierdza, ze w przeohQwj'wanym w t;ymze Archiwum mikrQfiimie ksi^gi diirztu Ko.£ciola Pokoju w Jaworze zatytulowanej "Taufbuch der Efrohe “zu Jauer und der Jauerschen Superintendsntur fur die Stadt Jauer umd fur die dazu gehorigen Dorffer als: Altiauer, Se«r$melwltz, Sekerwitz,, Poisdh-witz, Moisdorff, Jaegendorff, JacQbsdorff, Kolbnitz, Reppersdorff, Malitsch, Lobris und Profen” na stronie 53 znajdulq. si§ wpis;y raetr;y— kalne za rok 1807 a w£r6d nicb wpis nast.^puj^,cy :

*18.07* Eintatee nd Achthund'ert und • Sieben> Nom. 177. Sekerwitz.---

Den -Dr-eiss.igsteE Noverobr* Taufte-E. Marbach Senior -Minister'll, -

des Carl Siegl’Smund Aumatms Inwohners in Sekerwitz, Sohnlein, Celebes den 8^eia e Jus-d J Mor-g-ens urn 8 Uhr gebahren, -Nahroens Carl Samuel "Aumann, dessen Mutter Maria Elisabeth Auroanhin gebohrne -----

Wroclaw, dnia 6*Vill1,1982r• Za zgoctnogc :


Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited

MigraotrA-dvisory Centre

66 Elizabeth Street Melbourne Vic 3000

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The Regional State. Archives of Wroclaw advise that among the microfilm records is' that of the Baptismal Register of the Peace Church at Jawor named "BAPTISMAL REGISTER OF THE CHURCH AT JAUER and the JAUER SUPERINTENE^NCY- t6f the City of Jauer and for the villages belonging thereto? Altjauer> Sernmelwitz, Sekerwitz, Pischwitz, Moisdorff* Jaegenforff.v 8'acobsdorff, Kolbnitz, Reppersdorf, Malitsch, Lobris and Prcf^rc" and on page 53 thereof the following birth/ baptism registt-ation.-is- recorded in the year of 1807".

1807. Onerthousand eight'1 hundred and seven. Number 177. Sekerwitz. On the 30th-November the' Senior Minister H. Marbach baptised the l.ittle son of Carl Siegismund Aumann. resident in Sekerwitz - who was born on 8th of the same month at 8 O'clock in the moarning; "fie was named^

CARL SAMUEL AUMANN, his mother wa& Maria Elisabeth Aumann nee May.*

Wroclaw, 6.8.1982. Stamped and Signed by Authorities.

2* tmirntm hist been pnrta&li i froifti mi 9 1 OCT 1?82

Migrant Adyfcory Qntre; Every are- hue bean taksiri to eniwteMmay, but rmponOMy for any daparture or nmnai from the orfgfnal oonoaxt avnoc be accepted by tha Ortv* <r tha tianctaor.

On October 16th, 1831, at Profen, Carl Samuel married Johanne Eleonore Sommer, who was born at Profen, Silesia on October 11th, 1807.

It is not known if Carl and his wife settled at Profen after their marriage, although the first three children were born there, while the other three children were born at Kohlhohe, Silesia. The fourth child, Christiana Johanna was the first to be born at Kohlhohe so it would appear that the family settled at Kohlhohe about 1840.

Kohlhohe was a small village not far from Seckerwitz, possibly only about 2-3 miles from Profen, with the villages of Bersdorf and Gross Rossen between. The closeness of the villages allowed resident farmers to travel to their farms each day to work the rich agricultural land. Although the farms were of varying sizes, it is thought that Carl Samuel’s farm was one of the smaller properties. He later sold this to come to Australia.

On October 16th, 1830, Johanne Eleonore died and was buried at Kohlhohe leaving Carl with a family of 6 children — the eldest being 16 years of age. He remarried to Charlotte Schmidt, born November 28th, 1819, at Graben near Striegeu, Silesia; a small village not far from Kohlhohe. It would appear that Charlotte lived at Graben for some time and had a daughter, Ernestine Auguste Beate, who was six years of age at the time of her mother’s marriage to Carl.

In 1853, Carl decided to bring his family to Australia but before this was possible, he had to get a release from the Royal Prussian Government. The release document reads: “. . . and for the purpose of his emigration to Australia was granted discharge from the Society of Prussian Subjects. This discharge document however will cause the loss of being a Prussian Subject only to the persons especially therein and from the point of time of delivery.”

BRESLAU. June 1st, 1853. Government Seal.

Carl August, the eldest son, and Johanne Caroline, the eldest child were not mentioned on the release document. On May 17th, 1853, Carl August left Hamburg on the ship Wilhelmsburg and arrived in Melbourne on August 25th, 1853- Johanne Caroline arrived on the ship San Fransisco landing in Melbourne on September 1st, 1854. Carl August was only 17 years of age and if he had waited much longer, he would have turned of age to be conscripted into the Pmssian Army. This would be the reason for him coming to Australia before the rest of the family.

Later that year, Carl Samuel and the rest of his family journeyed to Hamburg, Germany, where they boarded the ship Australia, which left on July 1st, 1853 and arrived in Melbourne on November 16th, 1853. Carl’s profession is shown on the passenger’s

list as a Landmann. The Australia was a vessel of 530 tons and carried 92 passengers, 82 of whom were second and third class passengers.

On arriving in Melbourne, they settled at Hawthorn in Weinberg Road, and within a few months of Carl’s arrival, he became naturalised; a necessary prerequisite for those wishing to own land. His naturalisation papers dated January 23rd, 1854, give his profession as a farmer. He lived at Hawthorn for 3-4 years until he purchased property in 1858 in Victoria (Bismark) Street, Doncaster, from his son-in-law Henry Finger. His name appeared on the first Electoral Roll for the Colony in 1856. AUMANN Karl; Upper Hawthorn, labourer — freehold- house and land.

There is no record of him buying land at Hawthorn or how long he actually lived there. Carl’s

Carl Samuel Aumann’s Confirmation Certificate. Dated October 15th, 1821.

daughter, Caroline, had married Henry Finger in 1854 — the year after the family arrived in Melbourne.

The Doncaster land consisted of 14 acres, for which the sum of ninety seven pounds was paid. The purchase was made on September 1st, 1858 at a quarter to 12 o’clock in the forenoon. Carl Samuel lived there until his death on October 29th, 1882, and was buried in the Waldau Cemetery, Doncaster. Part of his land is now occupied by the present Lutheran Church Manse.

Carl Samuel played an important part in the early Lutheran Church: some of the early services being held in his home before the first church was built. He was known among his friends as “Father” Aumann. The second Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Victoria was held on January 6th-7th, 1857, and he was numbered among the delegates. In I860, at a meeting held in his home, it was resolved to found a school and he was chosen with F. Meyer and Gottlieb Thiele to act as a school committee.

Both Carl and Charlotte were middle aged when they purchased the Doncaster land and their children ranged in age from 16 to 24 years. The eldest daughter was married and some of the family would have worked elsewhere, however those at home were old enough to assist their parents in the task of making a new home and clearing the thickly timbered land.

To conserve water, wells would have been sunk, and later, underground tanks dug to assure a plentiful supply of water for household purposes. Orchards were soon established, and vegetable gardens planted to supply fresh food for the family. Much work was done using the hand hoe and with all the family helping. Cereal crops were sown and harvested by hand, using a sickle to harvest the crop. Ploughing would have been done with a single furrowed plough drawn by a horse or bullock.

Poultry was kept for eggs and a cow for milk and butter. The milk was set in large dishes for the cream to rise, which was then made into butter and both eggs and butter became an additional source of income for the family.

Charlotte faced the forbidding task of cooking without any of the conveniences known to the present day housewife. She would have baked her own bread in an oven made especially for the purpose, and made Kuchen for special occasions. The killing of a pig meant Weiswurst and Leberwurst, and these sausages and hams were smoked above a fire which was kept smouldering on the floor of the smoke house. Some meats and vegetables were pickled and kept in storage for future use.

Washing was a back breaking ordeal, with dirty clothes soaked in tubs, then washed by hand, boiled in huge boilers and hung out to dry. The home made soap ingredients included caustic soda

and tallow. Making and mending clothes was all done by hand.

One by one, the family married and Carl and Charlotte were left on their own. After Carl’s death, Charlotte lived alone, but as she aged, some of her grandchildren visited and kept her company by spending their nights with her. She remained at her old home until her death on September 27th, 1908, at the age of almost 89 years. She was buried in the Box Hill cemetery.

Their eldest daughter, Johanne Caroline, married Carl Heinrich (Henry) Finger, an orchardist, and they lived first at Deepdene but later moved to their property in George Street (German Lane), Doncaster, and later again to North Balwyn. They had a family of four sons and five daughters.

Carl August married Johanne Eleonore nee Hanke, and they lived on their orchard property in Doncaster Road, Doncaster — just east of the present Council Chambers. Their family consisted of two sons and six daughters.

Ernst August married Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke. Their home was on their orchard property in George Street, Doncaster East, on the westside of the Dehnert property. Their family consisted of nine sons and two daughters.

Christiana Johanna married Rheinhold Traugott Dehnert, a successful pear grower. Their home was on their orchard property in George Street, Doncaster East, — off Dehnert Street and next door to Ernst August. They had a family of seven sons and three daughters. Rheinhold died at the age of 103 years.

Heinrich Wilhelm (Harry) married Johanne Eleonore nee Baum. He did not follow his elder brothers as orchardists but took up land at Murtoa and became a successful farmer. In 1890 the farm was given 1st prize by the Agricultural Department for being the best developed farm in the Colony. Harry and Eleonore had a family of seven sons and eight daughters.

The youngest son, Wilhelm Heinrich (Bill), married Margaret nee Walshe and was a blacksmith in Banksia Street, Heidelberg, for most of his life. They had a family of five sons and one daughter.

Carl Samuel’s step daughter, Ernestine Auguste Beate, married Johann Rosel, but she died at an early age on October 23rd, 1872, and was buried in the Waldau cemetery. They had a family of one son and four daughters. Three of these daughters died at an early age and two are buried in the Waldau cemetery.

Many of Carl Samuel’s descendants are still found today throughout the City of Doncaster and Templestowe and the Aumann name is well known in the Murtoa district.

In remembering our ancestors, we should also remember and be inspired by their Christian faith and principles.


The undersigned royal government hereby certifies, that the freehold owner Carl Samuel Aumann from Upper Gutschdorff, district Striegau, together with his wife (the former Charlotte Schmidt) and the following children under his care:

1. Ernst August, born on the 25th of November 1838

2. Johanna Christiane, born on the 17th of March 1842

3. Ernestine Auguste, born on the 12th of February 1845

4. Heinrich Wilhelm, born on the 11th March 1846

5. Wilhelm Heinrich, born on the 2nd of November 1847

at his request and for the purpose of his emigration to Australia was granted discharge from the Society of Prussian Subjects.

This discharge document however, will cause the loss of being a Prussian subject only to the persons especially mentioned therein and from the point of time of delivery.

Breslau, the 1st of June 1853

government seal

Royal Prussian Government (signature)

Translated into English from the original German script by Gerry Heilmann of 7 Tower Street, Doncaster 3108.

Map of the area around the villages of our ancestors.


The Aumann family originated in Silesia, which was under Prussian control and part of the German Kingdom. They lived in country east of Jawor (Jauer), which has since been absorbed into Poland.

Carl Samuel Aumann was born at Siekierzyce (Seckerwitz), about 2 miles out of Jawor. Johanne Caroline was born at Maciwjow (Profen) which is about a mile north of Seckerwitz. Charlotte was bom at Graben, near Strzegom (Striegan), about 5 miles south-east of Jawor. Another place name linked with our family history is Goczalkow (Kohlhohe), which is about 2 miles north of Strzegom. Ludoradz (Lederose) was the birth place of Johanna Eleonor and Ernestine Caroline Hanke, and is situated some miles east of Jawor. (see top right hand comer of map).

Many Silesian farmers lived in the villages and travelled to work on their farms each day. When the writer visited the area in 1985, I was surprised to see the close proximity of the villages — 90% of which were destroyed during the second World War. The homes have since been rebuilt with two or three

Photo right: Gothic Town Hall — Wroclaw; Carefully rebuilt after the war having suffered much damage.

Home of Caroline Aumann (Finger), Dittersdorf, Silesia, Prussia. It is not known if this is the Aumann home or that of Caroline’s foster-parents. The home is thought to be her foster-parent, Gottlieb Guder.

The four Aumann brothers. L-R: Carl August, Ernst August, Heinrich Wilhelm, Wilhelm Heinrich.

storeys and accommodated animals in the lower floor, using much the same style as the earlier farmers. There were no buildings and public places of any age to be seen so that it was difficult to trace the exact location of the original houses.

The Church where my Uebergang ancestors worshipped is one of the few buildings remaining. This is Rogoznica (Gross Rosen), which has been

restored and there is another new church built not far away. Rogoznica is between Jawor and Strzegom. It was in this locality that the Germans built a large and ill famed concentration camp during the War. The camp stands today as a memorial to the many who suffered there.

The country is situated in the fertile agricultural plains of Lower Silesia between the Odra (Oder)

Map of Southern Silesia, now Poland.

River and the Sudety (Sudetic) Mountains, which once supported rich farmers on large farming properties, and of course, the poorer farm workers. Known as Garners, (Hausler) or Day Labourers (Tagelohners), they were among those forced to migrate. Crops today are probably much the same as when they left; wheat, oats and sugar beet.

When visiting this area, I travelled from Wroclaw (Breslau) and passed through farming land which appeared to be in need of attention and fertiliser —

land which would have undoubtedly been under heavy production in our ancestor’s time.

The terrain was flat to undulating, rising to mountains to the south. Admiring the scenery as I passed through the villages, I noticed ancient and beautiful trees which alone had withstood the wartime destruction and probably beautified this same countryside for our ancestors.

Eric Uebergang 1985

Historic Burghers houses in Wroclaw’s Market Place today.


Certificate to Naturalize, under the Provisions of an Act of the Governor and Council, XI. Victoria, No. 39

WHEREAS in accordance with the Provisions of an Act of the Governor and Le-gislative Council of New South Wales, passed in the Eleventh year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, entituled, “ An Act to epneml the laws relating to Aliens

“within tlje Colony of N^wjSoptli Wales,OaVzA .

of /£c' 7 — A/r----

'I has presented to me a Memorial in the form

ana manner prescribed by the said recited Act, praying that he may be naturalized; and whereas, I h^e enquired into the trath of thp mrcpmstances set forth in the said Memorial^l^he^d^ernor ttforesatcTooner^^%ert^ymat it has been estabhshed to

is a native of

mv.satisfaction, that

- years of age, and that havmg arrived by the

i •- in — • he is now residing in

he desires to obtainthe advantages of the said Act; and said_ -

do therefore grant to the (upon his taking

before one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, the oath prescribed^ the said recited Act,) all the rights and capacities within the said Colony of ^ of a

Natural born British Subject, except the capacity of being a Member of either of tlie Executive or Legislative Council.

GIVEN under my Hand and Seal, at Govern men

aforesaid, thisAA-^Ay day of one tliou


aforesaid, eight hundred and

By His Excellency’s command,


L. S.


Note.—This Certificate is required to be enrolled in the Supreme Court, and the' oath referred to should be taken before one of the Judges, within 80 days from its date—See Sections 7 and 8, of the Act XI. Victoria, No. 39.

ENTERED on Record by me in the Register of

C—3_Rage //

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CARL SAMUEL AUMANN late of Doncaster in the Colony of Victoria, Farmer deceased.

This is the last Will and Testament of me Carl Samuel Aumann of Doncaster, Parish of Bulleen, County of Bourke, Colony of Victoria, Doncaster.

After payment of all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, I give devise and bequeath unto my wife Charlotte Aumann formerly Schmidt all my real property consisting of a farm situated to the west of a chain road called German Road and bounded on the north and on the south by property of H. Fromhold and all my personal property during her life.

After her decease the farm is to be sold and the proceeds divided and paid in seven equal shares between my six children or their heirs. 1. Caroline Finger, 2. Carl Aumann shoemaker, 3. August Aumann farmer, 4. Christiane Dehnert, 3. Henry Aumann farmer, 6. William Aumann blacksmith.

Then seventh share to be held in trust for the two children of my late stepdaughter Ernestine Rosel viz Wilhelmine Rosel and John Rosel till their coming of age when each shall receive one half of the share.

Should one of them die before that time the survivor to receive the whole share. Should both not attain age their share to be equally divided among the abovenamed heirs.

And I hereby appoint my two sons Carl Aumann of Doncaster shoemaker, and August Aumann of Doncaster farmer Executors of this my will.

In witnesses whereof I have here unto set my hand this twenty fourth day of August in the year of our Lord, One Thousand, Eight Hundred and

Seventy Seven, — Signed by the said Carl S. Aumann the Testator and by him declared to be his last Will and Testament in the presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses.

Jas. Anth. Giegendanner Max Schramm

This cup and saucer were given to Alfrieda Emma Aumann (Mrs C. Rasmussen) on her first birthday, July 27th, 1900, by her Step Great-grandmother, Charlotte Aumann. Believed to be 60 years old when given to her. Charlotte said she used it on her wedding day and suggested that Alfrieda use it on her wedding day. Those occasions are thought to be the only two times it had been used. In possession of Alfrieda’s daughter, Mavis.

Bismark Street (Victoria Street), Doncaster.

Lutheran Church and the home of Carl Aumann alongside the church. The present Manse now stands where the old home can be seen.

Map showing Carl Samuel Aumann’s land, Bismark (Victoria) Street, Doncaster. His son Carl August’s land in

Doncaster Road, Doncaster. Ernst August had land on the south side of German Lane just up from Bismark Street. Rheinhold Traugott Dehnert had his land just east of Ernst August’s block, while Henry Finger owned land on the comer of German Lane and Bismark Street opposite Ernst August’s block.

Waldau Cemetery, Doncaster. Grave of Charlotte Aumann, Box Hill Cemetery.

Carl Aumann’s headstone on right, and his son-in-law,

Henry Finger’s headstone on left. Taken before headstones were damaged by vandals during the 1939-45 war.

Death Certificate of Carl Samuel Aumann. Dated October 29th, 1882.

Death Certificate of Charlotte Aumann. Dated September 27th, 1908.


Horticulture and farming have been an Aumann family tradition carrying through to the present generation. Five generations have worked in the fruit growing industry of the Doncaster districts, and if the Melbourne suburbs had not spread into the area, further generations would possibly have carried on the tradition with some families working the same land.

Dating back to man’s link with the Biblical apple, history continues to refer to the introduction of fruit across the ages. In the 3rd Century B.C, Cato identified seven varieties of apples and the oldest known variety was the Apple Api brought to Rome by Appius Claudius and grown for generations in France. Peaches grew wild in China and were grown in ancient Persia while early conquerors of Western Asia found pears, plums and cherries and introduced them to Europe.

In most communities the collection of wild plants and edible fruits went on for generations, the results being cherished through the Middle Ages in gardens of monasteries and noblemen. Later these plants were sometimes exchanged between countries as curiosities and grown experimentally in new environments.

When settlement began in Australia, fruit trees were regularly introduced by the government and private settlers. Many emigrants brought young trees with them on the voyage, but lost some through the heat of the tropics. On taking up land, they learned by trial and error where their surviving plants could best be expected to succeed. Small homestead orchards appeared near country homesteads and primitive orchards and vineyards developed around the more densely populated areas.

Chief centres of development included the East and North-East of Melbourne, and Doncaster in particular, where the timbered land was hilly to undulating. The box and Stringy bark trees had first to be cleared. Depending on financial circumstances, this was either done by hand or those with enough money hired a man with a team of oxen.

Special ploughs were invented with long pointed plough shares, which cut the roots left in the ground after clearing. These ploughs were long and single furrowed; often pulled by a pair of horses, work which wore out both man and beast.

The fruit trees were planted 20’ x 20’, cultivated in the centre and dug by hand around the trees. Later the ploughs were designed with the handles and hitch bar offset to allow the plough to run to one side. The horse walked clear of the trees and strong arms of the plough-man guided the plough under the trees. As years went by, the singled furrowed plough

was replaced by two furrows and occasionally three — these later to be pulled by a pair of horses.

Disc ploughs were invented, including one which was an old T model Ford chassis with front and back wheel being steered independently by a man seated on the plough, allowing the discs to go right under the trees. This plough was improved on and manufactured under the name of “The Harvey Petty Plough”, being popular for many years.

Sleds were used to take fruit to the packing shed but were replaced by a “Jingle”; a cart with a pair of low wheels which made it easily accessible among the trees. These were also used for other jobs in the orchard.

Pests became more prevalent as the years went by and spraying was essential. This was done by hand and then by a pump set on a cart operated by one man while a second sprayed the trees. On a warm day, the energy of even the best pumper flagged and his fatigue resulted in his offsider calling for more spray. As time went on, a machine was invented by John Russell which was the first power sprayer in Australia and called the “Bave U”. This type of machine was used for some 40 years. The operator still had to drag the hose around the trees and if the horse was impatient, the sprayer was left with half a tree sprayed. This was particularly tiring work as the man spraying the trees was looking into the foliage while walking over ploughed ground, unable to see the big clods beneath his feet. As orchards enlarged, sprayers also became larger, and today orchards are sprayed by large blast pumps operated by one man on a tractor.

When tractors first appeared to replace horses in orchards, they were iron wheeled — large and awkward, so that in some cases orchardists reverted to horses until the tractor was made to suit the orchard.

Irrigation was done initially by carrying water by buckets until mechanical pumps arrived and the water was pumped to the top of the row of trees and run through tin pipes to each tree. On finishing the row, the pipes had then to be carried across to the next row of trees. Many forms of irrigation are now used, watering large areas in a short time.

The trees were pruned in winter and the sticks collected and burnt, but today, the disc ploughs turn the material back into the soil.

Fruit was taken to market by cart, through Kew and Richmond to Melbourne. The horses walked steadily with their driver often asleep and would reach the market early, in the morning. Covered wagons were then used until the advent of the motor tmcks. The first tmcks were covered like a wagon and were fitted

Bismark Street (Victoria Street), Doncaster, Victoria. 1895.

Orchards, early 1900s Doncaster, Victoria.

Doncaster Shoppingtown now stands in the foreground of this photograph.

with hard tyres, but later, pneumatic tyres allowed the fruit to be transported in a gentler and less damaging manner. Later again, the characteristic orchard truck was uncovered but built with high sides. The grower’s stands were designed for wagons. These stands became too limited once fruit yields increased and trucks replaced the smaller wagons.

Extracts from an item in the Illustrated Australian News of July 5th, 1879, gives a description which applied equally well for the next half century:

“ Our Illustration of the Victoria Market is a striking picture of real life to be witnessed every Saturday and on a somewhat more limited scale every Wednesday morning, by anyone sufficiently curious and

Templestowe Cool Stores, about 1928.

Picking fruit on H. Zerbe’s orchard, East Doncaster, Victoria.

L-R: H. Zerbe, Dora Mathilda Aumann, Rupert Zerbe.

Albert Uebergang’s Fordson tractor.

enterprising to forsake home comforts at an hour much earlier than is customary amongst the ordinary dwellers of the city . . .for the study of human nature in its bargain driving and chaffering propensities, the general market is hardly to be surpassed . . . Out of the housekeeping allowance, the careful housewife seeks the market in preference to the retail dealer . In her bargains, she is apt to be hard upon the vendors . . . Well worthy of our notice are the people who supply the market and indeed constitute its very backbone . . . Scores of sturdy looking women and young girls and youths are to be seen with their carts laden with vegetables, fruit, eggs, dairy stuff and other market commodities . . . most of whom have come distances varying from five to twenty miles during the night. At

early dawn, the principal customers are those who buy in quantities for the purpose of reselling . . . the street hawker with his barrow, John Chinaman with his pair of baskets strung on his bamboo poles. As morning wears on however, the crowd becomes greater and more miscellaneous men, women and children of various conditions of life contributing to swell it. . Certain stout and matronly looking ladies, sometimes attended by their servant girls, who bear plethoric looking baskets, may be set down as keepers of lodging houses bent on economy in the purchase of household stuff, and the quantity of vegetables, fruit, eggs and other culinary necessities that go away in those baskets and by other means, often including even baby’s perambulator, is wonderful to behold . . .

August Thiele’s orchard, Tunstall Road, East Doncaster, Victoria. His daughters, Dorrie, Sylvia and Dulcie.

Bertie Aumann ploughing with a pair of horses. Templestowe, Victoria.

Early orchardist’s truck belonging to Charles Rasmussen. L-R: C. Rasmussen, Harry Aumann, Mavis Rasmussen, Carl Aumann and Jack Aumann. Templestowe.

One of the first mechanical spray pumps.

Duplex Sprayer on 2 or 4-wheeled Transport


The market is usually over by about ten o’clock and the sheds are then gradually deserted until not a vestige is left of the bustle and excitement that existed an hour or two before. ”

The markets of Melbourne played an important part in the lives of many of the Aumann families.

The local blacksmith often told tales of tired orchardists arriving home from market, asleep in the wagons. One fell asleep while counting his money on the return journey, and was still sleeping soundly when his horse pulled in at the blacksmith’s shop. The blacksmith’s role was important in meeting the needs of orchardists and farmers, as horses were

necessary for all sorts of farm work and for transport. The early blacksmith would merely have had a fire, anvil and water barrel set up in the open where horses were shod and implements repaired. By the late 1880’s each locality had its own busy forge. Wagon wheels, tools, farm equipment, and in fact all ironware came to the smith for attention. The darkness of his forge allowed him to see the colour of the hot iron. Large bellows sent air hissing through the fire which glowed and spat and the ring of the heavy hammer on the anvil echoed around the countryside. Wagons, jinkers and drays took shape under his skilled hands — hands as tough as

the leather apron he wore for protection.

The blacksmith filled an important role in the community, being responsible for the manufacture and maintenance of orcharding and farming equipment and various forms of transport — coach building being included in his skills.

After Major Mitchell’s party had gone through the Wimmera, the aborigines were terrified of their endless wheel tracks. They are recorded as having thought that the bullock prints were made by the European women.

The early settlers who followed in the path of those tracks came overland from South Australia in old German wagons drawn by four horses. These wagons with their heavy wooden wheels and a pole

Victor and Ivy Aumann with their children, Shirley, Ron and Bruce. Box Hill, Victoria.

instead of shafts, transported the families and their goods to selections.

Between the late 1870’s and late 1920’s, bullock teams and draught horses were the main means of transportation in the Wimmera and the decision to choose between bullocks and horses was at first ruled by the financial position of the settler.

Early settlers hauled grain by horse and wagon to the nearest rail head, a journey which often took days. A 5 inch tyred wagon fully loaded with 80 bags of wheat would amount to 8 tons, plus the weight of the wagon. This was drawn by 8 horses comprising of 2 groups of 3, known as leaders, and 2 horses in the shafts, known as shafter horses. Some farmers owned only 2 1/2 -3” rimmed wagons and these lighter vehicles were drawn by 5 horses, 1 group of 3 as leaders and 2 in the shafts. Loads of baled wool amounted to 3-5 tons, including the weight of the wagon. Larger loads of wheat were drawn by 11 horses in groups of 3, with 2 shafters, and the total tonnage plus wagon was approximately 10-11 tons, with a tyre width of 6”.

Before 3 bushel bags (180 lbs) were in use, the standard weight was 4 bushels (240 lbs) and bags were generally loaded by hand. Three bushel bags were all sown and loaded with a bag loader fixed in a pivot securely attached to the side of the wagon. This was operated by being pulled by one horse which swung the bag of wheat over the side of the wagon to be caught on the shoulder of the driver or teamster and then placed in position.

Allowing for good weather conditions, the average speed with horses would have been 3-4 miles per hour. The horses had no respite, as flour, groceries and other supplies were packed on the wagon for the return journey.

By the late 1920’s, motor trucks were to replace the patient, stout hearted animals to whom the settlers were so indebted.

The Queen Victoria Market, North Melbourne.

Members of the Aumann family would have had stands in this market for at least four generations.

illustrations of Victorian History, Vol 11 — Markets. Source: Illustrated Australian News, 15.4.1878. By courtesy of Latrobe Library, Melbourne.

Steam engine and thresher near Murtoa.

Steam engine and thresher.

Stacks of wheat and horse drawn wagon (Wimmera).

Loading wheat on Turgoose’s farm, Salisbury near Nhill.

Threshing wheat with horse power on light.

Loading wheat at “Fairleigh ”, Murtoa. 1915.

Baling hay, “Fairleigh ”, Murtoa.

Heading wheat at “Fairleigh ”, Murtoa (Olver Hamilton).

Carting hay, “Fairleigh ”, Murtoa.

Early modes of transport, Murtoa, Victoria.

Early modes of transport, Murtoa, Victoria.

Steam train, rail line went through Harry Aumann’s property, Ashens near Murtoa.

Charles Albert and Alvina Dehnert (cousins). Taken at “Femhill”, Ballan, Victoria.

Ossie Dehnert driving a “Palm Car”, Ballan, Victoria.

August Thiele, Henry Thiele (father), Annie Thiele with their three daughters and Mrs Henry Thiele.

Roy Dehnert’s first motor bike, Ballan, Victoria. Light is gas lamp (carbide).

Fred and Grace Fankhauser with their children, Ron and Valda. Mildura, Victoria.

Early sedan car, Doncaster, Victoria. Standing is Caroline Ernestine Aumann.

The 1st child of Carl Samuel and Johanne Eleonore Aumann


February 6th, 1834 Profen, Silesia, Prussia

December 10th, 1921 Balwyn, Victoria

December 12th, 1921 Kew Cemetery, Victoria

October 16th, 1834 East Melbourne, Victoria

Carl Samuel Aumann and Johanne Eleonore nee Sommer


BORN: July 20th, 1831 Schmiedeberg, Silesia, Prussia

DIED: December 3rd, 1884 Waldau, Doncaster, Victoria

BURIED: December 5th, 1884 Waldau Cemetery, Doncaster, Victoria

SON OF: Christian Benjiman Finger and Caroline Friedericke nee Rummler

Children of Henry and

Caroline Finger

















Johanne Caroline Aumann was born on June 6th, 1834, at Profen, Silesia, Prussia. She was the eldest child of Carl Samuel Aumann and Johanne Eleonore nee Sommer. Her parents lived at Kohlhohe, Silesia, and Caroline would have grown up in this village and been educated in Silesia.

When her mother died she was fostered by Gottlieb Guder who lived at Dittersdorf not far from Kohlhohe.

She did not come to Australia with her family as her foster-parents objected at the time her father came. Dittersdorf was a village just north-east of Kohlhohe so she would have had a close relationship with her father, brothers and sister. It was a relationship that caused her to miss them when they migrated and a year later her foster-parents allowed her to migrate to Australia against their wishes and stated that she would receive no inheritance from them. She was accompanied to Australia in the care of friends. It may be presumed that Gottlieb Guder was a brother-in-law of Carl Samuel Aumann.

Written in the inside cover of a book given to Caroline:

In Remembrance from my very loved Foster-Father GOTTLIEB GUDER

of Dittersdorf for Caroline Anmann 20years old.

22nd May 1854.

This was just prior to when Caroline left to come to Australia on the ship San Fransisco which departed Hamburg on June 1st, 1854 only 9 days after her Foster-Father gave the book. The ship arrived in Melbourne on September 1st, 1854, 11 months after her father and family arrived.

Her journey out was not a smooth trip as the ship struck a hurricane between South Africa and Australia, causing the main gallant mast, jib boom to be carried away. Also crippled the main mast and split the fore topsail, this happened on July 7th.

Caroline met and married Carl Heinrich (Henry) Finger, born July 20th, 1831, son of Christian Benjamin Finger and Caroline Friedericke nee Rummler.

She was the first of the Aumann children to marry, and the wedding took place at the German Church, Melbourne, on October 16th, 1854, when Caroline was 20 years of age. The ceremony was conducted by Pastor Matthias Goethe and the witnesses were Wilhelm Finger and Auguste Finger.

Henry was born at Schmiedeberg, Silesia, Prussia, and arrived in the Port Phillip district in 1830 with his parents and their other children. Their ship was the Pribislav which departed from Hamburg on August 9th, 1849, and arrived in Melbourne in February 1850.

Henry worked on his father’s farm at Hawthorn until he was 21 years of age, when he undertook extra work and saved enough money to buy a horse and dray for wood cutting and carting. With money earned in this way, he purchased 10 acres of land at Deepdene, Victoria, (near the corner of Whitehorse and Burke Roads) where he built a two roomed cottage.

This is where Caroline and Henry began their married life, and also where their first seven children were born. Henry cleared the land, planted fruit trees and vegetables and later started a nursery for fruit trees. He was a successful grower and was particularly interested in water conservation.

Drought, bushfires and strong winds caused damage to the orchard, so he moved to Waldau, Doncaster, where he found suitable soil and purchased 50 acres of land on the north side of Waldau lane (George Street) and east of Bismark Street (Victoria Street). He cleared this land and resumed farming and horticulture and built a house of bricks handmade from local clay.

By 1870 he had built a large brick house which stood for over a century, being demolished in 1974; at which time it was owned by the Rieschieck family who purchased portion of the land in 1920. The home had 10 rooms with verandahs, two rooms in the attic and a large cellar, surrounded by implement sheds, fruit packing shed, stables, a large barn (now rebuilt beside Schramms Cottage) and a brick smoke house. The bricks for the house were made from clay quarried from his land along Ruffeys Creek behind the house.

This is the house where the last two children were born. The family comprised of four sons and five daughters, the youngest son being William David, who was born February 3rd, 1874, and died on April 12th, 1875, and was buried in the Kew Cemetery, Victoria.

Henry was badly hurt while demolishing an old house, and as a result of this injury combined with hard work, he died at the age of 53 years on December 3rd, 1884, and was buried in the Waldau Cemetery, Doncaster, Victoria. His grave is situated close to that of his father-in-law, Carl Samuel Aumann.

Caroline spoke German all her life and only knew a few phrases of English. Living as she did in the close knit German community of Waldau there was little need to learn English. To help her when English speaking visitors arrived at her home she had several suitable English phrases listed on the back of the door. Thus she was able to greet visitors with “Good Morning”; “How are you”; “Come in” and so on.

Sometime later Caroline moved to a smaller house built up the hill at the back of the large

family home. In later years her grand-daughter, Emily Fankhauser lived with her in this small house, to look after her and the housework. She was known to many as “Gros-mutter Finger”. She is remembered by a great grand-daughter as a tiny lady, always dressed in black — and who made good Kuchen.

Great grand-daughter, Sigrid Bogle’s Memories, recorded 1993:

“When we were young, she lived in a small brick house above the home they all helped to build and where Willie Rieschieck used to live, we walked passed his home and up a small hill to this house, think it could have been only four rooms. One of her grand-daughters, Emily Fankhauser, daughter of George and Martha lived with her to look after her and the house. We used to visit them sometimes of a Sunday morning after Sunday School and while Mum and Dooey perhaps were at church. There was

always fresh Kuchen for us to eat, can still remember how good it tasted.

The house faced south and at the back was a verandah with a seat under it and it was always lovely to sit in the sun. I think there was a small piece of land between the house and wash house and toilet. I guess this area was bricked, someone had spent time laying them”.

Inscription on the headstone of Carl Heinrich Finger which stood in the Waldau Cemetery until vandals smashed the headstone during the 1939-43 war.

Hier ruhet bis zum Anferstehungsmorgen.


Geboren 20 Juli 1831 gestorben 3 Dezember 1884.

“Ich weiss dass mein Erloser lebet und meine Augen wereden Ihn schanen ”

Hiob 19 v.25.

Lieder Vater ruhe wohl Du verschlafst viel Sorgen Bis dich einst erwecken wird Jenerfrohe Morgen

The old smoke house at Finger’s home, George Street, Doncaster, Victoria.

Kew Cemetery, Victoria.

Henry and Caroline Finger’s home George Street, Doncaster, Victoria. Taken in more recent times.

The home on the hill behind the larger home. This is where Caroline lived after her son, Ferdinand married.

Caroline had assisted her husband throughout their married life, and now continued to work the orchard with her sons, Ernst Ferdinand and John Traugott. Ernst Ferdinand was only 14 years of age, when he planted two acres of young lemon trees, grown and nurtured by his father, and pioneered the growing of lemons in the Doncaster district.

The property was later divided between the brothers, Ernst Ferdinand and John Traugott. Caroline and Ferdinand stayed in the old home and John built a new home just west of the original building.

When Ferdinand married, Caroline moved to the small house on the hill and Ferdinand stayed in the old home and raised his family there. Later

Ferdinand built “Tannanwald” at North Balwyn, and Caroline went to live with him and his family in the new home. It was here that she died, at the age of 88 years, on December 12th, 1921. She was buried in the Kew Cemetery, Victoria.

Recorded in the book “Pioneer Women of Victoria.” FINGER, Johanne Caroline nee Aumann b. 6.2.1834 d. 10.12.1921.

Born at Kole hy Dittersdorf, Silesia. Johanna C Aumann came with friends by s.s.Fransisca to join her parents and relatives, and after six months voyage

Christina 1.10.1859 Mrs. C. Winter m. 20.7.1881 d. 1951

Martha 23-7.1864

Msr. G. Fankhauser m. 2.10.1886 d. 1920

Anna 11.9.1857 Mrs. G. Baum m. 24.9.1879 d. 1927

Emma 11.9.1857 Mrs. Henry Thiele m. 15.4.1880 d. 1922

Hen rietta 233-1862 Mrs. A. Rieschieck m. 19.4.1883 d. 1932

The twins Anna and Emma. Bom 11.9.1857.

arrived at Sandridge in November, 1854. Shortly after her arrival Johanna married, and lived at Hawthorn then Deepdene at Burke Road tram terminus, and at Doncaster, where they had an orchard.

Her husband, Carl Heinrich Finger, predeceased her by thirty years. A good wife and mother, a good citizen, and a faithful member of the Lutheran

Church, Mrs Finger had three grandsons and one great-grandson in the Ministry, one grand-daughter worked on the North Australian Mission fields, and a great-grand-daughter is training for the New Guinea Mission. Five grandsons served in the Great War. Mrs Finger, who left fifty-seven grandchildren and ninety-six great-grandchildren, died in 1921, and is buried in the Kew Cemetery.

Recorded by ANNA R. SODIRLUND, Grand daughter.

E.G: Date of arrival is incorrect and Soderlund is incorrect spelling.

Both Caroline and Henry were devout Christians and worshipped at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, taking a very active part in church life and rearing their children to follow their example.

Henry served on the committee of the Lutheran School. He was a Councillor of the Shire of Bullun from 1876-1879, representing the Doncaster Riding. The Shire of Bullun consisted of three ridings — Doncaster, Templestowe and Warrandyte.

Their children were orchardists or married into orcharding families.

A copy of a letter found in Caroline’s confirmation book as a lose page.


To the Clerk of Courts, Mr Ohst.

I received your letter stating that our relative Ernestine Gunzel nee Aumann died on 17.5.1889 and bequeathed a small amount. I and all my sisters and brothers forfeit this bequest.

I therefore stress the point that we definitely don’t want to accept this bequeath.

Faithfully, Caroline Finger.

This would appear that Carl Samuel Aumann did have at least one sister.




The 1st child of Carl (Henry) Heinrich and Johanne Caroline Finger


BORN: September 20th, 1855

Hawthorn, Victoria DIED: November 4th, 1942

Bayswater, Victoria BURIED: November 6th, 1942

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria MARRIED: December 26th, 1876

Doncaster, Victoria SON OF: Carl Heinrich Finger and

Johanna Caroline nee Aumann


BORN: May 19th, 1856

Camberwell, Victoria DIED: September 25th, 1944

Bayswater, Victoria BURIED: September 29th, 1944

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria DAUGHTER OF: Godfrid Friedrich Schuhkraft and Maria Theresa nee Fankhauser

Children of Carl Heinrich and Maria Christina Finger

Carl Heinrich (Henry) Finger was born on September 20th, 1855, at Hawthorn, Victoria; the eldest child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

He was educated first at Hawthorn, then Balwyn. He then joined his father on the orchard and worked for various orchardists in the district. Later, he purchased land in King Street, East Doncaster (then Wilhelm Street).

On October 26th, 1876, Henry married at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, to Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft, who was born on May 19th, 1856 at Camberwell, Victoria; the eldest child of Gottfried Freidrich Schuhkraft and Maria Theresa nee Fankhauser.

Gottfried Schuhkraft had come from Heilboun, Wurtemburg, Germany, in 1853 on the ship Mobile which departed Liverpool, England. His wife, Maria

The family of Carl Heinrich and Maria Christina Finger.

L-R: Back: Edward, Alfred, Joseph, Beatrice, Herbert, Ernest.

Front: Frederick, May, Maria (mother), Henry (father), Minna, Henry. Inserted: Left: Walter; Right: Albert.

nee Fankhauser, came from Tyrol, Austria with her parents in 1850 on the ship Prebislav.

Maria Christina was educated at the first Lutheran School at Waldau, Doncaster. Her name appears on a school roll dated April, 1861. She was a sister to Anna who married Charles Aumann, and Theresa, who married Charles’ brother, August Adolph Aumann.

Henry and Maria lived the early part of their married life at Hawthorn, where their first five children were born. The family moved to King Street, East Doncaster, where their other seven children were born. Henry built his own home, cleared the land and planted a well managed orchard, setting an example of efficiency to his sons.

It is believed that on one occasion, one of the family ran to Maria to say that one of the younger children had fallen into the dam. Although Maria could not swim, she was able to rescue the child, her petticoats keeping her afloat. However, she subsequently had a miscarriage and lost twins.

At this time, the Lutheran Church were not prepared to listen to the concerns of many members who objected to services being in German. Because of this, many families went elsewhere to church. Henry and his family set about looking for a church

similar to their own, but in English. They tried the Church of England, Presbyterian and Wesleyan Methodist, where they felt comfortable and stayed.

Before Maria married, she worked as a nurse maid for J.J. Kitchens of Lever and Kitchens, the soap manufacturers, caring for their two children. During the time of her courtship, Henry had to walk to Box Hill to see her, as his parents could not spare a horse.

In 1902, Henry purchased 84 acres of land in Wantirna, where he developed an orchard and a home known as “The Pines” on the corner of Boronia Road and Bayswater Road. He later transferred 18 acres to Bert in 1905, 18 acres to Ern in 1908 and 21 acres to Alf in 1912, and some to Arthur Richard Pike. Bert, Henry and Fred also bought land. Herb later received 20 acres as wages and bought another 20 acres. Henry and his sons cleared virgin bush and planted orchards, owning between them a large section of Wantirna.

Henry and Maria moved to a home in Mountain Highway, Bayswater, in 1919, with their two youngest daughters, Joe and his family took over the old orchard. Henry continued to help his sons until he was 80, often choosing to walk up from

Henry and Maria Finger.

Bayswater. He worked steadily, maintaining the same pace as the boys working on Herb’s orchard. He and Herb both liked to stretch out on a form at lunchtime for a brief snooze.

Henry was associated with the school committee at Wantirna when the school commenced in 1912 and also encouraged the establishment of the Bayswater Methodist Church. He was Superintendent of the Bayswater Sunday School for 24 years, ably assisted by his two daughters in teaching. He commenced a Sunday School Service in the State School at Wantirna and later donated a block of land on which he helped build the Wantirna Church.

Two of Henry and Maria’s children became clergymen, while another two, Henry and Herb served in the 1914-18 War. They both returned, although one was badly injured.

When Henry and Maria celebrated their Fortieth Wedding Anniversary, they were given a horse and jinker by their family. They enjoyed another big celebration for their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary and another still larger one in the Bayswater Methodist Hall for their Sixtieth.

Maria Finger.

Henry died at Bayswater on November 4th, 1942, and Maria on September 25th, 1944, at Bayswater, and both were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

It is interesting to note that when the Wantirna School opened for enrolment on January 22nd, 1912, the following pupils were on the roll:

Stuart Robert Hurst Ada Finger Jane Stuart Lawrence Finger Mary Goodwin James Stuart George Thompson Lottie Stuart Edgar Mason Alex Handasyde Hugh Stuart May Finger Gilbert Handasyde Gladys Kitchin Thomas Mason Lawrence Kitchin Dora Rieschilk Anne Martin

Between the years of 1912-40, 25 Finger names and 28 Fankhauser names appear on the roll. A total of 360 names appear on the roll in that period, 256 of these children coming from farming or orcharding families.

Other names found in this book are: Boulton, Stagg, Kirkpatrick, Farmillo.


C.A.22 The Gover Grant of Samuel Jacks, after other owners was Divided between:


of Wilhelms Road, East Doncaster, Fruitgrower 84 Acres 3 Roods 27 Perches on June 23rd, 1902 JOHN ALFRED FITZMAURICE

of Waverley Road, East Malvern (no relation)

83 Acres 3 Roods 27 Perches on March 17th, 1904 Carl Heinrich Finger transferred his land to:

ALBERT DAVID ARTHUR FINGER Transfer No. 511460 August 30th, 1905 18 Acres 0 Roods 19 3/4 Perches, Boronia Road ROBERT ERNEST OSWALD FINGER Transfer No. 576007 July 20th, 1908 18 Acres 0 Roods, 29 3/4 Perches, Boronia Road ALFRED JOHN EDMUND FINGER No. 684978 May 24th, 1912 18 Acres 2 Roods 34 Perches, Mountain Highway JOSEPH AUGUST GOTTFRIED FINGER Transfer No. 1944075 Cnr Mountain Highway and Boronia Road


JAMES EDWARD NATHANIEL FINGER Transfer No. 440455 July 17th, 1901 20 Acres 1 Rood 23 4/10 Perches, Burwood Road 20 Acres 1 Rood 23 4/10 Perches, Burwood Road Transfer No. 482063 May 10th, 1910 PHILLIP CHARLES HENRY FINGER Transfer No. 439974 July 6th, 1901 Mountain Highway

Half this land was later transferred to his brother Alfred John Edmund WILLIAM FREDERICK FERDINAND FINGER Transfer No. 479975 July 6th, 1901 Mountain Highway HERBERT GEORGE EDGAR FINGER

Owned land on South West Cnr. Mountain Highway and Boronia Road


Phillip Charles Henry Finger was born at Hawthorn, Victoria, on September 27th, 1877; the eldest child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft, and was the eldest of twins.

Henry’s father is said to have remarked that he did not sleep for two weeks after the twins were born. Henry attended the Lutheran Church at Doncaster with his parents and may have started his schooling at the Lutheran School before going to the East Doncaster School.

Henry married on June 13th, 1906, at the East Doncaster Methodist Church to Minnie nee Freeman, daughter of Thomas James Freeman and Lydia nee Grade. Minnie was born in 1878, at Yan Yean, Victoria. At the time of their marriage, Minnie was a nurse at the Williamstown Hospital, Victoria.

Henry bought land on Bayswater Road, Wantirna, Victoria, half of which was later transferred to his brother, Alfred. Later, Henry purchased a small farm between Carisbrook and Talbot, Victoria. When Henry went to the first World War, Minnie and her daughter, Amy carried on the farm.

Henry and Minnie had a family of three sons and a daughter. The two youngest children,

Charles Arthur and Thomas James, both died as babies.

The two surviving children, Winifred Amy and Alan Henry, attended school at Carisbrook. Both showed such excellent ability that their parents made many sacrifices to put them through University. Amy became a school teacher and Alan a doctor. It was while helping a medical officer in Melbourne that Alan became a Communist, seeing the lack of opportunities for the poor.

A stoiy is told within the family concerning one of their Christmas Day gatherings. As the family relaxed after dinner, Henry decided to do some work on a well he had been digging. He kept calling the boys to come and pull up buckets of dirt and then let the buckets back down to him. Being Christmas Day, the boys soon tired of all this, so when the next bucket came up it was emptied and not returned. How long Henry waited down the well for another bucket is anyone’s guess.

Minnie died on August 7th, 1933 at Ormond, Victoria, and Henry died on December 26th, 1948, at Kew, Victoria. Both are buried in the Brighton Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Phillip Henry Charles and Minnie Finger


William Frederick Ferdinand Finger was born at Hawthorn, Victoria, on September 27th, 1877; the youngest of twins born to Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft. Fred would have attended the same school as his brother.

On September 13th, 1903, he married Martha Elsie nee Wieland at Ringwood, Victoria. Martha was born on August 26th, 1873, at Box Hill, Victoria; the daughter of Carl Ferdinand Wieland and Caroline nee Christensen.

Fred bought land at Bayswater Road, Wantirna, Victoria, in 1901. Martha’s father owned land on the opposite side of the Dandenong Creek. Fred later

flfc ««*<*** y

mrVLr ova beloved mother Vtn





passed away 30THjutY 1962 A€£D ss.


William Frederick Ferdinand Finger.

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

sold two acres of his land in order that the Wantirna School could be built.

The family were involved in the Bayswater Church of Christ, where Fred’s Uncle Frederick Wilhelm Finger helped in the preaching and establishment of this Church. His Uncle had come from the Hawthorn Church of Christ between the 1870’s and 1880’s.

Fred and Martha had a family of three sons and two daughters. All the children were on orchard

properties in the Wantirna district, except Elsie, who married and went to live on a wheat property at Sea Lake, North-West Victoria.

After the youngest son, Ollie, sold his orchard, he went on to a cattle property at Moyhu, Victoria. The family carried on the orcharding business after their parents.

Martha died on July 14th, 1955 at Kaniva, Victoria and Fred died on July 30th, 1962. Both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of William Frederick Ferdinand and Martha Elsie Finger



James Edward Nathaniel Finger was born on June 1st, 1879, at Hawthorn, Victoria; the third child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft. He attended the East Doncaster School and the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, Victoria.

About 1900, the family searched for another Church which used the English language. They worshipped at the Presbyterian Church, the Church of England and later the Methodist Church, where they gave their loyal support.

Edward (Ted) went to work for his Uncle and Aunt, Frederick and Christina Winter at High Street, Doncaster, where he conveyed the wagon to the Victorian Market to sell fruit and bring home a purse full of sovereigns.

Later he purchased land at Warrandyte which he later sold because it was to stony and hilly. He then purchased land at Wantirna in 1901. Wantirna — aboriginal for Gurgling Stream —had previously been known as Bayswater West.

Ted married on April 8th, 1908, to Alice Maude nee Tainton who was born in 1887 at Burwood, Victoria; the daughter of Joseph Tainton and Mary Jane nee Course. The wedding took place at East Burwood, Victoria.

Ted Finger’s orchard, Wantirna, Victoria.

The family attended the Wantirna Methodist Church, which they had helped to establish. Ted was a trustee of the first church which cost 235 pounds to build and was opened in 1913 with a

James Edward Nathaniel Finger and Alice Maude nee Tainton. 1908.

James Edward Nathaniel Finger and Kathleen nee Tracey. 1934.

debt of 79 pounds. Maude liked music and was organist at the church for many years.

Maude assisted with the orchard work as well as being a good house wife and mother to her two sons and daughter. Their daughter, Ida, married Frank Murton Briggs and they worked as missionaries in the Solomon Islands until the outbreak of the 1939-45 War, when they returned home with their family. One son, Ken married Marion Olive nee Belot, and they went to New Guinea as missionaries, also returning home with their family at the outbreak of War. The other son, Noel remained on the orchard.

In 1914 Ted purchased a Maxwell car and the family often made trips to Lome, Warrnambool and Echuca.

Maude died at the age of 45 years on March 30th, 1932, at Ringwood, Victoria and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. Ted remarried in 1934 to Kathleen nee Tracy who was born in Ireland. Kathleen worked at the Melbourne City Mission and the marriage took place at the Brunswick Street, Fitzroy Methodist Mission and was conducted by the Rev Walter Betts.

Ted died on August 14th, 1966 while living at Mitcham, and was buried with his first wife in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. Kathleen died at Mitcham on July 6th, 1969, and was also buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.Four of Ted’s grandchildren work as missionaries in New Guinea. Ida and her husband, Frank managed a College which trained people going out as missionaries.

Noel, Ida, Kenneth Finger.

The family of James Edward Nathaniel and Alice Maude Finger


Alfred James Edmund Finger was born on February 9th, 1881 at Balwyn, Victoria; the fourth child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft.

He was educated at the East Doncaster School and attended the Lutheran Church, Doncaster and later the Methodist Church, East Doncaster.

His father had purchased land in Wantirna in 1902, which Alf helped work, and in 1912, his father transferred 21 acres over to him. Alf worked this property until the 1950’s when he handed it over to his son Vernon.

On April 11th, 1906, Alf married Emily Jane nee Tainton, at East Burwood, Victoria. Emily was born on September 22nd, 1883; a daughter of Joseph Tainton and Mary Jane nee Course. Emily was a sister to Maude, who married Alf s brother, Ted.

Alf and Emily lived on the orchard property all their married lives and here they raised their family of four sons and two daughters. Emily devoted her time to housework and her six children, and also helped with the packing of fruit.

The family attended the Wantirna Methodist Church where Alf was the first Sunday School

Superintendent, a position he held until 1926. He was also a Trustee of the Church, and with his brother, Ted, assisted in filling gaps in taking services.

Emily died on June 13th, 1942, at Wantirna and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. Alf remarried to Ann Richardson and he died on August 5th, 1963 and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. Ann died on October 25th, 1981.

Methodist Church, Wantirna, Victoria.

Alfred John Edmund and Emily Jane Finger. April 11th,


Four generations.

L-R: Alfred, Laurie, Charles Henry and Laurie’s son.

Family of Alfred John Edmond and Emily Jane Finger. L-R: Back: Clifford Wilfred, Lawrence Edmund, Reita Lillian. Front: Enid Marion, Alfred (father), Victor Alfred, Emily (mother), Vernon Eric.

The family of Alfred John Edmund and Emily Jane Finger



2. Roselyn Joy Stuart b. 13.4.1958

Ian Henry Haberfield b. 9-3.1952

1. Michael Ian Haberfield

b. 21.6.1982 Leongatha Vic

2. Timothy Ian Haberfield

b. 26.8.1984 Leongatha Vic

3. Christine Janelle Haberfield b. .8.1987 Leongatha Vic

3. Norma Janette Stuart b. 15.8.1959

Phillip Cayzer b.

1. Melody Joy Cayzer

b. 9-9.1984 Leongatha Vic.

2. Nathan Phillip Cayzer

b. 16.6.1986 Leongatha Vic

3. Rachael Janette Cayzer

b. 7.11.1988 Leongatha Vic

4. Joel Aley Cayzer

b. 15.3.1991 Leongatha Vic

4. Neville Alexander Stuart b. 12.8.1961 Box Hill Vic

). Victor Alfred Finger b. 5.3.1925

Vera Purchase Brierley b. 26.11.1919

1. Terence Alfred Finger b. 29.4.1955 Euroa Vic

Amanda Elizabeth Waters b.

2. Bruce Murray Finger b. 1.10.1957 Euroa Vic

Loree Chris Barnett b. 18.2.1960

1. Colin Joseph Finger

b. 4.3.1988 Launceston Tas

2. Graham Charles Finger

b. 24.7.1990 Launceston Tas d. 12.10.1990 Buried Bridport Tas

3. Trevor Alan Finger

b. 4.8.1992 Launceston Tas

3. Jennifer Vera Finger b. 21.4.1960 Euroa Vic

Ian Wesley Sanderson b.

1. Jacinta Brooke Sanderson b. 2.4.1982 Wangaratta Vic

2. Grant Travis Sanderson

b. 26.8.1984 Wangaratta Vic

4. Helen Meredith Finger b. 10.3.1963 Euroa Vic d. 1.1.1972 Buried Euroa Vic


Albert David Arthur Finger was born on January 20th, 1883, At Hawthorn, Victoria; the fifth child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft. Bert was educated at the East Doncaster School and attended the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, and later, the Church of England.

After leaving school, he was kept at home to assist his mother as there was now a big family, with no girls old enough to help. Later his father transferred 18 acres of the Wantirna property over to him in 1905, which Bert worked into a well kept orchard of apples, pears and peaches.

On September 23rd, 1908, Bert married Eliza Edith nee Adams, who was born on September 7th, 1886; a daughter of Mark Adams and Emily nee Hardidge. Eliza was born in Serpells Road, Templestowe, Victoria, in a home which is still standing today.

Bert and Eliza had a family of one son and two daughters and they attended St Luke’s Church of England, Vermont. Their son carried on the orchard after his father.

Bert and Eliza owned a holiday house at Seaford, Victoria, where their family and other relations

Albert David Arthur Finger.

enjoyed many happy holidays. It was here that Bert died on April 25th, 1947. Eliza died on October 26th, 1971 and both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Albert David Arthur Finger and Eliza Edith nee Adams. 1908.

Old home and orchard at Wantirna, Victoria.

Family of Albert David Arthur and Eliza Edith Finger. L-R: Bert (father), Dorris, Eliza (mother), Evaline, Stanley.

The family of Albert David Arthur and Eliza Edith Finger


Joseph August Gottfried Finger was born on May 25th, 1855, at Doncaster, Victoria; the son of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft. Joseph (Joe) was educated at the East Doncaster School, and on leaving school, he worked with his father at home on the orchard in King Street, East Doncaster. In 1902, his parents moved to Wantirna and Joe took over this orchard in King Street, East Doncaster.

On July 17th, 1907, Joe married Charlotte Florence Lillian nee Wells at Bayswater, Victoria. Charlotte was born at St Kilda, Victoria, on 1885; the daughter of Octavena Wells and Mary Ann nee Davey. They had a family of two sons and a daughter, all born at East Doncaster before the family moved to Wantirna.

Charlotte died at the age of 33 years, on September 21st, 1922, at East Doncaster and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. Soon after, Joe moved to Wantirna and took over the orchard on the corner of Mountain Highway and Boronia Road, Wantirna, from his father.

In 1925, Joe remarried to Jean Currie nee Coppock at Clifton Hill, Victoria. Jean was born at Clifton Hill on September 29th, 1888; the daughter of John William Coppock and Martha nee Currie. Joe and Jean had a family of three boys, bringing the family to five sons and a daughter.

Joe and his family worshipped regularly in the Methodist Church, both at East Doncaster and Bayswater. In his younger days, Joe played cricket

Joseph August Gottfried and Charlotte Florence Lillian Finger. July 17th, 1907.

Joe and Charlotte Finger’s family.

L-R: Jean (stepmother), Gordon, George, Jean, Keith, Douglas, Robert, Joseph (father).

with East Doncaster and later, Wantirna. He also played football with Doncaster when needed to make up a team. Jean, in her younger days worked for Foy & Gibson on the blanket making looms.

After the property at Wantirna was sold for

housing, Joe moved to Launching Place, where two of his sons planted orchards.

In 1958, Jean died at Wantirna and Joe died on July 1st, 1964 at Launching Place. Both were interred at the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.

The family of Joseph August Gottfried and Charlotte Florence Lillian Finger


Robert Ernest Oswald Finger was the seventh child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft and was born on March 27th, 1887; the first child of the family to be born at East Doncaster, Victoria.

Ern attended the East Doncaster School and the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, and later the Methodist Church, East Doncaster. The English language was not used in the Lutheran Church at that time, and when the family looked for another church which to worship at, Ern became a member of the Church of England.

In 1908, Ern’s father gave him 18 acres of land in Burwood Road, Wantirna, Victoria. However, Ern’s interests were with the Church and he started Lay Reading before he was 21 years of age. He preached his first sermon at that age. Ern rode his bike from Doncaster to Box Hill to further his education, and offered himself to the Bishop of Gippsland for work in the Church. He was later accepted into St John’s Theological College for the Church of England. His Th.L. was obtained in 1914 and was ordained as a deacon in 1915, and a priest in 1916 by the Bishop of the Riverina, at Hay, New South Wales.

Robert Ernest Oswald Finger.

On October 19th, 1916, Ern married at Collingwood, Victoria, to Lillian May nee Wilson, who was born on May 22nd, 1893, at Edenhope, Victoria; the daughter of Peter Wilson and Anne nee Blackwood. Lillian was a school teacher before her marriage. The couple had a family of three sons.

Ern served in the Parishes of Berrigan, Hillston, South Broken Hill and Broken Hill, New South Wales. He also served as Jail Chaplain at Broken Hill and Singleton, New South Wales. Other Parishes were Singleton and Belmont, New South Wales, then Phillip Island, Emerald, Springvale and Blackburn, Victoria. While at Blackburn, Ern died on August 21st, 1948; and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. Lillian fourteen years later on April 14th, 1962; and was also buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Ern had a great ability to understand people and a great faith to do his work for The Lord.

Robert Ernest Oswald Finger and Lillian May nee Wilson. 1916.

The family of Robert Ernest Oswald and Lillian May Finger


Minna Emelie Finger was born at East Doncaster,

Victoria, on November 29th, 1888; the first daughter of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft. Minna was the first girl after six sons.

She was educated at the East Doncaster School as were her brothers and sisters.

On leaving school, she remained at home until she married in 1913 to Oliver Boulton, who was born at Box Hill, Victoria on May 31st, 1883; the son of David Boulton and Bertha nee Kleinert.

Minna and Oliver had a family of one son and five daughters and Minna’s time was occupied in raising the family and running the home.

Oliver (Ollie) was an orchardist at Bayswater,

Victoria for 10 years until 1923, when he took on the position as Caretaker and Verger at All Saints Church, East St Kilda, Victoria. He carried out this work until his retirement and at the same time, he also ran a catering business at St Kilda, from which he retired in the 1940’s because of ill health.

Prior to this, the family had regularly attended the Methodist Church, Bayswater, while living at Bayswater. On moving to St Kilda, they attended All Saints.

Later, the family moved to Toorak, where Ollie died on March 23rd, 1946. He was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. Minna then went to live at Buxton, Victoria, with her daughter Joyce. On February 11th, 1972, she died in the Alexandra Hospital and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery,


Minna Emelie Finger.

Oliver and Minna Boulton.


Rheinhold Walter Theodor Finger was born on February 1st, 1893, at Doncaster, Victoria; the ninth child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft. He attended the East Doncaster School, the Lutheran Church and Sunday School. By the time Walter was a teenager, the family were attending the Methodist Church, and he made a decision to become a Methodist Minister.

When he finally entered the theological college, his brother Ernest was already studying for the Church of England ministry, although he was six years older than Walter. While Walter was studying, he was friendly with Dr. Harold Wood, who remembered him with respect many years later.

Walter met Annie Amelia nee Stout in 1914 and they kept company for six years, their engagement being of four years duration. They married in April 1921, at Fairfield, Victoria. Annie was born on September 30th, 1894, at Fairfield; the daughter of James Stout and Mary Ann nee Farley.

Walter served his ministry in Tasmania, Dunkeld, Beaufort, Ballarat and Drouin. Annie did a great deal of work with free kindergartens in the inner Melbourne areas.

Walter died on September 19th, 1935, at the Epworth Hospital, Melbourne, and was buried in the Burwood Cemetery, Victoria.

A memorial plague was placed in the Drouin Methodist Church in remembrance of Rev R.W. Finger M.A, B.D.

“In loving memory of Rev R. W. Finger. M.A, B.D. minister here 1933-35.”

Henry Finger, Walter Finger, Annie Finger, Maria Finger.

Anna Amelia Finger nee Stout.

Rheinhold Walter Theodor Finger.

“This would not have been but for the Glory of God”

Annie lived alone for 46 years following Walter’s death and then went into the Uniting Church Home of Annerley. She died at Kew two years later, on

May 1st, 1985, and was also buried in the Burwood Cemetery, Victoria.

Her nine roomed house at Mont Albert was given to the Uniting Church to house elderly people needing support.


Herbert George Edgar Finger was born on January 17th, 1895, at Doncaster, Victoria; the tenth child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft. He attended the East Doncaster School, the Lutheran Church and Sunday School. His name was the last of the family to be included in the Lutheran Church register.

He remembers his grandmother as being a grand old lady who usually gave the children something from her treasures when they went to visit her — sometimes a cup and saucer for the girls or a sovereign for the boys.

Herb worked on his father’s orchard at Wantirna, and gradually, as the family married, only Herb and Beatrice remained to help their father. Herb did the marketing when quite a young lad, and used to say that the horses knew their way to and from market.

When he joined the Army cadets, he had to walk two and a half miles to Ringwood in order to train. Later, on May 12th, 1915, he enlisted in the 7th Reinforcements, 14th Battalion and embarked for Active Service abroad on August 10th, 1915. He served in Egypt, Gallipoli and then France, where he was wounded and admitted to 2nd Southern Hospital, Bristol, England, suffering from gun shot wounds to the leg.

Following the War, his father gave him some land, and later he bought more, making 40 acres in all, on the opposite corner to his father’s property. Herb cleared his land and planted an orchard. He also grew daffodils and chrysanthemums to supplement the income when fruit crops were light. One year, he estimated that had the rows of chrysanthemums been put end to end, they would have stretched eight miles. He also created a beautiful garden at his residence.

While holidaying at Lakes Entrance in 1918, he met Dorothea Austin and they were married three months later, on May 12th, 1918, at Canterbury, Victoria. Dorothea Ellen Francis nee Austin was born at Clifton Hill, Victoria, the daughter of Francis Austin and Sarah Rachel nee Rowen.

Herb and Dorothea had a family of one daughter and two adopted sons. The family attended the Boronia Church of Christ, where Herb was an Elder.

When Herb and Dorothea retired to Rosebud, Cyril, their son, continued to work half of the orchard property.

Dorothea died at Rosebud on December 27th, 1966, and Herb then went to live with his daughter in Adelaide. In 1972, he married Zona Mavis nee Brown nee Skipworth, who was born on July 17th, 1917, at McLaren Vale, South Australia. Herbert died on February 28th, 1984, at Daw Park, South Australia.

Herbert George Edgar Finger and Dorothea Ellen Francis nee Austin.

Family of Herbert and Dorothea Finger.

L-R: Father, Gwyneth Dorothy, Cyril, John Edwin, Mother.

Home of Herb and Dorothea Finger, Wantima, Victoria.

The family of Herbert George Edgar and Dorothea Ellen Francis Finger

1. Cyril Finger (A)

b. 10.2.1920 Palmerston N.Z. d. 17.1.1984 Bayswater Vic Buried Springvale Vic

Ruth Evelyn Akam b. 12.9.1922 Brighton Vic

1. Robyn Ruth Finger

b. 6.12.1949 Ringwood Vic

Peter Edwin Salisbury b. 11.3.1946

1. Nicole Bronwyn Salisbury b. 16.6.1975 Box Hill Vic

2. Deborah Kate Salisbury b. 6.5.1978 Box Hill Vic

3. Jennifer Ann Salisbury b. 14.6.1982 Box Hill Vic

2. Glenda Gay Finger b. 3.5.1951 Ringwood Vic

Robin Maurice Westmore b. 6.4.1951 Ringwood Vic

1. Evan James Westmore b. 2.3.1978 Box Hill Vic

2. Warwick Hugh Westmore b. 3.7.1980 Lilydale Vic

3. Garrath John Westmore b. 10.11.1983 Lilydale Vic

3. Mark Cyril Finger

b. 4.7.1954 Ferntree Gully Vic

Ruth Ellen Collyer b. 27.12.1953 Springvale Vic d. 20.7.1988 Warragul Vic Buried Springvale Vic

1. Julian Paul Finger

b. 26.5.1982 Warragul Vic

2. Jeffrey Stephen Finger

b. 17.6.1985 Warragul Vic

3. Gregory Mark Finger

b. 17.6.1985 Warragul Vic

4. Lindsay Heath Finger b. 18.12.1956 Ringwood Vic

Christine Julianne Ockwell b. 18.4.1956 Camberwell Vic

1. Kelvin Lindsay Finger

b. 11.6.1985 Box Hill Vic

2. Sharon Christine Finger b. 26.8.1987 Box Hill Vic

5. Wendy Annette Finger

b. 28.6.1962 Ferntree Gully Vic

Timothy Paul Venten b. 14.3.1963 Preston Vic

1. Luke Nathanael Venten

b. 28.11.1990 Box Hill Vic

2. Brennen James Venten b. 6.1.1993 Box Hill Vic

2. Gwyneth Dorothy Finger b. 7.7.1925 Surrey Hills Vic

John Barrington Baker b. 1.3.1923 Fairfield Vic

1. Moira Gwyneth Baker b. 28.4.1949 Hamley Bridge S.A.

David Stanley Lawry b. 26.4.1948 Adelaide S.A.

1. Christopher Stuart Lawry b. 11.9.1973 Rose Park S.A.

2. Amy Sarah Lawry

b. 11.11.1977 Rose Park S.A.



Victoria Beatrice Finger was born on January 1st, 1897, at Doncaster, Victoria; a daughter of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft. She was the second girl after nine brothers.

Beatrice attended school at East Doncaster until she was 13 years of age. When the family moved to Wantirna, she finished her schooling at Vermont.

Beatrice enjoyed making floral arrangements. She played the organ at Church and taught Sunday School, where her father was Superintendent for

Victoria Beatrice Finger.

many years. She also taught music and her pupils excelled in exams.

Beatrice looked after her parents for a few years before they died and during this time, took a course in English. Both she and her sister, May, always spoke and wrote well.

During World War 1, she was Secretary of the Red Cross in her area and was involved with the Ringwood Children’s Hospital Auxiliary.

She also worked for the Leper Mission and for various avenues with the women of the Church. At times she helped pick fruit on her father’s orchard, when only her brother Herbert was left at home.

At the close of World War 2, Beatrice worked in Woods Chemist shop at Box Hill, and later worked in the Taxation Office.

She died on July 18th, 1979, at Ringwood, Victoria.

The three Finger girls. L-R: Beatrice, Minna, May.


Alexander May Finger was born on May 18th, 1901, at Doncaster, Victoria; the youngest child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Maria Christina nee Schuhkraft.

Herbert, May’s brother, remembers the birth of his sister. Their Aunt, Christiane Winter, was midwife and 47 years of age at the time. She was a fine horsewoman, and six year old Herbert looked on with admiration as she came into the yard driving a big horse drawn dray. She tied the horse to the verandah post and went inside the house. She delivered the baby, then came out and untied the horse and whisked off home again.

May’s schooling started at East Doncaster State School, continued at Bayswater and at the age of 11 years, she became a pupil at the Wantirna State School which opened in 1912.

As a child, she remembers her grandmother Schuhkraft, who lived not far away on the corner of King and Victoria Streets, Doncaster. Her grandmother was blind and was cared for by Aunt Lydia (later Mrs Burnham, Rosebud). She also recalls visiting her Aunt Anna (Mrs Charles Aumann) and enjoyed her pea soup.

She also remembers walking to school at Bayswater, before the Wantirna School was opened, along a road massed with stones which were being broken up by men with mallets, and being passed on the same road by a bullock team.

After leaving school, May served as the sewing and singing mistress for the younger grades. When Mr Sudgen, the headmaster, was away, May took the whole school — some of the children being her nieces and nephews.

She made and sold pickles and sauces for a while, then worked as bookkeeper for Normans,

Grocers of Bayswater, for 17/4 years. After her mother died, she cared for an aged person in Croydon for some months.

On her 80th birthday, the family held a reunion, when 170 out of a possible 350 people attended. She lived in the home on Mountain Highway, Bayswater, until 1988, when she sold her home and moved to Selford Park, Wantirna. She is still living there today and is now 92 years of age.

Alexander May Finger.

Gathering of the family at May Finger’s Ninetieth Birthday. May can be seen of those seated, fourth from left.

The 2nd child of Carl (Henry) Heinrich and Johanne Caroline Finger


BORN: September 11th, 1857

Hawthorn, Victoria DIED: August 31st, 1922

Doncaster, Victoria BURIED: September 3rd, 1922

Kew Cemetery, Victoria MARRIED: April 15th, 1880

Doncaster, Victoria DAUGHTER OF: Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanna Caroline nee Aumann


February 20th, 1857 Doncaster, Victoria February 21st, 1937 Doncaster, Victoria February 22nd, 1937 Kew Cemetery, Victoria John Gottfried Thiele and Anna Maria nee Goethe

Children of Gottfried Henry and Caroline Emma Thiele































Caroline Emma Finger was born on September 11th, 1857, at Hawthorn, Victoria; the 2nd child and twin daughter of Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

Emma’s schooling would have been at Pastor Schramm’s school in Doncaster. On April 15th, 1880, Emma was married by Pastor Schramm in the old Lutheran Church on Waldau hill, to Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele. Henry was born on February 29th, 1857, at Doncaster, Victoria; the only surviving child of eight children born to Johann Gottfried Thiele and Anna Maria nee Goethe. Anna Maria was a sister to Pastor Goethe, the first Lutheran Pastor in Melbourne.

Henry’s father, Johann Gottfried, owned property in Wilhelm Street (King Street), East Doncaster. This land was sold in I860, 15 acres to Johann Gottfried

Uebergang, a Prussian immigrant. The name Uebergang was to reappear in the Aumann family history. Gottfried Uebergang’s purchase of this land was in February I860, following his return from a trip to Prussia in 1859. Henry spent the early part of his life on this property and would also have been educated at Pastor Schramm’s school as his name appears on the roll of the first Lutheran School in Waldau, Doncaster.

On leaving school he went to Tanunda, South Australia, to serve a carpenter’s apprenticeship with J. Basedow Bau and Moebel Tischler of Tanunda, South Australia. Eventually, Henry took over his mother’s shop, having worked there following the completion of his apprenticeship. The shop stood just east of the present Council Chambers in Doncaster Road.

Emma helped in the shop, as well as rearing their children. The couple had a family of seven sons and two daughters. One son, Friedrich Wilhelm, died on August 2.3rd, 1889 at the age of two years, and another son, Johann Adolph, died on August 25th, 1889 at the age of nine months. Of their two daughters, Martha Elizabeth, died at the age of 14 years on May 29th, 1896. All were buried in the Booroondara Cemetery, Kew, Victoria.

Hardware and kitchenware were sold on the lower level of’the shop, while the newer section stocked groceries and sweets on one side and haberdashery on the other. A large coffee grinder stood beside balance scales, at one end of the upstairs counter.

Emma had grown up in German Lane, Waldau, in a typical German home where rules were strict. This influence reflected in the way she managed the shop, and her reputation for firmness caused troublesome children to avoid her. However, well behaved youngsters found her generous with sweets, and every new child was given a gift of lollies wrapped in a twisted paper cone.

During busy times, Henry’s habit of calling “Shop Emma!” resulted in Emma being affectionately referred to by many as “Shop Emma” or “Mrs Shop Thiele”. This shop was demolished in the 1960’s.

Henry took an active part in community life, being a member of the Doncaster Shire Council for 7 years, in which time he was President for a term.

He was librarian of the Athenaeum Library for a short time. He and Emma were regular attenders of the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, where Henry was a

Henry and Emma Thiele.

The family of Henry and Emma Thiele.

L-R: Standing: Ernest, Dorothea, Henry.

Seated: Henry (father), Eric, Emma (mother), Ferdinand.

Sunday School teacher for over 40 years. He was also Secretary of he Athenaeum Hall, Doncaster, for 25 years.

Henry and Emma celebrated their Silver Wedding by making a boat trip to Sydney.

Emma died on August 31st, 1922, at Doncaster and Henry died on February 21st, 1937. Both were buried in the Booroondara Cemetery, Kew, Victoria. Emma was buried with their three children and Henry with his father.

Thiele’s shop prior to 1870. Owned and operated by Gottfried and Anna Thiele.

Thiele’s shop after 1870. Later run by Henry and Emma Thiele.


Carl August Heinrich Thiele was born on March 1st, 1881 at Doncaster, Victoria; the eldest child of Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele and Caroline Emma nee Finger.

After his education at the Doncaster State School, August assisted in the family shop and later settled on land at East Doncaster, some 42 acres of bush situated in Tunstall Road with frontage to both Doncaster and Mitcham Roads. After clearing the land of timber which was carted to the wood market in Melbourne, August planted an orchard with his first income coming from strawberries. The first fruit trees planted were pears and later apples, cherries, peaches and lemons.

On June 12th, 1912 at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, August married Anna Marie Elizabeth nee Rieschieck who was born on September 14th, 1884 at Tanunda, South Australia; the daughter of August Ferdinand Reinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Augustine nee Finger. August and Anna made their home on the property at East Doncaster.

Anna had come from South Australia with her parents when they settled at Balwyn in 1901, where her father established an orchard in Greythorn Road Greythorn, Victoria.

August and Anna had a family of two sons and three daughters, one son carried on the home property after his father.

Over the years August became known as a good fruitgrower which he took great interest in all his life. He was a founding Director of the Orchardists Cool Stores established on Main Road, East Doncaster in 1914. This store at one stage was the largest cool storage in the Southern Hemisphere. He later built a Cool Store on his property in 1938.

August and Anna retired into a new home in Doncaster Road, Doncaster, opposite the old shop which his parents and grandparents owned. His son, Robert, then took over the running of the orchard. The couple took great interest in the flower garden of the new home, August having great success in growing gladioli, dahlias and vegetables.

The family had a holiday house in Boneo Road, Rosebud where they enjoyed many holidays, including fishing with the Burnham family who were commercial fishermen and lived opposite the Thiele home.

August and Anna were devout members of Trinity Lutheran Church, Doncaster where they took an active part in church life.

August and Anna Thiele. June 12th, 1912.

August and Anna Thiele’s home, Tunstall Road, Donvale.

August died at Rosebud, Victoria on August 23rd, 1949, and Anna lived for another 29 years dying in the Templestowe Hospital on November 19th, 1978 over 94 years of age. Both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of August Charles and Annie Maria Elizabeth Thiele

1. Dorothea Elsa Thiele b. 29.9.1913 Doncaster Vic

1. Brenda Dorothea Aumann b. 3.7.1942 Box Hill Vic

1. Susan Marie Hughes

b. 18.1.1969 East Melbourne Vic

d. 26.11.1975 East Doncaster Vic Buried Templestowe Vic

Alan Gordon Hughes b. 5.7.1942 Williamstown Vic

2. Paul Stuart Hughes

b. 20.12.1970 Carlton Vic

3. Andrew James Hughes b. 7.12.1973 Carlton Vic

Walter Adolph Aumann b. 1.8.1910 Ivanhoe Vic d. 10.7.1974 Warrandyte Vic Buried Templestowe Vic

2. Janice Elsa Aumann b. 23.8.1945 Box Hill Vic

1. Tamlyn Joy Stuart b. 25.7.1974

John Walter Stuart b. 12.9.1943

2. Michael Ross Stuart b. 20.2.1977

3. Carla Anne Stuart b. 6.12.1979

2. Sylvia Annie Thiele

b. 11.10.1914 Box Hill Vic

1. Max Louis Hedt

b. 2.7.1938 Dimboola Vic

1. Michelle Ann Hedt

b. 22.1.1962 Dimboola Vic

Rudolph Louis Hedt b. 19.8.1910 Dimboola Vic d. 19.2.1972 Dimboola Vic Buried Dimboola Vic

Gwenda Elaine Schnieder b. 9.11.1938 Dimboola Vic

Gregory Pitman b. 8.2.1961 Kyneton Vic

2. Paquita Marie Hedt

b. 29.6.1964 Dimboola Vic

3. Rolf Max; Hedt

b. 9.12.1967 Dimboola Vic

2. Elsa Dawn Hedt

b. 10.9.1942 Dimboola Vic

1. Sara Catherine Dohler b. 4.2.1969 Adelaide S.A.

Carl Albin Dohler b. 25.3.1936 Murray Bridge S.A.

2. John Carl Dohler

b. 24.3.1970 Adelaide S.A.

3. Simon Paul Dohler

b. 2.12.1976 Penrith N.S.W.

3. Ian Lawrence Hedt

b. 24.4.1944 Dimboola Vic

1. Andrew Lawrence Hedt b. 19.6.1968 Natimuk Vic

Valerie Joan Ross b. 15.8.1944 Dimboola Vic

2. Jacinta Narelle Hedt b. 29.5.1970 Natimuk Vic

3. Michael Paul Hedt

b. 12.5.1972 Natimuk Vic

4. Tracy Lee Hedt

b. 5.1.1977 Natimuk Vic

4. Eric Robert Hedt

b. 27.1.1946 Dimboola Vic

1. Julian Christopher Hedt b. 29.3.1972 Rose Park S.A.

Leanore Joy Heintze b. 29.2.1944 Minyip Vic

2. Nathan Eric Hedt

b. 3.2.1974 Horsham Vic

3. Amos Victor Hedt

b. 19.6.1977 Tanzania Africa

4. Jonathan Leigh Hedt b. 8.6.1979 Natimuk Vic

Eleni Margot Ptiman b. 7.10.1992 Horsham Vic


The family of August and Anna Thiele. L-R: Dulcie, Dorothea, Sylvia, Jack (front), August (father), Robert, Anna (mother).


Gottfried Heinrich Thiele was born on October 8th, 1883 at Doncaster, Victoria, the son of Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele and Caroline Emma nee Finger.

Heinrich (Harry) was educated at the Doncaster State School and on completing his education worked in his father’s shop. A keen photographer, he took many photographs of Doncaster which he developed and printed from glass plate negatives.

On October 12th, 1910, at Germantown (Grovedale, Victoria), Gottfried married Minna Dora nee Baum, who was born at Perry’s Bridge, Gippsland, Victoria, the fourth child of Johann Gottfried Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

After their marriage, Harry and Minna made their home at Tally Ho, Victoria where Harry set out to establish a fruit tree nursery, but ill health prevented him carrying on with the nursery. He then turned to poultry, a business that Minna managed.

Later, this land was sold and land purchased on the corner of Middleborough and Whitehorse Roads, Blackburn, Victoria. This property was known as “Stuartlea” where Harry ran a small poultry business and kept a few cows.

After the Box Hill High School opened opposite, Harry built a shop in Middleborough Road which was mn by his daughters, and later one daughter, Yvonne, rented the business from her father.

Harry and Minna had a family of one son and five daughters, one daughter, Lyle Aletta, died at the age of two years, four months.

Minna died on October 18th, 1948 and Harry on June 10th, 1937; both are buried in the Kew Cemetery, Victoria.

Minna Baum and Harry Thiele.

Minna and Harry Thiele’s Wedding. October 12th, 1910. Back: L-R: Walter Rieschieck, Ethel Baum, Bridegroom, Bride, Ernst Hanke, Joe Baum.

Front: Rupert Baum, Beatrice Baum, Rubina Baum, Dora Thiele.

The family of Gottfried Heinrich and Minna Dora Thiele

“Stuartlea ”, home of Harry and Minna Thiele, Blackburn, Victoria.




Martha Elizabeth Thiele was born at Doncaster, Victoria, on June 28th, 1882, the eldest daughter of Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele and Caroline Emma nee Finger.

She was baptised at Waldau, Doncaster on July 23rd, 1882, by Pastor Max Schramm. Her godparents were Friedrich Winter, Caroline Finger and Henriette Finger.

Martha spent her childhood years at the family shop in Doncaster and went to school at the Doncaster State School, where she was taught by her father’s cousin, Oswald Thiele. She attended Sunday School at the Lutheran Church where her father was a Sunday School teacher. Martha died from peritonitis on May 29th, 1896, at the age of 14 years, and was buried in the Kew Cemetery, Victoria.

Martha (seated) with her younger sister Dora.


Friedrich Wilhelm Thiele was born at Doncaster on February 12th, 1887, the fifth child of Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele and Caroline Emma nee Finger. He was baptised by Pastor Max Schramm on February 20th, 1887. His sponsors were Caroline

Finger, George Fankhauser and John Finger.

Friedrich Wilhelm died of diphtheria on August 23rd, 1889, at the age of two years and six months and was buried in the Kew Cemetery.


Johann Adolph Thiele was born at Doncaster on November 7th, 1888, the sixth child of Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele and Caroline Emma nee Finger. He was baptised on November 23th, 1888, by Pastor Max Schramm. Sponsors were Friedrich Winter, Christine Winter and Ferdinand Finger. He died at the age of nine months from diphtheria on August 23th, only two days after his brother. It has

been said that the parents returned from the funeral of Friedrich Wilhelm, to find that Johann Adolph had died while they were away from the house. Johann Adolph was also buried in the Kew Cemetery.

Henry and Emma must have suffered great sorrow with the loss of two sons close together and a daughter seven years later.


Dorothea Ida Thiele was bom on August 17th, 1890, at Doncaster; the seventh child of Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele and Caroline Emma nee Finger.

As a teenager, Dora went to Melbourne once a week for elocution lessons, and also leamt the piano.

On August 5th, 1913, Dora married Edwin Carl Schurmann at Trinity Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Ted was born at Natimuk, Victoria, on September 29th, 1886, the son of Carl Schurmann and Theresa Henriette Katherine nee Nichterlein. After their marriage, Ted and Dora went to live at Natimuk, in the house they named “Winora”.

Dora was a foundation member of the State School Mother’s Club and an office bearer of the Bush Nursing Hospital. She played golf and tennis well and was also a capable swimmer. For a time, she was swimming instructor at the Natimuk State School.

She assisted in her father-in-law’s shop during the Depression years, and in the late 1930s, Ted left Natimuk to open a men’s wear shop in Horsham. Dora continued to operate the Natimuk store until 1939, when they moved into a house in Horsham.

Ted retired in 1950 and the couple moved to Ringwood. Dora continued her social work, receiving a Life Governorship for her work at the Box Hill Hospital.

Ted and Dora had a family of three sons and one daughter. As a family, they were faithful church members, worshipping regularly, and active in all facets of church life.

Ted died on June 9th, 1979, at Ringwood, and Dora died on August 17th, 1980. Both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Dorothea Ida Thiele.

Edwin and Dorothea Schurmann’s Wedding. August 5th, 1913.

Edwin and Dorothea

Schurmann’s family. L-R: Joyce (wife of Max), Max,

Dorothea (mother), Edwin (father). Seated: Robert, Bertha, Edwin jnr.

The family of Edwin Carl and Dorothea Ida Schurmann


Ernst Ferdinand Thiele was born at Doncaster on July 24th, 1885, the fourth child of Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele and Caroline Emma nee Finger.

He was educated at the Doncaster State School, where he was praised for his artistic ability. After leaving school, he worked in the family shop, often going to Melbourne and Kew to collect supplies and delivering groceries by horse and cart.

He then worked for his uncle Ferdinand Finger on the orchard at Balwyn. Later, he purchased land at Tally Ho, where he established an orchard and lived for 15 years.

During this time, he married Esther Henriette nee Hartwich at the Germantown (Grovedale) Lutheran Church, on October 8th, 1913. Esther was bom on April 16th, 1888 at Stratford, Victoria; daughter of Henry Hartwich and Louise Henriette nee Pacholke.

Soon after Ernst sold the Tally Ho orchard, they moved to Greensborough. While there, their family of three sons and a daughter were born. The family returned to Doncaster where Ernst bought a block in Church Road, near the Holy Trinity Church, and built a home.

He enjoyed fishing and rabbiting, and on one occasion landed a 24 pound Murray Cod in the Yarra River at Warrandyte. Being of a creative disposition, he liked working with his hands, and many of his treasures have been kept by family members. For some years, he cut metal stencils for use by orchardists to brand fruit cases. He was interested in photography and took many photographs of Doncaster, which are now of Ernest and Esther Thiele. 1913.

13 6

Ernest and Esther Thiele’s family.

L-R: Ruth, Ronald, Ernest (father), Frank, Esther (mother), Clement.

historical value. His hobbies included stamp collecting and collecting birds eggs. He belonged to the Box Hill Band and Doncaster Rifle Club.

Esther grew flowers, which she took into Melbourne by bus, for sale to florists. Like many

mothers of her time, she often fed her children with bread spread with flavoured dripping.

Ernst died on October 19th, 1957 and Esther on May 18th, 1971. They both died at Doncaster and both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery.

The family of Ernst Ferdinand and Esther Henriette Thiele


Friedrich Johann Ferdinand Thiele was born on March 12th, 1896, at Doncaster; the eighth child of Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele and Caroline Emma nee Finger.

Ferdinand — or “Ferdie”, as he was known — attended the Doncaster State School until 1908, when he went to work in his father’s shop. His job was to deliver grocery orders by horse and cart, and when not doing this, he worked on his brother August’s orchard.

Ferdie joined the A.I.F. in World War I, as a motor cycle dispatch rider with the 5th Division and served in Europe.

Ferdinand and Daisy Thiele. April 29th, 1919.

While Ferdie was in France, he met Daisy Hampton who was serving with Queen Mary’s Auxiliary Corps, attached to the British Pay Corps. The couple were married at Cardiff, Wales, on April 29th, 1919. Daisy was born on August 7th, 1897.

Ferdie brought Daisy back to Australia on one of the bride ships and they lived with Ferdie’s parents at Doncaster for a short time.

Ferdie purchased the property of “Ambleside”, comprising 18 1/2 acres in Mitcham Road, Mitcham, where they established an orchard. In 1937, the acreage was increased to 30 acres by purchasing the adjoining property.

Daisy was a familiar figure in the district, driving her horse and jinker. An artistic person, she enjoyed needlework and music.

Ferdie and Daisy had a family of six sons, the third son dying as a child. He died on September 19th, 1928 and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery.

Daisy died on July 24th, 1946, at Mitcham and was buried with her son.

Three years later, Ferdie married on October 19th, 1949, to Muriel Alice nee Gould, who was born at Coburg on February 6th, 1901; a daughter of Frederick William Gould and Adelaide nee Pegler.

A new home was built on part of the orchard property in 1952. In his retirement, Ferdie enjoyed bowls and took a keen interest in the lawns and garden of the Mitcham Bowling Club. He worshipped regularly at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, where he was Treasurer for many years.

He died on July 1st, 1968, at Mitcham, and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery. Muriel resides in a private hospital in Box Hill.

Ferdinand Thiele’s home, Mitcham Road, Mitcham, Victoria.

The family of Friedrich Johann Ferdinand and Daisy Thiele


See section: Carl August Aumann and Johanne Eleonore nee Hanke

The 3rd child of Carl (Henry) Heinrich and Johanne Caroline Finger


BORN: September 11th, 1857

Hawthorn, Victoria DIED: March 29th, 1927

Geelong, Victoria BURIED: March 31st, 1927

Geelong Eastern Cemetery, Victoria MARRIED: September 24th, 1879

Doncaster, Victoria


DAUGHTER OF: Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann


BORN: August 9th, 1856

Mount Duneed, Victoria DIED: November 24th, 1914

Geelong, Victoria BURIED: November 25th, 1914

Geelong Eastern Cemetery, Victoria SON OF: Thomas Christian Baum and Anna

Elizabeth nee Tietz

Children of Johann Gottfried Erdmann and Anna Christina Baum













FRANK PAECH 1880-1959






EVA HARTWICH 1897-1971

THELMA FOX 1903-1974


Anna Christina Finger was born on September 11th, 1857, at Hawthorn, Victoria. She was the twin daughter of Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

On September 24th, 1879, Anna married Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, Victoria. Gottfried was the fourth child of Thomas Christian Baum and the second child of

Anna Elizabeth nee Tietz. He was born on August 9th, 1856, at Mt Duneed, Victoria. His sister, Johanne Eleonore, had married Anna’s uncle Wilhelm Heinrich Aumann. Anna and Gottfried’s wedding ceremony was preformed by Pastor Max von Schramm and the witnesses were William Finger and Henry Thiele ( who married Anna’s twin sister, Emma.)

Gottfried helped his father cart scoria for the roads, and while working in the area, he visualised the day when he might buy “Claremont” at Waurn Ponds. Gottfried’s Father’s family then moved to Gippsland and Gottfried assisted by driving one wagon, and later helped build their home there.

Gottfried and Anna went to live at “Springberg”, the home they had built on land selected at Perrys Bridge, almost a mile from his parents and adjoining their property.

“Claremont”, Waurn Ponds, Victoria.

Their first child was born a year later at Doncaster and was named Anna Christina Elizabeth. They had a family of 5 sons and 7 daughters, and their youngest daughter, Anna Alette Rosina, died at the age of 5 weeks in 1903.

A note book of Anna’s lists her strawberry sales for the years 1883-1886, during which she averaged seven pounds each season. With the proceeds from her first strawberry sales she bought a grandfather clock, which is still in use. Gottfried’s sales are also noted in the book.

In 1885, items such as:

6 bags potatoes, sold to a Mr Kerveshal for 2 pounds.

12 lbs peas 2/-

48 lbs butter 2 pounds, eight shillings.

He also sold Mr Kerveshal 20 bags of chaff a week at 1/3 a bag.

Anna’s note book of 1903 records:

Ferdi’s coat 3/11. silk shirt 3/4,

suit 3/11, Erdmann’s suit 2/5 h,

Mamma’s hat 16/-, Beattie’s dress 1/7 h,

Anna won many prizes for her jams, preserves and dried fruit, in the North Gippsland Show.

The Mission Church at Ramahyuck about four miles away, formed an important part in their lives,

The family of Gottfried and Anna Baum.

L-R: Back: Joseph, Minna, Christine, Ferdinand, Bertha. Centre: Alonzo, Anna (mother), Ethel, Gottfried (father), Ruhina. Front: Rupert, Erdmann, Beatrice.

as the children attended school and Sunday School there. They had lessons in the same class room as Rev. Hagenauer’s family and the aboriginal children.

When Gottfried’s father died, the family shifted back to Geelong, and Gottfried decided to buy “Claremont”, thus realising his dreams of twenty years earlier.

“Springberg” was sold to his brother, Fred Baum, and the packing started. Gottfried drove the wagon, two drovers helped with the cattle, and Ferdi rode his little pony all the way. Anna and the other children left by train to Melbourne, then caught the Edina across the bay to Geelong.

“Claremont”, then on 245 acres, was built in 1857, just a year after Gottfried was born, his birthplace being about 2 miles away. The home was built of bricks baked on the property and consisted of eight rooms, servant’s quarters and a coach house. Gottfried built on a large kitchen and planted more fruit trees.

In 1910, the family picked 119 cases of cherries, for which they received forty pounds. A variety of fruit was grown and sold locally, and income was also derived from hundreds of pounds of butter made weekly. This work combined with general mixed farming kept the family fully occupied.

Anna Christina Finger (Baum).

Anna and Gottfried Baum and family, taken just before leaving “Springberg”, Gippsland to live at “Claremont”, Waum Ponds.

The children walked 3 miles to Waurn Ponds school and on Sunday, the family walked 3 miles across the paddocks to the Germantown (Grovedale) Lutheran Church. Gottfried was an Elder of the church from 1899 until his death.

Among the many weekend visitors to “Claremont” were Gottfried’s pen friends, the Captain and Officers of the wheat clipper Herzogin Cecilie. This lofty sailing ship was the pride of Germany and the fastest competitor in several grain races.

In 1912, Anna and Gottfried retired into Geelong while two sons, Joe and Alonzo leased “Claremont”. Gottfried died while fishing on Corio Bay, on November 28th, 1914, and Anna died at Geelong on March 29th, 1927. Both were buried in the Eastern Cemetery, Geelong, Victoria.

“Ravenshurst”, Geelong, Victoria, the borne where Gottfried and Anna Baum lived in retirement.

Eastern Cemetery, Geelong, Victoria.

The Baum sons with their team.


Anna Christine Elizabeth Baum was born on September 30th, 1880; at Doncaster, Victoria, the eldest child of Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

On May 28th, 1901; at Germantown (Grovedale), Victoria, Christina married Oscar Rheinhold Rau who was born in 1886, the son of Juluis Rau and Augustine nee Boehm.

Oscar Rheinhold and Christina made their home at Sutherland Creek, Victoria, where they had a farming property. This is where their first son, Oscar Eric Erdmann was born. In 1907, the family lived on a farm in Fyansford, where their third daughter, Amy was born. From there they moved to a farm in Jan Jac staying for 4 years. Oscar then drove lorries at Geelong and Cressy, living in High St, Belmont where they leased a paddock to keep their horses. The family later moved to Autumn St, West Geelong and this is where Oscar became very ill and spent 12 months in hospital before dying of cancer.

Oscar died on March 14th, 1917; at Heidelberg, Victoria, only three years after the youngest child was born, leaving Christina with a young family to rear.

Fifty-five years after her husband’s death, Christina died on September 8th, 1972; at Geelong and was buried with her husband in the Geelong Eastern Cemetery, Victoria.

Oscar and Christina Rau. May 28th, 1901.

The family of Oscar Rheinhold and Anna Christina Elizabeth Rau


5. Anna Alvira Rau

b. 9-6.1905 Geelong Vic

Rupert Campbell Jacob b. 28.8.1903

d. 9-1-1974 Victoria Park W.A. Buried Eastern Creek N.S.W.

1. Gwendolyn Anna Jacob b. 8.3.1935 Geelong Vic

Adrian Keith Walker b. 11.12.1931 Melbourne Vic

3. Rodney Rau

b. 16.1.1959 Melbourne Vic

4. Andrew Rau

b. 9.2.1966 Geelong Vic

1. Christine Anna Walker b. 23.4.1958 Wentworthville N.S.W.

Ronald James Saunderson b. 6.9.1958 Sydney N.S.W.

1. Danielle Anna Saunderson

b. 14.6.1986 Parramatta N.S.W.

2. Ryan Phillip Saunderson

b. 20.10.1992 Wentworthville N.S.W.

2. Glen Adrian Walker

b. 9.8.1961 Parramatta N.S.W.

3. Darren Keith Walker

b. 17.10.1967 Newcastle N.S.W.

2. Zelma Campbell Jacob b. 24.9.1937 Geelong Vic

George Desmond Jones b. 27.1.1938 Neath Wales

1. Dean Edward Jones

b. 24.5.1961 Wentworthville N.S.W.

Sharon Hanlon b. 5.10.1964

1. Rebecca Anne Jones

b. 18.8.1986 Parramatta N.S.W.

2. Nathan Dean Jones

b. 11.11.1988 Parramatta N.S.W.

3. Melissa Astrid Jones

b. 11.11.1988 Parramatta N.S.W.

3. Edward Campbell Jacob b. 14.3.1940 Richmond Vic

Kay Tall b. 7.1.1953

2. Janette Anna Jones

b. ll.lO.i965 Parramatta N.S.W.

1. Kylie Anne Jacob

b. 31.7.1969 Wollongong N.S.W.

Craig Ragnar Ramstadius b.

2. Meghan Leigh Jacob

b. 26.11.1970 Wollongong N.S.W.

6. Agnes Amelia Rau b. 4.3-1907 Fyansford Vic

Charles Gordon Harding b. 6.5.1898 Ocean Grove Vic d. 2.5.1981

Buried Point Lonsdale Vic

1. Charles Victor Harding b. 21.9.1932 Geelong Vic

Rita Margaret Hayward b. 21.7.1938 Geelong Vic d. 4.3.1985 Point Lonsdale Vic Buried Point Lonsdale Vic

Marie McArthur b. 10.9.1942

1. Carol Ann Harding

b. 21.2.1965 Geelong Vic

Shane Charles Barbeler b. 11.11.1959 Qld

2. Susan Harding

b. 11.9.1966 Geelong Vic

3. David Andrew Harding b. 14.5.1968 Geelong Vic

Jennifer Veronika Taylor b. 6.1.1969 Shepparton Vic

4. Ross Charles Harding

b. 7.3.1973 Geelong Vic

1. Amy Louise Barbeler

b. 21.7.1992 Toowoomba Qld

2. Melva Joy Harding

b. 15.12.1936 Geelong Vic

Allen Linsay Grinter b. 10.7.1935 Geelong Vic

1. Robert Charles Grinter

b. 23.8.1960 Geelong Vic

Barbara Louise Marchant b. 21.10.1958 Bendigo Vic

2. Ian David Grinter

b. 17.11.1964 Geelong Vic


Henrietta Bertha Baum was born on July 10th, 1882, at Stratford, Victoria, the second child of Johann Gottfried Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

Her education was commenced at the Mission School at Ramahyuck, Gippsland, where the family attended church and the Children Sunday School, then completed her schooling at the Waurn Ponds School.

On September 9th, 1903, Bertha married at “Claremont”, Waurn Ponds, Frank Paech who was born at Mount Duneed Victoria, on May 20th, 1880, the son of Gottfried Paech and Johanne Lindew nee Dubrow.

The family consisted of four daughters and one son, and they attended the Grovedale Lutheran Church and later the Lutheran Church at North Geelong. Frank and Bertha settled on a property in Hams Road, Waurn Ponds, where they reared their four daughters and one son. They developed a dairy farm selling their products mainly through Geelong Butter Factory and stock through H. F. Richardsons in Geelong.

They extended their farm by the purchase of additional acres in Boundary Road, Mt. Duneed and Ghazepore Road, Waurn Ponds. This allowed increased stock holding and scope for cropping their own hay and grain supplies.

Of course the family looked forward to and participated with toil and excitement in the annual visit of ‘the Thresher’ when a haystack would be 'devoured’ to produce stock grain and next season’s seed.

Music, particularly church music, was a regular part of family life. The front room of the family home was proudly equipped with both organ and piano. The daughters became competent pianists whilst son Freddie provided support as a trumpeter. The whole family were enthusiastic vocalists.

Bertha died on April 3rd, 1943, and Frank on June 8th, 1959, at home in Waurn Ponds, Victoria, and were buried in the Geelong Eastern Cemetery, Victoria.

Henrietta Bertha Baum.

Frank Paech.

The family of Frank and Henrietta Bertha Paech


Johann Gottfried Ferdinand Baum was born on March 19th, 1885 at Perry’s Bridge, Gippsland Victoria; the eldest son of Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

His education would have also started at the Mission School at Ramahyuck and later at the Waurn Ponds School.

On June 30th, 1909 Ferdinand married in Geelong to May Louise nee Harrison who was born on March 1st, 1887 at Highton, Victoria the daughter of John Harrison and Harriett nee Johns.

Ferdinand farmed at Fyansford near Geelong where the family lived. There were three sons and seven daughters most still living in Geelong and districts.

Ferdinand died on January 13th, 1951 and May on April 5th, 1962 and both are buried in the Highton Cemetery, Victoria.

Ferdinand and May Baum, June 30th, 1909.

The family of Johann Gottfried Ferdinand and May Louise Baum




See under section Matthias Johann Heinrich and Caroline Emma Thiele (Finger)


Johann Joseph Benjiman (Joe) Baum was born on June 16th, 1888 at Stratford, Gippsland, Victoria the son of Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

On September 13th, 1914 Joe married at Germantown (Grovedale) to Dorothea Elizabeth nee Hartwich who was also born at Stratford on February 4th, 1891, the daughter of Henry Hartwich and Louise nee Pocholke.

Joe and Dorothea made their home at Waurn Ponds where Joe farmed the southern portion of “Claremont” all his life. They had a family of five sons and a daughter.

Joe died on December 6th, 1947 at Waurn Ponds and Dorothea on May 23th, 1971 at Grovedale and both are buried in the Grovedale Cemetery, Victoria.

Joe and Dorothea Baum, September 13th, 1914.

The family of Johann Joseph Benjiman and Dorothea Elizabeth Baum



Rubina Sophia Baum was born on July 25th, 1890 the daughter of Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger. Rubina was born at Perry’s Bridge, Gippsland, Victoria and was only small when the family moved to live at Waurn Ponds, and it was here that she was educated.

On June 8th, 1916 at Grovedale Rubina married William Joshua Vanstone who was born on

William and Rubina Vanstone. June 8th, 1916.

August 4th, 1886 at Allendale, Victoria, a son of Alfred Vanstone and Tryhelenia nee Johns.

William and Rubina made their home at Murtoa, Victoria where William carried on a butcher business, and while their first child was born. They later moved on to a dairy farm at Cora Lynn, Gippsland and later retired to live at Dandenong, Victoria.

William and Rubina had a family of two sons and three daughters.

On October 16th, 1953 at Cora Lynn, William died and was buried in the Dandenong Cemetery, Victoria.

Rubina remarried in 1958 to Alfred Campbell Saker who was born on September 17th, 1885 at Williamstown, Victoria a son of George John Saker and Mary nee Dalzelle. Alfred died at Dandenong on June 8th, 1963 and Rubina died on November 26th, 1964 also at Dandenong and both are buried in the Dandenong Cemetery, Victoria.


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Dandenong Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of William Joshua and Rubina Sophia Vanstone



Johann Alonzo Valentine Baum was born on April 15th, 1893 at Perry’s Bridge, Gippsland, Victoria, the son of Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

On August 28th, 1918, at East Geelong, Victoria, Alonzo married Elsie Ethel nee Plier. Elsie was born at Germantown (Grovedale), Victoria, the daughter of Gottlieb Wilhelm Plier and Martha Elizabeth nee Pacholke.

Alonzo and Elsie lived in the old home “Claremont”, Waurn Ponds, and farmed the property. Today Kenneth, their son, and his wife live in “Claremont” and Ken still has 300 fruit tress and 500 hens on 15 acres left unsold after subdivision of the property.

Alonzo, his brothers, and his father dug two huge holes on the farm, carting dray loads of marl to use as fertiliser, spreading it over the paddocks. The result was a very fertile soil. It did not need fallowing, and grew premium quality wheat, barley and oats, and the orchard produced very sweet peaches, apricots, pears and apples.

Alonzo and Elsie were blessed with a family of two sons and three daughters, one daughter, Dulcie Dorothy, died at a very young age.

Alonzo died on February 14th, 1971, at “Claremont” and Elsie on October 21st, 1975, at Geelong. Both are buried in the Eastern Cemetery, Geelong, Victoria.

“Claremont”. Taken 1991.

Alonzo and Elsie Baum’s family. 1934.

L-R: Back: Maisie, Joyce, Alonzo, Elsie, Norma.

Front: Russell, Kenneth.

The family of Johann Alonzo Valentine and Elsie Ethel Baum


Alvina Flora Ethel Baum was born on March 25th, 1895, at Geelong, Victoria, the daughter of Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

Ethel married in May 1921; at Hawthorn, Victoria, to Clarence Lugg who was born on October 16th, 1885; at “Rosevilla”, Waurn Ponds, Victoria, the youngest of 9 children of Simon Lugg and Marion nee Olhenrott.

Both Ethel and Clarence were educated at the Waurn Ponds School and Ethel, on completing her schooling, lived at home with the family.

Clarence worked with his father on the farm at Waurn Ponds, where they had an orchard. Here Clarence learnt how to plant fruit trees with the use of gelignite. The explosion loosened the soil all ready for planting. He became an experienced orchardist and onion grower, developing a new breed of white onion.

As he was growing up, he joined the Victorian Railways, working at the North Geelong Station with goods trains. Later he joined the New South Wales Railways as a guard, travelling throughout the state. Clarence then reacquainted himself with his relatives, the Pethybridges in Queensland. Tommy Pethybridge, co-pilot of Kingsford Smith, were both lost in the Southern Cross.

He learnt a lot about grazing cattle and horses, journeying with the Pethybridges throughout outback Queensland, drilling for water.

World War I began and Clarence decided to enlist, only to be rejected due to poor health.

After their marriage, Ethel and Clarence made their home on the property at Waurn Ponds where they reared their five children.

Clarence had an orchard, grew flowers, onion seeds, milked a few cows and cropped. Success came with entries of flowers and produce at many shows, particularly the Geelong Agricultural Shows,

winning many first and second prizes. He was a keen player of cricket and football, playing for Freshwater Creek, and an eager supporter of the Geelong Football Club.

Ethel died on June 19th, 1967 at Belmont, Victoria, and was buried in the Eastern Cemetery, Geelong. Clarence lived into his 106th year, dying on April 28th, 1991; at Geelong. He was also buried in the Eastern Cemetery, Geelong, Victoria.

Clarence and Ethel Lugg, May 1921.

The family of Clarence and Alvina Flora Ethel Lugg



Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum was born on August 3rd, 1897; at Geelong, Victoria, the son of Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

Erdmann married at Germantown (Grovedale), Victoria, on February 28th, 1922, to Eva nee Hartwich who was born on July 15th, 1897; at Geelong, Victoria, the daughter of Albert Hartwich and Anna Maria nee Kosseck.

Erdmann purchased the northern end of “Claremont”, Waurn Ponds, which he worked for a few years, but sold to his brother. Rupert. Erdmann then became an orchardist at Highton, Victoria.

The couple had a family of five sons and one daughter, most of all still live in the Geelong districts.

On December 21st, 1968, at Highton, Victoria, Erdmann died and Eva on June 13th, 1971, also at Highton. Both are buried in the Highton Cemetery.

The family of Johann Gottfried Erdmann and Eva Baum


Thomas Christian Rupert Baum was born at Geelong, Victoria, on February 10th, 1899; the youngest son of Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

Rupert and Thelma Baum. October 4th, 1930.

On October 4th, 1930 Rupert married Thelma nee Fox.

Rupert bought the northern portion of “Claremont” Waurn Ponds from his brother Erdmann. This he worked until his death there on October 2nd, 1963 and Thelma died on November 4th, 1974 at Geelong. Both are buried in the Highton Cemetery, Victoria.

Rupert Baum with his twin sister, Beatrice.


Flora Beatrice Baum was born on February 11th, 1899; at Geelong, Victoria, the youngest child of Johann Gottfried Erdmann Baum and Anna Christina nee Finger.

Beatrice’s education was at the Waurn Ponds School not far from her home “Claremont”.

On March 1st, 1924; at Grovedale Lutheran Church, Victoria, she married Herman Alfred Scholz, who was bom on May 25th, 1896; at Perry’s Bridge, Gippsland, Victoria; the son of Robert Gustav Scholz and Emma Caroline nee Arndt. Plerman and Beatrice made their home on a property, “Sunshine”, Perry’s Bridge, where they lived for twenty years. It was here that their family of three sons and two daughters were born. Their second son Leslie Robert, died at Stratford on November 11th, 1931; at two years and three months of age, and was buried in the Stratford Cemetery, Victoria.

The family later moved to the sheep property, “Carseburn”, Strathewen, where they farmed for another twenty years and then bought “Spring Valley”, some 500 acres at Lima South, where Beatrice now lives with her sons, Max and Clive, who work the property.

“Spring Valley”, Lima South, Victoria.

The family worshipped regularly at the Presbyterian Church; the present one being the Benalla Presbyterian Church.

Herman died on April 9th, 1983, at Mansfield, Victoria. He is buried in the Benalla Lawn Cemetery, Victoria.

Herman and Beatrice Scholz. March 1st, 1924.

The family of Herman Alfred and Flora Beatrice Scholz


The 4th child of Carl (Henry) Heinrich and Johanne Caroline Finger



BORN: August 9th, 1851 Carrier’s Creek, Geelong, Victoria

DIED: June 19th, 1919 Doncaster, Victoria

BURIED: June 21st, 1919 Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

>ON OF: George Winter and Anna Rosina nee Walter

Jiild of Johann George Frederick and Christina Winter


^"^hristina Finger was born at Hawthorn, Victoria, the fourth child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

The writings of Leigh Marian nee Soderlund, great rand daughter of John George Frederick and ihristina Winter:

Christina was born on October 1st, 1859, the fourth child of Henry and Caroline Finger. Her early years were spent on her parents’ property in Deepdene/Hawthom. From here she would walk with her family to the Lutheran Church in Melbourne. It was in this church that she was christened and it

was to this church that she walked for confirmation classes.

Later the family moved to Waldau and built a house in Waldau Lane. Christina helped the family make bricks for the home by mixing the mud and rushes. As young women she and her sisters went into service as housemaids or companions. Christina at one time worked for people in Studley Park.

One of her elder twin sisters, Anna, married Gottfried Baum from Geelong. After their marriage the couple lived with the Fingers until moving to their own property at Perry Bridge in Gippsland. One of Gottfried’s Geelong friends was Fred Winter and it was probably through this association that Christina and Fred met. For several years Fred and Christina corresponded, sharing many aspects of their daily life — and there were also visits to Doncaster and Geelong.

On July 20th, 1881 Fred and Christina were married by Pastor Schramm in the Trinity Lutheran Church at Waldau.

Fred and Christina first lived in a small weatherboard house on their property in High Street, Doncaster. Later the larger brick home was built, on the same site.

Christina recalled pruning the young orchard with a pruning knife while her husband built dams. In 1883 their only child, Anna Rosina, was bom — Christina had been threshing oats only the day before. This is not surprising as Christina throughout her life presented as a strong, resourceful woman. She continued to work alongside her husband on their orchard, raise their daughter and remain a faithful member of the Trinity Lutheran Church.

As her husband’s health failed, Christina took a greater part in running the orchard with the help of her daughter and son-in-law, Henry. So it was after Fred’s death in 1919 that she became the matriarch of a large family, her six grandchildren living with her. To them all and her great grandchildren to come she was known as uDooey”.

A well-known story typifies her courage and care for family. While with her grandchildren one day a snake appeared in the garden. Unafraid, Christina grabbed its tail and whip-cracked the snake, breaking its spine and so killing it.

She continued to live in the home that she and Fred had built until her death on November 10th, 1951.

John George Frederick Winter, the youngest child of George and Anna Rosina (nee Walter, Winter was born on August 9th, 1851 at Carrier’s Creek, Geelong. Of the family of two boys and three girls, he was the only child to be born in Australia. The family had arrived from Prussia in 1849.

He attended school as well as helping his father and brother in their vineyard. However, when he was only ten years old his father died. Later he joined his

Fred and Christina. July 20th, 1881.

elder brother who continued to run the family business and together they built up a successful retail wine outlet. Winters Wine Cellar remained in the family for over 100 years and has only recently been put up for sale. Several weddings in Doncaster had their wine supplied from Winters Wine Cellar.

During a trip to Doncaster, Fred met Christina Finger and began writing to her. Through their letters, many of which have survived, some of his activities as a young man are recorded. Fred had a fine singing voice and was often practising for church meetings or confirmations, singing in both German and English. Ln 1880 he was in a Melbourne parade for the Queen’s Birthday — he commented that he could see the Doncaster Tower from the Exhibition Tower. He also won several shooting competitions. Groups would engage him to use his horse and wagon to take picnic parties to the “back beach ” especially on Christmas and New Year holidays. And once during a flood he saved some people from a house rooftop.

After his marriage to Christina in 1881 he purchased 60 acres in High Street, Doncaster and

Fred and Christina Winter with their daughter, Anna Rosina.

kerosene and continued pumping into the 1950s. It is now preserved in the Engineering Department of Melbourne University and is on display there.

Following construction of one dam Fred was taken to court by a neighbour for obstructing the flow of water to his property. However; the court found that this was not the case as the gully only became a watercourse temporarily after heavy rain.

In the first election for council after Doncaster became a shire, Fred Winter was one of six councillors elected. He served on council from 1890-1892.

He was a member of the 1st Doncaster Brass Band and a photograph taken in 1890 shows him with the drum.

Fred and Christina were members of the Trinity Lutheran Church, Doncaster. In 1891 when decisions regarding the new church building were being made, Fred Winter was one of those whose efforts led to the choice of the present site. He was also one of the first trustees for the second church, and was bitterly disappointed at being unable to attend its Dedication due to a severe foot injury.

he first home of Fred and Christina Winter, High Street, Doncaster, Victoria.

Kehre Wieder”, High Street, Doncaster, Victoria.

\fter clearing the land planted grape vines and fruit rees there. Once, armed with a shotgun, he revented a hunt club from chasing a fox through 'is vineyard. Their first home on the property was a weatherboard cottage. However, they may at first 'ave lived in the Finger home at Waldau as that was where their only child, Rosina, was bom in 1883■

Later, in the late 1890s, a brick home, named Kehre Weider” (Come Again) was built on the site of he old one. This was apparently built in five weeks y Mr Fankhauser as he was anxious to proceed to he West Australian Goldfields.

Fred was interested in water conservation and was the first in Doncaster to use a pump engine to mgate his orchard, building several dams on his roperty which were used to supply the water. He nvented a sprinkler to be used in canvas hose and Iso a reel to carry the hose. Fred also helped others i build dams, and no doubt he received help in etum. He was also one of the first to plant pines as a windbreak around his orchard.

In 1900 he had a Hornsby-Akroyd engine n.stalled to pump the water. This ran on lighting

For many years Fred was interested in and practised the technique of Baunscheidt. This was a German treatment for rheumatics and other associated diseases where the skin was punctured and special oil applied. In his Baunscheidt book, originally inscribed in June 1884 he lists many well-known local names as persons he had treated.

Although he often had one or two patients in his home, he unfortunately was unable to treat his own

Parkinson’s Disease. This gradually disabled him until he became bedridden.

He died on June 19th, 1919 and is buried in the Box Hill Cemetery.

L. Marian 1993

Both Fred and Christina died at Doncaster, Victoria and were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


Anna Rosina Winter was born on January 31st, 1883, at Doncaster, Victoria; the only child of Johann George Frederick Winter and Christina nee Finger. She was named after her paternal grandmother, Anna Rosina nee Walter, however she was known to everyone as Rosie.

Her education was at the Doncaster State School and was one of the early pupils of this school. She

worked with her parents on their orchard in High Street, Doncaster. As a child, about nine years old, she is reputed to have planted an oak tree at the back of the Trinity Lutheran Church on the site of her great grandfather’s home. When a young girl she also received art lessons from Mr Lawrence Smith and produced many fine paintings now treasured by her descendants.

Anna Rosina Winter.

Henry Leopold Soderlund.

Soderlundfamily. March 5th, 1933-L-R: Back: Sigrid, Dave Bogle,Ruth, Olof. Seated: Violet, Rosie (mother), Leo,

Christina Winter, Ralph.

During the summer of 1908-09 a young Swede, Henry Soderlund came to work on her father’s orchard. Rosie and he picked pears together and she treated an axe wound on his leg — and so it was that Rosie met her husband. They were married at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster on September 22nd, 1909. The wedding breakfast was held in the Winter’s packing shed. The couple made their home at “Kehre Weider” with Rosie’s parents.

Henry Leopold Soderlund was born in Goteborg, Sweden on July 31st, 1880; the fifth child of Ludwig Soderlund and Josefina nee Berndtsdotter, one of nine children. As a young man he worked in the port of Goteborg and was later to get a job on a steamship. On one trip he arrived in Melbourne about October/November and jumped ship with another man. Neither could speak English, but eventually after several odd jobs they arrived in the Greythorn/North Balwyn area during the fruit season and it was from here that Henry came to work on the Winter property.

Rosie and Henry had a family of three sons and three daughters but as the years passed the differences and difficulties between the couple increased. Eventually Heniy left the family to live apart and was not united with them until about 30 ^ears later.

Rosie and her mother where left to manage the Drchard when the health of Rosie’s father began to

fail. These two women with the help of Rosie’s children managed the orchard. As adults the boys divided the orchard to run one third each, but eventually it was subdivided for housing as most of the Doncaster orchards.

Rosie was able to look to the future and saw the importance of preserving many things of the past. Because of this her family has been able to retain many old photos, magazines, newspaper articles, letters, etc. Her wish also was that a small area of virgin bush on their orchard remain so. It was with this request in mind that Winter Park subdivision of four acres was created where cluster homes were built amongst the old eucalypts.

As with her mother before her, Rosie was a keen gardener and it is a tribute to them that the box hedges planted throughout the garden are now classified by the National Trust of Victoria.

Rosie all her life was an active member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Doncaster, where she took her family Sunday by Sunday to worship. They also took an active part in the overall life of the church.

A strong determined woman, Rosie learnt to drive a car when she was 43 years of age. She continued to live in “Kehre Weider” until shortly before her death at Doncaster on January 26th, 1972 and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. Henry died on December 16th, 1979, at Mt Eliza, Victoria and was buried in the Dromana Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Henry Leopold and Anna Rosina Soderlund

The 5th child of Carl (Henry) Heinrich and Johanne Caroline Finger






BORN: May 3rd, 1858 Tanunda, South Australia

DIED: August 21st, 1936 Doncaster, Victoria

BURIED: August 22nd, 1936 Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

SON OF: Johann Gottlieb Rieschieck and Augustine nee Irrgang

Children of August Ferdinand Rheinhold and Henriette Ernestine Rieschieck





HERBERT PAUL 1893-1975











Henriette Ernestine Finger was born on March 23rd, 1862 at Hawthorn, Victoria; a daughter of Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanna Caroline nee Aumann.

Henriette was educated at Doncaster and lived the earlier part of her life there. Along with her family, she helped make the bricks to build their new home in George Street, Doncaster.

On April 19th, 1883, Henriette married August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. August was born on May 3rd, 1838 at Tanunda, South Australia; the son of Johann Gottlob Rieschieck and Christine Auguste nee Irrang.

Gottlob Rieschieck purchased land at Tanunda on January 22nd, 1852, from Carl Gottlob Maywaldfor £15. He built a bouse on this land. The dwelling consisted of two main rooms, each with a fireplace; there was a hall between these two rooms, two small lean-to rooms and a small cellar. A new section was built about 1860, consisting of one very large room, an equally large cellar plus another lean-to, in which

the stairway to the cellar was situated. On the other end of the house, another lean-to without access to the house was known as the Weizenkammer (wheatstore). Under this section a long, narrow cellar

Rieschieck home in Tanunda, South Australia. 1993■ This is where August was bom.

August and Henriette Rieschieck with their two eldest children.

August and Henriette Rieschieck.

August and Henriette Rieschieck and family.

was used for wine making and wine storage. This was the home in which August grew up, and he was educated at Tanunda Lutheran School. (This was an abstract from a publication issued by the Barossa Valley Archives and Historical Trust Inc., especially for an Open Day held at Rieschieck House, Goat Square, Tanunda, on Sunday January 5th, 1986, as part of the Jubilee celebrations of the State of South Australia.) August learnt the blacksmith trade and owned his own business in Tanunda from 1881 until 1901, when he came to Balwyn, Victoria.

August, Henriette and their family settled on an orchard in Greythorn Road, Balwyn, on 12 acres given by Henriette’s father Henry Finger.

Seven of their children had been born in Tanunda and two in Doncaster. One son, Walter, was killed in the 1914-1918 War.

August was an Elder of the Doncaster Lutheran Church, where the family walked each Sunday for worship.

An Aunt, Miss Irrang, married August Ludwig Kavel, the pioneer Pastor of South Australia.

August retired from active work in 1927 and came to Doncaster in 1930, to live in a home on the western side of the Doncaster Inn, in Doncaster Road. Henriette died here on June 25th, 1932 and August on August 21st, 1936. Both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


The family of August Charles Henry and Anna Marie Elizabeth Thiele: see Henry and Caroline Finger section


Adolph Paul Fankhauser was born on September 23rd, 1879, at Balwyn, Victoria, a son of George Fankhauser and Johanna Louise nee Neumann. He was educated at the Balwyn State School, as were his brothers and sisters.

In September 1907, he married Emma Auguste Caroline nee Rieschieck at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Emma was born on June 16th, 1883, at Tanunda, South Australia, a daughter of August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger.

The couple settled on an orchard property in Burwood Highway, Wantirna, where they spent the rest of their lives.

Adolph marketed the fruit by horse and wagon. His interests were confined largely to family and orchard.

The family took an active part in church life at the Church of England, Wantirna.

Emma was very active in various groups around the district, including Red Cross, Alfred Hospital Auxiliary, of which she was a life member, and the State School Mother’s Club, of which she was a founding member.

She had a full life, assisting her husband on the orchard, raising a family of five sons and five daughters as well as involvement in various charities.

Adolph died at home on November 15th, 1948, and Emma on July 5th, 1975, 27 years after her husband. Both are buried in the Ferntree Gully Cemetery, Victoria.

Adolph Paul and Emma Caroline Auguste Fankhauser.

The family of Adolph Paul and Emma Caroline Fankhauser

1. Aleck Adolph Fankhauser b. 29.11.1908 Box Hill Vic d. 29.1.1909 Buried

Walter August Fankhauser b. 19.9.1909 Box Hill Vic

1. Joan Eleonor Fankhauser b. 15.9.1935

1. Gavin Stewart Fraser b. 2.1.1960

1. Madeline Grace Fraser b. 27.12.1990

Grace Eleonor Cook b. 31.1.1911 Camberwell Vic d. 14.4.1985 Boronia Vic Buried Springvale Vic

Graeme Leslie Fraser b. 16.9.1932

Tessa Gatte b. 6.11.1961

2. Anthony James Fraser b. 24.10.196l

1. Robert James Fraser b. 26.4.1986

Sandra Elizabeth Harrop b. 15.9.1960

2. Jay Anthony Fraser b. 12.1.1988

3. Chloe Elizabeth Fraser b. 27.11.1991

2. Gwenneth Joyce Fankhauser

1. Matthew Craig Wilson

b. 13.7.1937

b. 13.7.1961

Kevin Lawrence Wilson

Jane Hanson

b. 1.3.1934


2. Ross Cambell Wilson

b. 21.6.1963

Catherine McMillan b.

3. Johannah Leigh Wilson b. 9.4.1972

3. Ella Dorothy Fankhauser b. 3-8.1911 Box Hill Vic

Edward Taylor Farmillo b. 16.9.1909 Ringwood Vic

1. Dorothy Margaret Farmillo b. 9.11.1934 d. 20.11.1973 Buried

Donald George Fitzpatrick b. 21.10.1933

1. Suzanne Joy Fitzpatrick b. 2.6.1959

Colin Pledge b.

2. Peter Donald Fitzpatrick b. 21.6.1963

Melinda Eves b.

3. John Fitzpatrick b. 31.6.1958

Elizabeth Matthews b.

Ronald Edward Farmillo

1. Craig Donald Farmillo

b. 10.9.1937

b. 9.3.1966

Margaret Ann Moran

2. Lisa Ann Farmillo

b. 2.6.1939

b. 14.5.1968

John Connolly


3. Douglas John Farmillo b. 12.12.1943

Christine Robina Goetze b. 17.8.1943

1. Russell Douglas Farmillo b. 28.1.1965

Donna Birch b.

2. Vanessa Louise Farmillo b. 1.9.1966

Philip Humphrey b.

3. Natalie Christine Farmillo b. 22.5.1969

4. Diana Farmillo b. 21.11.1974

1. Olivia Isabel Wilson b. 12.10.1992

1. Kiesty Pledge b. 7.10.1991

1. Daniel Fitzpatrick b.

2. Hayley Fitzpatrick


1. Lauren Fitzpatrick b.

2. Sara Fitzpatrick b.

1. Rachel Farmillo b.

2. Renee Farmillo


1. Mami Humphrey b.

2. Taylor Humphrey b.

4. Doris Margaret Fankhauser b. 23.9.1913 Box Hill Vic d. 2.3.1958 Wantirna Vic Buried Ferntree Gully Vic

Lawrence Francis Baker b. 8.5.1913 Deloraine Tas

1. Ann Louise Baker

b. 8.8.1947 Ringwood Vic

Gary Harley b. 15.3.1945

2. Helen Mary Baker

b. 10.1.1950 Ringwood Vic

Christopher Doyle b. 13.2.1951

1. Carmel Harley

b. 22.1.1975 Burwood Vic

2. Mark Harley

b. 10.8.1977 Bright Vic

1. Donna Doyle

b. 2.8.1972 Perth W.A.

2. Kate Doyle

b. 7.10.1980 Frankston Vic

5. Richard Adolph Fankhauser b. 9.9.1915 Doncaster Vic

Alvina Gertrude Dehnert b. 6.1.1915 Box Hill Vic

Pauline Maria Fankhauser b. 18.12.1943 Ringwood Vic

Gany James Byrne b. 27.4.1943 Ringwood Vic

1. David Lionel Byrne

b. 10.5.1968 Mitcham Vic

2. Alison Marie Byrne

b. 1.6.1970 Mitcham Vic

2. Neil Richard Fankhauser b. 8.2.1946 Ringwood Vic

Roslyn Louise Bullen b. 30.8.194?

1. Jason Fankhauser b. 11.8.1970

3. Glenn Edward Fankhauser b. 6.2.1951 Ringwood Vic

Elizabeth Goodlett b. 10.5.1952

1. Stewart Glenn Fankhauser b. 18.7.1974

2. Bradley James Fankhauser b. 11.6.1976

3. Lauren Elizabeth Fankhauser b. 27.6.1984 Warragul Vic

Irene Amy Fankhauser b. 15.8.1917 Box Hill Vic

1. Robert Alan Simpson b. 1.1.1939

Allan John Simpson b. 14.1.1912 d. 9.6.1972

Buried Springvale Vic

Mavis Daisy McLeod b. 21.11.1941

William Auster Walsh b. 1.5.1918

2. Leslie George Simpson b. 29.8.1940

Lois Adele Ingwersen b. 5.1.1944

1. Karen Lee Simpson b. 17.2.1964

1. Nicholas James Cooper b. 29.6.1990

Richard Cooper b. 19.5.1966

2. Jamie Rebecca Cooper b. 8.5.1992

2. Gary Robert Simpson b. 30.12.1966

3. Julie Marie Simpson b. 8.11.1969

1. Leslie Roy Simpson b. 13.8.1965

Sonia Jane Bechaz b. 22.7.1967

2. Warren John Simpson b. 15.2.1967

3. Terry Gordon Simpson b. 23.12.1968

7. Harold George Fankhauser b. 19.6.1919 Box Hill Vic

Thelma Eileen Thompson b. 27.10.1926

1. Nola Beverly Fankhauser b. 12.10.1950 Ringwood Vic

Ronald Freestone b. 3.5.1950 Melbourne Vic

1. Narrele Simone Freestone

b. 19.2.1974 Canberra A.C.T.

2. Brett Harold Freestone

b. 10.9.1975 Canberra A.C.T.

2. Jeanatte Ann Fankhauser b. 15.10.1954 Ringwood Vic

Noel Constantine b. 31.8.1952 Melbourne Vic

1. Brooke Lauren Constantine b. 25.7.1982 Nambour Qld

2. Danny Joel Constantine

b. 15.2.1986 Nambour Qld

3. Denise Joy Fankhauser b. l6.12.1956 Ringwood Vic

Noel Stephens b. 25.12.1956 Box Hill Vic

Gunther Franz Kettniss b. 7.1.1954 Brisbane Qld

1. Ellice Emma Stephens

b. 19.11.1981 Nambour Qld

2. Jacinta Jaye Stephens

b. 18.4.1985 Nambour Vic

8. Max Arthur Fankhauser

b. 4.8.1921 Ferntree Gully Vic

Joyce Elizabeth Gouge b. 2.10.1927 Camberwell Vic

9. Elizabeth Maiy Fankhauser b. 15.5.1923 Box Hill Vic d. .6.1965

Buried Springvale Vic

1. Lynette Joy Fankhauser b. 2.4.1952 Richmond Vic

James David Cox b. 12.12.1947 Caulfield Vic

1. Deborah Lynne Cox

b. 16.5.1976 Ferntree Gully Vic

2. Darren James Cox

b. 15.7.1978 Ferntree Gully Vic

10. Olive Joyce Fankhauser b. 1.11.1925 Box Hill Vic

Charles Alan Peggie b. 3-7.1912 Hawthorn Vic d. 30.4.1964 Buried Springvale Vic

1. Paul Charles Peggie

1. Andrew Peggie

b. 4.10.1949

Karen Chambers b. 5.3.1950

2. Jennifer Peggie

b. 11.1.1975

2. Michael Peggie b. 1.5.1978

1. Daniel McGregor

b. 25.4.1951

Noel McGregor b. 17.2.1948

3. Mary Janet Peggie b. 1.5.1953

David Ruskin b. 18.2.1949

b. 14.10.1973

2. Wendy McGregor b. 23.7.1976

1. Nathan Ruskin b. 28.12.1979

2. Megan Ruskin b. 31.8.1981


William August Rieschieck was born on July 3rd, 1887, at Tanunda, South Australia; a son of August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger.

William (Bill) would have been educated in South Australia as he was past school leaving age when his family came to Victoria. Fie assisted his father on the orchard in Belmore Road, North Balwyn.

On July 17th, 1911, Bill married Ida Mathilda nee Fromhold, who was born on December 22nd, 1890, at Doncaster; a daughter of Henry Fromhold and Mary Ann nee Zerbe. Ida was a sister to Emma, who married Oswald Dehnert, Anna who married Ernst Aumann, and Ernst who married Claudine Finger.

Four of the Fromhold children married descendants of Carl Samuel Aumann.

Ida was reared at the old Fromhold home which still stands today in George Street, and she was educated at the Doncaster State School.

Bill eventually purchased the Finger orchard where the old Finger home stood. This became Bill and Ida’s home, where they raised a family of one son and two daughters.

Ida and Bill were regular worshippers at the

Lutheran Church, Doncaster, where the family took an active part in church life.

One daughter, Jean, died at the age of 23 years, on June 19th, 1939, and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery.

Their son, Edward (Ted) worked the orchard with his father and continued on for a time following his father’s death. The orchard was then sold, purchased by Victor Aumann, who built a new home on it where his wife still lives. Ted then served for a number of years with the Finke River Mission in Central Australia. His sister, Marjorie, married Pastor Werner Erich Petering and worked with him at the Hermannsburg Mission, Central Australia, while Ted returned to Doncaster.

Ida died on January 13th, 1970 at Doncaster and Ted remained in the old home until the property was sold for subdivision when the home was demolished. The barn from this property now stands in the Waldau Cemetery as part of the Doncaster-Templestowe Historical display. Bill died on November 6th, 1971.

Both Ida and Bill are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery.

Bill and Ida Rieschieck’s family. L-R: Ida (mother), Edward, Bill (father), Marjory, Jean.


The Cousins.

L-R: Sylvia Thiele, Edward Rieschieck, Dulcie Thiele, Marjory Rieschieck, Dorothea Thiele.

The family of William August and Ida Mathilda Rieschieck

1. Edward William Rieschieck b. 9.12.1912 Doncaster Vic

2. Marjorie Ida Rieschieck b. 7.7.1914 Box Hill Vic d. 12.4.1991 Tanunda S.A. Buried Tanunda S.A.

Werner Erich Petering b. 4.5.1906 Murtoa Vic

1. Valerie Jean Petering b. 10.6.1940 Mt Barker S.A.

2. Elizabeth Marie Petering b. 18.1.1943 Mt Barker S.A.

Gordon Leslie Menzel b. 31.10.1942 Murtoa Vic

1. Phillip John Menzel

b. 16.7.1971 Richmond Vic

2. David James Menzel

b. 16.4.1974 Box Hill Vic

3. Stephen Paul Menzel

b. 27.1.1979 Box Hill Vic


Carl Heinrich William Petering b. 29.9.1944 Mt Barker S.A.

Judith Elizabeth Lehmann b. 6.1.1944 Melbourne Vic

1. Emily Claire Petering

b. 23.6.1975 Geelong Vic

2. Christopher Mark Petering b. 12.4.1978 Geelong Vic

4. John Friedrich Werner Petering b. 18.9.1948 Mt Barker S.A.

Judith Ann Eckhardt

b. 29.8.1951 Topeka Kansas


1. Benjiman John Petering

b. 10.12.1986 Atlanta Georgia U.S.A.

2. Samuel Petering

b. 24.4.1989 Mt Barker S.A.

5. Christine Ruth Petering b. 3.11.1950 Cleve S.A.

6. Mary Lenore Petering b. 12.6.1953 Cleve S.A.

Thomas Sebastian Bernard b. 31.3.1951 Monchengladbach North Gennany

1. Jason Stuart Bernard

b. 9-1.1988 Melbourne Vic

2. Megan Victoria Bernard

b. 29.7.1990 Melbourne Vic

7. Helen Marjorie Petering 1. Amy Renee Paton

b. 22.6.1956 Alice Springs N.T. b. 3.11.1992 Box Hill Vic

Paul Victor Paton -

b. 10.4.1961 Melbourne Vic

3. Jean Alma Rieschieck b. 26.4.1916 Box Hill Vic d. 19.6.1939 Doncaster Vic Buried Box Hill Vic


Gottlieb Walter Rieschieck was born on July 13th, 1891 at Tanunda, South Australia; a son of August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger. Walter’s education would have begun in South Australia and been completed at Doncaster, Victoria.

On leaving school he worked on the family orchard until he purchased his own land in Warrandyte Road, Ringwood, where he planted an orchard.

He worshipped regularly with his family at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster.

Walter died during World War I and never married. Records of Australian War Memorial:

Walter Gottlieb Rieschieck Pte.

Enlisted July 10th, 1915, 6th Infantry Brigade, 21st Battalion, 5th Reinforcements.

Killed July 29th, 1916 France.

Buried France 744, A.I.F., Burial Ground, Cross Lane, Flers.


But tew that have heard their death-knell roll Prow the nannon's lips where they faded the foe. Have fallen as stout and steady of soul,

that dead man gone where we all must go."

- Gordon

'(Hljiuijjlj Inst to smljt

to iii^ritnru itear.

No loved ones stood around him /to bid a fond farewe'l.

No word of comfort could we give To h’m we loved so well.

A. M.C 00. 366 BOURKE ST. MF.LB




WHO GAVE His Life for the Empire, in France JULY 20,1916.

Aged as years.

Asleep in Jesus! oh, how sweet,

Tq be for such a slumber meet;

With holy confidence to sing-,.

That Death has lost its painful sting. Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest.

Whose waking is supremely blest—

No fear, no woe shall dim that hour That manifests the Saviour's power.

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”-

Gottlieb Walter Rieschieck.

Working Bee on Walter Rieschieck’sproperty, Warrandyte Road, Ringwood, Victoria. August 1916.


Herbert Paul Rieschieck was born on April 15th,

1893, at Tanunda, South Australia, a son of August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger.

Herbert was educated at the Doncaster State School, and after leaving school, he lived at home with his parents and helped on the orchard. He took fruit to the Victorian Market and also chopped wood at Warrandyte for sale at Kew, a practice which was common among many of the orchard families.

Later, he moved to Healesville, where he ran a tourist bus. While there, he met Florence Mary Gilbert and they were married at Essendon on January 21st, 1922. Florence was bom on July 28th,

Herb Rieschieck with his cousin Beatrice Baum at Herbert and Florence Rieschieck. January 21st, 1922.

“Ravenshurst”, Geelong, Victoria.

Billiet family taken at Schramm’s Cottage, Doncaster, Victoria. May 1987.

1901 at Essendon; the daughter of Thomas Vicary Gilbert and Rubina nee Wilson. Skilled at needlework, she had worked as a milliner before her marriage. She had also managed a guest house at Healesville, which was where she and Herbert had met.

Later, they moved to Ringwood, where they owned an orchard, but soon afterwards, they retired

in Ringwood. The couple had a family of two sons and two daughters; the youngest, Gordon, dying soon after birth.

Florence died at Ringwood on November 6th, 1972, and Herbert at Box Hill on November 16th, 1975. Both were buried at the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.

The family of Herbert Paul and Florence Mary Rieschieck

1. Walter James Rieschieck b. 5.8.1922 Healesville Vic d. 23.7.1989 Box Hill Vic Buried Springvale Vic

Ivy Hope

b. 26.5.1919 North Fitzroy Vic

d. 15.6.1991

Buried Springvale Vic

1. Dianne Elizabeth Rieschieck b. 27.4.1944 Ringwood Vic

John William Moore b. 14.8.1939 Carlton Vic

1. Deborah Joy Moore 1. Casey-Ann Kleeven

b. 9.8.1965 Carlton Vic b.

Carl Kleeven -


2. Jacqueline Marie Joy Rose


b. 20.7.1968 Dandenong Vic

1. Curtis b.

3. David Moore b.

4. Brenden George Moore b. 15.7.1972 Dandenong Vic

2. Raymond James Paul Rieschieck

b. 2.5.1948 Ringwood Vic

Maureen Patricia Fletcher b. 14.5.1943 Ballarat Vic

1. Gavin Edward Rieschieck

b. 16.11.1972 Auckland N.Z.

2. Karen Louise Rieschieck

b. 11.1.1974 Melbourne Vic

2. Margaret Rubina Rieschieck b. 22.3.1924 Healesville Vic d. 29.7.1969 Ringwood Vic Buried Springvale Vic

Cecil William Ahrens b. 18.9.1916 Adelaide S.A. d. 13.5.1963 Adelaide S.A. Buried Adelaide S.A.

1. Gregory Ian Ahrens

b. 19.4.1958 Adelaide S.A.

2. Andrew John Ahrens

b. 2.4.1962 Adelaide S.A.

3. Nancy Patricia Rieschieck b. 28.11.1927 Ringwood Vic

Geoffrey Francis Billiet b. 15.5.1924 Melbourne Vic d. 28.8.1986 Box Hill Vic Buried Templestowe Vic

1. Christine Margaret Billiet b. 12.4.1947 Box Hill Vic

Keith Stephen Johns b. 24.9.1950 Adelaide S.A.

Mark Alan Johns b. 24.1.1974 Adelaide S.A.

2. Paul Simon Johns

b. 24.1.1974 Adelaide S.A.

3. Kelly Ann Johns

b. 23.6.1978 Adelaide S.A.


2. Michael Geoffrey Billiet b. 16.4.1949 Box Hill Vic

Maureen Gail Tulloch b. 27.5.1951 Box Hill Vic

1. Amanda Jane Billiet

b. 14.1.1969 Box Hill Vic

2. Michelle Louise Billiet b. 4.4.1973 Box Hill Vic

3. Andrew Keith Billiet b. 9.11.1951 Box Hill Vic

Diane Christine Lucas b. 27.8.1957 Essendon Vic

1. Gemma Kate Billiet

b. 22.10.1983 Box Hill Vic

2. Gallan Michael Billiet

b. 23.10.1985 Box Hill Vic

Kerry Noelle Billiet b. 19.12.1953 Box Hill Vic

1. Leanne Joy Carrall b. 9.5.1978 Box Hill Vic

Patrick Francis Carrall b. 13.12.1948 Kew Vic

2. Belinda Jane Carrall b. 19.11.1979 Box Hill Vic

Patricia Ann Billiet b. 30.6.1955 Box Hill Vic

1. Janelle Yunghanns b. 15.8.1984 Box Hill Vic

Graeme Colin Yunghanns b. 20.10.1946 Melbourne Vic

2. Lauren Yunghanns b. 11.8.1986 Box Hill Vic

Lyndall Mary Billiet b. 25.10.1957 Box Hill Vic

Nicola Di Deo

b. 4.6.1953 Francavilla Mare


David Paul Billiet b. 18.9.1958 Box Hill Vic

1. David Paul Billiet

b. 20.1.1981 Box Hill Vic

Julie Maree Rouke b. 27.8.1960 Geelong Vic

2. Andrew John Billiet b. 20.12.1983 Box Hill Vic

3. Jonathan Mark Billiet b. 19.12.1985 Box Hill Vic

Stephen John Billiet b. 26.8.1960 Box Hill Vic

1. Rodney John Billiet b. 11.2.1985 Box Hill Vic

Wendy Faye Cope b. 26.3.1962 Croydon Vic

2. Amy Jane Billiet b.

3. Allan James Billiet b. 12.1.1989 Box Hill Vic

Cathy Louise Billiet b. 1.1.1968 Box Hill Vic

Mark Gerard Bariola b. 17.11.1964 Melbourne Vic

4. Gordon Herbert Rieschieck b. 1931 Ringwood Vic d. 1931 Healesville Vic Buried Healesville Vic

10. Debra Lee Billiet

b. 31.8.1969 Mitcham Vic


Louise Margaretha Rieschieck was born on May 10th, 1896, at Tanunda, South Australia; the sixth child of August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger. Her education would have been at the Doncaster State School.

Louise Margaretha or Molly as she was known, lived at home after her schooling, and because she was mentally retarded, she, later in life, lived at the home at Sunbury, Victoria. The later part of her life was spent in a nursing home at Kyneton, Victoria, and it was here that she died on July 10th, 1977 at the age of 81 years. Molly was buried in the Kyneton Cemetery, Victoria.


Victor Heinrich Rieschieck was born on July 11th, 1897, at Tanunda, South Australia, the seventh child of August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger. See: Section, Ernst August and Ernestine Caroline Aumann.


Dorothea Hilda Rieschieck was born on January 22nd, 1901, at Tanunda, South Australia; the eighth child of August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger. See: Section, Carl August and Johanna Eleonora Aumann.


Hedwig Rosina Rieschieck was born on September 14th, 1902, at Tanunda, South Australia; the youngest child of August Ferdinand Rhienhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger.

As a baby she came to live in Balwyn, Victoria when the family moved from South Australia. She was educated at the Doncaster School and lived with her parents on the orchard until she married late in life.

Hedwig (Topsy) and her husband, Alfred Ernest Drake Murley lived in Scott’s Angle Road, Wattle Glen, Victoria. They lived in an old home about halfway along the road and it was here that their daughter, Betty was born.

Alfred Ernest Drake Murley was born in November 1889, at Elmhurst, Victoria; a son of

William Hurley and Prudence nee Drake. Alfred had served in the Army during the first World War 1914-18. Alfred died on May 22nd, 1962, at Wattle Glen and was cremated at the Fawkner Crematorium with his ashes being scattered.

After Alfred death Hedwig was left virtually penniless and with her daughter, Betty, moved to live at Woodend only to stay a few months. They then went to live in Ballarat, but later shifted to a home at Wallace, Victoria. It was here that Hedwig died on June 16th, 1976, and was cremated at the Ballarat Crematorium, Victoria.

Betty still lives in the home at Wallace, Victoria.

The family of Alfred Ernest Drake and Hedwig Rosina Murley

1. Betty Dorothy Murley b. 12.6.1945 Carlton Vic

L-R: Myrtle Finger, Dorothea Rieschieck, Else Finger, Luise Finger, Hedwig (Topsy) Rieschieck.

The 6th child of Carl (Henry) Heinrich and Johanne Caroline Finger





July 23rd, 1861

Doncaster, Victoria

November 26th, 1920

East Burwood, Victoria

November 28th, 1920

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

January 21st, 1886

Doncaster, Victoria

Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne

Caroline nee Aumann


BORN: June 12th, 1861

Balwyn, Victoria DIED: June 11th, 1951

Melbourne, Victoria BURIED: June 13th, 1951

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria SON OF: George Fankhauser and Johanne

Louise nee Neumann

Children of George Friedrich and Martha Fankhauser


























ALICE BISHOP 1904-1975



Martha Finger was born at Doncaster, Victoria on July 23rd, 1864; a daughter of Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanna Caroline nee Aumann. She was educated at Pastor Schramm’s School, run by the Lutheran Church at Waldau, Doncaster.

On January 21st, 1886, Martha married George Friedrich Fankhauser in the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. George was born on June 12th, 1861, at

Balwyn, Victoria; the Eldest son of George Fankhauser and Johanne Louise nee Neumann.

George Fankhauser, the father, was born in Zillerthal, Tyrol, Austria, and came to Australia with his parents on the ship, Pribislav, in 1849- His sister, Maria, married Friedrich Godfried Schuhkraft.

George Friedrich was educated at Balwyn and after leaving school, he was apprenticed to the building trade.

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Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

He spoke to a nephew, recollecting times when he was a boy and Whitehorse Road, Balwyn was only a bush track with bullock wagons weaving in and out of the trees. He also remembered seeing Aborigines walking through the area, with the men in front, women and children following and carrying their chattels. He described how as a

Left and above: George Friedrich Fankhauser.

young lad, he walked to Canterbury Station to catch a train to Werribee to go rabbit shooting. He carried his gun and put it on the luggage rack and on the return trip, brought the rabbits home with him.

In 1893, during the collapse of the land boom, George purchased 70 acres of land in Highbury Road, Nunawading. He cleared this with the assistance of his brother, John, and then planted an orchard which was later carried on by his son, Victor. This was later known as East Burwood.

Martha and George had a family of four sons and seven daughters. One daughter, Hilda Martha, died at just under one year old. The eldest son, George Ferdinand, was killed in action in 1918 when he was serving with the 58th Battalion, 5th Division. Another son, Reginald Phillip, died by drowning at the age of two years.

George and Martha first attended the Lutheran Church but later when living in East Burwood, they then went to Mount Pleasant Methodist Church and later attended the Church of England at Vermont. George held a seat on the local council from 1896 for 30 years, during which time he held the office of President for one term. During this time, the Nunawading Shire Council came into being. Being a councillor was against the wish of his mother, as she said she believed people in these positions often became disliked and he also had a family of children to rear. Martha would undoubtedly have been a great help to her husband during these

years, assisting both on the orchard and supporting George as a councillor.

Martha died on November 26th, 1920 and George then retired to a home at 21 Scott Street, Canterbury, Victoria, which he had built during his time as a

carpenter, before he obtained the land at East Burwood (Nunawading). He lived there with his two daughters, Lilian Ida and Emily Auguste until his death on June 11th, 1951. Martha and George are both buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


Lilian Ida was born on November 25th, 1888, at Canterbury, Victoria, the eldest child of George and Martha Fankhauser.

After leaving school Lilian took on nursing as a profession, a job she did until her father came to

live at Canterbury, when she remained home caring for him and her sister, Emily. It was here that she died on December 19th, 1963 and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


Esther Ruby was born on January 20th, 1890, at Canterbury, Victoria; the second child of George and Martha Fankhauser. Her education was at the Vermont State School, Victoria.

On September 15th, 1915, Esther Ruby married at Vermont, to George Shepherd who was born on September 24th, 1879, at Maiden Head, Berkshire, England; a son of George Shepherd. George and Ruby had a family of two sons and a daughter.

George was engaged in market gardening and orcharding, later growing flowers at Tally Ho, Victoria. Ruby assisted him in his work as well as caring for their three children.

George died on February 21st, 1958. at Melbourne, Victoria, and Esther on October 12th, 1983, at Surrey Hills, Victoria. Both are interred at the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria

The family of George and Esther Ruby Shepherd

1. George William Shepherd b. 11.9.1916 Box Hill Vic d. 7.2.1954 Buried

2. Joyce Lillian Shepherd b. 27.2.1918 Box Hill Vic

Reginald Basil Brown b. 28.10.1918

1. Rosalie Agnes Brown

b. 17.2.1945 Burwood Vic

2. Shirley June Brown

b. 12.3.1947 Burwood Vic

Richard Paul Schurmann b. 23.12.1947 Natimuk Vic

1. Anna Theresa Schurmann b. 24.10.1974 Kew Vic

2. Christopher Claremore Schurmann

b. 3.6.1978 Melbourne Vic

3. Marjorie Lillian Brown b. 27.10.1949 Burwood Vic d. 1.12.1982 Buried

1. Lucas Ian Brown b. 11.8.1985 East Melbourne Vic

2. Adam Brian Brown b. 4.9.1987 East Melbourne Vic

4. Robert John Brown b. 13.5.1954 Burwood Vic

Muriel Elizabeth Coughlan b. 4.10.1956

3. Harold Lindsay Shepherd b. 3O.3.I92I Box Hill Vic


Emily Auguste was born on June 14th, 1892, at mterbury, Victoria; the third child of George and artha Fankhauser. Emily was educated at the srmont State School.

As she was always sickly and never very strong, ie had to be cared for firstly by her mother then ir sister, Lilian, at the family home in Canterbury, ictoria. Emily died on August 13th, 1939, at mterbury and was buried in the Box Hill smetery, Victoria.

Caroline Finger with her grand daughter, Emily Fankhauser.


George Ferdinand was bom on February 11th, 1894, Doncaster, Victoria; the fourth child of George and artha Fankhauser. After his schooling he worked at )me on the orchard at East Burwood, Victoria until e War broke out in 1914, when he enlisted in 1916 the A.I.F against his parents wishes, icords of the Australian War Memorial: nlisted October 27th, 1916. 58th Battalion ustralian Infantry,

5th Reinforcements.

Killed Peronne, France, September 4th, 1918.

Buried France 1469. La Chapelette Indian Cemetery, Peronne.

Obtained rank of Sergeant.

This must have been a sad loss to his parents who had objected to him enlisting.


Hilda Martha was born on September 6th, 1896, 11 months when she died on August 1st, 1897, and

Nunawading, Victoria, the 5th child of George was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. id Martha Fankhauser. She only lived to the age of


Constance Ethel was born on June 1st, 1898, at anawading, Victoria; the sixth child of George and artha Fankhauser.

On June 20th, 1921, at Vermont, Victoria, mstance married Eric Richard Evans who was >rn in 1898, the eldest son of John Herbert Evans id Ellen Laura Mary nee Palmer. Eric and mstance made their home on a soldiers settlement

block at Rushworth, Victoria. This however was not a success so they moved to Stanhope farming and farm contracting. They had a family of a son and a daughter.

Eric died on September 1st, 1987 at the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Constance having died on May 16th, 1963. Both are buried in the Burwood Cemetery, Victoria.

Le family of Eric Richard John and Constance Ethel Evans

Richard John Evans b. 10.4.1922

1. James Eric Evans b.

Betty Lavender Franklin b.

Barbara King b.

2. Nola Joy Evans b.

Peter Bailey b.

1. Dean Evans b.

2. Glen Evans


1. Rachel Bailey b.

2. Saskia Bailey b.

2. Margaret Constance Evans b. 13.2.1925

Leonard Royce Ninnis b. 6.10.1908

3. Polly Bailey b.

4. Fenn Bailey b.

5. Zilla Bailey b.

6. Nadia Bailey b.

3. Brian Richard Evans

1. Mark Richard Evans





2. Elizabeth Evans b.

3. Stephen Robert Evans b.

4. Robert William Evans

1. Alexis Evans





2. Indiana Rose Evans b.

3. Maxwell James Evans b.

5. Jeannie Margaret Evans

1. Purdy Jane Rhodes



Kevin Shepherd b.

2. Ellie Marie Rhodes b.

Graham Rhodes b.

1. Geoffrey Royce Hallider Ninnis

1. Ashley Royce Ninnis

b. 1.10.1949

b. 12.6.1973

Margaret Shirlyn Mclnnes b. 30.9.1951

2. Elizabeth Mary Ninnis

b. 12.11.1951

3. Peter Leonard Ninnis

1. Dwayne Edward Allan Ninnis

b. 21.8.1954

b. 20.9.1982

Lynda Christine Pedley b. 20.4.19??

2. Robert Leonard Ninnis b. 16.2.1984

3. Amanda Claudette Ninnis

b. 2.4.1986

4. Hayley Christine Ninnis

b. 25.2.1988


Pearl Agnes was born on March 25th, 1900, at Nunawading, Victoria; the seventh child of George and Martha Fankhauser.

Pearl married Thomas John Cross who was born on July 16th, 1903 and they went to Sydney to

live where Thomas was working for a nursery and leaving his job worked as a labourer until the} returned to Victoria where Thomas worked for the Camberwell City Council. Thomas and Pearl had a family of two sons.

e family of Thomas James and Pearl Agnes Cross

Thomas James Cross b. 20.7.1927

John Alan Cross

1. Fiona Jane Cross

b. 28.1.1930

b. 20.5.1967

Enid Jocelyn Bowring

Greg John Young

b. 10.8.1936

b. 20.3.1959

2. Martin John Cross

b. 21.6.1970


Victor Leslie was born on November 9th, 1901, at irwood, Victoria; the eighth child of George and irtha Fankhauser.

Victor married on August 28th, 1928, to Alice ly nee Bishop who was born on January 24th,

04, at Neerim, Victoria; the daughter of James

e family of Victor Leslie and Alice Fankhauser

Bymice June Fankhauser b. 2.6.1929

Alan Bentley b.

Nyla Ruby Fankhauser b. 23.2.1931

Lawrence Walker b.

Norma Shirley Fankhauser b. 23.7.1933

Robert Gan b.

George Victor Fankhauser b. 24.11.1936 Yvonne Cooper b.

Eric Leslie Fankhauser b. 24.11.1936

1. Sharon Lee Fankhauser b. 20.4.1962

Margaret Elaine Upton b. 29.11.1941

Stephen John May b.

2. Brian Leslie Fankhauser b. 1.7.1964

1. Daniel Fankhauser b.

2. Nicholas Fankhauser b.

3 M?irk Fankhauser

1. Joshua Fankhauser b.

Helen Neva Fankhauser


b. 26.7.1940

Robert Leisfield b.

Hilary Kay Fankhauser b. 31.5.1943



Frederick Bishop and Johanne nee Crowe.

Victor and Alice settled on the home property at East Burwood, Victoria, where their family of two sons and five daughters were raised.

Victor died on October 25th, 1961, and Alice on January 9th, 1975, at South Vermont, Victoria.


Gladys Evelyn was born on May 2nd, 1903, at Nunawading, Victoria; the ninth child of George and Martha Fankhauser.

After her education, Gladys worked for many years as an Elocutionist. On December 6th, 1931 she married Joseph Oakes. Joseph had been a Light Horseman in the 1914-18 War, and also

enlisted in the 1939-43 War. The couple lived at Canterbury, Victoria and had a daughter, Phoebe.

Phoebe married and went to Newcastle, New South Wales to live, and later in her life, Gladys went to live with her. It was here that Gladys died on September 4th, 1987.

The family of Frederick Joseph and Gladys May Evelyn Oakes

1. Phoebe Oakes b. 1935

Vernon George King b.

1. Helen Marie King b. 18.3.1959

Brian Watson b. 1943

1. Jamie Leigh Watson b. 25.12.1980

2. Dale Adam Watson b. 15.3.1982

3. Tanya Louise Watson b. 11.12.1984

4. Jessica May Watson b. 5.2.1988

2. Julie Ann King b. 16.5.1961

Gregory John Single b.

1. Adam Richard Single b. 25.1.1982

2. Amiee Leah Single b. 27.6.1984

3. David John Single b. 27.6.1984

4. Rebecca Jane Single b. 15.8.1986


Reginald Phillip was born on August 29th, 1904, at Nunawading, Victoria; the tenth child of George and Martha Fankhauser.

Like most boys at the age of two, he became curious and on trying to see what was in a half 44 gallon drum, which was full of water, fell in and

drowned. This accident would have been a great tragedy to his parents and family, coming to such a sudden death at an early age. This happened on March 17th, 1906, at East Burwood, Victoria and he was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


Cyril Walter Stephen was born on October 27th, 906, at Nunawading, Victoria; the eleventh and mingest child of George and Martha Fankhauser.

Cyril married Elizabeth Margaret Christine nee teet, who was born at South Yarra, Victoria in 1912; . daughter of Frederick George Beet and Elizabeth

nee Long. They made their home on an orchard property at East Burwood, Victoria, Cyril living there for the rest of his life. It was here that they raised their family of four sons and five daughters.

Cyril died at Eagle Point, Gippsland, Victoria, on June 20th, 1986.

he family of Cyril Walter Stephen and Elizabeth Margaret Christine Fankhauser

1. Stephen Neil Fankhauser b. 10.2.1935

Elaine Bonrick b.

2. Alan Lionel Fankhauser b. 1.10.1936

Amiee Knowles b.

3. Melva Rose Fankhauser b. 6.8.1938

Phillip McCumber b.

4. Noelene Avis Fankhauser b. 24.4.1940

d. 19.12.1968 Buried

Frederick Turnbull b.

5. Elizabeth Margaret Fankhauser b. 10.5.1942

Laurence Melbourne b.

5. Ian Philip Fankhauser b. 25.9.1944

7. Julie Christine Fankhauser b. 3.10.1946 Ronald Burns b.

S. Reginald Bruce Fankhauser b. 21.11.1949

Janice Cocking b.

9. Rhonda Ann Fankhauser b. 26.12.1951

Brian Hayball b.

The 7th child of Carl (Henry) Heinrich and Johanne Caroline Finger







November 10th, 1867 Doncaster, Victoria March 22nd, 1942 Doncaster, Victoria March, 1942

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria June 20th, 1889 Doncaster, Victoria Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanna Caroline nee Aumann





June 20th, 1868 Karabeal, Victoria October 11th, 1953 Doncaster, Victoria October 13th, 1953 Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria August Hartwich and Anna nee Hundrack.

Children of John Traugott and Christina Finger




SYLVIA ROSA 1901-1984






John Traugott Finger was born on November 11th, 1867 at Doncaster, Victoria; the seventh child of Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

John would have been educated at Pastor Schramm’s School. On leaving school, he worked on the orchard. At an early age, John assumed responsibility for the running of the property and was helped by his brother, Ferdinand, and his sisters. When their father, Carl, died in 1884, he had established an orchard of 60 acres, growing a variety of fruits; the greater area of which was no doubt developed over many years.

At the age of 21 years, John embarked on a trip with a group of men who travelled to Switzerland to study for the ministry at a Basle Missionary Theological Seminary. Not content to be idle on the

long voyage, John busied himself working as a kitchen hand and peeling potatoes. On this trip, he travelled through the Middle East, Palestine and Turkey before returning home.

Soon after his return, he married Christina nee Hartwich on June 20th, 1889, at Doncaster, Victoria. Christina was born at Karabeal, Victoria, on June 20th, 1868; the daughter of August Hartwich and Anna nee Hundrack.

John and Christina had a family of four daughters.

Their church was important to them, and they attended the Doncaster Lutheran Church, where they took an active part in church life.

Numbers of men looking for work often found constant employment at Finger’s orchard and some Germans who had jumped ship found a temporary haven there, and a job to tide them over.

“Heimat”, John and Christina Finger’s home, Doncaster, Victoria.

John Finger’s family.

L-R: Back: Sylvia, Claudine, Christina (mother), Bertha,. Front: John (father), Esther.

John Traugott and Christina Finger.

John Finger’s orchard, George Street, Doncaster, Victoria.

Over the years, John effected substantial improvements to the property buildings, making dams and an extensive drainage system throughout the orchard. The war years of 1914-18 were a financial boon to the orchardists and Finger’s large crop of lemons brought prices which were high during those years.

John built a substantial home on the property, named “Heimat”, where he and Christina raised their family and lived most of their married lives. In

later years, the couple moved to Hamilton but only stayed five years before returning to “Heimat” at Doncaster.

There were extensive hedges on the orchard property which required constant clipping. John devised a mechanical hedge clipper which he attached to his spray engine. This attachment did the work much quicker but was hard to hold.

Christina enjoyed music and singing, having come from a family who made up a complete choir between them. On one occasion when Christina and the girls were all out in the orchard picking fruit, and were beginning to tire, she spurred them on by encouraging the singing of choruses.

John decided they needed a car so he bought a Berliot through his brother-in-law, Ernst Schultz in Melbourne. He was not particularly mechanically minded and the only gear he recognised was ‘top’, because the gear lever was in the same position as the one on the cultivator.

Eventually the girls started to marry. The eldest married Fritz Rieschieck who had been working on the property for a number of years. John built a home for them on the hill in Victoria Street, which they called “Sans Souci”. When John and Christina went to Mont Albert and Hamilton, the young couple moved into “Heimat” and Fritz eventually worked the property. The home still stands on Rieschieck’s Reserve, the Council having since purchased the property for a reserve and sporting ground.

John’s health was not good in later years. When it improved in 1933, he returned to live in the home at Doncaster. He died there on March 22nd, 1942, and was buried at the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Christina then made her home with her daughter, Claudina, who had married Ernst Edward Fromhold. She also stayed with Bertha in the old home regularly, and with her youngest daughter, Sylvia Deutscher at Wulgulmerang, Gippsland. She visited

Dalby, Queensland, to stay with another daughter, Essie Hensel and while staying there was described by one of the neighbours as an 85-year-old “modern old lady”.

Her last years were spent mostly with Claudina and it was here that she died on October 11th, 1953, at the age of 85 years. She was buried at the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


Bertha Caroline Finger was born on April 16th, 1891, at Doncaster, Victoria; the eldest child of John Traugott Finger and Christine nee Hartwich.

Bertha was educated at the Doncaster School and on leaving school, continued to live at home on the orchard property where she assisted with the work.

She was born in the home, “Heimat”, built by her father when he married, and later in Bertha’s life was to be her home.

Her marriage took place at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, on June 4th, 1913, to Friedrich

Wilhelm Rieschieck, who was born on September 30th, 1889, at Tanunda, South Australia; the son of Paul Richard Rieschieck and Marie Emilie nee Kube.

Friedrich — or Fritz as he was known, and Bertha lived in a new home, “Sans Souci”, built in Victoria Street, Doncaster, on the hill above Waldau Cemetery. Later when Bertha’s parents went to Mont Albert and Hamilton to live, Bertha and Fritz moved into the old home of “Heimat” in George Street, Doncaster, where they ran the orchard. Today, this home and property is a reserve, retaining the home and named Rieschiecks Reserve.

Bertha Caroline Finger and Friedrich Wilhelm Rieschieck. June 4th, 1913-

“San Souci”, home of Fritz and Bertha Rieschieck, Victoria Street, Doncaster, Victoria.

“Heimat” as it stands today in Rieschieck Reserve.










As a young man, Fritz worked for Ernst Schrapel, implement maker and coach builder of Tanunda, South Australia. Later he joined his uncle August on the orchard at Doncaster. Later again, he managed his father-in-law’s old orchard and also owned an orchard in Blackburn, Victoria.

The old Rieschieck house at Tanunda, South Australia, was left to Fritz by his sister, Dorothea Louise Crocke, in 1966. After his death, his family donated the old home to the Barossa Valley

Archives and Historical Trust Inc., South Australia, in 1971.

The family attended the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, where Fritz was a layreader. Fritz and Bertha had a family of four sons and four daughters. The eldest, Paul, died at birth on November 2nd, 1916.

Bertha died in 1965 at Vermont, Victoria, and Fritz died in 1968. Both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Friedrich Wilhelm and Bertha Caroline Rieschieck

1. Paul Rieschieck

b. 2.11.1916 Box Hill Vic d. 2.11.1916 Box Hill Vic Buried Box Hill Vic



2. Alan John Rieschieck b. 13.12.1918 Box Hill Vic

Catherine Emma Parker b. 24.3.1921 Sandford Vic d. 17.7.1979 Buried Box Hill Vic

1. Lorraine Catherine Rieschieck b. 8.9.1942 Melbourne Vic

Geoffrey Mclnnes b. 9.3.1940 Sale Vic

1. Rowan Paul Mclnnes

b. 18.7.1968 Melbourne Vic

2. Christopher Jon Mclnnes

b. 23.6.1970 Melbourne Vic

3. Kelvin Andrew Mclnnes b. 7.7.1971 Melbourne Vic



2. Neil John Rieschieck b. 19.8.1944 Melbourne Vic

Linda Maree Hobbs _b. 17.8.1947 England

1. Catherine Linda Rieschieck b. 2.2.1965 Melbourne Vic

Stephen Davies b. 10.2.1961 Oakleigh Vic

2. Neil Alan Rieschieck

b. 12.5.1968 Melbourne Vic

Lisa Jane Collier b. 3.1.1970 Melbourne Vic

ta 1 28



3. David John Rieschieck

b. 15.6.1970 Melbourne Vic

4. Mark Adrian Rieschieck

b. 21.2.1974 Melbourne Vic


Loma Bertha Rieschieck b. 24.12.1920 Box Hill Vic

Theodore Bernhard Donges b. 20.4.1920 Toowoomba Qld

1. Eric Thoedore Donges b. 25.4.1948 Texas Qld

Susan Bramley b. 30.6.1951

1. Christopher Bramley Donges b. 8.10.1974 Inglewood Qld

2. John Bramley Donges

b. 17.8.1976 Inglewood Qld

2. Graham Jacob Donges b. 9.12.1949 Texas Qld

Irene Dorothea Muller b. 15.8.1948 Toowoomba Qld

3. Julie Christine Donges b. 15.7.1951 Texas Qld d. 23.7.1951 Texas Qld Buried

1. Kathryn Louise Donges b. 3.11.1973 Texas Qld

2. Rebecca Anne Donges b. 23.10.1977 Texas Qld

3. Amanda Irene Donges

b. 21.11.1979 Towoomba Qld

4. Grace Sylvia Rieschieck b. 30.10.1922 Box Hill Vic

Phillip Robilliard Reeves b. l6.ll.1920 Melbourne Vic d. 14.12.1991 Freeburgh Vic Buried Albury N.S.W.

5. Elma Louise Rieschieck b. 22.6.1924 Box Hill Vic

Ernest John Wicking b. 10.6.1924 Blackburn Vic

4. Christine Lorna Donges

b. 1.9.1952 Goondiwindi Qld

Wallis Selwyn Pickering b. 27.6.1951

5. Greta Michelle Donges

b. 26.2.1968 Brisbane Qld

6. Andrew Frederick Donges b. 1.10.1970 Brisbane Qld

1. Derek Bernhard Pickering b. 21.8.1978 Townsville Qld

2. Matthew Charles Pickering

b. 7.11.1980 Toowoomba Qld

1. Ronald Phillip Reeves 1. Michelle Reeves

b. 29.8.1949 Box Hill Vic b. 31.3.1982

Penelope Clark -


2. Anita June Reeves b. 2.10.1952 Box Hill Vic

1. Kim Maree Piper b. 25.8.1975

Gaiy Piper b.

2. Angela June Piper b. 30.1.1971

3. Rosemarie Ann Reeves b. 7.6.1954 Box Hill Vic

1. Glen Colin Horton b. 3.2.1975

Colin Horton b.

2. Suzanne Petrina Horton b. 7.1.1978

3. Jessica Grace Horton b. 11.10.1982

1. Peter John Wicking b. 15.3.1949 Kew Vic

1. Christopher Ray Wicking b. 7.11.1980 St Ives N.S.W.

Gaye Badger b.

2. Gregory John Wicking b. 3.12.1982 St Ives N.S.W.

3. Karen Louise Wicking b. 4.11.1985 St Ives N.S.W.

2. Russell John Wicking b. 10.12.1951 Kew Vic

1. Nathan James Wicking b. 26.9.1974 Horsham Vic

Roberta Anne Howell b. 7.12.1952

2. Cameron Troy Wicking b. 8.6.1976 Wonthaggi Vic

3. Katherine Anne Wicking b. 3.5.1978 Wonthaggi Vic

4. Anthony Thomas Wicking b. 21.5.1982 Lilydale Vic

3. Susan Louise Wicking b. 24.10.1958 Kew Vic

1. Joedie Louise Owczarek b. 17.3.1975 Burwood Vic

Eduard Jurgen Owczarek b. 21.5.1951

2. Bronson Eddie Owczarek b. 20.1.1978 Melbourne Vic

4. Leigh Andrew Wicking b. 30.8.1958 Kew Vic

1. Benjiman Travis Wicking b. 4.6.1987 Sydney N.S.W.

Patricia Anne Young b. 7.7.1960

2. Douglas Heath Wicking b. 22.4.1989 Lilydale Vic

3. Erin Michelle Wicking b. 11.2.91

>. Harold Frederick Rieschieck b. 29.4.1927 Box Hill Vic d. 3.5.1990 Brisbane Qld Buried Springvale Vic

Joan Irene Rea b. 29.10.1931 Caulfield Vic d. 24.6.1967 Tynong Vic Buried Springvale Vic

June Dowell b.

7. Martyn Henry Rieschieck b. 5.8.1929 Box Hill Vic

Cecilie Mavis Donges b. 18.1.1934 Texas Qld

8. Rita Winnifred Rieschieck b. 28.2.1932 Box Hill Vic

Robert Joseph Brunt b. 29.6.1929 Melbourne Vic

1. Christopher Ian Rieschieck b. 6.10.1951 Horsham Vic

Elizabeth Margaret Proctor b. 14.3.1956 Warragul Vic

2. Michael Graham Rieschieck b. 8.3.1953 Horsham Vic

Joan Wood

b. 14.5.1948 New Zealand

3. Pamela Joan Rieschieck b. 12.6.1958 Horsham Vic

John Barry

b. 13.8.1955 Warragul Vic

4. Darren Frederick Rieschieck b. 28.11.1969 Pakenham Vic

5. Dawn Rieschieck

b. 28.11.1969 Pakenham Vic

1. Rebecca Joan Rieschieck b. 15.4.1977 Warragul Vic

2. Nathan Ian Rieschieck

b. 18.6.1978 Warragul Vic

3. Emily Fay Rieschieck

b. 29.7.1983 Warragul Vic

1. Amy Louise Barry

b. 27.3.1984 Sunny Bank Qld

2. Meagan Rea Barry

b. 1.5.1986 Sunny Bank Qld

3. John Robert Bany

b. 18.9.1991 Ipswich Qld

1. Ross William Rieschieck b. 6.3.1959 Carlton Vic

Donna-Maree Sorrensen b. 12.3.1965 Toowoomba Qld

1. Gavin Boyd Rieschieck b. 11.5.1985 Toowoomba Qld

2. Karl Anthony Rieschieck b. 12.2.1988 Devonport Tas

3. Nikki Anne Rieschieck b. 24.4.1966 Carlton Vic

2. Lester Boyd Rieschieck b. 3.4.1962 Carlton Vic

Patricia Beard b. 8.5.1966

1. Lorreta Brunt

1. Melanie Paterson

b. 17.2.1953 Warragul Vic

b. 25.6.1975 Ballarat Vic

Stephen Paterson

2. Kate Paterson

b. 14.9.1951

b. 22.7.1980 Ballarat Vic

3. Laura Paterson

b. 23.9.1982 Ballarat Vic

1. Jarrod Brunt

b. 22.10.1982 Ballarat Vic

2. Tamielle Brunt

b. 3.11.1985 Ballarat Vic

3. Rodney Brunt

b. 25.1.1964 Ararat Vic

Donna McIntosh b. 31.10.1960 Ballarat Vic

1. Jake Brunt

b. 16.4.1992 Hamilton Island Qld

2. Garry Brunt

b. 5.2.1957 Boort Vic

Gaye Amott

b. 14.12.1958 Ringwood Vic


Esther (Essie) Christine Finger was born on December 26th, 1894, at Doncaster, Victoria; the second child of John Traugott Finger and Christine nee Hartwich.

She grew up on the orchard property in George Street, Doncaster, assisting with the outside work which she enjoyed, and would also have attended the Doncaster School.

Being a member of a strict church family, she had the urge to work in some way for her Lord. Being a woman, the thought of becoming a Pastor was not entertained, so she went to the Royal Adelaide Hospital to train as a nurse, in the hope that she could put this knowledge to some purpose.

She was then called home to nurse members of her family. Later, she attended a Presbyterian Bible Institute in Adelaide for two years, training as a Deaconess. Her wishes were then realised for she was able to serve as a missionary teacher among Aborigines at Mapoon and Weipa in North Queensland.

Esther Christine Finger and Gotthold Theodore Hensel. December 22nd 1923.

On December 22nd, 1923, she married Gotthold Theodor Hensel at Surrey Hills, Victoria. Theodor was born on August 23rd, 1889 at Oberneukirck, Germany; the son of Karl August Hensel and Christiana Augusta nee Hultsch.

Theodor came to Australia as a member of the ship’s crew. After landing in Western Australia on April 19th, 1912, he left the ship and found employment for 12 months before coming to Victoria. He then worked on the farm of his mother’s cousin, Bertha Petschel, at South Hamilton and also at Harry Deutscher’s foundry at Hamilton. After his marriage to Essie, they remained in Hamilton, where their four sons were born.

In 1941, the family moved to Chrome, 12 miles west of Hamilton, where they ran a farm and concentrated on wool growing. Later they moved to Chinchilla in Queensland, where they farmed for a year, until purchasing a property of 300 acres five miles west of Dalby, Queensland. They dairied and grew grain but later turned to sheep and grain.

Essie and Theodor were devout Christians and took an active part in Church life with their family wherever they were living. Essie was an organist and Sunday School teacher and Theodor was

Hensel family.

L-R: Back: Theodor (Peter), Max, Robert, Edwin. Front: Esther and Theodor (parents).

Secretary of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Hamilton. Both were foundation members of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church at Dalby, Queensland.

On May 16th, 1963, Theodor passed away and was buried in the Dalby Cemetery from St. Peter’s Church.

Essie then made her home in Dalby, and left the running of the farm to her sons. Her home then became the focal point for Hensel gatherings. At the age of 83 years, she was still walking around Dalby visiting and helping people with counselling.

On October 5th, 1988, at Dalby, Queensland Essie was called home to be with the Lord she loved. She was buried in the Dalby Cemetery.

Hensel Patent Buzz Saw.

The family of Gotthold Theodor and Esther Christine Hensel

1. Max Hensel

b. 20.11.1926 Hamilton Vic

Norma Edna Bruggemann b. 5.2.1931 Oakey Qld

1. Sandra Ruth Hensel

b. 28.5.1961 Dalby Qld

2. Mark Jonathan Hensel b. 24.9.1962 Dalby Qld

Sharyn Gaye Ronnfeldt b. 20.3.1965 Dalby Qld

3. Lois Karen Hensel

b. 28.9.1966 Dalby Qld

John Robert Wolfe b. 2.2.1965

4. John Darren Hensel

b. 19.11.1968 Dalby Qld

Elissa Jane Steinhardt b. 10.2.1972

1. Christiana Leah Wolfe b. 15.6.1989 Dalby Qld

2. Rebecca Jane Wolfe b. 18.8.1991 Qld

2. Robert Hensel

b. 7.10.1928 Hamilton Vic

Noreen Myrtle Perry b. 10.12.1932

1. Iris June Hensel b. 26.8.1956

Hany Lance Missingham b. 8.1.1960

1. Letitia Jane Missingham b. 14.5.1982 Gympie Qld

2. Noel Russel Missingham b. 14.9.1983 Gympie Qld

3. Allan Joseph Missingham b. 16.1.1986 Gympie Qld

4. Colin Lee Missingham b. 14.11.1990

2. Robert Brian Hensel b. 7.1.1958

Linda Collins b. 22.8.1964

1. Maree Hensel

b. 1.6.1984 Toowoomba Qld

2. Robert Hensel

b. 10.3.1986 Toowoomba Qld (Stillborn)

3. Tony Hensel

b. 5.2.1987 Toowoomba Qld

4. Karl Hensel

b. 14.12.1988 Toowoomba Qld

3. Lindsay Paul Hensel b. 4.5.1959

4. Clinton Noel Hensel b. 11.2.1961

Carmel Dawn Buseko b. 13.8.1963

1. Sharon Dianne Hensel b. 2.9.1984 Gympie Qld

2. Julie Nicole Hensel

b. 30.5.1986 Gympie Qld

3. Alison Lee Hensel

b. 20.4.1988 Gympie Qld

4. Melenie Dawn Hensel

b. 30.5.1990 Gympie Qld

5. Konrad Lex Hensel b. 28.2.1969 Gympie Qld

Denise Mary Rafter b. 9.12.1970 Gympie Qld

3. Edwin Hensel

b. 14.4.1931 Hamilton Vic d. 17.5.1985 Dalby Qld Buried Dalby Qld

Linda Mengel b. 28.2.1938

1. Russell Paul Hensel

b. 22.1.1962 Dalby Qld

2. Glenn Edwin Hensel b. 11.3.1963 Dalby Qld

3. Dianne Linda Hensel b. 8.4.1965 Dalby Qld

Lester Franz Ballon b. 3.11.1963

1. Meghan Ballon

b. 11.2.1986 Dalby Qld

2. Rohan Ballon

b. 30.7.1987 Dalby Qld

3. Joel Ballon

b. 12.12.1988 Dalby Qld

4. Stephen Andrew Hensel b. 22.2.1970 Dalby Qld

5. Trudy Christina Hensel b. 15.12.1974 Dalby Qld

4. Theodore (Peter) Hensel b. 22.11.1935 Hamilton Vic


Gertrude Claudine Finger was born on August 3rd, 1896 at Doncaster, Victoria; the third child of John Traugott Finger and Christine nee Hartwich.

She was educated at the Doncaster School and on leaving school, assisted with the work on the orchard.

On October 23rd, 1918, Claudine married Ernst Edward Fromhold at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Ernst was born on July 26th, 1887; the son of Henry Fromhold and Mary Anna nee Zerbe. He had three brothers and four sisters who attended the East Doncaster School. His sister Ida married

William August Rieschieck and his sister Anr married Ernst Ferdinand Aumann.

On leaving school, Ernst worked his mothe orchard, as his father had died in an accide earlier. Ernst also obtained and worked the prope adjoining his mother’s.

Claudine and her sisters cared for their mother her aging years and she spent her final years Claudine’s home.

Claudine and Ernst had a family of three sons. 1 family attended the Lutheran Church, Doncast where Ernst was church organist for some years.

Ernst and Claudine Fromhold’s Wedding. October 23rd, 1918.

Home of Ernst Edward and Gertrude Claudine Fromhold, Doncaster, Victoria.

was a gifted musician, although could not read a note of music.

His untimely death occurred on December 13th, 1929 at Doncaster and he was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery.

Following Ernst’s death, Claudine rented out the orchard to obtain a living for the family, but after 1936, the two eldest sons took over the management of the orchard. Son, Lindsay lived in the home in Victoria Street where Fritz and Bertha Rieschieck lived after their marriage. Claudine sold the orchard in 1963 for housing development and built a new home next to the Doncaster Lutheran Church.

Gertrude Claudine and Ernst Edward Fromhold.

Claudine had always enjoyed the fellowship of the “Trinity” Ladies Guild and was a tireless sewer for the Hermannsburg Mission as well as various local children’s homes. Once her youngest son was married, she had more time to devote to developing and extending the traditional crafts she had been taught as a girl. These included fine crotchet, various threadworks, tapestry, macrame and doll dressing. Her great skill won her many prizes in the

CWA Craft competitions and the admiration of her friends and family alike.

Claudine was blessed with seventeen grandchildren who loved her dearly and fondly remember her warmth, kindness, enthusiasm and generosity.

Claudine died suddenly on February 5th, 1968, at the age of 71 years and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery.

The family of Ernst Edward and Gertrude Claudine Fromhold

1. Roy Edward Fromhold b. 20.7.1919 Box Hill Vic d. 17.6.1955 Fitzroy Vic Buried Box Hill Vic

Lilian Ruth Wilson b. 3.8.1918 Hawthorn Vic

1. Marion Ruth Fromhold 1. Fiona Ruth Wells

b. 3.11.1943 East Camberwell b. 20.8.1970 Melbourne Vic Vic

Graham Malcolm Wells b. 25.11.1942

2. Keith Edward Fromhold b. IO.5.I945 East Camberwell Vic

3. Garry Steven Fromhold 1. Darren Stephen Fromhold

b. 14.1.1951 Ringwood Vic b. 3.4.1986

Kay Hines -

b. 18.3.1953

4. Glenys Margaret Fromhold b. 10.2.1953 Ringwood Vic

2. Lindsay Keith Fromhold b. 6.11.1920 Box Hill Vic

Esther Lillian Barnes b. 20.8.1926 Mont Albert Vic

1. Merrilyn Faye Fromhold b. 9.5.1948 Surrey Hills Vic

Eric David Dau b. 1.11.1934

d. 25.4.1984 Mt Waverley Vic Buried Templestowe Vic

John Weightman Beaumont b. 5.7.1949 Melbourne Vic

1. Antony Lindsay Dau

b. 8.12.1969 Paddington N.S.W.

2. Christopher Eric Beaumont b. 16.2.1974 Berwick Vic

3. Kate Claudine Beaumont b. 7.7.1987 Waverley Vic

4. Laura Elizabeth Beaumont b. 10.6.1989 Waverley Vic

2. Joy Lynette Fromhold

b. 20.8.1949 Camberwell Vic

Robert Keith Pengilly b. 7.4.1950

1. Tania Joy Pengilly

b. 11.10.1973 Lilydale Vic

2. David Robert Pengilly b. 8.8.1975 Lilydale Vic

3. Michael Keith Pengilly b. 20.6.1978 Lilydale Vic

3. Karen Ann Fromhold b. 14.2.1951 Box Hill Vic

Geoffrey Andrew Brown b. 11.11.1949

1. Danielle Bernadette Brown b. 24.1.1978 Brighton Vic

2. Michelle Felicity Brown b. 29.8.1985 Fitzroy Vic

4. Lindsay Edward Fromhold b. 6.12.1956 Box Hill Vic

Sally Ann Watt b. 21.2.1957

Lynda Noelle Dwyer b. 21.3.1959

5. John Gregory Fromhold b. 4.7.1960 Box Hill Vic

Donna Maree Milner b. 23.6.1962

1. Karenina Fromhold

b. 10.2.1977 Adelaide S.A.

2. Melissa Joy Fromhold b. 9.2.1979 Berwick Vic

3. Megan Claudine Fromhold b. 7.6.1987 Moe Vic

4. Luke Thomas Fromhold b. 18.5.1989 Moe Vic

1. Samantha Maree Fromhold b. 31.12.1987 Pakenham Vic

2. Nicholas John Fromhold

b. 22.3.1990 Pakenham Vic

3. Jackson Grant Fromhold

b. 21.10.1992 Pakenham Vic

3. Brian Laurence Fromhold b. 1.4.1929 Doncaster Vic

Beverley Margaret Kells b. 5.3.1937_

Judith Mary Prendergast b. 8.8.1942 Coburg Vic

1. Janice Beverley Fromhold b. 20.1.1957 Box Hill Vic

Christopher Gerard O’Brien b. 27.6.1954

1. Benjamin David O’Brien b. 8.6.1984 Terang Vic

2. Jenna Louise O’Brien

b. 7.8.1992 Warmambool Vic d. 7.8.1992 Warmambool Vic Buried Warmambool Vic

2. Terri Gaye Fromhold b. 9.10.1959 Box Hill Vic

John Bryant

b. 22.12.1960 Mornington Vic

1. Ammie Louise Bryant

b. 28.3.1980 Frankston Vic

2. Jason Andrew Bryant

b. 6.5.1981 Frankston Vic

3. Vicki Fromhold

b. 1.1.1961 Box Hill Vic

Adrian Weiss b. 13.10.1958

4. Sandra Joy Fromhold b. 4.2.1962 Box Hill Vic

Douglas Morris Gordon b. 6.11.1954

5. Anthony Paul Fromhold b. 10.6.1966 Melbourne Vic

1. Timothy Victor Weiss

b. 1.6.1983 Croydon Vic

2. Deanne Lee Weiss

_b. 3.12.1987 Croydon Vic

1. Jessica Kate Gordon

b. 18.9.1987 Warragul Vic

2. Thomas Kevin Bruce Gordon b. 28.1.1989 Warragul Vic

3. Nicole Joy Gordon

b. 17.10.1990 Warragul Vic

1. Grant Fromhold

b. 6.2.1989

Carolyn Griffith b.

6. Craig Edward Fromhold b. 13.11.1968 Mornington Vic

Frances Louise Anderson b. 22.1.1971

7. Adrian Laurence Fromhold b. 21.5.1970 Rosebud Vic

8. Paula Maree Fromhold b. 19.11.1972 Mornington Vic


Sylvia Rosa Finger was born on December 18th, 1902, at Doncaster, Victoria, the youngest child of John Traugott Finger and Christina nee Hartwich.

Sylvia was educated at the Doncaster State School and grew up on her father’s orchard property in George Street, Doncaster. She like her sisters would have for a time assisted with the work on the orchard.

On January 31st, 1930, at Hamilton, Victoria, Sylvia married Ernest Albert Deutscher who was

born at Glenlee, Victoria, on January 31st, 1900, the eldest son of David Ernst Deutscher and Johanne Louise nee Lutze.

Bert grew up on his father’s farming property, then they shifted to, “Springvale” near Coleraine, Victoria. Sylvia at this time was living in Hamilton with her parents and Bert would ride his bike into Hamilton once a fortnight to see her.

After their marriage the couple went to live on a property, “Serona”, Pigeon Ponds, north of Coleraine. They ran sheep and Bert also went woolclassing having done a woolclassing course at the Geelong Technical School. In 1936 the property was sold and Bert purchased a farm at Waubra, north-east of Ballarat.

During the war soldiers would practice shooting at Mt Misery, right over the farm. Here Bert grew flax for the yarn mill at Ballarat, kept laying hens,

sheep and cattle. In 1942, Bert sold and purchased a property at Wulgulmerang, 80 miles north-east of Bairnsdale, 36 miles north of Buchan. As there was no school here the children did correspondence schooling, Sylvia supervising their lessons. On the property Bert ran Hereford cattle, sheep and to the delight of the children, horses to ride. Bert sold the farm in 1932 and purchased a property near Bairnsdale, where the children attended the Bairnsdale School, their standard then above average. However a move was soon made to Boyup Brook in Western Australia onto a property running sheep and cattle.

After ten years here, Bert bought his last farm at Hill River between Badgingarra and Jurien Bay, Western Australia, north of Perth. Robin, his son now runs this property which carries 7,000 sheep with the aim for fine wool.

Albert and Sylvia retired to Viveash, a suburb north-east of Perth in 1977. Bert looked after Sylvia as her health deteriorated, and she died August 23rd, 1984, at Perth, Western Australia and was buried in the Midlands Cemetery, Perth. Albert continues to care for himself in the home at Viveash.

Albert and Sylvia had a family of three sons and four daughters, three being farmers, one a research chemist, one a doctor, the eldest a librarian, and one a secretary.

Bert and Sylvia Deutscher’s WeddinQ. January 31st, 1930.

The family of Albert Ernest and Sylvia Rosa Deutscher

1. Shirley Naomi Deutscher b. 16.12.1930 Hamilton Vic

2. Rosemary Louise Deutscher b. 5.10.1934 Hamilton Vic

David Leslie Jennings b.

Peter Leslie Jennings b. 4.7.1956 Bairnsdale Vic

Suzanne Raie Croton b. 2.9.1954 Stawell Vic

1. Andrew David Jennings

b. 23.4.1982 Bairnsdale Vic

2. Ingrid Raie Jennings

b. 16.4.1983 Bairnsdale Vic

3. Thomas Peter Jennings

b. 13.8.1988 Bairnsdale Vic

John Deutscher, Albert Deutscher, Sylvia Deutscher, Rex Deutscher.

John and Glenys Deutscher’s Wedding. L-R: Leonie, Marigold, Glenys (bride), John (bridegroom), Shirley, Sylvia (mother), Rex, Albert (father), Robin.

3. John Albert Deutscher b. 14.5.1941 Ballarat Vic

Glenys Mary Poultney b. 3.1.1943 Albany W.A.

4. Leonie Christina Deustcher b. 26.8.1942 Ballarat Vic

5. Rex Leslie Deutscher

b. 10.7.1944 Bairnsdale Vic

Marianne Fay Little b. 30.3.1944 Newcastle N.S.W.

6. Robin Derek Deutscher

b. 9.11.1946 Bairnsdale Vic

Val Poole b. 1944

7. Marigold Sylvia Deutscher b. 8.12.1947 Orbost Vic

Bradley Jones b.

2. Geoffrey David Jennings b. 16.7.1958 Bairnsdale Vic

Linda Catherine de Graaff b. 14.5.1965 Melbourne Vic

3. Merrick David Jennings

b. 20.1.1964 Bairnsdale Vic

1. Matthew James Jennings

b. 11.3.1985 Melbourne Vic

2. Miles Taylor Jennings

b. 9.1.1991 Bairnsdale Vic

4. Fiona Louise Jennings b. 5.10.1966 Bairnsdale Vic

Russell Wayne Mitchell b. 22.2.1966 Hamilton Vic

1. Catherine Glenys Deutscher b. 11.8.1969 Albany W. A.

2. Judith Louise Deutscher b. 21.7.1974 Albany W.A.

3. Jonathan Albert James Deutscher

b. 28.10.1976 Albany W.A.

4. Ian Edmund Deutscher b. 23.4.1980 Albany W.A.

1. Bradley Deustcher b. .2.1979

2. Ray Albert Deutscher b. .2.1983 Moora W.A.

3. Tyson Robin Deutscher _b. .8.1985 Moora W.A.

1. Bruce Bradley Jones b. 3.7.1978 Perth W.A.

2. Alexander Mark Jones b. 15.7.1981 Perth W.A.

3. Tara Jones

b. 10.2.1986 Perth W.A.

The 8th child of Carl (Henry) Heinrich and Johanne Caroline Finger





October 20th, 1870

Doncaster, Victoria

April 18th, 1956

Kew, Victoria

April 20th, 1956

Kew Cemetery, Victoria

September 21st, 1892

Doncaster, Victoria

September 2nd, 1950

East Melbourne Victoria

Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne

Caroline nee Aumann





November 23rd, 1871

Balwyn Victoria

July 1st, 1946

North Balwyn, Victoria

July 3rd, 1946

Kew Cemetery, Victoria

George Fankhauser and Johanne

Louise nee Neumann


BORN: February 8th, 1906

Tanunda, South Australia DIED: August 25th, 1973

Cheltenham, Gloustershire, England

Children of Ernst Ferdinand and Louise Augusta Finger


AGNES LUISE 1894-1989





LUISE MARION 1903-1993

ELSE MARIE 1908-1977







Ernst Ferdinand Finger was born on October 20th, 1870, at Doncaster, Victoria; the son of Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

He attended the Lutheran School in Doncaster Road, Doncaster, which was run by Pastor Max von Schramm. When his father died in 1884, he left school at the age of 14, and helped his mother and

brother, John on the orchard. Ferdinand grew lemons by budding onto orange seedling stocks raised by his father, and eventually established the first two acres of lemons grown in the Doncaster district.

The property was divided later between Ferdinand and his brother John. John took the western half and built a home of his own. Ferdinand

Ernst Ferdinand and Louise Augusta Finger and their family.

L-R: Back: Gustav George, Louise Marion, Franz Ferdinand Wilhelm, Agnes Luise, Myrtle Kathleen, Robert Albrecht.

Front: Ernst Ferdinand, Else Marie, Louise Augusta.

L-R: Back: Melbourne Jones, Marta Finger, Franz Finger, Hans Renz, Luise Marion Renz, Carl Fackler, Myrtle Kathleen Fackler, Gustav Finger.

Front: Agnes Jones, Else Finger, Louise Auguste Finger, Ernst Ferdinand Finger, Robert Finger, Ivy Finger. Children: Martyn Finger, Erica Finger. Taken February 6th, 1925.

remained with his mother in the old homestead and continued to live there following his marriage.

On September 21st, 1892, he married Louise Augusta nee Fankhauser at Doncaster. Louise was born on November 23rd, 1871 at Balwyn, Victoria; the daughter of George Fankhauser and Johanne Louise nee Neumann. Ferdinand’s sister Martha, had married Louise Augusta’s brother, George Friedrich Fankhauser.

Ferdinand and Louise had a family of eight children, all born at Doncaster. As was customary of so many German properties, pigs were slaughtered and the pork was pickled or made into sausages, while bacon, hams and mettwurst were hung in a smoke house. The youngest daughter, Else, had the task of making a smoky fire with green chips each morning before leaving for school.

Ferdinand’s lemon orchard was most successful

Ferdinand and Adeline Finger. September 2nd, 1950.

large garden of ornamental trees and flowering shrubs.

During 1918-19, the North Balwyn land was subdivided into 746 residential blocks, except for 15 acres around the homestead, including ten acres of lemons. Some of the streets were named after members of the family.

As the children married and left home, the orchard fell into disuse. Ferdinand then devoted his time to cultivating flowers and shrubs. He supplied flowers to the city florist shops and fruit of unusual varieties to well known fruiterer, Jonas of Collins Street.

On July 1st, 1946, Louise died and was buried in the Kew Cemetery, Victoria, and as all his children married, Ferdinand was left to live on his own at “Tannewald”. In 1950, he built a two storey maisonette pair to the west of the homestead, and on September 2nd, 1950 he married Adeline Mathilda nee Wallent at the German Church, East Melbourne.

“Tannenwald”, home of Ernst and Louise Finger, North Balwyn, Victoria.

The livingroom at “Tannenwald”, North Balwyn, Victoria.

and later he extended the orchard to 20 acres. Later, he purchased more land of 30 acres and 90 acres, which he planted with fruit trees. He sold the 90 acres and purchased 200 acres at North Balwyn, on the southern side of Doncaster Road extending from Balwyn Road to Greythorn Road. He bought this land after the collapse of the land boom, for 20 pounds an acre. He cleared the land and planted more fruit tress of different kinds, including lemons, and this became one of the largest orchards in the district.

In about 1909, he moved his family to a large two storey house in Barkers Road, Kew, and travelled to North Balwyn daily by bicycle to work in the orchard. He then built a large home on the land at North Balwyn and named the property “Tannewald” (pine forest) probably because of the many pine trees planted for wind breaks. This home was completed in 1911 and was built of sand-like bricks made in Port Melbourne. There were ten main rooms in the house, which was surrounded by a

German Church, Melbourne, where the family worshipped.

“Tannewald” was eventually sold, and St Aidans Presbyterian Church, North Balwyn, now stands on the homestead site. Some remnants of the garden still survive around the church.

Ferdinand and his first wife, Louise, were both conversant with the German language, both spoken and written, and they passed this knowledge on to their children. Both had learned to read and write in

the Gothic script. They took some of their children on various trips to Europe and visited the lands of their ancestors.

Ferdinand and his family took an active part in community life. Ferdinand was an Elder of the Doncaster Lutheran Church and also later at the German Church, East Melbourne, holding various positions at both churches.

He was a Councillor of the Doncaster Shire from 1894-1908 and was Shire President for a term 1905-06, representing the Shire at the opening of the first Federal Parliament by the Duke of Cornwall and York in May 1901. Among his other interests were the Doncaster Brass Band and the Cricket Club.

In 1936, he was awarded the White Cross by the German Government for community services.

During Pastor Fehlberg’s ministry at Doncaster, the use of the German language was being reduced. As Ferdinand preferred the services in that language, he took his family to worship at the German Lutheran Church, East Melbourne, where they worshipped regularly. Ferdinand and Louise supplied both the flowers for church decoration and a Christmas tree for the family service on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Throughout his life he purchased land at Lysterfield, Upper Beaconsfield, Pakenham and Koorda, Western Australia. Members of the family lived on these properties from time to time. He also derived income from a number of suburban homes, one being 39 Wattle Road, Hawthorn, which was on the land originally cleared and farmed by his grandfather, Christian Benjamin Finger from 1850 onwards.

On April 18th, 1856, Ferdinand died at Kew, Victoria, and was buried in the Kew Cemetery. His second wife, Adeline, died on August 25th, 1973, at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England.


Franz Ferdinand Wilhelm Finger was born on August 12th, 1893 at Doncaster, Victoria; the eldest child of Ernst Ferdinand Finger and Louise Auguste nee Fankhauser.

Franz was educated at the East Doncaster State School and then worked in the orchard with his father.

He went to Basel, Switzerland about 1912 to study for the Lutheran Ministry at the Baseler

Missionsanstalt. Completing his studies during the 1914-18 War, he could not return home but obtained work as a teacher in Switzerland.

On May 12th, 1919 at Basel, Switzerland, Franz married Marta nee Schreiber who was born on November 6th, 1897, at Binningen, Switzerland; the daughter of Rudolph Schreiber and Anna nee Morf. Witnesses at the wedding were Rudolph Schreiber and Anna Elsie Schreiber.

Franz and Marta Finger’s family.

L-R: Marta (mother), Martyn, Donald, Erica, Erik, Basel, Franz (father).

Franz and Marta Finger with some of their children and grandchildren.

They came to Australia in 1920 and lived at “Tannenwald”, North Balwyn, Victoria where their first child, Erica Marta was born in February 1920. Later that year, Franz was called to the Parish of Engelsburg, (now Kalbar), Queensland in the Fassifern District in South-Eastern Queensland. The Fassifern is a hilly district, south-west of Brisbane, on the eastern side of the Great Dividing Range, and drained by the Warrill Creek which flows northwards to the Brisbane River. The country was opened up in the 1870’s, and brought into production for dairying and mixed farming, mainly

small holdings. These were held mainly by German Lutherans and Baptists. Franz served this Parish for over 40 years, involving much travelling to widely scattered churches in the area. He was actively involved in the establishment of St Peter’s Lutheran College, Indooroopilly, Queensland.

Franz and Marta had a family of one daughter and five sons, one son, Donald died in boyhood when struck on the head by a cricket ball

Franz died on January 1st, 1970, at Brisbane, Queensland and Marta died on August 30th, 1982, at Westbrook, Queensland.

The family of Franz Wilhelm Ferdinand and Marta Finger

1. Erica Marta Finger b. 23.2.1920 Balwyn Vic d. 10.8.1983 Toowoomba Qld Buried Toowoomba Qld

Frederick Karl Murtze b. 28.11.1918 Toowoomba Qld

2. Martyn Rudolph Finger b. 10.4.1922 Balwyn Vic

Audrey Phillis Peters b. 20.6.1923 Freeling S.A.

1. Pamela Heidi Finger b. 20.2.1947 Freeling S.A.

John Peter McMahon b. 19.5.1945

2. Judith Helen Finger b. 9.8.1950 Adelaide S.A.

Thomas Richard Webster b. 8.5.1949

3. Geoffrey Martyn Finger b. 5.10.1952 Freeling S.A.

Rosa Maria Onorato b. 30.8.1966

1. Matthew Geoffrey McMahon b. 15.8.1974 Darwin N.T.

2. Katherine Marie McMahon

b. 12.11.1975 Canberra A.C.T.

3. Melissa Jane McMahon

b. 10.8.1977 Canberra A.C.T.

4. Nicole Heidi McMahon

b. 5.12.1979 Canberra A.C.T.

1. Mark Allen Webster

b. 14.7.1973 Canberra A.C.T.

2. Sally Anne Webster

b. 2.3.1976 Canberra A.C.T.

3. Jennifer Leanne Webster

b. 25.1.1982 Canberra A.C.T.

1. Paul Martyn Finger

b. 11.12.1990 Canberra A.C.T.

2. Caterina Marie Finger

b. 21.9.1992 Canberra A.C.T.

3. Oswald Kenneth Finger b. 13.8.1925 Boonah Qld

Greta Krueger b. 16.5.1930 Boonah Qld

1. Michael John Finger

b. 3.6.1955 Adelaide S.A.

Marie Louise Pearson b. 4.1.1955

2. Richard Anthony Finger

b. 16.12.1958 Brisbane Qld

3. Susan Maree Finger

b. 21.6.1960 Brisbane Qld

Selwyn James Josey b. 10.8.1958

1. Paul Joseph Finger

b. 18.4.1981 Brisbane Qld

2. Sara Anne Finger

b. 8.1.1985 Brisbane Qld

1. Brenton James Josey

b. 5.9.1988 Brisbane Qld

2. Eloise Maree Josey

b. 28.12.1992 Brisbane Qld

4. Basel Bernard Finger b. 4.2.1927 Boonah Qld

Ada Gladys Goetsch b. 4.4.1930 Boonah Qld

1. Janice Ann Finger

b. 26.2.1952 Boonah Qld

Kenneth Bryson Fischer b. 20.3.1958

2. Lorelle Margaret Finger b. 22.8.1954 Boonah Qld

Brian Arthur Costin b. 21.10.1947

Allan James Audoss b. 27.11.1947

1. Justin Anthony Fischer

b. 20.6.1982 Brisbane Qld

2. Renee Michelle Fischer

b. 21.2.1984 Brisbane Qld

1. Matthew Brian Costin

b. 13.5.1977 Brisbane Qld

2. Clint Glen Audoss

b. 7.4.1983 Ipswich Qld

3. Angela Asti Audoss

b. 26.7.1987 Ipswich Qld d. 25.1.1988 Brisbane Qld Buried Ipswich Qld

Natalie Vicki Audoss b. 4.1.1989 Ipswich Qld

5. Donald Robert Finger b. 10.1.1928 Boonah Qld d. 13.1.1940 Kalbar Qld Buried Kalbar Qld


Erick Franz Ferdinand Finger b. 23.2.1938 Boonah Qld

Hildagard Maurer b. 29.7.1939 Finschhafen P.N.G.

1. Celia Jacqualine Finger b. 28.7.1966 Herston Qld

2. Myles Howard Finger b. 4.9.1968 Corinda Qld


Agnes Luise Finger was born on August 14th, 1894, at Doncaster, Victoria; the 2nd child of Ernst Ferdinand Finger and Louise Auguste nee Fankhauser.

Agnes was educated at the East Doncaster School and on leaving school helped her mother with domestic work, and at various times worked for other orchardists. She learned singing, piano, elocution and sang with the choir at the German Church, East Melbourne.

Agnes met a Welshman, James Melbourne Jones who was working on the orchard of William Jenkins in Serpells Road, Templestowe, Victoria. Melbourne Jones was born on August 16th, 1880, at Temby, Pembrooke, England; the son of William Jones and Elizabeth nee Scourfield. Agnes and Melbourne married on November 21st, 1923, at Wellington, New Zealand.

Melbourne had a farm at Quambatook, Victoria, but after he married ran a hay and corn store at Surrey Hills, Victoria. In 1923 they went to England where they bought and leased farms in Suffolk and lived on one at Stoke by Clare, where their only child, Marion Grace was born on June 6th, 1928.

On retiring from farming, they moved to Dulwich, South London where Melbourne died, circa: 1938. At the outbreak of World War 11, Agnes and Marion came to Australia and rented part of a house at Balwyn. In 1946, they returned to live at Dulwich, England, but later went to live at Wallington, Surrey, England.

In 1983, Agnes sold the home at Wallington and went to live at “Eothen” a home for aged folk at Sutton, Surrey, England and loved to play the piano and sing at the age of 90 years.

Agnes died on June 9th, 1989, at Cheam, Surrey, England aged 95 years and was buried there.

Melbourne and Agnes Jones. November 21st, 1922.

The family of James Melbourne and Agnes Luise Jones

1. Marion Grace Jones

b. 6.6.1928 Stoke by Clare, Suffolk England


Gustav George Finger was born on February 3rd, 1896, at Doncaster, Victoria, the third child of Ernst Ferdinand Finger and Louise Auguste nee Fankhauser. After his education he worked at home with his father until he planted an orchard on part of “Warren Park”, Lysterfield, Victoria, but did not live there permanently.

On September 29th, 1920, at Kerang, Victoria, Gustav married Ivy Lintem nee Hayden, who was born on October 3rd, 1897, the daughter of George Hayden and Emily nee Harritable.

They lived in a home in McShane Street, North Balwyn, Victoria where Gustav worked on the orchard adjacent belonging to his father. When this was sold for subdivision, the couple moved to “Redcourt” in Greythorn Road, North Balwyn and later to Eaglemont where Gustav died on July 26th, 1970 and was buried in the Fawkner Cemetery, Victoria.

Ivy then sold the home at Eaglemont and moved to a unit in Glenhuntly and finally to Gladstone, Queensland to be near their only child, a daughter, Beverley.

Ivy died on June 7th, 1984, at Gladstone, Queensland and was buried in the Fawkner Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Gustav George and Ivy Lintem Finger

1. Beverley Finger

b. 19.9.1935 Melbourne Vic

Keith Edgar Christmas b. 8.11.1933

1. Scott Wayne Christmas b. 3.4.1960 Melbourne Vic

Julia Elizabeth Henzel b. 14.1.1963

1. Sarah Jane Christmas

b. 14.10.1981 Box Hill Vic

2. Casey Adam Christmas b. 7.7.1991 Box Hill Vic

2. Vicki Ann Christmas

b. 19.10.1962 Melbourne Vic

Geoffrey Robert Ackers b. 14.12.1958

1. Timm Allan Ackers

b. 26.3.1987 Gladstone Qld

2. Andrew Matt Ackers

b. 17.7.1989 Gladstone Qld

Boroondara Cemetery, Kew, Victoria.


Myrtle Kathleen Finger was born on September 12th, 1899, at Doncaster, Victoria; the fifth child of Ernst Ferdinand Finger and Louise Auguste nee Fankhauser.

Myrtle was educated at the East Doncaster School and by the time she had finished her schooling the family was at “Tannenwald”, North Balwyn, Victoria. She also learnt to play the piano and harp and was a member of the German Church Choir, East Melbourne.

She married on February 4th, 1925, at the Lutheran Church, East Melbourne, Victoria to Carl Joseph Fackler who was born on November 23rd, 1902 in Kent, England. Carl’s father was a German and a watchmaker by trade. The Fackler family


Gladys Alvina Finger was born on February 27th, 1898, at Doncaster, Victoria; the fourth child of Ernst Ferdinand Finger and Louise Auguste nee Fankhauser. She was baptised on March 27th, 1898, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, Victoria, by Pastor Max von Schramm. Sponsors were Caroline Kunnliuk, John Finger and Christine Finger.

Gladys Alvina died on her first birthday, February 27th, 1899, at Doncaster and was buried in the grave in which her parents and grandmother were buried later. This was in the Boroondara Cemetery, Kew, Victoria.

Carl and Myrtle Fackler with daughter, Ruth.

arrived in Australia in 1913, Carl being the eldest of four children. He was educated at Gordon Technical College, Geelong, Victoria, and studied chemistry at Brunswick Technical School. He also spent a year in England working for a jeweller, and on returning to Australia worked as a salesman for Dunklings, Jewellers of Melbourne throughout the rest of his life.

They lived at Camberwell, Victoria where their only child, Ruth Luise was born in 1928. Myrtle died on March 19th, 1973 at Camberwell, Victoria and Carl on December 3rd, 1982 at Hallam, Victoria.

The family of Carl Joseph and Myrtle Kathleen Fackler

1. Ruth Luise Fackler

b. 10.11.1926 Melbourne Vic d. 6.3.1963 Hawthorn Vic Buried Kew Vic

Victor John Leslie Vafiopoulos b. 1919 Melbourne Vic d. 1948 Geelong Vic Buried Melbourne Vic


Robert Albrecht Finger was born on March 20th,

1901, at Doncaster, Victoria; the 6th child of Ernst Ferdinand Finger and Louise Auguste nee Fankhauser.

Robert was educated at the East Doncaster School and later the Kew State School, also received some technical instruction at Swinburne Technical College developing considerable mechanical skills.

He then worked on an orchard property of his fathers, at Upper Beaconsfield, Victoria living in an old home on the property but returning to “Tannenwald” at weekends on his motor-cycle.

When the land was sold at Upper Beaconsfield, land was selected near Koorda, Western Australia,

230 miles north-west of Perth, on the fringe of the wheat belt. Robert farmed this land from the late 1920s until he was accidentally killed on the farm on February 16th, 1942. He was buried in the Wyalkatchem Cemetery, Western Australia.

Robert was single but usually had a workman iving on the farm, but had no one at the time of the iccident. A utility truck which had a gas producer itted to it, was being serviced by Robert when the >as producer fell on him and crushed him to death. The accident was not discovered for some days mtil a neighbour called at the farm to inquire why Robert had not made his weekly visit for supplies.

The land selected was covered with scrub and )pen forest of eucalyptus trees, mainly salmon gum

and gimlet. It was easily cleared by rolling and burning, leaving the larger trees standing. The only water was rainwater and with a rainfall of less than 15 inches a year, water had to be conserved.

The farm was marginal wheat country and prone to yielding poor harvests for a number of years in succession as was Robert’s experience.

Harvesting was completed by December and Robert was usually at “Tannenwald”, North Balwyn for Christmas to the joy of his mother and sister, Else.


Luise Marion Finger was born on October 28th, i903, at Doncaster, Victoria; the 7th child of Ernst 7erdinand Finger and Louise Auguste nee 7ankhauser. She was educated at the Kew and lalwyn State Schools. After her education was :ompleted she worked in the homestead at Tannenwald” and in her father’s orchard. She was ilso actively involved in the family’s domestic, social md sporting affairs.

On January 31st, 1925, at the German Church, last Melbourne, Luise (LuLu as she was known to ler family) married Hans Hermann Franz Renz vho was born on January 17th, 1897, at Hamburg, Sermany.

Hans was a master mariner and when on a voyage on the five mast ship Carl Vinnen which tad brought Baltic timber to Melbourne in December 1922, met Luise Marion. Hans and Luise ived in Hamburg, Germany for some years, after vhich Hans left the sea and they settled in Australia. They lived at “Warren Park” Lysterfield, Victoria vhere their only child, Gretchen Irma was bom.

Hans developed a business as Shipping Provedore,

r-R: Luise Finger, Caroline Finger, Myrtle Finger.

mainly German ships, and as Lysterfield was too remote from the port, they moved to Balwyn.

After the 1939-45 War, the family managed the Eildon Cafe at Eildon, Victoria. After they retired to Townsville, Queensland, Hans died on September 6th, 1988 and was buried there.

Luise died at Townsville on July 6th, 1993 and was also buried there.

Hans and Luise Renz. January 31st, 1925.

The family of Hans Hermann Franz and Luise Marion Renz

1. Gretchen Irma Renz

b, 20.8.1928 Dandenong Vic

Claus Jakob Schnackenberg b. 5.9.1908 Holstein Germany d. 2.11.1989 Townsville Qld Buried Townsville Qld

1. Peter Johann Schnackenberg b. 14.8.1949 Riclimond Vic

Sally Anne Creeley b. 24.5.1955 Koonya Tas

2. Max Heinrich Schnackenberg b. 3.7.1952 Eildon Vic

Lorraine Little

b. 2.5.1958 Newcastle N.S.W.

1. Michael Peter Schnackenberg b. 10.11.1980 Devonport Tas

2. David Ian Schnackenberg b. 22.1.1984 Devonport Tas

1. Jacob Laurence Schnackenberg b. 19.8.1990 Melbourne Vic

2. Clair Luise Schnackenberg b. 25.9.1992 Melbourne Vic


Else Marie Finger was born on August 26th, 1908, at Doncaster, Victoria; the youngest child of Ernst Ferdinand Finger and Louise Augusta nee Fankhauser. Else was educated at the Balwyn High School and later at the Methodist Ladies College.

On leaving school Else lived at home, the only one of the children living at “Tannenwald” with her parents after 1925. She assisted her mother with the housework, did the milking, made butter, kept poultry and helped her father with flowers and fruit picking.

In 1926, with her parents and brother, Robert, Else visited Europe including Schmiedenberg, Silesia, the home of her ancestors.

On February 27th, 1935, Else married at the German Church, East Melbourne, Wilhelm (Bill) Paul Friedrich Drews, who was born on August 28th, 1907, at Northcote, Victoria; the son of Wilhelm Johann Ludwig Drews and Pauline Doris Caroline Auguste nee Hardenack. After their marriage they lived at Regent, Victoria for three years, then built a new home at Rosanna, Victoria, where Bill still resides. Their family consisted of three sons and a daughter.

Bill completed studies for a Diploma in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the Working Men’s College, Melbourne. He was a draughtsman and assistant engineer with the Commonwealth Department of Works and Railways, before he continued his studies at the Melbourne University and graduated Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering in 1933- After a few months as engineer and production manager of the Miniature Electric Co, Fitzroy, Victoria, he joined the engineering staff

L-R: Gretchen Renz, F. Drews, Else Drews, Bill Drews, Ruth Fackler, Erika Finger. February 27th 1935.

of the Australian Paper Manufacturers Limited in 1933. He retired from A.P.M. in 1970, but continued in private practice as a Consulting Engineer.

Else died on April 22nd, 1977, at Heidelberg, Victoria. Bill lives in retirement at Rosanna and has continued to travel, visiting his family in Tasmania, Western Australia and Queensland. He also made a returned trip (after Else had died) to England and Europe.

The Drews family. L-R: Robert Martin, Carl Friedrich, Else (mother), Ernst Wilhelm, Bill (father), Marie Caroline.

he family of Wilhelm Paul Friedrich and Else Marie Drews

1. Ernst Wilhelm Drews b. 27.6.1936 Richmond Vic

Peggy May Hare b. 26.8.1941 Pakenham Vic

1. Suzanne Heidi Drews

b. 31.12.1963 Greensborough Vic

Robert Hans Kraushofer b. 6.7.1961 Melbourne Vic

1. Mikhail Sebastian Kraushofer b. 13.10.1989 Kew Vic

2. Georgia Naomi Kraushofer b. 26.6.1993

I. Carl Friedrich Fankhauser Drews

b. 14.4.1938 Richmond Vic

Elaine Ruth Lockstone b. 7.1.1943

1. Michael John Drews

b. 9.11.1966 Melbourne Vic

2. Paul Anthony Drews

b. 7.10.1968 Melbourne Vic

1. Bradley Paul Drews b. 13.1.1992 Clayton Vic

Jenny Lee Hohn b. 28.4.1967

3. Steven Richard Drews b. 7.3.1970 Melbourne Vic

3. Marie Caroline Drews b. 31.8.1942 Ivanhoe Vic

Anthony Victor Taffe b. 16.7.1931

1. Geoffrey Francis Taffe

b. 5.7.1969 Carnarvon W.A.

2. Sandra Marie Taffe

b. 12.2.1971 Carnarvon W.A.

3. Gary Anthony Taffe 1. Natalie Tia Taffe

b. 21.5.1973 Port Hedland b. 7.2.1991 Carnarvon W.A.


Louise Gilbert -

b. 13.4.1974 Carnarvon W.A.

4. Robert Martin Drews

b. 11.10.1944 Richmond Vic

Jillian Ann Murphy b. 8.11.1949 Balwyn Vic

1. Jonathan Robert Drews b. 27.8.1978 Box Hill Vic

2. Timothy William Drews

b. 24.4.1981 Chertsey Surrey England


William David Finger was born at Doncaster, William David only lived for one year and two Victoria on February 3rd, 1874; the youngest child months, dying at Doncaster on April 12th, 1873 and of Carl Heinrich Finger and Johanne Caroline nee was buried in the Boroondara Cemetery, Victoria. Aumann.

The 2nd child of Carl Samuel and Johanne Eleonora Aumann



June 6th, 1835

Kohlhohe, Silesia, Prussia


August 29th, 1909

Doncaster, Victoria


August 31st, 1909

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria


June 6th, 1861

Doncaster, Victoria


Carl Samuel Aumann and Johanne Eleonore nee Sommer



August 4th, 1837

Lederose, Silesia Prussia


November 1st, 1932

Doncaster, Victoria


November 3rd,

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

DAUGHTER OF: Carl Friedrich Hanke and Johanne Christiane nee Spreu

children of Carl August and Johanna Eleonora Aumann

:arl august




























Carl August Aumann was born on June 6th, 1835 at Profen, Silesia, Prussia, and was the eldest son of Carl Samuel Aumann and Johanne Eleonore nee Sommer. At the time he left Prussia, he was apprenticed to the bootmaking trade. He left Hamburg on the ship Wilhelmsburg, on May 17th, 1853, and it is thought that friends paid his passage for the journey to Australia. His name does not appear on the passenger list of the ship but he declared on his naturalisation papers that this was the vessel on which he came to Australia. He possibly worked as a member of the ship’s crew as this ship had a crew of 35 men —- 25 of whom had never been to sea before. He repaid money to his friends on reaching Melbourne on August 25th, 1853, which would seem to indicate that he earned money on the voyage out.

On landing, he was told to look after passengers’ luggage, but as he was not allowed to remain at the wharf, the police told him to leave.

With no knowledge of the English language, he made his way to Weinberg Street, Hawthorn, where he stopped at a house in which he happened to hear German being spoken. This was the home of Christian Finger, and it was here that Carl worked for a short time, driving a bullock team between Hawthorn and Doncaster. Three months later, he would have been reunited with his Either and the rest of the family, as they also came to Hawthorn on arrival in Melbourne.

Like so many men of that time, Carl tried his luck at the gold fields. He went first to Caledonia (Kangaroo Ground) and then walked to Bendigo, where he worked as a foreman for two years at the Victoria Reef.

He then returned to buy land at Doncaster in Main Road, where he eventually settled. However at that point, he still had the Gold Fever and joined the rush intending to go to Queensland. Unfortunately, when they arrived in Sydney, the rush was over and Carl was obliged to find his way back to Melbourne.

On arriving in Melbourne, he went to work at Dehnert’s Brickyards in Victoria Street, Abbotsford. It was at this time he became acquainted with his future wife. Mr. Dehnert was a brother of Rheinhold Traugott who eventually married Carl’s younger sister, Christiana Johanna. It was while he was at Abbotsford that he became a naturalised citizen of the Colony, giving his occupation as brickmaker and his address as East Collingwood.

He then went back to Doncaster and settled on the land in 1861, remaining there for the rest of his life.

On June 6th, 1861, Carl married Johanne Eleonore nee Hanke, at Waldau, Doncaster. They were married by Pastor Goethe and the witnesses were Moritz Heinze and William Hanke. Eleonore was born on August 4th, 1837 at Lederose Silesia, Prussia. She was the daughter of Carl Friedrich Hanke and Johanna Christiana nee Spreu. The Hanke family migrated to Australia on the ship Sverge, arriving in Melbourne on Christmas Day, 1851.

Records of the Lederose local church reads:

“In the year One Thousand, eight hundred and thirty seven on the fourth of August (4th August 183 7) One daughter, who was baptised on the 13th of the same month and named Johanna Eleonore. ”

Carl and Eleonore made their homes on the property which Carl had purchased, which was east

The home in Doncaster Road, Doncaster with Martha Elizabeth standing in front. The home stood between 1861-1958.

Confirmation Certificate. May 4th, 1851. Johanna Eleonora Hanke. Confirmation Certificate. April 1st, 1849. Carl August Aumann.

Certificate of Naturalisation. April 12th, I860.


in accordance with the Provisions of an Act of the Jtyu§

Legislative Council of New SouthrWales, passed in the eleventh of-Her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled ‘Mir Act to amend the laws.

“ Aliens within the Colony of New South Wales?

ty of

has presented to me a Memorial in the form and manner prescribed by the said recited Act, praying that he may be naturalized; and whereas I have enquired into the truth of the circumstances set forth in the said Memorial: Now, I, the Governor of the Colony of Victoria, do hereby certify that it has been established

to my satisfaction that /f

is a native of

CJ years of age, and that having arrived by the ship -in the year One thousand eight hundred and

he is now residing in the said Colony svrj/(/<’<./' //?

/’;'<?/•'C'tsfy and intending to settle for life in the said Colony of Victoria he desires to obtain the advantages of the said Act; and I do therefore grant to the said

w/SA _______ (upon his taking before one of the Judges of the

Supreme Court the oath prescribed by the said recited Act), all the rights and capacities within the said Colony of Victoria, of a natural bom British subject, except the capacity of being a Member of either the Executive or Legislative Council.

(Bffbin under my Hand and Seal, at Melbourne, in Victoria aforesaid, this /day of One thousand eight hundred and .4^1^

By His Excellency's Command,


Entered on Record by me in Register of PatentsfEo.— «-£—-Page

day of

?—■— One lhousatid eight hundred

• .'t


Main Road, Doncaster. 1880-1890

of the present Council Chambers in Doncaster Road, Doncaster. Here he built a wattle and daub home with a verandah around three sides and a beautiful stone floor under the verandah.

Carl and Eleonore raised a family of two sons and six daughters in this home. They were devout Christians and regularly attended the Doncaster Lutheran Church, taking an active part in Church affairs. Carl’s name appears in the early minutes recorded by this Church, and as the family grew, they all formed a close and constant association with the Church.

Carl planted an orchard on the land at Doncaster Road and was an orchardist until his death on September 29th, 1909, when he was buried in the Box Hill cemetery.

The Box Hill Reporter; October 1909:

“The death of Mr. Carl Aumann removes from Doncaster practically one of its earliest settlers, he having resided in the district about half a century or more. He was very highly esteemed, and had reached the ripe age of 74 years. For three weeks previous to his death, he was a patient in Doctor Moore’s hospital, where he underwent an operation for

appendicitis. From this he successfully recovered, but subsequently it was found necessary to again operate for another serious internal complaint. His condition for a while afterwards was very satisfactory. It was expected that he would be able to leave the hospital in the course of a week or so, but unfortunately he was suddenly seized with an illness from which he never recovered, and his death took place on August 29th.

Deceased leaves a widow, and a family offive, two sons and three daughters, all but one of whom are married. The remains were interred in the Box Hill cemetery on Tuesday afternoon following, and the funeral was an exceptionally large one. Deep sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Aumann and Family in their sorrowful bereavement. ”

Eleonore remained in the home with her daughter Martha Elizabeth, until her death on November 1st, 1932, and she was buried in the Box Hill cemetery.

The orchard property which Carl developed was then sold and in later years the home was demolished to make way for subdivision of the land into home blocks.

The 1st child of Carl August and Johanna Eleonora Aumann







April 1st, 1862

Doncaster, Victoria

July 30th, 1928

Surrey Hills, Victoria

August 1st, 1928

Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria

September 1st, 1885

Doncaster, Victoria

Carl August Aumann and

Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke





May 9th, 1859 Camberwell, Victoria February 9th, 1939 Templestowe, Victoria February 11th, 1939 Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria Godfried Friedrich Schuhkraft and Maria Theresa nee Fankhauser

Children of Carl (Charles) August and Anna Elizabeth Aumann





















HARRY SMITH 1894-1973


HILDA PUMP 1901-1971

Carl (Charles) August Aumann was born on April 4th, 1862 at Doncaster. He was the eldest child of Carl August Aumann and Johanne Eleonore nee Hanke. He would have been educated at the Doncaster School which was run by Pastor Max von Schramm.

On September 1st, 1885, he married Anna Elizabeth Schuhkraft at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Anna was born on May 9th, 1859, at Camberwell, and was the daughter of Godfried Friedrich Schuhkraft and Maria Theresa nee Fankhauser. Anna’s mother, Maria Theresa, had

been born at Tirol, Austria, on February 3rd, 1831 and had come to Australia with her parents on the ship, Prebislav, arriving in Melbourne early in 1850. Anna’s father, Godfried Friedrich, was born at Heilboun, Wurtemberg, Germany, in November 1832 and came to Australia in a ship which sailed from Liverpool, England, arriving in Australia on Nov. 19th, 1853 — only three days after the Aumann family landed in Australia.

After Charles and Anna married, they settled in Serpells Road, Templestowe. Charles cleared the property, and with the help of his wife, he

established an orchard. He also went to work, often walking many miles to a job. Most of the homes of the period had underground wells and sinking of those was part of his work, along with building and bricklaying. He was renowned for his skill in budding and grafting fruit trees, a job he did for many professional nurserymen.

As a child, Anna had attended school at Mr. Fergusen’s school in Serpells Road Templestowe, which was one of the first schools in the district. She had six brothers and four sisters, most of whom continued to live in the Doncaster district following their marriages. Anna was a dressmaker before marriage, and like most women of her time was an excellent cook and capable housekeeper by the time she reached marriageable age. She extended warm hospitality to all visitors, acted as a midwife for many families around her, and was always available when neighbours needed her in times of sickness.

Most of Charles and Anna’s ten children were born at the Serpells Road home. They lost two daughters — Anna Elizabeth, at the age of two

. 0

Card sent by Frederick Aumann to his mother.

years, on October 10th. 1889, and Edith Theresa, who died at the age of 14 years. Both children were buried in the Templestowe Cemetery. Their eldest child, Charles Frederick, was killed in France on August 1st, 1916, while serving his country in the 1914-18 War.

Charles and Anna both came from strongly religious German families, with a Lutheran background. They reared their children in the same Christian manner, but eventually as the children grew and language differences created problems, they chose to worship at the Church of England, attending Christ Church, Templestowe each Sunday, where Charles became a vestryman and a lay reader, taking church services throughout the Parish of Doncaster, to which Christ Church belonged.

In 1906, when St. Phillips Church (Deep Creek), East Doncaster was built, Charles Aumann of Christ Church, Templestowe, was elected Secretary pro tern. He also signed the contract for the building of St. Phillips, along with other members of the committee. The first Sunday School at St. Phillips was held on November 18th, 1906 under his direction. At that time, Charles was also teaching at Christ Church in the morning, and would walk to St. Phillips in the afternoon. His brother-in-law, Henry Pump, later took over from him.

Charles purchased the first two blocks of land to be sold in Weeroona Street, Rye, where he built a small house. Beach holidays were a treat which all the family looked forward to, and journeys were made to either the Weeroona or Hygia from Port Melbourne to Rye. The Rye property is still held by some of Charles’ descendants.

When his youngest son -— David — married, Charles built a new home on the property in Serpells Road for himself and Anna, but he was only to live in it for a short time and died on July 30th, 1928, at a hospital in Surrey Hills. He was buried in the Templestowe Cemeteiy where at times he had acted as grave digger.

Anna continued to live in the home until her death on February 9th, 1939, and was buried with her husband in the Templestowe Cemeteiy.

Card sent by Frederick Aumann to his mother France 16.6.1916.

Dear Mother,

I have received two letters from you this mail, one with a cutting in from the Reporter, about that shell that Joe sent over. Everything looks so lovely over here now, the trees are so green, and the grass is growing so fast. It seems a pity that there is a war on, destroying everything for miles around, nearly all the hedges are white with blossom, from your loving son C.F. Aumann.


The family of Charles and Anna Aumann.

L-R: Back: Ethel Elizabeth, Arthur Albert, Agnes Emily, Charles Frederick, Bertha Maria. Front: Minnie Louise, Charles (father), David Samuel, Anna (mother), Alice Mabel.

Home of Charles and Anna Aumann, taken when son David and family lived there. This home was built around 1885 and demolished in 1979. Serpell’s Road, Templestowe, Victoria.

All of Charles and Anna’s children were bom here except the two eldest. After his youngest son, David married, he and his wife lived there.

The holiday hut at Rye owned by Charles Aumann. He purchased the first two blocks of land to be sold in Weeroona Street, Rye. After building the house, members of the family enjoyed many holidays there. In the early days, the trip to Rye was made on the ships Weeroona or Hygia. The country was then still thickly timbered.

Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.


Charles Frederick Aumann was born at Templestowe, Victoria, on May 6th, 1886; the eldest child of Carl (Charles) August Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft. He was baptised on June 13th, 1886, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, by Pastor Max Schramm. This church would have been the old church that stood in the Waldau Cemetery, Doncaster. Sponsors at the baptism were Friedrich Schuhkraft, George Schuhkraft, and Anna Aumann.

Fred was educated at the Templestowe School, and after leaving school he worked at home on his father’s orchard. Fred and his father purchased land at Gembrook, Victoria which possibly he would have used in later years.

Fred was a keen photographer, operating a camera using glass negatives. Some of his photographs of early Templestowe, circa 1905, are kept by his relatives.

Records of Australian War Memorial:

Charles Frederick Aumann Pte

Enlisted July 21st, 1915, 6th Infantry Brigade, 21st

Infantry Battalion, 3rd Reinforcements

Embarked at Melbourne, Victoria on H.M.A.T. A68

Anchises, August 26th, 1915

Died of wounds August 1st, 1916, Pozicres, France

Buried France 102, Bologne, Eastern Cemetery

Cemetery, France.

This hut was built on the block at Gembrook owned by Charles and his son Frederick.





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1914 The Great War. 1919

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Honour Roll, Templestowe School.


Anna Elizabeth Aumann was born on October 24th, 1887, at Doncaster, Victoria: the eldest daughter of Carl (Charles) August Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft. She was baptised on November 20th, 1887, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, by Pastor Max Schramm. Sponsors were August Aumann Snr, Emilie Aumann and Theresa Schuhkraft.

Anna died at the age of two years on October 10th, 1889, and was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.


Agnes Emily Aumann was born on July 26th, 1889, at Doncaster, Victoria, daughter of Carl (Charles) August Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft. She was baptised on August 8th, 1889, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, by Pastor Max Schramm. Sponsors were Berthold Bruche, Minna Schuhkraft and Martha Schuhkraft.

Agnes was educated at the Templestowe School, and on leaving school, went out to work. For many years she worked at the Thiele’s home, “Friedensruh” Doncaster, where she lived in. It was here that she met August Martin Washusen, who was employed on the Thiele orchard. August was born on May 4th, 1883 at Hawthorn, Victoria, the son of Daniel William Washusen and Marie nee Dinsen.

August and Agnes were married on May 3rd, 1917, at Christ Church, Templestowe. Witnesses to the marriage were Arthur Albert Aumann and Alice Mabel Aumann. Rev. Charles J. Peterson officiated.

August and Agnes made their home on an orchard property at Heathmont, where they lived for the rest of their lives. They were blessed with

two sons and five daughters and both worked hard to rear their seven children, as well as building the orchard to a paying proposition.

They were devout Christians and worshipped with their family for many years at St Paul’s, Ringwood, and later at Christ Church, Heathmont.

Unfortunately, August was crippled for some 23 years before his death on May 3rd, 1969. He was interred at the Springvale Crematorium, Heathmont.

Agnes lived in the new home built on the property with her youngest child, Linda. She devoted her time to her family; children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were always about her. She kept good health for most of her life and enjoyed describing events, such as the occasion when she and her mother went to stay with the Aumann family at Ashens, near Murtoa. Henry and Laura Aumann of Ashens had a family of 15 children and Agnes told of their having the largest fiying pan she had ever seen. Like her sisters, Agnes was often fond of debates about the earlier days and they were often to be found together in earnest discussion.

Above: August Martin Washusen. Left: Agnes Emily Aumann.

Agnes died on August 15th, 1980 at Heathmont at the age of 91 years, after a full but contented hard working life. She was also interred at the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.

August and Agnes with their four eldest children.

The family of August Martin and Agnes Emily Washusen

1. Margaret Elizabeth Washusen b. 4.8.1917 Box Hill Vic

Frederick Hector Dickson b. 28.9.1919 Ringwood Vic

1. Barbara Janette Dickson b. 14.2.1947 Ringwood Vic

William Leslie Allen b. 21.6.1945

1. Jenny Nicole Allen

b. 14.3.1971 Box Hill Vic

2. Lisa Michelle Allen

b. 23.7.1973 Mitcham Vic

2. Graeme Frederick Dickson b. 16.4.1949 Ringwood Vic

Ann Marie Oakenfull b. 4.12.1952

1. Glen Andrew Dickson

b. 19.12.1978 Berwick Vic

2. Michelle Maree Dickson b. 10.9.1981 Berwick Vic

3. Joan Elizabeth Dickson b. 19.11.1952 Ringwood Vic

Peter Edward Blackmore b. 28.4.1955

1. Andrew Peter Blackmore b. 3-5.1981 Berwick Vic

2. Paul David Blackmore b. 25.2.1983 Berwick Vic

2. Alan Frederick Washusen b. 24.12.1918 Ringwood Vic

Kathleen Ila Cullen b. 21.10.1922 Renmark S.A.

1. Margaret Lynette Washusen b. 22.10.1947 Ringwood Vic d. 29.10.1986 Benalla Vic Buried Violet Town Vic

Kerry Donald Davis b. 27.7.1944 Benalla Vic

1. Glen Alan Davis b. 13.8.1971

2. Heath Andrew Davis b. 4.1.1973

2. Jeffrey Alan Washusen b. 23.2.1949 Ringwood Vic

Robin Elizabeth Harmsworth b. 7.11.1947 Melbourne Vic

1. Daniel Lindsay Alan Washusen b. 29.5.1978 Melbourne Vic

2. Kristen Jeffrey Washusen b. 5.3.1981 Melbourne Vic

3. Enid Agnes Washusen b. 23.1.1920 Ringwood Vic d. 2.11.1972 Melbourne Vic Buried Springvale Vic

Ronald Stephen Sharp b. 21.10.1920

4. Herbert Martin Washusen b. 29.4.1921 Ringwood Vic d. 19.9.1983 Healesville Vic Buried Lilydale Vic

Alice Jean Izard b. 12.2.1920 Caulfield Vic

3. Lindsay Raymond Washusen b. 27.7.1950 Ringwood Vic

4. Russell Kenneth Washusen b. 18.3.1952 Ringwood Vic

Janine Elizabeth Janies b. 6.2.1953 Benalla Vic

5. Gary John Washusen b. 6.12.1956 Ringwood Vic

Adele Margaret Carpenter b. 10.6.1958 Mansfield Vic

1. Samuel James Washusen b. 25.10.1981 Benalla Vic

2. Johanna Claire Margaret Washusen

b. 7.10.1987 Benalla Vic

1. Clarissa Adele Washusen b. 9.5.1980 Benalla Vic

2. Christopher Guy Washusen b. 18.2.1983 Benalla Vic

1. Ian Ronald Sharp b. 29.5.1942

1. Roger Ian Sharp b. 4.11.1971

Glenda Fay Miller b. 1949

d. 24.12.1981 Park Ochards Vic Buried Springvale Vic

2. Julia Elizabeth Sharp b. 5.3.1974

Wendy Fox b.

2. Peter Robert Sharp b. 10.12.1943

1. Michael Stephen Sharp b. 22.2.1970

Marlene Anne Stocks b.

2. Rebecca Louise Sharp b. 19.9.1971

3. Joanne Maree Sharp b. 14.7.1974

1. Anne Jeanette Washusen b. 1.7.1945 Ringwood Vic

1. Jennifer Anne Meade b. 1.2.1968 Healesville Vic

Graham Patrich Meade b.

Rodney Hocking b.

2. Rhonda Lynette Meade b. 13.10.1970 Melbourne Vic

Steve Nalder b.

2. Peter William Washusen b. 30.10.1946 Ringwood Vic

1. Mark Peter Washusen b. 4.1.1971 Lilydale Vic

Beverley May Collicoat b. 1946

2. Scott Andrew Washusen b. 18.11.1973 Lilydale Vic

3. Neil Martin Washusen b. 24.9.1950 Ringwood Vic

1. Samantha Jane Washusen b. 20.4.1977 Lilydale Vic

Janet Northey b.

2. Nicholas Martin Washusen b. 4.1.1980 Lilydale Vic

3. Cara Louise Washusen b. 30.6.1984 Healesville Vic

4. Jill Christine Washusen b. 4.6.1952 Ringwood Vic

1. Kelly Leanne Hunter b. 28.12.1976 Lilydale Vic

Barry Hunter b.

2. Shannon Kate Hunter b. 13.6.1979 Lilydale Vic

3. Tracey Christine Hunter b. 4.12.1985 Lilydale Vic

1. Matthew James Hocking b. 13.6.1991 Bendigo Vic

5. Betty Christine Washusen b. 3-9.1924 Ringwood Vic

Gilbert Keith Cullen b. 6.5.1925' d.

Buried Springvale Vic

6. Mabel Phyllis Washusen b. 4.6.1927 Ringwood Vic

Gordon Charles Ogilvie Storey b. 14.7.1927 Ringwood Vic

7. Linda Ethel Washusen b. 29.8.1929 Ringwood Vic

1. Pamela Christine Cullen b. 15.6.1948 Ringwood Vic

John McCallum b.

1. Kate Emily McCallum

b. 30.12.1978 Prahran Vic

2. Brett Ian McCallum

b. 22.3.1982 East Bentleigh Vic

Janet Linda Cullen b. 12.10.1949 Ringwood Vic

Anthony Claxton b.

1. Meghan Louise Claxton

b. 22.10.1980 East Bentleigh Vic

2. Rebecca Anne Claxton

b. 7.1.1982 East Bentleigh Vic

Robert Keith Cullen b. 18.6.1951 Ringwood Vic

1. Joel Adam Cullen b. 12.5.1982 Lilydale Vic

2. Jessica Leagh Cullen b. 1985 Lilydale Vic

John Martin Cullen b. 12.9.1954 Ringwood Vic

Christine Evans b.

5. Richard Alan Cullen

b. 17.2.1956 Ringwood Vic

6. Tresse Anne Cullen

b. 10.12.1957 Ringwood Vic

Chris Fitzpatrick b.

1. Sara Jane Fitzpatrick b. 1985 Lilydale Vic

2. Emily Victoria Fitzpatrick b. 1986 Lilydale Vic

3. Thomas Michael Fitzpatrick b. 1990 East Bentleigh Vic


Christine Phyllis Storey 1.

b. 27.8.1955 Hay N.S.W.

James Andrew Rowley b. 28.7.1955

Linda Jean Rowley b. 11.10.1978 Yarram Vic

Colin Ross Rowley b. 25.9.1981 Yarram Vic

3. Gary Alan Rowley

b. 20.12.1982 Yarram Vic

2. Alan Gordon Storey

b. 6.11.1956 Ringwood Vic

3. David Martin Storey

b. 6.3.1958 Hay N.S.W.

Michelle Anne Kee b. 16.5.1959

1. Lance David Storey

b. 19.12.1978 Chelsea Vic

2. Anne Michelle Storey

b. 27.5.1981 Chelsea Vic

3. Jacqueline Rebecca Storey b. 15.9.1983 Chelsea Vic


Edith Theresa Aumann was born on November 20th, 1890, at Templestowe, Victoria; the daughter of Carl (Charles) August Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft.

She was baptised on December 14th, 1890 at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, by Pastor Max Schramm. Sponsors were Heinrich Aumann, Theresa Schuhkraft, and Maria Aumann.

Her education was at the Templestowe School, but before completing her education, she contacted rheumatic fever and died on September 13th, 1904, just before she turned the age of 14 years. Edith was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.


Alice Mabel Aumann was born on September 10th, 1892, at Templestowe, Victoria, the daughter of Carl (Charles) August Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft. Alice was educated at the Templestowe School and on completion of her schooling, left home to work.

On April 22nd, 1919, Alice married Gottlieb (Geoffrey) Uebergang at Christ Church, Templestowe. Geoffrey was born on March 3rd, 1893 at Doncaster, Victoria; the only child of Paulina Caroline Uebergang. Geoffrey’s mother died when he was very young and he was raised by his uncle and aunt, Charles and Anna Uebergang. Geoffrey served his country in the 1914-18 War, and it was after his return that he and Alice married.

They made their first home at Box Hill, Victoria, as Geoffrey became an instructor at the Swinburne College, Glenferrie. Later, their home was wherever Geoffrey was teaching school. His schools included Bendigo School of Mines, Yarram High School and Hamilton High School.

Alice and Geoffrey had a family of three; one son and two daughters. Sadly, while they were living at Hamilton, Alice and her youngest daughter, Sylvie Theresa, died in a railway level crossing accident at Heywood, Victoria, on November 4th, 1938. Both are buried in the Templestowe Cemetery.

Alice was greatly attached to her family and was a capable cook and needleworker; common among women of her generation.

Geoffrey, Alice with their three children: Lona, Robert and Sylvie.

Alice and Geoffrey’s son, Robert Geoffrey, graduated at the University of Melbourne in 1946. While employed in the P.M.G. laboratories, he was responsible for the time signal equipment. He was then a senior demonstrator in Physics and a research scientist at the University of Melbourne, where he was a tower of strength in the Nuclear Research Programme until his death on April 7th, 1954 at the age of 33 years. He was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.

Geoffrey remarried on October 20th, 1939 at Doncaster, Victoria, to Millicent Matilda Smithies nee

Alice and Minnie Aumann.

Dawson who was born on January 11th, 1893 at Barrabool Hills, Victoria. She was the daughter of Duncan Dawson and Matilda nee Johnson.

He continued teaching at Merbein High School, Warragul High School and Foster High School where he retired as the second senior teacher in his category in the State of Victoria.

While at Foster, Millicent died on August 14th, 1964 at Geelong, Victoria and was buried in the Highton Cemetery, Geelong. Geoffrey died at Robertsons Beach, Gippsland on June 19th, 1974 and was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Johann Gottlieb (Geoffrey) and Alice Mabel Uebergang

1. Lona Mabel Uebergang b. 6.1.1920 Box Hill Vic

Alan William Corcoran b. 2.4.1917 Foster Vic d. 24.3.1981 Foster Vic Buried Foster Vic

2. Robert Geoffrey Uebergang b. 6.8.1921 Box Hill Vic

d. 7.4. 1954 Melbourne Vic Buried Templestowe Vic

3. Sylvie Theresa Uebergang b. 13.5.1925 Bendigo Vic d. 4.11.1938 Heywood Vic Buried Templestowe Vic

1. Glenda Mabel Corcoran b. 30.5.1952 Yarram Vic

2. Geoffrey William Corcoran b. 4.2.1954 Yarram Vic

Susan Jennifer McElhinney b. Bayswater Vic

1. Kelly Ann Corcoran

b. 21.6.1981 Box Hill Vic

2. Michael Allan Corcoran b. 8.3.1984 Box Hill Vic

3. Sarah Kate Corcoran

b. 2.3.1987 Box Hill Vic


Arthur Albert Aumann was born on October 14th, 1894, at Templestowe, Victoria; the second son of Carl (Charles) August Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft.

Following his education at the Templestowe School, he worked on various orchards until he purchased a property at Don vale, Victoria where he planted an orchard.

Arthur married at Elsternwick, Victoria to Jessie Nicholson nee Woods, daughter of Geoffrey Henry Woods and Elizabeth Jessie nee McDougall. Jessie was born on February 20th, 1892 at Elsternwick, Victoria. The couple made their home at Donvale, where they lived for the rest of their lives.

Both were devout Christians and worked for St Johns Church, Donvale, where they worshipped regularly. Arthur was a Sunday School teacher for many years and also a Church Warden of St Johns.

Arthur was fond of fishing, which was his main hobby. He was always ready to assist neighbours whenever the need arose.

Jessie died on February 25th, 1965, and Arthur stayed in the home until the property was sold for subdivision. He then purchased a house about a mile away and lived there until hit by a car while crossing Mitcham Road, Donvale. He was admitted to the Box Hill Hospital, but only a few weeks after his release from hospital, he was readmitted and died on December 12th, 1970. He was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery with his wife.

A plaque was placed in St Johns Church, Donvale, by the parishioners in recognition of his church work.

Arthur and Jessie always made their nieces and nephews welcome and often had them over for meals. Both were highly respected in the district.

Arthur and Jessie Aumann.


Minnie Louise Aumann was born on November 29th, 1896, at Templestowe, Victoria; daughter of Carl (Charles ) August Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft.

She was educated at the Templestowe School, following which she left home to work. On October 8th, 1919, she married Harry Smith at Christ Church, Templestowe. Harry was born on January 1st, 1894, at Reymerston, Norwich, England; the son of Arthur Smith and Mary nee Fulcher.

Harry came out from England when he was young and worked on the orchard of Charles Uebergang where he met Minnie. After their marriage, they made their home on the property which Harry purchased in Tindals Road, Warrandyte, Victoria. He served in the A.I.F. during the 1914-18 war and married on his return.

Minnie helped Harry plant the orchard and bring it to a paying proposition, as well as rearing a son and five daughters. Harry grew peaches, pears, lemons and a large quantity of cherries.

Later, as the children grew up, the two eldest daughters helped on the orchard after their schooling. Clive, the only son, carried on the orchard after his father, until the property was sold to make way for houses.

Harry was a keen follower of cricket and football and enjoyed many arguments about sports. He was also fond of fishing and shooting.

Minnie was a faithful Christian and worshipped regularly at St Phillips, Deep Creek. East Doncaster.

It was through hard work that Minnie and Harry prospered, but Harry’s health failed from a wound he received at the War, and before his death on December 15th, 1973, he had both legs amputated. He was interred in the Springvale Crematorium,

Harry Smith’s orchard, Warrandyte.

Minnie Louise Aumann.

Harry and Minnie Smith’s family.

L-R: Muriel (Walpole), Brian Walpole, Jim Toogood, Betty (Toogood), Loma (Smith), Jack Hardidge, Ethel (Hardidge), Shirley (Ely), Graham Ely, Minnie Smith (mother), Lois (Shambrook), John Shambrook.

Victoria. He was a sincere man; generous to those he considered in need.

When the property was sold, Minnie purchased a home in East Doncaster, where she lived until afflicted by blindness later in life. During the years spent at Warrandyte, the family had been called on

to save the orchard home and buildings when fire swept the town in 1939, and Minnie fought along with her husband and son. She died at Mt Eliza on November 1st, 1987, and was interred in the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.

The family of Harry and Minnie Louise Smith

1. Ethel Emma Smith

b. 23.10.1920 Box Hill Vic

John Lawrence Hardidge b. 18.9.1920 Box Hill Vic d. 9-9.1985 Lilydale Vic Buried Lilydale Vic

2. Betty Winsome Smith b. 14.8.1922 Box Hill Vic

Douglas James Toogood b. 18.12.1929 Box Hill Vic

1. John Hardidge

b. 11.3.1945 Surrey Hills Vic d. 11.3.1945 Surrey Hills Vic

2. Joyce Yvonne Hardidge

b. 17.3.1946 Surrey Hills Vic

3. Kathleen Anne Hardidge b. 11.11.1949 Lilydale Vic

4. Alan Lawrence Hardidge b. 21.9.1952 Lilydale Vic

Lynne Patricia Torpy b. 6.10.1954 Melbourne Vic

5. Marie Elizabeth Hardidge b. 20.1.1954 Lilydale Vic

Ronald Edmund Rossiter b. 29.3.1952 Seymour Vic

1. Robert James Toogood b. 28.5.1953 Melbourne Vic

1. Angharad Ceinwen Hardidge b. 31.5.1976 Lilydale Vic

2. Bethany Olwen Hardidge b. 26.8.1977 Lilydale Vic

3. Owen David Hardidge b. 3.2.1980 Lilydale Vic

1. Ronald Lawrence Rossiter b. 19.5.1972 Seymour Vic

2. Jodie Louise Rossiter

b. 25.9.1973 Seymour Vic

3. Colin John Rossiter

b. 4.3.1978 Seymour Vic

1. Andrew James Toogood b. 7.10.1980 Mitcham Vic

2. Sally Ann Toogood

b. 2.7.1982 Lilydale Vic

Sandra Ann Goodwin b. 29.11. Geelong Vic

3. Clive Henry Smith b. 27.2.1926 Box Hill Vic

Lorna Margaret Prowse b. 7.9.1927 Blackburn Vic

4. Lois Yvonne Smith b. 26.8.1930 Kew Vic

John Charles Shambrook b. 19.4.1930 Ringwood Vic

2. Ian Lawrence Toogood 1,

b. 25.1.1957 Melbourne Vic

Julie Ann Rae

b. 18.9.1952 Femtree Gully Vic 2



2. Malcolm Keith Smith 1 b. 12.9.1953 Box Hill Vic

Margaret Jane Neesan b. 5.7.1959 Edenhope Vic 1

3. Linton Russell Smith

b. 13.10.1955 Box Hill Vic

Judith Ann Peters b. 28.11.1955 Port Fairy Vic

Elizabeth Anne Walder nee Gardiner

b. 28.4.1951 Casterton Vic

4. Darren Peter Smith

b. 19.7.1961 Box Hill Vic

5. Brian Leslie Smith

b. 30.9.1963 Box Hill Vic

6. Alison Margaret Smith b. 6.1.1967 Mitcham Vic

Stephen Clay b. 27.11.1965 Portland Vic

1. Trevor Clive Smith b. 13.6.1952 Box Hill Vic

Heather Frances Peters b. 6.2.1954 Portland Vic

1. Gregory John Shambrook b. 8.2.1954 Kew Vic

2. David Alan Shambrook 1 b. 4.8.1955 Kew Vic

Ronda May Jeffrey _

b. 30.3.1957 Diamond Valley Vic


3. Stephen Paul Shambrook 1

b. 26.11.1956 Kew Vic

Linda Margaret Connolly ~

b. 26.9.1960 Melbourne Vic

4. Brian Geoffrey Shambrook 1

b. 23.12.1958 Box Hill Vic

Ellen Sklavenitis „

b. 7.6.1961 Melbourne Vic

Ashleigh Rose Toogood b. 30.4.1989 Healesville Vic

Brendan James Toogood b. 25.7.1990 Healesville Vic

Nathan Paul Smith b. 13.9.1979 Portland Vic

Bradley Peter Smith b. 10.5.1986 Hamilton Vic

Jessica Lee Smith b. 14.1.1985 Port Fairy Vic

William (Billy) James Smith b. 6.10.1986 Port Fairy Vic

Amy Elizabeth Shambrook b. 12.6.1987 Leongatha Vic

Stuart James Shambrook b. 12.3.1989 Clayton Vic

Chloe Rose Shambrook b. 2.6.1991 Clayton Vic

Bianca Jayne Shambrook b. 16.8.1988 Lilydale Vic

James Frederick Shambrook b. 7.8.1990 Lilydale Vic

Christopher James Shambrook b. 6.5.1983 Dandenong Vic

Vanessa Ellen Shambrook b. 8.8.1991 Mulgrave Vic

5. Janette Yvonne Shambrook b. 24.5.1961 Box Hill Vic

1. Candice Yvonne George b. 20.3.1985 Lilydale Vic

Rodney Wayne George b. 26.12.1960 Box Hill Vic

2. Rebecca Emily George b. 25.11.1987 Lilydale Vic

3. Chelsea Renee George b. 25.10.1990 Lilydale Vic

6. Rodney Peter Shambrook b. 1.12.1962 Box Hill Vic

Nicole Elizabeth Castles b. 17.1.1967 Box Hill Vic

7. Lorinda Anne Shambrook b. 15.6.1964 Box Hill Vic

Geoffrey Gordon Cooper b. 14.12.1959 Mildura Vic

8. Timothy Charles Shambrook b. 15.10.1968 Mitcham Vic

5. Shirley Joyce Smith b. 3.1.1934 Kew Vic

1. Michael Graham Ely b. 16.5.1959 Croydon Vic

1. Graham Neil Ely

b. 13.10.1988 Lilydale Vic

Graham Ely

b. 27.11.1929 Carlton Vic d. 7.2.1984 Croydon Vic Buried Springvale Vic

Headier Jean Sheekey b. 1.4.1959 Kew Vic

2. Liam Shaun Ely

b. 30.10.1992 Croydon Vic

Howard Bastow b. 8.9-1920 Carlton Vic

2. Judith Anne Ely

b. 7.9.1961 Ferntree Gully Vic

1. Sam Robert Hatfield

b. 6.8.1992 Ferntree Gully Vic

Geoffrey William Hatfield b. 28.7.1956 Melbourne Vic

6. Muriel Christine Smith b. 6.12.1936 Kew Vic

1. Sandra Christine Best b. 8.2.1962 Kew Vic

1. Jacqueline Christine Wurf b. 7.4.1982 Melbourne Vic

Leon George Best b. 11.5.1932 Richmond Vic

Matthew Edward Wurf b. 9.11.1958 Nyah West Vic

2. David Matthew Wurf b. 18.5.1985 Melbourne Vic

Brian William Walpole b. 26.3.1938 Ivanhoe Vic

2. Andrew Leon Best b. 25.2.1964 Kew Vic

3. Mark Jonathon Wurf b. 21.9.1986 Melbourne Vic

3. Amanda Sue Best b. 12.9.1968 Kew Vic


Bertha Maria Aumann was born on April 11th, 1899, at Templestowe, Victoria; the daughter of Carl (Charles) Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft. After her education at the Templestowe School, she worked for Robert Read and Charles Uebergang.

On April 6th, 1927, Bertha married Albert Ernest Uebergang who was born on April 16th, 1901 at Doncaster, Victoria; the son of Johann Carl (Charles) Uebergang and Anna Augusta nee Kupsch.

Albert and Bertha made their home on Albert’s orchard property in Church Road, Templestowe for a short time. They then moved into Albert’s grandfather’s home in King Street, East Doncaster. They were blessed with two daughters and two sons. In 1939, Albert built a new home in Serpells Road on the northern end of the property and this was where the family lived until the property was sold for development of home allotments. Bertha assisted Albert on the orchard, as well as rearing their children.

Both were devout Christians and worshipped regularly at Christ Church, Templestowe. They were active workers for the church; Albert being secretary, church warden and vestryman for many years. Bertha was church organist for a time and spent over forty years as a Sunday School Teacher. She was a foundation member of the Templestowe State School Mothers Club and was President of the Club for a few years.

An active member of the Royal Children’s Hospital Auxiliary, she was made a Life Governor of the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, on August 24th, 1950. During the war, she was also an active member of the Australian Comforts Fund.

Both Albert and Bertha were interested in sport; Bertha was a playing member of the Templestowe Tennis Club, while Albert was a cricket enthusiast and played for a few years, but later followed or umpired matches, He was made the first life member of the Templestowe Cricket Club. He was

Albert and Bertha Uebergang. April 6th, 1927.

Bertha Maria Aumann.

also a keen fisherman and shooter. Having a love for animals, they kept two cocker spaniel dogs. For forty years, he marketed fruit at the Queen Victoria Market, first by horse and wagon and later by truck. He purchased the first truck in the district; a Berleo of French manufacture.

Albert and Bertha were energetic workers, both on the orchard and in activities relating to the community.

Albert died on July 4th, 1966 in the Box Hill Hospital and was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.

After Albert’s death, Bertha purchased a home nearer the township of Templestowe, where she lived with a son and daughter. In later years, she travelled quite a lot throughout Australia, New

Bertha Uebergang’s home, Serpells Road, Templestowe, Vic.

Zealand and the Pacific Islands. She died in the Donvale Hospital on November 5th, 1985, and was buried in the Templestowe Cemeteiy, Victoria.

The family of Albert Ernest and Bertha Maria Uebergang

1. Patricia May Uebergang b. 13-3.1928 Box Hill Vic

Gordon Alexander McIntyre b. 9.4.1926 Skipton Vic d. 26.2.1987 Skipton Vic Buried Skipton Vic

1. Karen Maria McIntyre b. 23.5.1957 Skipton Vic

Peter Murray Willersdorf b. 3.1.1956 Murrayville Vic

2. Hazel Ralene McIntyre b. 27.5.1958 Skipton Vic

Eugene Lynch b. 16.8.1956 Glasgow Scotland

1. Daniel Peter Willersdorf b. 4.3.1982 Pinnaroo S.A.

2. Tara Kate Willersdorf

b. 6.2.1985 Murrayville Vic

3. Chloe Marie Willersdorf

b. 15.4.1987 Murrayville Vic

1. Kellie Ann Lynch

b. 19.8.1988 Knoxfield Vic

2. Nicole Lauren Lynch

b. 16.6.1990 Knoxfield Vic

3. Wendy Robin McIntyre b. 5.11.1960 Skipton Vic

John Michael Cann b. 19.6.1958

1. Christopher John Cann

b. 8.4.1993 Shepparton Vic

2. Alyssa Jayne Cann

b. 8.4.1993 Shepparton Vic

2. Dulcie Jean Uebergang b. 13.10.1930 Box Hill Vic

4. Andrew Ross McIntyre 1. Shane Gordon McIntyre

b. 21.10.1963 Skipton Vic b. 28.1.1991 Ballarat Vic

Debbie Lee Hains -

b. 10.8.19

3. Eric Albert Uebergang b. 22.10.1931 Box Hill Vic

4. Kenneth Charles Uebergang b. 11.10.1936 Kew Vic

Marion June Clay b. 2.6.1940 Box Hill Vic

1. Neil Kenneth Uebergang b. 17.8.1962 Box Hill Vic

Pingiki (Lyn) Kupu b. 7.11.1965 Lapala Tonga

2. Lynda Ruth Uebergang b. 28.2.1965 Box Hill Vic

David Edward McDonell b. 16.4.1965 Newcastle N.S.W.

1. Vanessa Lynda Uebergang b. 19-9.1989 Wangaratta Vic

2. Carl Neil Uebergang

b. 31.12.1992 Wangaratta Vic

1. Emma Louise McDonell b. 10.7.1991 Cairns Qld

2. Matthew David McDonell b. 5.11.1992 Cairns Qld

3. Bruce Alexander Uebergang b. 18.7.1968 Mitcham Vic

4. Ian Leslie Uebergang b. 14.3.1970 Mitcham Vic


Ethel Elizabeth Aumann was born on November 19th, 1900, at Templestowe, Victoria; the youngest daughter of Carl (Charles) August Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft.

She was educated at the Templestowe School where she continued on as a teacher after her schooling was completed. She taught mainly sewing.

Like her parents, Ethel is a devout Christian. She was organist at Christ Church, Templestowe for a few years and later attended St James, Ivanhoe. She lived at home until her mother’s death. She then went out to work, and from 1940 was employed by the Chambers family of Ivanhoe, where she lived.

Formerly, she took an active part in the Templestowe Dramatic Society, and was also a playing member of the Templestowe Tennis Club. An expert in needlework, she excelled at crocheting. All her life, she has kept in close contact with her nieces and nephews and their children.

Her early retirement years were spent at Ivanhoe where she tended a small garden in front of her home. In 1987 she lived in a nursing home at Ringwood and at present she lives in a nursing home in East Burwood.


David Samuel Aumann was born on July 26th, 1902, at Templestowe, Victoria; the youngest child of Carl (Charles) August Aumann and Anna Elizabeth nee Schuhkraft. Like all his brothers and sisters, he was educated at the Templestowe School, following which he worked at home with his father on the orchard.

On December 11th, 1926, he married at St Phillips Church, Deep Creek, East Doncaster, to Hilda Pump, who was born on February 3rd, 1901 at East Doncaster; the daughter of John Pump and Christiana nee Hartwich.

They made their home on the old family house in Serpells Road, Templestowe, as David’s parents had built a new home on the property. David worked the family orchard and in winter months, often

David and Hilda Aumann’s home, Serpells Road, Templestowe, Vic. This was his father’s home where all the family were bom.

worked for other orchardists. He and Hilda worked hard, as well as rearing three sons.

Both were devout Christians and the family worshipped regularly at Christ Church, Templestowe. David was a vestryman and secretary of the church for many years. He was also a member of the State School Committee while his children attended there.

Hilda’s love of home and family extended to her garden, where flowers bloomed most of the year and also yielded crops of vegetables. While the children were at school, Hilda contacted meningitis and was very ill. However, she recovered and resumed caring for her home and family.

David was a keen fisherman and spent most Saturday nights fishing. This was his main hobby as he did not play much sport, although often followed cricket at the home matches. He marketed fruit in the Queen Victoria Market, first by horse and wagon, then later by truck for many years.

David died on January 11th, 1966 at home and was interred at the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria. Hilda remained at home with her eldest son until her death on November 27th, 1971 and was also interred in the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.

David and Hilda Aumann. December 11th, 1926.

Templestowe State School with some of the Aumann family in group.

The family of David Samuel and Hilda Aumann

1. Frederick David Aumann b. 26.10.1927 Ivanhoe Vic

2. Linsey John Aumann

b. 20.10.1929 Ivanhoe Vic

Patricia Mary Wilson b. 24.2.1934 Box Hill Vic

1. Elizabeth Ann Aumann b. 21.10.1938 Box Hill Vic

Kevin Wayne Baxter b. 5.8.1953

1. Melissa Kaye Baxter

b. 1.3.1984 Ferntree Gully Vic

2. David Aaron Baxter

b. 14.7.1986 Ferntree Gully Vic

2. Andrew David Aumann b. 25.1.1962 Box Hill Vic

Linda Irene Salmon b. 6.8.1962 Ringwood Vic

1. Melinie Alyse Aumann

b. 31.5.1991 Ferntree Gully Vic

2. Ashley Andrew Aumann

b. 8.6.1993 Ferntree Gully Vic

3. Ronald Ray Aumann b. 20.1.1935 Ivanhoe Vic

Lesley Jean Finger b. 19.2.1938 Ringwood Vic d. 9.3.1975 Boronia Vic Buried Ferntree Gully Vic

1. Neville Craig Aumann b. 27.12.196l

2. Lynette Joy Aumann b. 3.9.1964

The 2nd child of Carl August and Johanna Eleonra Aumann


BORN: May 30th, 1864, Doncaster, Victoria

DIED: June 3th, 1951, Box Hill, Victoria

BURIED: June, 1951, Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

MARRIED: February 16th, 1887, Doncaster, Victoria

DAUGHTER OF: Carl August Aumann and Johanne Eleonore nee Hanke


BORN: March 17th, 1864, Balwyn, Victoria

DIED: December 2nd, 1949, Box Hill, Victoria

BURIED: December, 1949, Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

SON OF: George Fankhauser and Johanne Louise nee Neumann

Children of Henry Fankhauser and Anna Amelia nee Aumann








ELSIE IDA 1905-1991







Anna Amelia Aumann was born on May 30th, 1864, at Doncaster, Victoria; the second child of Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonore nee Hanke.

Anna would have been educated at the Doncaster school where Mr Max Schramm was headmaster.

On February 16th, 1887, at the Lutheran Church at Waldau, Doncaster, Anna married Henry Fankhauser, who was born on March 17th, 1864 at Balwyn, Victoria. Henry was the son of George Fankhauser and Johanna Louisa nee Neumann.

Henry’s father was born at Zillerthal, Tirol, Austria, and came to Australia with his parents in 1849. In 1836, the inhabitants of that district had been subjected to a great deal of persecution by the Australias. The Fankhauser family, who were Protestants, were obliged to either join the Church of Rome or be banished. Some 400 people left their native land because of their religion and amongst these were Henry’s grandfather, Johann Fankhauser, and his family. Johann was one of the leaders of the exiles from the Austrian Tyrol in 1837. England, Bohemia and Prussia each made an offer to settle the little band, but the similarity of Schemiedeberg in Prussia to their old country influenced them to become subjects of King Frederick Wilhelm. Soon after this, good reports came from Australia, and [ohann, his wife. Elizabeth, two daughters and four sons, sailed on the Prebislav from Hamburg, arriving in Melbourne during the year of 1850.

Henry’s father George, was the second son, and :he eldest daughter, Maria, was the mother of August Adolph Aumann’s wife. Another daughter of Maria (Fankhauser) Schuhkraft, Anna Elizabeth married Charles August Aumann — both being brothers of Henry’s wife Anna. The eldest daughter Maria (Fankhauser) Schuhkraft married Henry Finger, a cousin of Anna.

Henry was educated at the Balwyn State School md after leaving school became a building

apprentice; knowledge which was useful in later years.

1893 saw the collapse of the land boom and Henry selected land at Neerim East, Gippsland, and engaged in dairy farming. The block was heavily timbered and had to be cleared by fire, and axe. Anna supported her husband, working with him to make the farm successful. Pack horses and sledges were the only means of transport, as roads were unmade and the nearest railway was Neerim South, seven miles away. Some of the largest eucalyptus in the country were felled as the land was cleared, and one huge hollow stump was big enough to house the jinker on the property.

Henry and Anna Fankhauser’s home, 97Medway Street, Box Hill, Victoria.

On the farm at Neerim East.

Working the farm, Neerim East, Gippsland, Victoria.

mlet$en mt(«.


Henry and Anna Fankhauser on their Golden Wedding, Henry’s Confirmation Card, 1879.

February 1937.

The family of Henry and Anna Fankhauser.

Anna and Henry had a family of eight children. Two sons joined the A.I.F. at the outbreak of the 1914-18 War and Henry Ferdinand died of wounds received at the War on April 26th, 1918. He was buried in Pernoie, France.

The eldest daughter, Louisa Eleonora, died at the age of just over three years, on June 11th, 1898, and was buried at Neerim, Gippsland.

After the farm was sold Anna and Henry went to live at Box Hill in Medway Street, and while living

lere, they celebrated their Golden Wedding in ebruary 1937 among family and friends at Wesley fall, Box Hill. Both bridesmaids who attended Jina were present, and with only one groomsman bsent, the company was complete.

Henry and Anna lived to see sixty two years of married life together. Henry died at Box Hill on December 2nd, 1949 and Ann also died at Box Hill on June 3th, 1931. Both were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


Henry Ferdinand Fankhauser was born at Surrey [ills, Victoria, on November 29th, 1887; the eldest hild of Henry Fankhauser and Anna Amelia nee umann.

Henry was educated at the Neerim East State chool. On leaving school he worked for a time on is father’s farm but later took up farming in the iparit district.

Records of Australian War Memorial

Henry Ferdinand Fankhauser Pte

Enlisted June 16th, 1916, 14th Australian Machine

Gun Corps

Wounded at Aubigny, died at Pemois, France, April 24th, 1918

Buried France 69, Pemois British Cemetery

War Memorial, Neerim East, Victoria. Henry’s name listed on this Memorial.

enry Ferdinand Fankhauser.


Albert Edward Vernon Fankhauser was born at Surrey Hills, Victoria, on December 20th, 1889; the second child of Henry Fankhauser and Anna Amelia nee Aumann. His education was at the Neerim East School, Victoria.

Albert married on August 1st, 1914 to Isabelle Alice nee Luby who was bom on December, 1886; the daughter of Michael Luby and Letitia nee Baldwin.

Albert worked at various places and is believed to

have been a fireman on board the ship Wiandra. Later he worked as a fireman at the Heidelberg Gas Works, and then at the Sugar Beet Factory at Maffra, Gippsland, Victoria.

Albert and Isabelle had a family of one son and a daughter. On November 26th, 1961, Albert died at Bairnsdale, Victoria, and Isabelle died also at Bairnsdale on May 21st, 1952. Both are buried in the Bairnsdale Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Albert Ernest Vernon and Isabella Alice Fankhauser

1. Eva May Fankhauser b. 26.12.1912

Frank Manks b.

Leslie John Fankhauser

1. Lessia Margaret Fankhauser

b. 17.10.1917

b. 17.12.1939



John Saraghi b.

Marjorie Elaine Gibbs

b. 4.7.1917

2. Helen Marjorie Fankhauser

b. 4.11.1941

Graeme Morris


3. Allan John Fankhauser

b. 15.8.1948

4. Valarie Joy Fankhauser

b. 3.8.1949


Ernest Alfred Carl Fankhauser was born at Surrey Hills, Victoria on March 6th, 1892; the third child of Henry Fankhauser and Anna Amelia nee Aumann.

Ernest had his education at the Neerim East School.

He worked as a builder and was living in the Jeparit district when he was married on April 11th,

1925, at Jeparit, Victoria to Gladys Elme Mary nee Olson who was born at Werrap, Victoria in 1901; a daughter of Olaf Olson and Evelyn Mary nee Cook.

Ernest enlisted in the A.I.F. in the 1914-18 War, and it was through injuries received at the War that he died on April 24th, 1917 at Jeparit, Victoria. He was buried in the Jeparit Cemetery

Ernest and Gladys had no children. Gladys remained living in Jeparit after her husband died and on September 16th, 1981, some 54 years after Ernest, Gladys died at Jeparit. She was also buried in the Jeparit Cemetery, Victoria.


/ms ti/tMG or' GLADYS I &£Ait LAW or €&E. OISOJR. April ACS035Y*$


I Gladys Fankhauser

Died SEPT. I6TH(981,Aged 79Ybs


Louisa Eleonore Fankhauser was born on ^bruary 12th, 1895, at Neerim East, Victoria; the dest daughter of Henry Fankhauser and Anna nelia nee Aumann.

Louisa only lived to a little over three years of age, when she died on June 11th, 1898 and was buried in the Neerim Cemetery, Victoria.


Frederick Walter George Fankhauser was born on ibruary 2nd, 1897, at Neerim East, Victoria; the lild of Henry Fankhauser and Anna Amelia nee amann. His education was at the Neerim East

School. He worked all his life as a bricklayer, a profession handed down from his father.

On March 15th, 1930, at Melbourne he married Grace Irene nee Painter who was born on April

L-R: Elsie and Alf Peter-Budge, Fred Fankhauser, Irene nee Painter, Les Fankhauser, Edie Painter. March 15th, 1930.

7th, 1902, at Melbourne; the daughter of Samuel Painter and Edith Eleonor nee Greenwood.

Fred and Irene lived most of their married life in Box Hill, Victoria where their son and daughter were born. Their son died as a young man and the daughter married and lives in Merbein, Victoria. Fred and Irene later went to live in Mildura, Victoria

where Irene died on October 17th, 1958 and was buried in the Mildura Cemetery, Victoria. Fred remained in Mildura and kept active by helping pick grapes on his son-in laws property.

He was later remarried to Lucy Emma nee Morey and they still live in Mildura.

The family of Frederick Walter George and Grace Irene Fankhauser

1. Ronald Frederick Fankhauser b. 1.9.1932 Box Hill Vic d. 4.9.1957 Buried Mildura Vic

2. Valda Margaret Fankhauser

1. Gwenda Margaret Jemmenson

1. Kristy Lee Pippin

b. 25.4.1935 Box Hill Vic

b. 18.8.1959 Mildura Vic

b. 17.11.1981 Mildura Vic

Norman John Jemmenson

John William Pippin

2. Michael John Pippin b. 17.8.1983 Mildura Vic

b. lO.ll.i932 Melbourne Vic

b. 10.3.1954 Mildura Vic

2. Barry John Jemmenson

1. Hayley Diane Jemmenson

b. 18.11.1962 Mildura Vic

b. 8.8.1988 Mildura Vic

Wendy Diane Mangor b. 14.11.1967 Melbourne Vic

2. Emily Jane Jemmenson b. 2.4.1992 Mildura Vic


Hilda Martha Augusta Fankhauser was born on August 3rd, 1900, at Neerim East, Victoria; the second daughter of Henry Fankhauser and Anna Amelia nee Aumann. She was educated at the Neerim East School.

On August 3rd, 1923, Hilda married George Hopgood at Eaglehawk, Victoria. George was born at Maiden Valley, Bendigo, Victoria on March 22nd, 1902; the son of Thomas Hopgood and Selina nee Burt. Hilda and George lived most of their lives at Maiden Valley and raised a family of three sons and six daughters. George was a miner by trade and later worked as a labourer at various jobs.

In 1949, Hilda and George sold their property at Maiden Valley and moved to 97 Medway Street Box Hill, Hilda’s parents’ home, where Hilda nursed both her parents until their deaths. In 1954 they returned to Bendigo and bought a home in Honeysuckle Street.

George died on April 12th, 1959, at Bendigo and was buried in the Eaglehawk Cemetery, Victoria. Hilda continued to live in the home at Honeysuckle Street. Hilda joined the Church of the Latter Day

Saints and was a very active member of this church until she lost the ability to walk. She died on February 26th, 1992 in her 92nd year and was buried with her husband in the Eaglehawk Cemetery, Victoria.

George and Hilda Hopgood.

The family of George and Hilda Martha Augusta Hopgood

1. Elsie May Hopgood b. 2.3.1924 Bendigo Vic b. 9.4.1985 Echuca Vic Buried Echuca Vic

Edward Barlow

b. 25.12.1913 West Hartlepool


1. Lloyd Edward Barlow b. 27.11.1944 Cohuna Vic

Marie May Rowe b. 4.12.1951 Balranald N.S.W.

1. Colin Mathew Barlow

b. 21.3.1973 Balranald N.S.W.

2. Noelene Louise Barlow

b. 19.9.1975 Swan Hill Vic

3. Lisa Jennette Barlow

b. 25.8.1979 Swan Hill Vic

2. Laura Ann Barlow b. 17.9.1946 Cohuna Vic

Neil Raymond Willett b. 3.10.1923 Yarrawonga Vic

1. Paul Herbert George Willett (Stepson)

b. 7.11.1953 Carlton Vic

Cheryl Anne Sheridan Davis b. 3.3.1958 Carlton Vic

2. Kurt Raymond Willett b. 28.5.1966 Carlton Vic

3. Andrew Fisher Willett b. 12.11.1968 Carlton Vic

Deborah Anne Dale b. 26.11.1968 Carlton Vic

4. Daniel James Willett b. 15.6.1972 Carlton Vic

5. Leonie Ann Willett b. 27.6.1974 Carlton Vic

3. Irma Doreen Barlow b. 20.6.1948 Cohuna Vic

Ian Richard Rosenow b. 8.8.1944 Echuca Vic

1. Wayne Richard Rosenow b. 10.1.1965 Queanbeyan N.S.W.

2. Shawn Francis Rosenow

b. 8.2.1968 Narrandera N.S.W.

3. Jason Edward Rosenow

b. 26.12.1970 Penrith N.S.W.

4. Glenn Thomas Barlow b. 1.5.1956 Echuca Vic

Rhonda Jean Galloway b. 17.4.1958 Beeac Vic

1. Julie Leanne Barlow

b. 26.8.1977 Melbourne Vic

2. Craig Peter Edward Thomas Barlow

b. 5.5.1979 Melbourne Vic

3. Mark Anthony Barlow

b. 19-11.1986 Bendigo Vic

4. Phillip James Barlow

b. 25.11.1987 Bendigo Vic

5. Trevor William Barlow b. 20.1.1958 Echuca Vic

6. Timothy Owen Barlow b. 15.8.1962 Echuca Vic

Beverly Maree Brown b. 13.ll.196l Echuca Vic

1. Malcolm George Willett

b. 18.9.1980 Melbourne Vic

2. Amanda Jane Mary Willett b. 1.5.1984 Bairnsdale Vic

3. Elyse Florence Willett

b. 3.3.1991 Traralgon Vic

1. Chloe Marjorie-Anne Willett b. 21.8.1992 Kew Vic

2. Selina Hopgood

b. 4.7.1925 Bendigo Vic

Walter Edward Finch b. 27.2.1927 England

L Glenda Joy Finch

b. 28.5.1948 Melbourne Vic

Charles Kitchener Clayton b. 2.12.1936 Bendigo Vic

1. Christine Joy Clayton b. 28.6.1964 Tallangatta Vic

Colin James Simpson b. 8.11.1956 Dalby Qld

2. Deanne Louise Clayton

b. 26.8.1965 Neerim South Vic

Christopher Raymond Helm b. 31.12.1959 Mildura Vic

3. Eugenie Charles Clayton b. 7.11.1966 Kyneton Vic

Jodi Smith

b. 30.12.1966 Brisbane Qld

4. Monica Maree Clayton

b. 17.3.1968 Yackandandah Vic

William Realph b. 28.9.1956 Sydney N.S.W.

5. Gaylene Dawn Clayton b. 17.4.1969 Alexandra Vic

Michael John Hubbard b. 14.7.1961 Woodville S.A.

2. Rhonda Finch

b. 5.2.1949 Bendigo Vic d. 7.4.1950 Bendigo Vic Buried Marong Vic

3. Norman John Finch 1. Dwayne Finch

b. 24.5.1950 Bendigo Vic b. 18.5.1975 Bendigo Vic

Robyn Rourke b.

Christine Northey b.

3. Thomas George Hopgood b. 1.2.1927 Bendigo Vic

Margaret Took b. 10.8.1932

1. Kenneth George Hopgood b. 9.12.1952 Caulfield Vic

Jeannette Jorgen b.

2. Brian John Hopgood b. 14.3.1954 Brighton Vic

Robyn Billings b.

3. David Graeme Hopgood b. 3.9.1955 Brighton Vic

4. Gayle Margaret Hopgood b. 10.12.1960 Caulfield Vic

William Forbes b.

5. Christine Anne Hopgood b. 10.12.1960 Caulfield Vic

1. John Charles Simpson

b. 4.12.1981 Brisbane Qld

2. Phillip James Simpson

b. 28.9.1983 Brisbane Qld

3. Chantelle Rhonda Maree Simpson

b. 3.7.1985 Brisbane Qld

1. Naomi Louise Naismith b. 11.7.1983 Biloela Qld

2. Candice Joy Helm

b. 25.8.1986 Brisbane Qld

1. Aaron Matthew Smith b. 17.9.1988 Brisbane Qld

1. Lisa Maree Realph

b. 14.7.1985 Brisbane Qld

1. Anthony Michael John Hubbard

b. 5.1.1991 Brisbane Qld

4. Frederick Hopgood b. 15.7.1928 Bendigo Vic

Alwyn Edna Dale b. 28.7.1931 Cheltenham Vic

5. Maisie Hope Hopgood b. 7.10.1930 Bendigo Vic

Robert Samuel Reid b. 7.6.1921

1. Lynda Alwyn Hopgood b. 7.11.1953 Box Hill Vic

Guillaume Josef Van Dorp b. 18.1.1952 Holland

John Devlin

b. 10.10.1938 Cairns Qld

2. Robert Frederick Hopgood b. 26.11.1954 Box Hill Vic

Linda Corder b. 25.11.1956

3. Ian Thomas Hopgood b. 13.1.1957 Brisbane Qld

Sandra Ann Williams b. 22.8.1957 England

Debbie May Hilton b. 30.4.1963 England

4. Bruce John Hopgood b. 13.1.1958 Brisbane Qld

Mary Elizabeth Craven b. 5.3.1957 England

Susan Lorraine Godden b. 7.8.1956 New Zealand

1. Luke Christopher Van Dorp b. 13.11.1976 Brisbane Qld

2. Cheyne Joshua Van Dorp b. 8.6.1980 Brisbane Qld

3. Kate Lauren Devlin

b. 29.5.1990 Melbourne Vic

4. Dannielle Louise Devlin

b. 20.12.1991 Brisbane Qld

1. David Robert Hopgood b. 13.7.1976 Brisbane Qld

1. Allan Christopher Hopgood b. 13.5.1976 Brisbane Qld

2. Mishelle Ann Hopgood

b. 24.12.1977 Brisbane Qld

3. Matthew Brendon Hopgood b. 11.3.1984 Brisbane Qld

4. Simone Louise Hopgood b. 12.2.1987 Brisbane Qld

1. Scott Raymond Hopgood b. 29.9.1976 Brisbane Qld

2. Rebecca Skye Hopgood

b. 25.10.1978 Brisbane Qld

3. Sarah Jane Hopgood

b. 5.7.1980 Brisbane Qld

4. Bryan James Hopgood

b. 11.4.1984 Brisbane Qld

5. Laura Megan Hopgood

b. 17.12.1987 Brisbane Qld

1. Robert George Reid b. 31.7.1947

Robyn Robertson b. Hay N.S.W.

2. Maisie Julie Reid b. 13.10.1948

Percival Carter b.

Anthony Holland b.

3. Lorna Christine Reid

1. Douglas Jay Whitbread

b. 1.5.1950


William Whitbread b.

2. Tracy Whitbread b.

David Marsh


3. Justin Whitbread b.

6. Ralph Ernest Hopgood b. 7.8.1933 Bendigo Vic

Barbara Joyce Lord b. 24.4.1935

4. Lindsay William Reid

1. Toni Reid

b. 1.1.1952


Rhonda Hill b. Sydney N.S.W.

2. Nicole Reid b.

3. Darren Reid b.

5. Phillip Reid

1. Daniel Reid

b. 9.5.1955

b. Sydney N.S.W.

Carol Bishopp b.

2. Mathew Reid b.

Elizabeth Ann Thomas

6. Barbara Reid

1. William W.G. Reid

b. 6.2.1958

b. Sydney N.S.W.

William W.G. Reid b. Scotland

2. Alison Reid

b. Sydney N.S.W.

3. Amanda Reid

b. Sydney N.S.W.

7. David Reid

b. 17.1.1961

8. Martha Reid

1. Jennifer Hine

b. 25.7.1962

b. Sydney N.S.W.

Andrew Hine b. England

2. Graeme Hine b. Sydney N.S.W.

Gerrard Beech


3. Brendan Beech

b. Sydney N.S.W.

4. Timothy Beech

b. Perth W.A.

9. Martin William Reid

b. 12.10.1964

Barbara Cartwright b.

10. Ian Reid

1. Michelle Reid

b. 17.11.1965

b. Sydney N.S.W.

Deborah Cloughessy b.

2. Jason Reid

b. Sydney N.S.W.

3. Nathan Reid

b. Sydney N.S.W.

11. Kelly Reid b. .4.1971

1. Norman Wayne Hopgood

1. Carla Hopgood

b. 24.3.1955




2. Benjiman Hopgood b.

3. Emma Hopgood b.

7. Hilda Irene Hopgood b. 27.5.1935 Bendigo Vic

Edward Alexander George Joyce

b. 15.4.1932

Thomas Neville Shatwell b. 30.4.1941 Melbourne Vic

1. Vivianne Gail (Joyce) Shatwell b. 26.7.1954 Heidelberg Vic

William Whitbread b.

Terry Bennett b.

1. Rachael Veronica Shatwell-

b. 4.1.1974 Bendigo Vic

2. Jodi Thomas Whitbread

b. 30.12.1976 Sydney N.S.W.

3. Daniel Whitbread

b. 17.3.1978 Sydney N.S.W.

2. Stephen George (Joyce) Shatwell

b. 4.3.1956 Carlton Vic

Cheryle Green b. 16.4.1958 Bendigo Vic

1. Jasmine Lee Shatwell

b. 19.1.1982 Bendigo Vic

2. Joshua Adam Shatwell

b. 10.9.1987 Bendigo Vic

3. Mark Anthony Shatwell b. 12.9.1959 Bendigo Vic

Karen Leanne Baines b. 24.10.1959 Bendigo Vic

4. Kathleen Virginia Shatwell b. 29.6.1961 Bendigo Vic

5. Sharmaine Anne Shatwell b. 4.4.1964 Bendigo Vic

Gregory Thomas Goulden b. 31.1.1964 Bendigo Vic

1. Nathan Mark Shatwell

b. 28.12.1982 Bendigo Vic

2. Kara Keanne Shatwell

b. 26.9.1984 Bendigo Vic

3. Michael James Shatwell b. 9.10.1990

1. Krystal Jean Goulden

b. 8.10.1984 Bendigo Vic

2. Sarah Anne Goulden

b. 6.7.1988 Bendigo Vic

6. Thomas Walter Shatwell b. 29.12.1967 Bendigo Vic

8. Fauvette Elaine Hopgood b. 14.12.1937 Bendigo Vic

Keith John Lindrea b. 24.11.1937 Bendigo Vic

1. Rosemary Anne Lindrea b. 23.4.1961 Bendigo Vic

Harold James Climas b. 3.10.1950 Bendigo Vic

1. Tammy Maree Climas

b. 23.11.1980 Mount Gambier S.A.

2. Danielle Climas

b. 8.11.1982 Mount Gambier S.A.

2. Gregory John Lindrea b. 23.3.1963 Bendigo Vic

Debbie Maree McCumber b. 9.5.1964 Bendigo Vic

1. Bradley Scott Lindrea

b. 24.7.1983 Bendigo Vic

2. Matthew John Lindrea b. 2.5.1985 Bendigo Vic

3. Monique Anne Lindrea b. 1.9.1986 Bendigo Vic

4. Nathan Thomas Lindrea b. 9.3.1990 Bendigo Vic

3. Annette Joy Lindrea-

b. 2.6.1964 Bendigo Vic

1. Daniel Allan Lindrea

b. 26.7.1985 Bendigo Vic

2. Kyle Clinton Lindrea

b. 20.2.1989 Bendigo Vic

9. Edith Hopgood

b. 14.12.1940 Bendigo Vic

4. Susan Gaye Lindrea 1. Justin Michael Patford

b. 9.10.1965 Bendigo Vic b. 2.5.1991 Preston Vic

Philip Ian Patford -

b. 4.9.1966 Moonee Ponds Vic

1. Michael Christopher Stanley b. 15.7.1992 Bacchus Marsh Vic


Leslie Howard Fankhauser was born on January 11th, 1905; at Neerim East, Victoria, the youngest son of Henry Fankhauser and Anna Amelia nee Aumann.

Leslie was educated at the Neerim East School and when the family moved to Box Hill to live he finished his schooling at the Box Hill State School. After his schooling he took up the same trade as his father; that of bricklaying, remaining in this work all his life.

On January 18th, 1929; at Ivanhoe, Victoria, Leslie married Marjorie Yule nee Potter, who was born on December 25th, 1905, at Adelaide, South Australia, the daughter of Frank Potter and Gwenllyan nee Penna. After their marriage they settled at Box Hill, Victoria, where they lived for the rest of their lives. A family of

one son and two daughters became their main interest, as they were both veiy family conscious putting their family first. Leslie also loved his garden in which he took a great interest.

Leslie served in the A.I.F. during the 1939-45 war. Both he and Yule were active in the Methodist Church at Box Hill. Yule, apart from her home and family, became associated with the Box Hill Girl Guides when her two daughter were in the group. She continued her interest for sometime after her daughters had grown older.

On July 3rd, 1979, Yule died in Brisbane, Queensland, and three years later, Leslie died on December 2nd, 1982, at Heidelberg, Victoria, and both were interred at the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.

The family of Leslie Howard and Marjorie Yule Fankhauser

1. Boyd Graham Fankhauser b. 16.10.1929 Box Hill Vic

Winifred Beryl Chisholm b. 27.8.1931

1. Deborah Winifred Fankhauser b. 9.8.1957

2. Kay Robyn Fankhauser b. 6.9.1961

3. Sandra Jane Fankhauser b. 29.9.1964


Elsa Norma Fankhauser b. 11.11.1932 Box Hill Vic

Barry Alexander Teal b. 4.7.1939 Newcastle N.S.W.

1. Christopher Hayden Teal b. 1.4.1969 Subiaco W.A.

Carilyn Bulloch b. 21.6.1968 Werribee Vic

3. Lois Marion Fankhauser b. 8.8.1938 Box Hill Vic

Juris Greste

b. 21.7.1936 Riga Latvia

1. Peter Greste

b. 1.12.1965 Sydney N.S.W.

2. Andrew Greste 1. Alister James Greste

b. 10.9.1968 Sydney N.S.W. b. 19.2.1992 Brisbane Qld

Kylie Gaye Adsett -

b. 19.3.1970 Brisbane Qld

3. Michael Greste

b. 15.10.1971 Sydney N.S.W.


Elsie Ida Fankhauser was born on April 22nd, 1905, at Neerim East, Victoria; the youngest child of Henry Fankhauser and Anna Amelia nee Aumann. Elsie started her education at the Neerim East School and completed it at the Box Hill School.

On May 5th, 1934, Elsie married at the Methodist Church, Box Hill, to Alfred Leslie Peter-Budge who was born on April 30th, 1909, at East Doncaster, Victoria; the son of Laban Peter-Budge and Elizabeth Ellen nee Buttroff.

Elsie and Alf lived the earlier part of their lives on Alf’s orchard property in Andersons Creek Road,

Alf and Elsie Peter-Budge’s home, Andersons Creek Road, East Doncaster, Victoria.

Alf and Elsie Peter-Budge. May 5th, 1934.

Deep Creek, East Doncaster, Victoria. Today the newly built Grammar School. Kingswood College stands on the property. It was officially opened on July 28th, 1985, Alf had the honour of this task.

The couple retired from the orchard living in East Doncaster where one of Alfs interests eventuated, making working models of orchard implements,

now kept in safe keeping at Schramm’s Cottage by the Doncaster and Templestowe Historical Society.

Alf and Elsie had one daughter. They also celebrated their Golden Wedding in May 1984. Elsie died on March 1st, 1991, at Kew ,Victoria and was interred at the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.

The family of Alfred Leslie and Elsie Ida Peter-Budge

1. Elizabeth Ann Peter-Budge b. 27.6.1936 Box Hill Vic

Leslie John Clapton b. 21.4.1933 Preston Vic

1. Twin (Stillborn) b. 8.1.1963

2. Twin (Stillborn) b. 8.1.1963

3. Bronwyn Ann Clapton

b. 18.1.1964 Melbourne Vic

Adrian Ceravolo

b. 18.2.1962 Greensborough


4. Daryl John Clapton

b. 1.10.1965 Melbourne Vic

The 3rd child of Carl August and Johanna Eleonora Aumann


BORN: May 14th, 1866, Doncaster, Victoria

DIED: July 15th, 1953, Blackburn, Victoria

BURIED: July l6th, 1953, Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

MARRIED: November 14th, 1888, Doncaster, Victoria

DAUGHTER OF: Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke


BORN: 1862, Chewton, Victoria

DIED: December 27th, 1947, Blackburn, Victoria

BURIED: December 29th, 1947, Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

SON OF: Berthold Bruche and Ellen nee Fox

Children of Berthold Leopold and Johanna Emelie Bruche

HELENA MARIA 1890-1954

HILDA EMMA 1892-1964


EMMA EMILY 1897-1975


1892- 1954

1893- 1976 1898-1954

Emelie Johanna Aumann was born at Doncaster, Victoria, on May 14th, 1866; the second daughter of Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke. She was educated at the Doncaster School run by Pastor Max von Schramm.

On November 14th, 1888, Emilie married Berthold Leopold Bruche at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Berthold was born in 1862 at Chewton, Victoria; the son of Berthold Bruche and Ellen nee Fox. Witnesses to the marriage were Henry Fankhauser and Charles Aumann. The ceremony was conducted by Max von Schramm.

Berthold Bruche Snr, arrived in Australia at the age of 24 years on the ship, Prebislav in 1850. He was a native of Murtenburg, Prussia.

After their marriage, Berthold and Emelie lived at the corner of Whittens Lane and Doncaster Road, where Berthold, who was a shoemaker, owned a shop with the home attached behind the shop. Because shoemaking did not bring in enough income for the family, Emelie did housework to supplement the income. Later, Berthold sold the shop and bought land in Junction Road, Blackburn, where he planted an orchard and built a home for the family. When his son, Berthold married, a new home was built. His son lived in the original home and carried on the orchard after his father.

Berthold and Emelie had a family of three daughters and one son. The youngest daughter, Emma, remained single and lived with her parents.

Church life played an important part in their lives and they were active in the Lutheran Church,

Home and Shoemaker’s Shop, comer Doncaster Road and Whitten’s Lane, Doncaster, Victoria.

Doncaster, attending there regularly. Berthold was an Elder of this Church for many years.

On December 27th, 1947, Berthold died at Blackburn and Emelie died on July 15th, 1953. Both were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Berthold and Emelie Bmche on their Golden Wedding. 1938.

L-R: Helena, child, Berthold (father), Beryl Stagg, Emelie (mother), child.


Helena Maria Bruche was born on January 14th, 1890, at Doncaster, Victoria; the eldest child of Berthold Leopold Bruche and Emelie Johanna nee Aumann.

Helena was baptised at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, on July 16th, 1890 by Pastor Max Schramm. Sponsors were Charles Aumann, Frau Caroline Aumann, Mary Aumann.

Helena would have lived at home until she married in 1912, at Doncaster to Roy Leslie Stagg who was born in 1892, at Camberwell, Victoria; the

The family of Roy Leslie and Helena Maria Stagg

son of William Watkins Stagg and Elizabeth Sarah nee Ashby.

Roy and Helena had a family of one son and two daughters. The eldest, Marilyn Helen was born in 1913, at Hawthorn, Victoria, but died in 1919 at Carlton, Victoria. The second child, Vernon was born at Hawthorn, Victoria in 1914 and died at Kew, Victoria in 1940. Their youngest child married and had a son.

Both Roy and Helene died on June 30th, 1954, and were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

1. Marilyn Helen Stagg b. 1913 Hawthorn Vic d. 1919 Carlton Vic Buried

2. Vernon C. Stagg

b. 1914 Hawthorn Vic d. 1940 Kew Vic Buried

3. Beryl Stagg b.

Frank Thomson b.

1. Mavis Thomson b.

2. Frank Thomson b.


Hilda Emma Bruche was bom on July 23rd, 1892, at Doncaster, Victoria; the second child of Berthold Leopold Bmche and Emelie Johanna nee Aumann. She was educated at the Doncaster School.

On April 16th, 1927, she married at St John’s Church, Blackburn, Victoria, to Handley Trethewie Scoble, who was born at Beaconsfield, Tasmania; the son of Arthur Scoble and Sarah Ann nee Williams. Handley was born on April 2nd, 1893-Handley, his two brothers and two sisters had been brought to Victoria by their widowed mother, when Handley was ten months of age. They lived at Richmond and when he left school, he worked in a tannery in Richmond area and then completed an apprenticeship as a hairdresser.

During the 1914-18 War, Handley served in the A.I.F, training at Salisbury, England before going to France. He was on board the ship Ballarat, when it was torpedoed and sank in the English Channel.

After the War, he lived with his sister on a small block of land in Box Hill, where he ran a small poultry farm. He exhibited poultry in the Royal Melbourne Show and won many prizes. He also won prizes for his fox terrier dogs.

Hilda helped her husband as well as raising a family of two daughters and one son. The couple were very hard workers and did not mix a great deal in public.

Handley died on October 11th, 1976 at Mitcham, Victoria, and Hilda died on November 11th, 1964. Both were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.'

Handley and Hilda Scoble. April 16th, 1927.

Hilda Emma Bruche.

The family of Handley Trethewie and Hilda Emma Scoble

1. Hilda Emma Scoble b. 1.6.1928 Mitcham Vic

Walter Petschel b'. 20.12.1916 Hamilton Vic d. 10.9.1987 Box Hill Vic Buried Warrandyte Vic

1. Carol Anne Petschel

b. 22.8.1952 Box Hill Vic

2. Philip Andrew Petschel b. 28.6.1954 Box Hill Vic

3. John Walter Petschel b. 21.2.1957 Kew Vic

Jennifer Kaye Semmler b. 11.12.1956

1. Damien John Petschel

b. 2.10.1982 Box Hill Vic

2. Nathan Mark Petschel b. 9.5.1984 Box Hill Vic

3. Kirsty Joy Petschel b. 21.4.1988 Box Hill Vic

2. Kathleen Ann Scoble b. 31.3.1930 Mitcham Vic

Jeffrey Cooper b. 4.9.1931 Melbourne Vic

1. Frances Ann Cooper b. 13.3.1955 Brisbane Qld

Paul Meulenbroek b. 17.11.1953 Holland

1. Neil Joseph Meulenbroek b. 29.1.1983 Brisbane Qld

2. Alan Michael Meulenbroek b. 9-4.1985 Brisbane Qld

2. Mark Cooper

b. 15.2.1957 Brisbane Qld

Lisa Mary Brown b. 20.3.1958 Brisbane Qld

1. Trent Michael Cooper

b. 26.11.1987 Brisbane Qld

2. Sarah Monique Cooper

b. 2.10.1991 Brisbane Qld

3. Annette Denise Cooper 1. Hayden Joshua Braunbock

b . 3.1.1964 Brisbane Qld b. 12.6.1991 Brisbane Qld

Karl Braunbock -

b. 13.8.1963 Brisbane Qld

3. Harold Thomas Scoble b. 11.1.1932 Mitcham Vic

Wilma Findlay b. 12.9.1934 Melbourne Vic

1. Alan Harold Thomas Scoble b. 2.4.1954 Ringwood Vic

Anne Margaret Peters b.

1. Rebecca Anne Scoble

b. 21.5.1980 Lilydale Vic d. 22.8.1980 Melbourne Vic Buried Lilydale Vic

2. Alison Maree Scoble

b. 3.1.1982 Lilydale Vic

3. Cassie Anne Scoble b. 22.9.1983 Lilydale


Friedrich Berthold Bruche was born at Doncaster, Victoria, on April 12th, 1894. The son of Berthold Leopold Bruche and Emelie Johanna nee Aumann. He was educated at the Doncaster School.

On April 20th, 1931, Berthold married Olive Christine nee Petschel who was born on December 22nd, 1879, at South Hamilton, Victoria; the eldest of 16 children. Her parents were Gotthelf Christian Petschel and Dorothea Louise nee Jaeger.

Berthold and Olive made their home in Junction Road, Blackburn, on Berthold’s father’s orchard property, and lived there for the rest of their lives. His father built a new house and Berthold remained in the old home.

Olive was organist at St Luke’s Church, Hamilton, before she married. Being the eldest of such a large family, she assumed many responsibilities in the rearing of her brothers and sisters. She worked as a children’s nurse and was employed by various families — J.C Williamson of theatrical fame, Moores the tank manufacturers, the Orr family, and a Malvern Doctor.

Berthold and Olive had no family but were very fond of children. They regularly attended the Lutheran Church, Doncaster.

Olive died on August 3rd, 1954 at Blackburn and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery. Berthold remained in the home and spent a great deal of time caring for his flower garden. Neighbouring children were welcome there and he often gave them afternoon tea.

Although not a person to mix in public, he was engaged in church activities and like his father, was an Elder of the Church for a number of years.

Berthold excelled at reciting poetry and was always assured of an audience. He passed away on

May 9th, 1981, at Blackburn and was buried with his wife in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


Emma Emily Bruche was born on February 4th, 1897, at Doncaster, Victoria; the youngest child of Berthold Leopold Bruche and Emelie Johanna nee Aumann.

She was baptised on March 7th, 1897, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster by Pastor Max Schramm. Sponsors were Emma Thiele, Caroline Aumann and August Aumann jnr.

Emma never married and lived with her parents and on their deaths remained in the home in Junction Road, Blackburn. She assisted her brother, Berthold with the work on the orchard.

On February 16th, 1975, Emma died at home and was buried with her parents in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

New Year’s Day Picnic. January 1st, 1924.

L-R: Back: Victor Aumann, Ruby Aumann, Berthold Bruche, ?, ?, ?, Bill Blobel. Centre: Emma Bruche, Eric Thiele, Ada Aumann, ?, Victor Rieschieck, ?.

Front: Linda Aumann, Albert Aumann, ?, ?, ?.





July 5th, 1868 Doncaster, Victoria May 22nd, 1889 Doncaster, Victoria May 24th, 1889 Kew Cemetery, Victoria Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke

Ida Caroline Aumann was the third daughter of Carl August and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke. She was born at home in Doncaster Road, Doncaster, Victoria, as were all her brothers and sisters.

Her education was at Pastor Schramm’s School and on leaving school she lived at home where she would have assisted with the work, both in the home and on the orchard.

On May 22nd, 1889, Ida died suddenly at home at the young age of 21 years, which must have been a great shock to her family. She was buried in the Kew Cemetery, Victoria.

The Aumann home and property in Doncaster Road, Doncaster, just east of where the present Council Chambers stand.


BORN: July 25th, 1870, Doncaster, Victoria

DIED: December 27th, 1954, Melbourne, Victoria

BURIED: December 29th, 1954, Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

MARRIED: December 4th, 1895, Doncaster, Victoria

SON OF: Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke


BORN: November 23rd, 1867, Waldau, Doncaster, Victoria

DIED: September 19th, 1920, East Doncaster, Victoria

BURIED: September 20th, 1920, Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

DAUGHTER OF: Godfried Friedrich Schuhkraft and Maria Theresa nee Fankhauser

Children of August Adolph and Theresa Maria Aumann





















August Adolph Aumann was born on July 25th, 1870 at Doncaster, and was the second son of Carl August Aumann and Johanne Eleonore nee Hanke. August would have been educated at the school run by Pastor Max von Schramm and later at the Doncaster school.

On leaving school, he worked at home on the orchard until he was able to purchase his own land in Tunstall Road, East Doncaster.

On December 4th, 1895, August married Theresa Maria Schuhkraft at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Theresa was born on November 23rd, 1867 at Waldau, Doncaster; the daughter of Friedrich Schuhkraft and Maria Theresa nee Fankhauser. Anna Elizabeth Schuhkraft, a sister of Theresa Maria, married Carl August Aumann, a brother of August Adolph.

The wedding of August and Theresa was conducted by Pastor Max von Schramm and the witnesses were William Schuhkraft and Ernst August Aumann.

August and Theresa made their home on the land in Tunstall Road, where August had planted an orchard, and the couple lived there for the rest of their lives. They were blessed with four sons and two daughters. The eldest child, Herbert August, died on December 22nd, 1897, when he was just over one year old. He was buried in the Kew cemetery in the same grave as his Aunt; Ida Caroline Aumann.

August and Theresa were devout Christians, worshipped regularly at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, and took an active part in the life of the Church. August was an Elder for many years as well as supervising Sunday School.

August’s son, Edward, spoke of the early German Families eating bloodwurst and sauerkraut, though there was no German newspaper printed in the Doncaster district. He said his father was a keen reader of The Argus and The Age and took no interest in German affairs overseas.

Theresa’s mother, Maria Theresa Schuhkraft, was blind and when the last of her children married, Theresa and August took her into their home and cared for her, as she needed company at most times.

Theresa died on September 20th, 1920, some 24 years before her husband.

Linda, the youngest of August and Theresa’s children, continued to live with August. August and Linda had draft horses for many years. They also grew their own feed, and cut it with their own chaff cutter. They were also very fond of kookaburras, and they placed numerous nesting boxes in the gumtrees in their paddock. When a pair nested in one of these boxes, both August and Linda were very happy.

August always like the grandchildren to visit him; Sunday dinner was much looked forward to by

The home of August and Theresa Aumann, Tunstall Road, East Doncaster, Victoria.

these young visitors. He took a keen interest in the grandchildren as they grew up and began their own families. Another of his interests shared by the family was his love of nature; he took a great interest in everything botanical in his district; orchids were abundant along Springvale Rd and in untouched bushland.

August rode his bicycle when quite advanced in years to Rosebud where he had relatives and enjoyed fishing.

August and Linda made all their own sausages, Mettwurst, Blutwurst etc, cured their own bacon, had vats with pickled cucumbers, and (best of all in the eyes of the grandchildren) bags of broken biscuits for the pigs.

August loved to listen to the Test Cricket from England on his Crystal wireless set, with his brothers Frank and Albert also being keen listeners.

August remained on the orchard until his death on December 27th, 1954 and both he and Theresa were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


In this brief sketch of the Aumann Family in Doncaster I shall deal with each generation separately.

In 1853 a party of Lutherans arrived in Melbourne from Silesia, Germany this party, included Charles Aumann and his Brother Carl. The fathers wife had died some time previously, but soon after the arrival he married again.

A one roomed wooden cottage on land now occupied by the Doncaster Lutheran Parsonage in Victoria Street was their home. Religious services were held in this house regularly until 26 Dec 1858 when a new church was opened on Waldau Hill.

Ln 1860 a meeting was held in Charles Aumann s house and it was resolved to establish a school. Each

day the children brought sixpence for the teachers salary. There were fifty pupils. Charles Aumann was a member of the school committee. It was a duty of the committee to examine the school each month.

When Charles Aumann arrived in 1853 he had with him two brothers, August Aumann and Carl Aumann. Soon after arrival Carl then 18 left with his mate named Ubergangfrom the Ballarat Gold Field. Some of Mr Ubergang’s descendants still live in Templestowe today.

The pair were successful as alluvial gold miners, and when the youthful Carl returned his father advised him to put his money into land.

He purchased 20 acres on Main Road Doncaster.

On leaving school in Silesia Carl had been apprenticed to a bootmaker. Each year a report had been made on his progress. The last report at 18 stated that he was a qualified bootmaker. But at 18 he was obliged to enter the German Army for three years military service. The elder members of his party had emigrated for religious liberty; but Carls sole reason was to avoid military service.

On purchasing his 20 acres Carl started clearing the virgin bush to establish an orchard. The clearing was done with a mattock and axe. Tree pullers and jacks were not invented until 40 years later.

The bush consisted mainly of Yellow Box, Stringy Bark and Peppermint. The two former varieties of Eucalypt, have a strong and deep root system, thus making clearing slow and hard.

August and Theresa Aumann. December 4th, 1895.

East Doncaster School where August and Theresa’s children attended school.

About 1860 Carl married Elenore Hanke. For weeks he had been building bis house. It bad four rooms and was a wattle and daub structure; the floors were compressed clay. Stones were used outside as we would now use concrete. But alas he was a better bootmaker than builder as the first night his bride spent in their new home, one wall collapsed after heavy rain.

The population of Doncaster in 1860 was about 600 and there was a strong demand for good footwear. In addition to his agriculture pursuits Carl Aumann carried his trade as a bootmaker for the next 40 years.

Visits from the blacks were common. They were sent away happy with small quantities of flour, sugar, dried fruit or other personal gee-jaws. The road to Melbourne was a bush track, it was necessary for Carl to walk 10 1/2 miles to Melbourne to get his leather and then walk home again. Our hero of the preceding section had three brothers, one August, also settled in Waldau Lane. Now George Street.

One other brother William built his own home in Heildeberg and became the founder of another large branch of the family.

The same applies to another brother Henry who was a pioneer Wheat Grower in Murtoa. His descendants are still Wheat Growers in that area.

But to return to August the Doncaster settler, He purchased his 20 acres of virgin bush and built his own four roomed wattle and daub house. When it was completed in 1855 he married Caroline Hanke, a sister of Carl Aumann’s wife. As so often happened in those days two brothers had married two sisters. The first years were very hard, and money was very scarce. For some years he worked as a labourer in a Brick Works on Victoria St. Abbotsford. This was next door to the Shamrock Brewery which later became the Skipping Girl Vinegar Factory.

Gradually August cleared his land and planted an orchard. As the orchard grew so did his family and thirty years later 1885 he had two daughters and nine sons. As they grew up all these boys became orchardists, and all settle within five miles of their fathers house. The youngest son Ernest cultivated the orchard and lived in the old house, until his death two years ago. His brother Albert bom 1885 still lives on his land at Templestowe.

The third generation consisted of two sons of Carl Aumann and nine of August Aumann. In 1910 there were 50 members of the family from these two

branches alone all living within a radius of five miles of Doncaster.

By 1920 the fourth generation had become of age those who could not take over their father’s orchard were forced to look further afield. These young men still wanted to grow fruit, but the land they bought must be cleared land. They weathered the depression of the early 1930’s remembering the fortitude of their forefathers.

Land purchased about 1920 was valued at £80 an acre. Thirty years later the valuation had risen to about £1000per acre, and subdivision had arrived. As land valuation rose the orchards were sold and subdivided.

The children comprising the fifth generation in general received a much better education than their forerunners, with the result that some have left the land for professional occupation.

The children of the sixth generations are in the schools of Doncaster, Nunawading and surrounding districts today. It is doubtful if they will ever have any idea of the trials and joys of their pioneer forefathers.

But one last glance back at Carl Aumann.

He was my grandfather and I remember him well. He possessed of a keen sense of humour, intensely loyal to the British Flag and the Australian way of life. He often said “The British Flag means Freedom Equality a nd Justice; But it also gives these to a lot of people who are not worthy. ”


At the beginning Edward refers to Charles and his brother Carl. Carl was the father, Charles the son, also known as Carl. The father remarried prior to coming to Australia.

Reference is made to the children bringing sixpence for the teacher’s salary. This seems high as sixpence in those days was quite a sum of money.

He also made reference to August who settled Waldau Lane (George St). August was Ernst August, Carl’s second son. Also he stated that August worked in a brickworks at Abbotsford. It is known that his brother Carl August worked at Dehnert’s Brickworks in Abbotsford, but this is the first reference made of August working there.

Carl (Charles) was the one that went to the goldfields with his mate Uebergang.

The spelling mistakes in this writing are those of Edward Adolph Aumann.


Herbert August Aumann was born at Doncaster, Victoria on September 22nd, 1896, the eldest child of August Adolph Aumann and Theresa Maria nee Schuhkraft.

He was baptised at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster by Pastor Max Schramm on October 25th, 1896. His sponsors were, Wilhelm Schuhkraft,

Friedrich Zerbe, Martha Schuhkraft and Martha Aumann.

On December 22nd, 1897 he died and was buried in the Kew Cemetery, Victoria in the same grave as his Aunt, Ida Caroline Aumann. He was just over one year old.


Edward Adolph Aumann was born on December 29th, 1897, the son of August Adolph Aumann and Theresa Maria Schuhkraft. He was bom at Doncaster and was educated at the East Doncaster School.

Speaking in later years with the local newspaper, Edward (Ted) said:- (quote): 11 By 1912 when I was attending school, German was hardly used. We all wanted to shake our German off. When I started school, I had a poor grip of English so I soon changed that — I learnt the swear words first!” Only the Lutheran Church in Victoria Street carried on the traditions. Sunday School students still memorised hymns and Bible passages in German in 1915.

Interested in early family history, he knew a great deal about those days when his grandfather, Carl, helped carve out life in the forests of Waldau.

Just after the 1914-1918 war Edward was called up for national service training. Having used a draft horse on the orchard, they drafted him into the Light Horse Regiment. Edward was a sergeant, and held the Victorian Pole Vault title while in this Regiment.

Early in his life, Edward was a good footballer, playing for Doncaster and for a short time, Richmond. A knee injury forced Edward to stop playing, he then became a coach. Edward successfully coached Doncaster, Tunstall, Vermont and Ringwood football teams over a number of years; all to successful premierships.

On September 14th, 1922, Edward married Dorothea Hilda nee Rieschieck at the Lutheran Church , Doncaster. Dorothea was born on January 22nd, 1901 at Tanunda, South Australia; the daughter of August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger. When they were married, Edward’s father, August, gave them a young draft horse called “Boxer”. This well natured horse served Edward well, until he passed away at the great age of thirty-two years.

Edward was an orchardist in Junction Road, Nunawading where the couple made their home. For many years orchardists had to dissolve the rocky copper sulphate (bluestone) with hot water,

which was a very slow, hard way. The Bordeaux spray in those days was a most effective fungus control spray. He thought up the idea of having the hard lumps crushed into powder. On making enquiries at the factories, he was informed that the minimum amount they would crush was six ton. He

Edward and Dorothea Aumann. September 14th, 1922.

Richmond Football Club at Fitzroy. May 31st, 1919.

Ted Aumann fourth from left in front.

went ahead with the idea and got six ton crushed, selling the surplus that he could not use. Since then, copper sulphate has been available commercially in powder form.

His love of gardening was apparent by the splendid garden which surrounded the home. Edward was also interested in playing sport for fun. When the children (Edward and Dorothea had a family of four sons and two daughters) were young, sports around the Aumann house were very popular on Sunday afternoons; it was usual to have about 15 extra friends turning up to the Sunday games. As the children grew older Edward set out a nine hole golf course behind the house. This proved very popular over the next few years.

During the Second World War Edward was the A.R.P. warden for Tunstall (Nunawading). One of his jobs was to go around checking that all blinds were down, to eliminate the inside light being visible from the outside.

Both Edward and Dorothea were devout Christians and worshipped each Sunday at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. They took an active part in Church life, Edward being a Trustee and a member of the Church Committee for many years.

Edward died on August 13th, 1982 and was buried near his parents in the Box Hill Cemetery. Dorothea died while living with her youngest daughter at Bulla, on June 11th, 1987 and was buried at Box Hill, Victoria.

The family of Edward Adolph and Dorothea Hilda Aumann

1. Betty Dorothea Aumann b. 3.8.1923 Box Hill Vic

Noel Muller

b. 24.3.1917 Toowoomba Qld

1. Irene Dorothea Muller

b. 15.8.1948 Toowoomba Qld

Graham Donges b. 6.12.1949 Toowoomba Qld

1. Kathryn Louise Donges

b. 3.11.1973 Toowoomba Qld

2. Rebecca Ann Donges

b. 25.10.1977 Inglewood Qld

2. Frank Jeffrey Muller

b. 19.11.1949 Toowoomba Qld

Jennifer Kathryn Orchin b. 23.8.1951 Toowoomba Qld

3. Amanda Irene Donges

b. 21.11.1979 Toowoomba Qld

1. Larissa Kate Muller

b. 18.12.1972 Toowoomba Qld

2. Angela Beth Muller

b. 24.1.1975 Toowoomba Qld

3. Johanna Kim Muller

b. 1.9.1978 Toowoomba Qld

4. Joshua Frank Muller b. 25.7.1983

5. Stephen Jeffrey Muller b. 20.5.1989


Dennis Edward Muller b. 25.3.1952 Toowoomba Qld

Carmel Joan Coughran b. 31.5.1952

1. Christian Edward Muller b. 24.4.1978

2. Jonathon Noel Muller b. 4.3.1980

3. Michael Andrew Muller b. 22.11.1984


Peter Allan Muller b. 29.1.1955 Toowoomba Qld

Lynette Mary Longmire b. 6.11.1955 Berri SA

1. Jarrah Jonathon Muller b. 6.1.1983 Adelaide SA

2. Kahlia Danae Muller

b. 26.11.1986 Adelaide SA

5. Adrain James Muller

b. 12.4.1958 Toowoomba Qld

Brigitte Schulz b. 18.12.1957 Adelaide S.A.

3. Tegan Harmony Muller b. 5.5.1990 Adelaide SA

1. Anita Rosalie Muller

b. 19.9.1978 Modbury S.A.

2. Evelyn Michelle Muller

b. 15.1.1981 Modbury S.A.

3. Thomas James Muller

b. 28.2.1984 Modbury S.A.

4. Nathan Luke Muller

_b. 16.9.1985 Modbury S.A.

6. Rosemary Edwina Alexandra Muller

b. 29.12.1959 Toowoomba Qld

Craig Thomas Richards b. 23.8.1961

2. Edward James Aumann b. 8.8.1924 Box Hill Vic

Merle Lola Dean b. 21.12.1924 Bairnsdale Vic

1. Karen Ann Aumann b. 29.8.1953 Box Hill Vic

Christopher Henshall b. .9.1951

Peter Murray Benson

b. 27.11.1954 Ferntree Gully


1. Daryl James Benson

b. 18.8.1973 Box Hill Vic

2. Leah Therese Benson

b. 29.8.1980 Mitcham Vic

3. Adrian Robert Benson

b. 24.7.1982 Mitcham Vic

2. Nigel James Aumann 1. Tamara Ann Aumann

b. 21.11.1957 Melbourne Vic b. 6.5.1992 Lilydale Vic

Lynette Anne Burke -

b. 28.6.1958 East Kew Vic

3. Geoffrey Adolph Aumann b. I7.9.I927 Box Hill Vic d. 20.1.1986 Buried Springvale Vic

Betty Jean Williamson b. 17.8.1930 Box Hill Vic

Hugh Peter Ward b. 3.9.1925 London U.K.

1. Susan Linda Aumann b. 24.4.1953 Box Hill Vic

Kelvin Lloyd Ham b. 22.3.1957

1. Anthony Kelvin Ham b. 19.4.1985

2. Sarah Linda Ham b. 12.11.1986

2. Peter Geoffrey Aumann b. 29.10.1954 Box Hill Vic

Roslyn Irene Watson b. 26.4.1951

1. Timothy Peter Aumann b. 17.10.1981 Box Hill Vic

2. Michelle Roslyn Aumann b. 27.5.1983 Box Hill Vic

3. Stephen Edward Aumann b. 29.6.1956 Box Hill Vic

Gillian Mary Davies b. 20.9.1958

1. Matthew Stephen Aumann b. 21.7.1981

2. Tristan Edward Aumann b. 9.1.1985

4. Kenneth Leigh Aumann b. 2.1.1961 Box Hill Vic

Carla Van Tiggelen b. 2.3.1967

4. Douglas Walter Aumann b. 9-9.1930 Box Hill Vic

Gwendoline Toogood b. 29.3.1934 Box Hill Vic

5. Harold Martin Aumann b. 25.3.1933 Box Hill Vic

Diane Dent

b. 13.2.1942 Bristol England

6. Elsie Irene Aumann b. 17.4.1935 Box Hill Vic

John Phillip Lovell b. 4.2.1934 Chelsea Vic

1. Caroline Annette Aumann b. 15.12.1955 Box Hill Vic

Trevor Douglas Northey b. 29.8.1952 Ringwood Vic

2. Colin Douglas Aumann

b. 10.11.1957 Box Hill Vic

3. David John Aumann

b. 26.8.1960 Box Hill Vic

1. Janet Linda Aumann

b. 30.6.1970 Lilydale Vic

2. Catherine Ann Aumann b. 14.9.1971 Lilydale Vic

3. Richard Edward Aumann b. 27.1.1977 Warragul Vic

1. Kristyn Michelle Lovell b. 28.9.1957 Box Hill Vic

Rodney Nup Sue Tan b. 20.12.1954 Malacca Malaysia

2. Pamela Irene Lovell b. 9.6.1959 Box Hill Vic

Philip Arthur John Parish b. 23.7.1958

3. Mark John Lovell

b. 9.6.1959 Box Hill Vic

4. Jennifer Patricia Lovell b. 9.4.1963 Box Hill Vic

David Wayne Gow b. 19.12.1959

. Jaak Leigh Aumann b. 18.6.1992

. Clinton Douglas Northey b. 7.6.1979 Shepparton Vic

!. Lachlan Andrew Northey b. 2.7.1981 Shepparton Vic

. Kristopher Rodney Tan b. 11.4.1985 Kew Vic

!. Daniel Alexandra Tan b. 6.12.1987 Kew Vic

>. Rebecca Kristyn Tan b. 18.9.1991 Mitcham Vic

1. Elizabeth Anne Parish b. 6.11.1992

. Natalie Gow b. 6.II.I992 (Stillborn)


Albert Eric Aumann was born at East Doncaster on March 30th, 1899 the third son of August Adolph Aumann and Theresa Maria nee Schuhkraft.

Albert, like his brothers and sisters, was educated at the East Doncaster School. After leaving school he went to work on Serpell’s orchard in Williamsons Road, Doncaster where he stayed for many years, then later he worked on the orchard of August Thiele in Tunstall Road not far from his father’s orchard.

On September 3th, 1931 at Christ Church, Templestowe he married Amy nee Hodgson who was born on December 14th, 1906 at Templestowe; the daughter of Thomas Hodgson and Ellen nee McGahy. After their marriage they made their home in Mitcham Road, Donvale where they had a splendid flower and vegetable garden. It was here that they raised their family of one son and two daughters.

The family were regular worshippers at St Johns, Donvale where Albert was an active worker. He

Albert and Amy Aumann. September 5th, 1931-

served for a time on the Vestry of this church. To all who knew Albert, he was a quiet reserved person, but very sincere and honest.

Albert died on March 31st, 1966 and was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery. Amy continued to live in the home until she got older then moved to an elderly peoples home in Reynolds Road, East Doncaster. It was here that she died on December 27th, 1987 and was also buried in the Templestowe Cemetery.

Albert and Amy Aumann s home, Mitcham Road, Donvale, Victoria.

L-R: Tom Aumann, Dorothy Aumann (Horvath), Amy Aumann, Nell Amall (Aumann).

The family of Albert Eric and May Aumann

1. Ellen Mary Aumann b. 22.6.1934 Mitcham Vic

Jeffrey Charles Amall b. 14.1.1930 Mitcham Vic

Alex Cimera b.

1. John Jeffrey Arnall b. 22.3.1956 Box Hill Vic d. 25.3.1956 Box Hill Vic Buried

2. David Robert Amall b. 3.3.1958 Box Hill Vic

Julie Faye Wood b. 20.9.1958

3. Suzanne Linda Arnall b. 4.5.1961 Box Hill Vic

1. Robert John Arnall

b. 29.3.1983 Geelong Vic

2. Cathy Elizabeth Arnall

b. 16.12.1984 Geelong Vic

3. Karen Louise Arnall

b. 19.1.1987 Geelong Vic

4. Ross Thomas Arnall

b. 1.9.1988 Geelong Vic

4. Helen Maria Arnall

b. 22.10.1964 Swan Hill Vic

Neil Robert Vallance b. 11.9.1959

1. Charles David Vallance b. 23.1.1993

2. Dorothy Jean Aumann b. 30.3.1944 Ringwood Vic

Lajos Janos Horvath b. 8.3.1946 Szombatheiy Hungary

3. Thomas Albert Aumann b. 29.3.1950 Box Hill Vic

Olive Hoskin

b. 1.10.1956 Wangaratta Vic

1. Joanne Jean Horvath

b. 19.3.1974 Mitcham Vic

2. Jennifer Michelle Horvath b. 25.6.1976 Burwood Vic

3. Trevor Lajos Horvath

b. 10.7.1978 Burwood Vic


Ada Marie Aumann was born on March 22nd, 1901 at Doncaster, Victoria; the daughter of August Adolph Aumann and Theresa Maria Schuhkraft.

Ada’s education was at the East Doncaster School. On leaving school she lived at home until she married on July 31st, 1924 at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster to Franz Eric Thiele.

Eric was born on April 21st, 1898 at Doncaster; the son of Gottfried Heinrich Thiele and Caroline Emma nee Finger. Eric lived his earlier life at the shop his mother ran just east of the present Doncaster City Council Chambers.

After their marriage Eric and Ada went to live in their new house on their orchard property in Mitcham Road, Donvale, where they resided for the next 24 years. Their only child, a daughter, was born when they were living on this property. In the mid 1940s Eric and Ada purchased another orchard about one to two kilometres further west. They then had a

new brick veneer house built on this property. In 1948 the first owned property was sold. Ada worked in both orchards for many years, doing the thinning, picking and sorting of fruit, and the watering. They stayed on this property until Eric retired in about

Eric and Ada Thiele’s first home, Mitcham Road, Mitcham, Victoria.

Ada Marie Aumann.

Eric and Ada Thiele. July 31st, 1924.

1963. Just before retirement they purchased a five acre property in Reynolds Road, Doncaster East. A new home was built on this block, where they enjoyed working hard on their beautiful flower and vegetable garden. Later they sold this home and moved to one just east of the East Doncaster School.

Eric and Ada were found worshipping regularly at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster where they both took an active part in the life of this church. Eric

served on the committee of the church for many years and both had taken an active part in organisations belonging to the church.

Eric died on June 28th, 1974 and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery. Ada continued to live in East Doncaster but later moved to Geelong to live with her daughter. It was here that Ada died on July 10th, 1983 and was also buried in the Box Hill Cemetery.

The family of Franz Eric and Ada Marie Thiele

1. Judith Linda Thiele b. 19.5.1933 Mitcham Vic

Douglas George Semmens b. 15.11.1930 Coburg Vic d. 23.8.1979 Geelong Vic Buried Corio Bay Vic

Stanley Edgar Rowe b. 4.9.1927

d. 1.5.1992 Geelong Vic Buried Geelong Vic

1. Marie Joy Semmens 1. James Douglas Banks

b. 11.2.1955 Colac Vic b. 6.5.1989 Frankston Vic

Steven Martin Banks -

b. 24.11.1959 Longon England

2. Janet Lorraine Semmens b. 4.12.1956 Colac Vic

Christopher Rivers Fountain b. 6.5.1958 Christchurch N.Z.

3. David Allan Semmens b. 24.9.1958 Colac Vic d. 24.3.1962 Colac Vic Buried Colac Vic

4. John Richard Semmens b. 11.3.1963 Colac Vic

Dianne Lynn Spence b. 25.11.1963


Frank Ferdinand Aumann was born at Doncaster, Victoria on May 28th, 1905; the son of August Adolph Aumann and Theresa Maria nee Schuhkraft. Frank was also educated at the East Doncaster School.

Like his brothers, Frank also played football. In 1921 he played for Doncaster.

On October 20th, 1934, he married at St. Phillip’s Church, Deep Creek, East Doncaster, to Gladys nee Pump, who was born on July 17th, 1908, at East Doncaster; the daughter of John Pump and Christina nee Hartwich.

Frank and Gladys went to live on their property in Newmans Road, Templestowe, in one of the earlier homes built in Templestowe. Later, they were to build a new home alongside the old one.

While on this property, they had a family of two sons and two daughters. However, one son, Gordon, died at the age of three years on April 24th, 1938, and was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery.

Frank was a hard worker and successful orchardist. He established a good grove of lemons on the property, as well as other fruits. Frank purchased this property in about 1930 from the Atkins family and the home on it had been built during the 1860’s by Ben Atkins. It consisted originally of three rooms with the front door opening into the kitchen and a bedroom on either side. Walls were of weatherboards, the roof shingles and the lining inside were of teak boards. Food was cooked on a open fire.

The home was later enlarged with another three rooms and the roof shingles were replaced by galvanised iron. Frank and Gladys lived in this home until they built a new one in the late 1970’s

Frank and Gladys Aumann. October 20th, 1934.

Doncaster Junior Football Club, 1921. Frank Aumann front right.

and the old home now stands alongside Schramms Cottage in the Waldau Cemetery, Doncaster.

A shooting enthusiast and keen fisherman, he spent a lot of his leisure time by the river, travelling there on his bike.

Both Frank and Gladys were regular worshippers at St. Phillip’s Church, Deep Creek, East Doncaster, where Frank served as a vestryman for a number of years and was an energetic worker for all church functions. Gladys was also active in her church work, as well as being a member of the Templestowe C.W.A.

Frank died on February 6th, 1979 and was buried at Springvale Crematorium. Gladys remains living in the home in Newmans Road, Templestowe, enjoying an active interest in her grandchildren.

August and Theresa Aumann \s family.

L-R: Frank, Edward, Albert, Linda, Ada.

The family of Frank Ferdinand and Gladys Aumann

1. Gordon Aumann

b. 11.10.1935 Ivanhoe Vic d. 24.4.1938 Templestowe Vic Buried Templestowe Vic

2. Maxwell Frank Aumann 1. Peter Maxwell Aumann

b. 29.12.1936 Ivanhoe Vic b. 26.7.1972 Box Hill Vic

Shirley Hobill -

b. 6.4.1936 Creswick Vic

3. Joan Theresa Aumann b. 26.1.1940 Ivanhoe Vic

Otto Frank Noelker b. 14.8.1939 Lubeck Vic

1. James Andrew Noelker b. 23.7.1962 Box Hill Vic

1. Emma Louise Perkins

b. 18.4.1984 Warracknabeal Vic

2. Michael James Perkins b. lO.ll.i99O Warracknabeal _Vic

3. Kerry Lenore Noekler

b. 26.5.1965 Mitcham Vic

Bruce Andrew Ford b. 4.8.1965

4. Sally Jane Noelker

b. 18.4.1967 Mitcham Vic

5. Theresa Caroline Noelker b. 7.3.1975 Dimboola Vic

2. Anne Marjorie Noelker b. Il.ll.i963 Mitcham Vic

Christopher Daryl Perkins b. 30.6.1959 Rainbow Vic

4. Marjorie Rose Aumann b. 29.10.1944 Ivahnoe Vic

Ian Frederick Blanche b. 19.9.1940

1. David Ian Blanche b. 11.4.1971

2. Leanne Catherine Blanche b. 8.10.1974


Linda Amanda Aumann was bom at Doncaster on May 19th, 1906; the youngest child of August Adolph Aumann and Theresa Maria nee Schuhkraft.

Linda was baptised by Pastor Max Schramm on 8th July 1906. Linda was educated at the East Doncaster School. Her mother died when Linda was only 11, so, well before she had completed her schooling she learnt to take her share of responsibilities at home. After leaving school, she remained at home and assisted with the orchard

Linda Amanda Aumann.

work. She did not marry, and worked hard on the orchard as well as caring for her father as he aged. -Willing, agile and fit, Linda was a great help in the i family orchard, climbing ten foot ladders to pick fruit meant nothing to her. She enjoyed fishing, and during his canine lifetime her big black dog Larry j was her constant companion.

Linda accepted the sole responsibility of caring for her father who lived into his eighties. When the family orchard was sold for subdivision of house blocks, she had a house built on Tunstall Road in 1954, and for the first time she could enjoy having modern conveniences.

One of the first vehicles Linda purchased was a | Vanguard ute which served her well for many years taking cases of lemons over to Frank’s (her brother) property for market. When the orchard was sold, Linda then purchased an E.H. Holden which was her j pride and joy.

A nephew of Linda’s recalls that one day Linda was going to his orchard at Wandin East when she ran over a rabbit. Linda stopped the car, grabbed the rabbit and skinned it. She took it home that night, cooked it, and ate it!

Being a person who loved to work, she was regularly called on to assist with fruit picking by [ relatives and neighbours, and because of her quick 1 eye and deft hand she was in great demand in the I packing sheds.

Linda was also highly regarded by her nieces and nephews and they appreciated her keen interest in their children and her willingness to give them a break in caring for their offspring.

Linda was a keen and skilled knitter, winning first prizes at the Royal Melbourne Show for her lovely knitting.

When the area around her home became built up her friendliness and helpfulness extended to the neighbours as well. They in turn visited her and cared for her welfare in her later years.

A devout Christian, she worshipped regularly at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, where she was an active member of the Women’s Fellowship.

She continued to lead an active life until her death at her home on August 11th, 1986. She was buried in the Box Hill Cemeteiy.

The 6th child of Carl August and Johanna Eleonora Aumann





May 8th, 1873, Doncaster, Victoria

April 12th, 1961, Box Hill, Victoria

April 14th, 1961, Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

November 29th, 1893, Doncaster, Victoria

Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke


BORN: November 28th, 1868, Doncaster, Victoria

DIED: March 23rd, 1934, Doncaster, Victoria

BURIED: March 24th, 1934, Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria

SON OF: Johann August Zerbe and Johanne Eleonore nee Neumann

Children of Carl Friedrich Zerbe and Maria Eliza nee Aumann












Maria Eliza Aumann was born on May 8th, 1873, at Doncaster, Victoria; the 6th child of Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonore nee Hanke. She was educated at the Doncaster School when Pastor Max von Schramm was headmaster.

On November 29th, 1893, she married Friedrich Carl Zerbe at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Friedrich (Fred) was born on November 28th, 1868, at Doncaster; the son of Johann August Zerbe and Johanna Eleonore nee Neumann. Johann August arrived in Australia in 1837 from Hamburg, Germany, on the ship La Rochelle. His wife Johanna Eleonore Neumann arrived with her parents on the same ship.

Fred’s brother, August Johann, was a Councillor of the Doncaster and Templestowe Shire for 27 years, (1890-1917) and several times in this period he held office as President of the Shire. He was appointed Justice of Peace in 1903.

Fred’s nephew, Henry August, was married to Minna Louise Aumann, a cousin of Maria Eliza. She was the daughter of Henry and Laura Aumann of Murtoa, Victoria.

Fred was also educated under Pastor Max von Schramm and after leaving school, started orcharding, which he engaged in all his life. Maria or Mary as she was known, assisted on the orchard property in George Street (German Lane), East

Fred and Mary Zerbe with their three sons.

The Zerbe children. Cutting hay on Fred Zerbe’sproperty. This was made into

L-R: Friedrich Carl, Albert August, August Edward, Helena. chaff to feed the horses.

Taken 1911.

Doncaster, as well as rearing a family of three sons and one daughter.

Fred and Mary lived on the orchard property originally owned by Fred’s father. He added to this property by purchasing other land in the district and possessed some 140 acres, most of which was under orchard. He also owned land in the Ringwood-Heathmont district which was sold in later years. Zerbe’s Reserve which is now parkland, was part of Fred’s property. In 1907, Fred opened the East Doncaster Store which was run by two of

his sons for a number of years. The store which was a General Store, Post Office and Hay and Corn Store stood next to the East Doncaster State School on the north side in Blackburn Road.

As with most Lutheran families, Mary and Fred worshipped regularly at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster where all their children were baptised.

Fred died on March 23rd, 1933 and Mary on April 12th, 1961, 26 years later. Both died at East Doncaster and were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


Friedrich Carl Zerbe was born at East Doncaster, Victoria, on October 10th, 1894; the eldest child of Carl Friedrich Zerbe and Maria Eliza nee Aumann. He was baptised on November 4th, 1894 by Pastor Max von Schramm, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Sponsors were August Zerbe snr, August Zerbe jnr, Louise Zerbe, Emma Aumann.

Fred was educated at the East Doncaster School and on completing his education joined his father on the orchard. In 1913, Fred joined the A.I.F, 5th Pioneer Battalion, serving three years and six months, and when overseas was wounded in Somme, France.

Fred married Ada Emma nee Spackman, who was born at Melton near Marlborough, England. They had one son, Edward Frederick. Fred died on June 12th, 1936, at Coleraine, Victoria, and Ada died in 1974, at Cheltenham, Victoria. Both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Friedrich Carl and Ada Emma Zerbe.

The family of Friedrich Carl and Ada Emma Zerbe

1. Edward Frederick Zerbe b. 14.10.1921 Box Hill Vic

Beryl Williamson b.20.8.1924 Box Hill Vic

1. Cheryl Zerbe

b. 6.11.1948 Box Hill Vic

Brian Enbom

b. 8.9.1952 Korrumburra Vic

1. Karen Maree Enbom

b. 19.4.1977 Korrumburra Vic

2. Julie Louise Enbom

b. 14.3.1979 Korrumburra Vic

3. Evan Robert Enbom

b. 11.11.1988 Korrumburra Vic


Albert August Zerbe was born on March 20th,

1896, at East Doncaster, Victoria; the second child of Carl Friedrich Zerbe and Maria Eliza nee Aumann.

He was baptised on April 19th, 1896, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, by Pastor Max von Schramm.

Sponsors were Heinrich Fromhold, Berthold Bruche,

Louisa Zerbe.

Albert was educated at the East Doncaster School and on leaving school, helped in his father’s store where he worked until the shop was sold some years later.

On March 27th, 1920, Albert married Victoria Lillian nee Stock at Greensborough, Victoria. Lillian was bom on September 17th, 1897, at Greensborough; the daughter of George William Stock and Harriett Emma nee Splatt. They had a family of two sons and a daughter.

Albert was a keen sportsman, playing football and cricket, the later being his favourite sport, captaining the local team for a number of years.

Both Albert and Lillian took an active part in local affairs.

Albert died at Blackburn, Victoria on January 13th, 1974, and Lillian died on August 27th, 1982.

Both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Albert August and Lillian Zerbe


Beryl Joyce Zerbe 1. Judith Lillian Hart

b. 19.3.1921 Box Hill Vic b. 2.11.1945 Box Hill Vic

William Hart b. 3.8.1912 Ararat Vic d. 19.5.1954 Box Hill Vic Buried Box Hill Vic

Alfred Henry Beavis b. 8.1.1910 Box Hill Vic d. 23.1.1988 Croydon Vic Buried Springvale Vic

William Charles Albert Phillips b. 25.6.1941 Healesville Vic

2. Elaine Florence Hart b. 28.9.1948 Box Hill Vic

Ian Richard Benbow b. 24.12.1946 Bendigo Vic

1. Debra Joy Phillips

b. 26.9.1970 Box Hill Vic

2. Shane William Phillips _b. 14.9.1972 Box Hill Vic

1. Scott Ian Benbow

b. 13.2.1973 Box Hill Vic

2. Kellie Marie Benbow

b. 23.9.1977 Horsham Vic

2. Jack Zerbe

b. 14.3.1926 Box Hill Vic

1. Wayne Zerbe b. 12.9.1950

1. Ryan Jay Zerbe

b. 3-9.1985 Darwin N.T.

Ella Louise Renkin b.19.2.1931

Rhonda Ann Boak b.

2. Chantelle Jade Zerbe b. 16.12.1988 Daiwin N.T.

2. Craig Robert Zerbe b. 22.4.1952 Box Hill Vic d. .12.1992 Mt Gambier S.A. Buried Mt Gambier S.A.

1. Michelle Leigh Zerbe b. 26.9.1975 Melbourne Vic

Patricia Tesch b.

3. Joanne Robyn Zerbe b. 1.8.1957 Box Hill Vic

1. Louise Maree Thomas

b. 8.6.1986 Sandringham Vic

Ronald George Thomas b. 14.4.1952 Carlton Vic

Ronald Zerbe b. 19.7.1933 Box Hill Vic

1. Kim Zerbe

b. 9.7.1961 Ringwood Vic

Edith Alice Phipps b. 7.10.19?? Park Orchards Vic

2. Janet Zerbe

b. I.II.1963 Numurkah Vic

1. Cassandra Edith Martin b. 18.7.1991 Cobram Vic

John Martin b.


August Edward Zerbe was born on June 25th, 1898, at East Doncaster, Victoria; the third child of Carl Friedrich Zerbe and Maria Eliza nee Aumann. He was baptised on August 7th, 1898, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster by Pastor Max von Schramm. Sponsors were August Zerbe, Heinrich Aumann, Marie Fromhold.

After his education at the East Doncaster School, August worked at home on the orchard, but later joined his brother, Albert, in the store.

August married Emily Maude nee Craze who was born on March 15th, 1905, at Creswick, Victoria; the daughter of John Henry Craze and Florence Emily nee Costella. They made their home in George Street, East Doncaster opposite the family home. When August retired he built a new home alongside where he developed a beautiful garden of flowers and vegetables.

August and Maude had no family. They took an active part in the local Hall Committee and school activities. August also was a keen footballer playing for the Doncaster Football Club.

Maude died on August 16th, 1976 in the Donvale Hospital and was interred at the Springvale Crematorium. August continued to live in the home spending most of his time in the garden. He died on December 5th, 1980 and was also interred in the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.


Anna Helena Zerbe was born at East Doncaster,

Victoria on January 5th, 1909; the youngest child of Carl Friedrich Zerbe and Maria Eliza nee Aumann.

Anna Helena (Girlie) was also educated at the East Doncaster School.

Girlie married Clarence Leonard Pratt, who was born on February 7th, 1907, at Oakleigh, Victoria; the son of Michael Joseph Pratt and Margaret Mildred nee McConnell. The wedding took place in May 1935.

They had a son and a daughter, however Clarence died at Eildon Weir, Victoria, on March 15th, 1937, before his son was born, leaving Girlie to rear the children alone.

On November 20th, 1946, Girlie married Victor John Clarkson, who was born on October 12th,

1903 at Colbinabbin, New South Wales. Girlie and Victor had a daughter and a son.

Victor owned the East Doncaster Garage for many years, which was later worked by his sons from a previous marriage.

Victor died on December 22nd, 1977 in the Donvale Hospital, leaving Girlie a widow for the second time. She still lives in a home which stood next to the garage.

Friedrich Carl and Anna Helena Zerbe. 1914.

The family of Clarence Leonard and Anna Helena Pratt

1. Doris Pratt

b. 1936 Box Hill Vic

David George b. 18.8.1932 Mitcham Vic

1. Samantha Anne Millar b. 19.9.1988

2. Trevor Marshall Millar _b. 23.10.1991

2. Sandra George

b. 24.10.1963 Mitcham Vic

3. Colleen George

b. 29.12.1965 Mitcham Vic

Peter Rodney Williams b. 16.7.1966

1. Deborah George

b. 25.6.1961 Mitcham Vic

Guy Millar b. 3.6.1960

2. Peter Leonard Pratt b. 5.9.1937 Box Hill Vic

Gwenneth Wood b. 18.6.1937

1. Michael Pratt 1. Emma Victoria Pratt

b. 6.6.1960 Box Hill Vic b. 31.10.1989

Heather Whitfield -


2. David Pratt 1. Amy Elizabeth Pratt

b. 25.3.1962 Melbourne Vic b. 21.10.1990

Linda Rumbold -


3. Jonathan Pratt 1. Koiy Jae Pratt

b. 7.12.1965 Box Hill Vic b. 29.5.1992

Kate Klieberg -


4. Penni Alison Pratt

b. 5.12.1969 Box Hill Vic

The family of Victor John and Anna Helena Clarkson

3. Helen Lois Clarkson b. 25.2.1948 Box Hill Vic

Simon Nash b. 20.11.1943

1. Robert John Nash

b. 20.5.1974 Box Hill Vic

2. Donna Nash

b. 19.11.1975 Box Hill Vic

4. Ian Victor Clarkson

b. 28.10.1949 Surrey Hills Vic

Sherree Kid b. 30.7.1952

1. Jodie Lee Clarkson

b. 9.1.1975 Box Hill Vic

2. Heidi Lisa Clarkson

b. 16.2.1977 Box Hill Vic





December 8th, 1876 Doncaster, Victoria April 30th, 1963 Mitcham, Victoria May 2nd, 1965

Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria August 24th, 1898 Doncaster, Victoria Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke


BORN: March 9th, 1874

Doncaster, Victoria DIED: March 9th, 1953

Heidelberg, Victoria BURIED: March 12th, 1953

Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria SON OF: Johann John Pump and Christina

Eva nee Stecher

Children of Heinrich Hermann Pump and Emma Louisa nee Aumann



1900- 1903 1909-


Emma Louise Aumann was born on December 8th, 1876, at Doncaster, Victoria; the 7th child of Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke. Emma was baptised at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster where her family attended regularly. She was educated at the Doncaster School.

On August 24th, 1898, she married Heinrich Pump at the Lutheran Church. Heinrich (Henry) was born at Doncaster on March 9th, 1874; the son of Johann John Pump and Christina Eva nee Stecher.

Emma and Henry made their home at Deep Creek, East Doncaster, Victoria, where Henry owned an orchard. It was here that their three children were bom. Sadly, they lost their second son at an early age.

Emma and Henry were devout Christians and worshipped at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster and later at St Phillip’s, Deep Creek, which stood on land donated by Henry when it was built.

Later in their life, Henry gave up orcharding to become a poultry farmer. Like most of her generation, Emma was a capable cook, as well as assisting her husband with his orchard and farm work.

Henry died on March 9th, 1953, at Heidelberg House and Emma died on April 30th, 1965, at a hospital in Mitcham. They are buried with their youngest son, Roy, at the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.

Emma Pump with her daughter, Elva.

St. Phillip’s. Deep Creek, East Doncaster.

Henry Pump.

Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.


Frank Henry Pump was born on August 27th,

1899, at East Doncaster, Victoria; the eldest child of Heinrich Pump and Emma Louise nee Aumann.

Frank was educated at the East Doncaster School and grew up on his parent’s property at Deep Creek, East Doncaster, Victoria.

Frank married Gladys Irene nee Bogle at Box Hill, Victoria. Gladys was born in 1903 at Doncaster; the daughter of David Bogle and Edith nee Bullock.

They made their home on an orchard property at Wantirna, Victoria until close to their deaths. They had no family.

Frank died on March 16th, 1970, and Gladys on November 17th, 1973. Both were interred at the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.


Roy William Pump was born on December 16th,

1900, at East Doncaster, Victoria; the 2nd child of Heinrich Pump and Emma Louise nee Aumann.

Roy died at the age of nearly three years on April 18th, 1903 and was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria where his parents were later buried.


Elva Emma Pump was born on July 1st, 1909, at Kew, Victoria; the youngest child of Heinrich Pump and Emma Louise nee Aumann.

Elva was educated at the East Doncaster School and on leaving school lived at home with her parents helping her father on the orchard and the poultry. She never married and later cared for her parents as they grew older. After their deaths she lived first at Wantirna then Vermont where she had her own home.

Elva is a devout Christian and was found worshiping regularly at St Phillip’s Church, Deep Creek, which stood on land given by her father. On moving to Vermont, Victoria she now worships at St Luke’s Church, not far from her home. She has always taken an active part in the life of the church.





September 11th, 1878 Doncaster, Victoria September 14th, 1967 Donvale, Victoria September 16th, 1967 Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke

Martha Elizabeth Aumann was born on September 11th, 1878, at Doncaster, Victoria; the 8th child of Carl August Aumann and Johanna Eleonora nee Hanke. She was baptised on October 13th, 1878, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster by Pastor Max von Schramm. Sponsors to her baptism were Christine Dehnert, Emma Finger and Wilhelm Hanke.

Martha never married and for a short time early in her life, she worked as a nurse at the Kew Mental Hospital. Later she remained home and when her father died, she cared for her mother. Following her mother’s death, she stayed in the old home for a few years until the property was sold. She then built a home on the property of her nephew, Arthur

L-R: Back: Martha Aumann, Christine Pump, Agnes Blobel, Otto Pump, Anna Aumann. Middle: Catherine Pump, Ernest Hanke, August Aumann, ?, ?.

Front: Maria Aumann (Murtoa), August Thiele.

Aumann, at Donvale, where she lived until her final days when she was with her nephew’s wife, Amy Aumann.

Martha was an independent person, caring for herself even in times of illness. Fond of gardening, she excelled at growing vegetables and her garden was always full of flowers.

Martha Aumann (right) with a friend.

A devout Christian, she worshipped weekly at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, and when she aged and was unable to attend regularly, she read her Bible daily. Her grand nephews and nieces were always welcomed and often visited her for meals.

Martha died on September 14th, 1967 and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.



November 22nd, 1838 Kolhohe, Silesia, Prussia


May 4th, 1912

Doncaster, Victoria


May 6th, 1912

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria


March 12th, 1867

Doncaster, Victoria


Carl Samuel Aumann and Johanne Eleonore nee Sommer



December 3rd, 1843

Lederose, Silesia, Prussia


February 20th, 1945

Doncaster, Victoria


February 22nd, 1945

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria


Carl Friedrich Hanke and Johanne Christiane nee Spreu

Children of Ernst August and Caroline Ernestine Aumann









































Ernst August Aumann was born at Kohlhohe, Silesia, Prussia, on November 22nd, 1838; the third child of Carl Samuel Aumann and Johanna Eleonore nee Sommer. August came to Australia with his father, stepmother and family on the ship Australia, landing in Melbourne on November 16th, 1853.

On March 12th, 1867, he married Caroline Ernestine Hanke who was born at Lederose, Silesia, Prussia on December 3rd, 1845; the daughter of Carl Friedrich Hanke and Johanne Christiane nee Spreu.

According to the register kept by the local church (Lederose), Carl Friedrich Hanke was a freehold owner and shoemaker.

The register reads:- “In the year one thousand eight hundred and forty five on the third of December (3rd of December 1845) one daughter who was baptised there on the 5th of the same month and named Karoline Ernestine. ”

Jenkau, the 2nd. of August, 1857. August and Caroline made their home in Gemian Lane (George Street) East Doncaster, where nine sons and two daughters were born to them. Nine of the children married and at one stage they all lived within 5 miles of their parents’ home and they were all orchardists.

The home of wattle and daub construction was later covered with weatherboards and consisted of four main rooms with the kitchen and living room detached, and an additional two rooms also detached.

Outside the house was a brick bake oven where the bread and kuchen were baked. A cellar was attached to the barn with a room above which was

used as a store room for food items purchased in bulk.

There were horse stables and various sheds around the house and an underground well to supply water, which was common to homes of this period. As with all German families, there was great emphasis on cooking, with Mettwurst and Leberwurst being made — as well as cows to be milked, poultry kept, and managing an orchard which consisted of various varieties of fruits.

August and Caroline were devout Christians and worshipped regularly in the Doncaster Lutheran Church, where August was an Elder for some years. Both parents and family took an active part in church life at the Lutheran Church as the years went by.

August contributed much towards the establishment of fruit growing in the Doncaster district. He died on May 4th, 1912 and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery. Caroline lived on the property until her death on February 20th, 1945 — 33 years after her husband’s death.

Sydney Morning Herald 21st. February 1945:

Melbourne, Tuesday —

“Mrs. Caroline Aumann of George Street, Doncaster, who celebrated her 99th. birthday in December, died today from shock after being scolded by boiling water at the home of her son-in-law last night. ”

Caroline’s sister Johanne Eleonore, was married to Ernst August’s brother, Carl August Aumann. The home stood until about 1965 and August’s daughter Anna, lived there until her death.

Extract from:- “Victoria and its Metropolis, Past and Present”.

August and Caroline Aumann’s family. About 1900. L-R: Back: William, Paul, Albert, Caroline in front of Albert, Carl, Anna, August, Adolph (Artie).

Front: Ernst, Henry, August (father), Caroline (mother), Hermann.

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Confirmation Certificate of Ernst August Auman. Dated April 4th, 1852. Note: Name as August Wilhelm. Birth date November 23rd, 1838.

AUMANN, August, Doncaster — is a native of Germany who arrived in Victoria in 1858*, started work as a carter to the goldfields and continued at that occupation for six years, after which he spent two years in Melbourne.

In 1866 he went to Doncaster, purchased land

and commenced fruit growing, which business he has carried on ever since, having 24 acres planted with different varieties of fruit trees.

* Note: August Aumann arrived in Victoria in November 1853 on the ship Australia.

Harvest Festival, Lutheran Church, Doncaster.

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Caroline Aumann with her great grand-daughter, Mavis Rasmussen.

^^1 Victoria, Chief Secretary' s Off ice • X //') / v:;

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\convenient; ",

I have the honour to be,

Sir, i

ff Your obedient Servant,

The Honorable

The Chief Secretary. '

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-y MEMORIAL eor letters oe iattjralizatioi.


Ms ~^"""T° Elis Excellency the Right Honorable John Adman Louis, Earl of Hopetoun,

x- Viscount Aithrie, and Baron Hope, in the Peerage of Scotland; Baron Hopetoun of Hopetoun, and Baron Niddry of Niddiy Castle, in the £ / Peerage of the United Kingdom; Knight Grand Cross of the Most

v / Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint . George; Governor

L and ‘ Commander-in- Chief in and over the Colony of Victona and its Dependencies, do., do., do.

■Name in full and The Memorial of1. .

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•Age. 2. That he is.years of age.

4 Place where born— 3. That lie WaS bom

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hamlet,&country. 4, That he is by occupation a8 . .

4 Occupation. J . rg * - y.---- -y—

♦ Time of arrival in 5. That on the*. .X.,.— of\^.M.LC^.22L'f^y.rn the year\./i

»Ship's name, port, he arrived in the Colonyof Victoria by the ship .

from, the Port of!.in .

•Time of residence and that he lias ever since his arrival, being a period of

in colony. '

.OyCctA^>., been a resident in said Colony of Victoria.

6. That he is desirous of permanently settling in the said Colony, and of being naturalized therein.

Your Memorialist, therefore, prays that Your Excellency may be pleased to grant to your Memorialist Letters of Naturalization, under the Act of the Parliament of Victoria numbered 1063, subject to the provisions therein contained, and subject also to such conditions as Your Excellency may consider necessary or advisable.

And your Memorialist will ever pray. .

• Signature in full of 1 ____. "

applicant. "vy-.*. .

Dated of£.CYY.Y2YlAL_____a.d. 189t? .

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• in the fifty-fourth; % 'ihe. Ixiiv' relating

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Letters of Naturalisation.

Lutheran Church Officials, Doncaster. 1958. L-R: Standing: P. Keppler, N. Semmler, Pastor H. Pech, H. Aumann.

Sitting: E.A. Aumann, D. Bogle, E. Thiele, R. Soderlund, V. Aumann.

In the Colony of ‘Victoria,

[Original Certificate,]


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Marriage Certificate of Ernst August and Caroline Ernestine Aumann.

The 1st child of Ernst August and Caroline Ernestine Aumann


BORN: December 23rd, 1867

Doncaster, Victoria DIED: January 3rd, 1934

Box Hill, Victoria BURIED: January 5th, 1954

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria MARRIED: July 19th, 1893

Doncaster, Victoria SON OF: Ernst August Aumann and

Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke





August 13th, 1870 Doncaster, Victoria September 20th, 1938 Box Hill, Victoria September 21st, 1938 Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria Johann August Zerbe and Johanne Eleonore nee Neumann

Children of August Heinrich Aumann and Auguste Emma nee Zerbe



OSWALD HENRY 1902-1970







CLARA LINDEN 1907-1989





August Heinrich (Harry) Aumann was born at Waldau, Doncaster, Victoria on December 23rd, 1867; the eldest child of Ernst August Aumann and Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke. Harry was educated at the school run by Pastor Max von Schramm at Doncaster.

On July 19th, 1893, he married at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, to Auguste Emma nee Zerbe, who was bom on August 13th, 1870 at Waldau, Doncaster; the daughter of August Zerbe and Johanna Eleonore nee Neumann. The wedding service was conducted by Pastor Max von Schramm and the Witnesses were Carl Aumann and Friedrich Thiele. Auguste Emma’s father was born at Frankfurt, Germany, and her mother was also born at Frankfurt. Both arrived in Australia on the ship La Rochelle in 1857.

Harry Aumann’s home, Tindals Road, Warrandyte, Victoria.

August Heinrich (Harry) Aumann.

Harry Aumann’s wagon on the bridge, Warrandyte, Victoria. Driver: Robert (Bob) Mahoney.

After their wedding, Emma and Harry made their home on land in Tindals Road, Warrandyte, where Harry cleared the land and planted an orchard. Today, in 1993, there is still an orchard on this land at Warrandyte and it is owned and worked by members of the Aumann family.

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Four Generations.

L-R: Caroline Aumann, Harry Aumann, Alfrieda Rasmussen, Mavis Rasmussen.

Harry and Emma’s family of four sons and three daughters were all born at home on the orchard property, Warrandyte. Working conditions were very difficult and it was necessary for Harry and Emma to rise early each day. The country was hilly and roads primitive, so that taking fruit to market by horse and wagon represented a very long journey in those days. In 1920, Harry sold the property to his brother and purchased 38 acres in Springfield Road, Box Hill, Victoria, where he planted an orchard.

The church played an important part in the life of Harry, Emma and their family, having both been raised in a strict Lutheran home. Harry was an Elder of the Doncaster Lutheran Church for 30 years and the couple took an active part in various church organisations, attended church regularly and reared their family in the same manner.

Harry’s sons became orchardists and two of his daughters married into orcharding families.

Emma died at Box Hill on September 19th, 1938, and Harry died on January 3rd, 1954. Both were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.


Alfrieda Emma Aumann was born at Warrandyte, Victoria on July 27th, 1899; the eldest child of August Heinrich Aumann and Auguste Emma nee Zerbe. Alfrieda (Frieda) was educated at the Warrandyte School.

On November 30th, 1922, Frieda married Charles Henry William Rasmussen at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Charles was born at Doncaster, Victoria in 1891; the son of Neils Rasmussen and Emily nee Hunter.

After their marriage, Charles and Frieda lived on an orchard property in Templestowe, Victoria, purchased from George Friedrich Schuhkraft, brother-in-law to Charles and Anna Aumann. The brick home still stands today on an acre of land in the prime position in Serpells Road, Templestowe. Charles was a good orchardist and was assisted by his wife. They had one child, a daughter, Mavis Annie.

Frieda was veiy active in community work. She was a member of the original Box Hill Hospital

Committee and also worked hard for the Children’s Hospital Committee at Templestowe. Supported always by her husband, she was connected with many other organisations. Charles was a cricket enthusiast and scored for the Templestowe Cricket Club for many years.

Charles, Frieda and their daughter Mavis, were regular members of the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, where they took an active part in church life.

Mavis married Keith Werner and lived at Gerang Gerung near Dimboola, Victoria. When Charles sold his orchard, he and Frieda bought a home in Dimboola and retired there. They both continued to assist in community activities and worked for the Dimboola Hospital.

Frieda died on August 4th, 1970 and Charles then went to live with the daughter at Gerang Gerung, where he died on August 6th, 1980. Both Frieda and Charles are buried in the Dimboola Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Charles Henry William and Alfriecla Emma Rasmussen

1. Mavis Annie Rasmussen b. 7.9.1923 Box Hill Vic

Arnold Keith Werner b. 10.3.1923 S.A.

1. Charles Keith Werner b. 24.1.1961 Dimboola Vic

Karen Irene Bull b. 22.3.1962 Dimboola Vic

1. Benjamin Charles Werner b. 3.12.1989 Horsham Vic

2. Thomas William Werner b. 28.10.1992 Horsham Vic

2. Trevor John Werner b. 3.1.1964 Dimboola Vic

Fiona Elizabeth Taylor b. 14.8.1964 Kew Vic

1. John Henry Werner

b. 17.12.1989 East Melbourne Vic

2. Emma Elizabeth Werner

b. 19.9.1992 East Melbourne Vic


Martha Eleonore Aumann was born at Warrandyte, Victoria on August 28th, 1900; the second child of August Heinrich Aumann and Auguste Emma nee Zerbe.

Martha was married at the Doncaster Lutheran Church on October 8th, 1924 to Victor Henry Rieschieck who was born in 1896 at Tanunda, South Australia; the son of August Ferdinand Rheinhold Rieschieck and Henriette Ernestine nee Finger. Henriette Ernestine was the daughter of Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

Martha and Victor lived in King Street, East Doncaster, where they owned a good orchard. They were energetic workers, both on their orchard and as members of the Lutheran Church at Doncaster. They had one child, a son, Gordon.

Martha was a keen gardener and a member of the Box Hill Horticultural Society and often won prizes for her floral exhibits.

Victor died on February 2nd, 1965 and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria. After his death, his son carried on the orchard until it was sold in 1984. Following the sale Martha moved to a retirement home in Ringwood, Victoria.

Anna Aumann with her nieces, Alfrieda and Martha.

Victor and Martha Rieschieck’s Wedding group. October 8th, 1924.

The family of Victor Henry and Martha Eleonora Rieschieck

1. Gordon Rieschieck b. 11.12.1939

Judith Ellen Tully b. 5.1.1939 Box Hill Vic

1. Andrew Rieschieck

b. 22.1.1963 Box Hill Vic

2. Gary Rieschieck 1. Stacey Ellen Rieschieck

b. 10.9.1964 Box Hill Vic b. 21.12.1990 Lilydale Vic

Judith Anne Ramadge -

b. 5.10.1969

3. Wayne Rieschieck

b. 23.2.1967 Box Hill Vic

Michelle Ann Forshaw b. 9.12.1969

4. Martin David Rieschieck b. 30.7.1969 Box Hill Vic


Oswald Henry Aumann was born at Warrandyte, Victoria on March 28th, 1902; the eldest son and third child of August Heinrich Aumann and Auguste nee Zerbe.

Oswald or Ossie as known by his family and friends, carried on the tradition of orcharding, first at Box Hill and then at Templestowe, where one of his sons lived and worked this part of the orchard.

On November 5th, 1927 at Surrey Hills, Victoria, Ossie married Clara nee Linden who was born on

March 29th, 1906 at Port Melbourne, Victoria; the daughter of Edwin Percival Linden and Helen Hannah nee Graham. Both were involved in the Lutheran Church, Doncaster where the family worshipped.

Ossie and Clara had four sons, although William Edward, the eldest died at the age of 7 months and is buried in the Box Hill, Cemetery, Victoria. On July 28th, 1970 Ossie died at Box Hill and Clara died on January 23rd, 1989, at Pakenham, Victoria Both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Oswald Henry and Clara Aumann.

The three Aumann boys.

The family of Oswald Henry and Clara Aumann

1. William Edward Aumann b. 5.5.1928 Box Hill Vic d. 29.12.1928 Box Hill Vic Buried Box Hill Vic

2. Edward Graham Aumann b. 4.11.1929 Box Hill Vic

1. Michael John Aumann b. 1.4.1954

1. Meg Elizabeth Aumann b. 4.1.1980 Lilydale Vic

Betty May Neal b. 24.8.1930

Genevieve Ann Lewis b. 12.10.1955 Lilydale Vic

2. Rebecca Jane Aumann b. 23.11.1980 Lilydale Vic

3. John Lachlan Aumann b. 6.7.1985 Lilydale Vic

2. Vicki Joy Aumann b. 24.4.1956 Kew Vic

1. Travis Dale Selby

b. 24.10.1979 Lilydale Vic

Trevor Gregory Selby b. 6.12.1954 Yarra Junction Vic

2. Amanda Kate Selby b. 16.7.1981 Lilydale Vic

3. Leonard Oswald Aumann b. 21.12.1930 Box Hill Vic

1. William John Aumann b. 24.3.1954 Kew Vic

Margaret Rae Neal b. 27.7.1933 Albert Park Vic

Valerie Munining b. 7.4.1957 Millingimbi, N.T.

2. Lariy Raymond Aumann

b. 30.12.1955 Canterbury Vic d. 19.5.1983 Benalla Vic Buried Benalla Vic

3. Steven Foster Aumann b. 1.3.1957 Box Hill Vic

Jennifer Helen Davies b.

4. James Anthony Aumann b. 19.6.1958 Box Hill Vic

Susan Elizabeth Crilly b. 11.1.1960 Benalla Vic

5. Richard Leonard Aumann 1. Sally Lee Aumann

b. 30.10.1959 Box Hill Vic b. 15.5.1985 Benalla Vic

Dianne Noelene Burden -

b. 24.6.1957 Euroa, Vic

6. Susan Margaret Aumann b. 18.11.1964 Box Hill Vic

4. Lawrence Henry Aumann b. 10.4.1932 Box Hill Vic

Anne Louise Pincott b. 1.2.1944 Melbourne Vic

1. Daniel John Aumann

b. 2.9.1966 Box Hill Vic

2. David Lawrence Aumann b. 23.7.1968 Box Hill Vic


Vera Caroline Aumann was born on April 24th, 1905, at Warrandyte, Victoria; the fourth child of August Heinrich Aumann and Auguste Emma nee Zerbe. Her education was at the Warrandyte School where her older brother and sisters attended.

On May 16th, 1935 she married at Doncaster, Victoria to John William Steain who was born on June 7th, 1904, at St Kilda, Victoria; a son of John William Steain and Isobel nee Dickson.

They made their home in Thames Street, Box Hill, Victoria and it was here they raised their family of two daughters and a son.

John worked all his life with Welch Perrin in the city and Vera remained at home caring for the family and looking after the home.

John died on September 20th, 1963 and Vera on August 18th, 1976 at Box Hill and both were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of John William and Vera Caroline Steain

1. Raymond John Steain b. 29.1.1937 Box Hill Vic

Marie Adele McGill b. 24.9.1940 Kingaroy Qld

2. Trevor James Steain b. 16.5.1938 (Stilborn)

1. Jeanette Ann Steain b. 14.3.1966 Kew Vic

Desmond Phillip Felix Auer b. 20.11.1963 Innisfail Qld

2. Deidre Elizabeth Steain b. 6.10.1967 Kew Vic

3. Valda Emma Steain

b. 15.7.1940 Box Hill Vic d. 28.2.1972 Parkville Vic Buried Springvale Vic

James Davies b.

d. 10.10.1972 Parkville Vic Buried Springvale Vic

4. Norma Isobel Steain

b. 13.8.1942 Box Hill Vic

Neville Raymond Berick b. 6.5.1941 Melbourne Vic

1. Michael John Berick

b. 6.3.1970 Box Hill Vic

2. Susan Catherine Berick _ 1. Matthew Craig Berick

b. 23.10.1971 Box Hill Vic _b. 11.10.1990

3. Stuart Cameron Berick b. 27.1.1974 Box Hill Vic

4. Anthony James Berick b. 25.6.1975 Box Hill Vic


Victor Robert Aumann was born on October 7th, 1906, at Warrandyte, Victoria; the fifth child of Heinrich August Aumann and Emma Auguste nee Zerbe.

Victor grew up and went to school at Warrandyte, walking to school with his sisters, brother and cousins, from the adjoining family orchards of Henry and Bill Aumann. It was on these long walks that he no doubt learned to love the flora of the area which resulted in a special memory for his daughter — a trip to find beautiful ground orchids on her 21st birthday.

Victor married on November 12th, 1932, at St Peter’s Church, Box Hill, Victoria, to Ivy May nee Garrett who was born on February 27th, 1908, at Box Hill, the daughter of Charles Garrett and Alice Amelia May nee Prictor.

As the family grew, Henry and Emma moved to Box Hill, Victoria and it was here that Victor and his brothers planted their orchards. He and his brother, Oswald, marketed fruit for the family in their father’s truck until he bought his own. Life on the orchard was hard in those days, peaches were picked and packed in the orchard preferably before breakfast and taken to market at 3 a.m. the next morning. Victor was very particular about the fruit he took and Ivy repacked fruit from other sources many times before he would load it. Pears were picked and stored in the cool store and together with rhubarb formed the winter and spring crops.

In the early 1950’s as a result of land development in Box Hill, Victor bought the original Finger orchard from Will and Ted Rieschieck in George Street, East Doncaster between the childhood homes of both his parents Henry and Emma Zerbe. Ivy still lives in the home they built there.

Victor and Ivy Aumann’s home, Box Hill, Victoria.

Victor and Ivy Aumann. November 12th, 1932.

Victor played football for Doncaster and cricket for St Peter’s, Box Hill, transporting players, families and equipment on his truck to matches away from home. He was a particularly good left hand bowler winning many trophies over the years.

Victor and Ivy also enjoyed travelling in Australia and by ship to Asia and Pacific Islands. These trips were considered even more enjoyable if the odd typhoon happened to head their way. This love of the sea later manifested itself in two of his grandsons, the eldest gaining his Masters Certificate after sailing from England to Perth via the West Indies.

Finally land development caught up again and the Doncaster orchard was subdivided for housing. Although not always in the best of health, he and Ivy drove to their sons orchards at Gladysdale, Victoria, to help during the picking seasons, here he met with an accident with a tractor which claimed his life.

L-R: Alice and Bruce Aumann, Shirley and Ron Aumann, Ivy Aumann, Shirley and Max Schey.

Victor had been and Elder and Trustee of Trinity Lutheran Church, Doncaster for many years and it was fitting that family and friends from all walks of tife farewelled him from there, many unable to get

into the church. He died on April 27th, 1876, and was buried not far from his parents and grandparents in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Victor Robert and Ivy May Aumann

1. Shirley Doreen Aumann b. 4.10.1933 Box Hill Vic

Maxwell Gerard Schey b. 15.9.1923 Willoughby N.S.W.

2. Ronald Victor Aumann b. 20.12.1935 Box Hill Vic

Shirley Joy Knee b. 9.10.1937 Doncaster Vic

1. Verena Elizabeth Schey b. 31.10.1958 Box Hill Vic

Mark Andrew Beetham b. 2.9.1949

2. Christopher Robert Schey b. 23.7.1961 Box Hill Vic

Janine Watson b. 3.7.1963 Fitzroy Vic

3. Peter Gerard Schey

b. 11.8.1964 Box Hill Vic

Bernadette Maree Bridgeman b. 11.6.1966

4. Neil Maxwell Schey b. 14.9.1969 Box Hill Vic

1. Ann Maree Aumann b. 12.12.1960 Vermont Vic

Ronald Francis Goldfinch b. 7.7.1955 Ferntree Gully Vic

1. Simon Mark Beetham b. 3.1.1982 Box Hill Vic

2. Rosemary Schey Beetham b. 26.10.1983 Box Hill Vic

3. Cameron Morris Beetham

_b. 22.12.1988 Mitcham Vic

1. Laura Michelle Schey

b. 3.8.1991 Ferntree Gully Vic

1. Amanda Catherine Goldfinch b. 23.8.1982 Lilydale Vic

2. Luke Aaron Goldfinch b. 13.8.1984 Lilydale Vic

2. Robert James Aumann b. 23.4.1963 Vermont Vic

3. Lynette May Aumann b. 21.5.1964 Vermont Vic

Stephen James Chivers b. 12.2.1955 Ringwood Vic

Barry Hawkins b. 6.11.1963

1. Beau Stephen Hawkins b. 26.8.1986 Lilydale Vic

2. Toby William Hawkins b. 19.2.1991

3. Aimee Hawkins

b. 26.8.93 Wagga Wagga NSW

3. Bruce Robert Aumann b. 21.6.1943 Box Hill Vic

Alice Juanita Morris b. 13.2.1946 Cheltenham, Vic

1. Rodney Bruce Aumann

b. 14.12.1967 Box Hill Vic

2. Wayne Robert Aumann

b. 13.9.1969 Yarra Junction Vic

3. Gayle Juanita Aumann

b. 20.1.1973 Yarra Junction Vic


Roy August Aumann was born on April 4th, 1910, at Warrandyte, Victoria; the sixth child of August Heinrich Aumann and Auguste Emma nee Zerbe. Roy began his education at the Warrandyte School walking about a mile and a half each way.

Roy lived with his parents on the orchard at Box Hill, Victoria and continued to work this orchard after his father’s death. Later a move was made to Croydon, Victoria, because land development at Box Hill made orcharding there uneconomical.

On July 23rd, 1936, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, Roy married Alma Sophie Olga nee Kluge, who was born on June 26th, 1909 at Clay Plains, South Australia; the daughter of Alfred Johannes Kluge and Franzisha nee Rockaw. Alma had been the family house-keeper at Box Hill and was a special Aunt to Roy’s nieces and nephews. Roy and Alma became weekend hosts to boarders

from Luther College, Croydon, which was just down the road from their home in Croydon.

On retirement they travelled in New South Wales and Queensland hoping the warmth would help ease the arthritis crippling Alma. Their amazing collection of shells was the reward of their travels.

Both Roy and Alma took pleasure in their garden and when unable to garden outside, Alma turned to growing African Violets for her pleasure. Visitors are made welcome by Roy as a very well used visitors book shows.

Alma died at Wagga Wagga, New South Wales where they had made their home. Her death occurred on September 11th, 1987 and following services at Wagga Wagga and Doncaster, Alma was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria next to the grave of Roy’s parents.


Albert Ernest Aumann was born on August 10th,

1912, at Warrandyte, Victoria; the youngest child of August Heinrich Aumann and Auguste Emma nee Zerbe.

Albert also carried on orcharding all his life, first at home, but later at Scoresby, Victoria. On May 18th, 1940, he married at Box Hill, Victoria to Gwendoline Maude nee Hone who was born on lanuary 2nd, 1919 at Box Hill, Victoria.

Albert and Maude had two daughters, one of ttdiom was killed in a car accident on February 10th, 1961 and was buried in the Box Hill Cemetery,


Albert and Maude Aumann. May 18th, 1940.

The family of Albert Ernest and Stanley Gwendoline Maude Aumann

1. Jeanette Marjorie Aumann b. 28.2.1942 Box Hill Vic

Pasquale Pipicelli b. 29.8.1940 Melbourne Vic

2. Lorraine Maude Aumann b. 16.1.1944 Mont Albert Vic d. 10.2.1961 Scoresby Vic Buried Box Hill Vic

1. Liza Lorraine Pipicelli

b. 28.11.1968 Ferntree Gully Vic

2. Tracey Joanne Pipicelli

b. 18.7.1965 Ferntree Gully Vic

3. Dean Patrick Pipicelli

b. 28.12.1967 Ferntree Gully Vic

4. Troy Craig Pipicelli

b. 9.11.1969 Ferntree Gully Vic

5. Tara Nicole Pipicelli

b. 26.6.1972 Ferntree Gully Vic

6. Bradley Trent Pipicelli

b. 20.7.1974 Ferntree Gully Vic

The 2nd child of Ernst August and Caroline Ernestine Aumann


BORN: December 15th, 1869

Doncaster, Victoria DIED: January 15th, 1953

Templestowe, Victoria BURIED: January 17th, 1953

Templestowe, Victoria MARRIED: August 13th, 1905

North Fitzroy, Victoria SON OF: Ernst August Aumann and

Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke





October 25th, 1871 Albert Park, Victoria May 6th, 1959 Templestowe, Victoria May 8th, 1959

Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria Hugh McNeil and Janet Butchart nee Milne

Child of Carl August and Isabella Aumann


Carl August Aumann was born at Doncaster, Victoria on December 15th, 1869; the second child of Ernst August Aumann and Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke.

Carl was educated at the Doncaster School run by Pastor Max von Schramm. On leaving school, he worked at home on his father’s orchard, and after saving enough money, he purchased a property with his brother, August. The property in Main Road, Templestowe, Victoria, consisted of 40 acres, and when divided into two, August retained the lower portion and Carl took the higher part of the land. Carl originally lived in a shed which came with the property. He built a house when he got married. A bank book dated 1884 is still held by his family; the account being at the Fitzroy branch of the Melbourne Savings Bank.

On August 13th, 1905, Carl married Isabella nee McNeil at North Fitzroy, Victoria, in the home of the McNeils at 24 Best Street. Isabella was born on October 25th, 1871, at Emerald Hill, Albert Park. She was the daughter of Hugh McNeil and Janet

Butchart nee Milne. Carl followed the calling of his father and brothers and worked hard to clear and plant the land, becoming a well known orchardist.

Carl and Isabella were devout Christians, attending the Presbyterian Church, first at

CarlAumann’s home built 1940-05. Main Road, Templestowe, Victoria.

ieidelberg and then at Templestowe, where they worshipped regularly and took an active interest in :hurch life. They were both noted for their quiet disposition and were held in high esteem by all who knew them. Isabella was a woman of high deals, particularly where the family were :oncerned. A good housekeeper and an excellent :ook, she extended hospitality to all visitors.

Both Carl and Isabella were involved in :ommunity life and their steadfast Christian Drinciples would have endeared them to a large :ircle of friends. They had only one son, John Vlilne. Fond of children, Carl spent much of his later ife with his three grandchildren who remember his gentle manner. Carl died on January 15th, 1953.

A letter received after his death and addressed to Isabella, reads:

On behalf of the Minister, Kirk Session and Congregation of Scot’s Church, Heidelberg, I desire to express to you their deepest sympathy in the bereavement you have sustained through the passing of Mr Aumann.

He was well known by a large number of members of this congregation at Heidelberg, who held him in very high esteem. He was always quiet and friendly in his manner and on that account as well as for other reasons he formed many friendships throughout the years.

We recognise that your loss will be great and we commend you to our Heavenly Father who alone can give you comfort in the time of bereavement.

It was a privilege of Mrs Burton and myself to know both Mr Aumann and yourself for many years and we admired you both for your steadfastness and singleness of purpose. We will cherish kind rememberence of you both. Will you please accept our personal sympathy.

Yours very sincerely.

John Burton,

Session Clerk

Scot’s Church, Heidelberg.

(Dated 22nd January, 1953) Isabella died on May 6th, 1959 and the couple were both buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.

Carl and Isabelle Aumann, Jack and Dorothy Aumann. Silver Wedding 1930.


John (Jack) Milne Aumann was born on September 27th, 1906, at Clifton Hill, Victoria; the only child of Carl August Aumann and Isabella nee McNeil.

He was educated at the Templestowe School and on leaving school, he worked on his father’s orchard, which he eventually took over.

On September 21st, 1929, he married Dorothy Mathilde nee Hill who was born at Lilydale, Victoria on April 21st, 1906; a daughter of Rowland Jesse Hill and Jane nee White.

Jack was involved in community affairs. He was a Director of the Templestowe Cool Stores and an Elder of the Presbyterian Church where he and his

family took an active part in church life. When the new Church was opened, he was chosen by the congregation to officially perform the opening ceremony as a stone near the main door indicates.

The tradition of hospitality shown by Jack’s parents was carried on by Dorothy, who was also an excellent cook and housekeeper. Jack and Dorothy had three children; two sons and a daughter.

Jack died on August 12th, 1966, at Templestowe, Victoria and was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery. Dorothy remained in the home, “Glencairn” until the property was sold for subdivision when she purchased a new home in Lower Templestowe, where she now resides.

Jack and Dorothy Aumann. September 21st, 1929.

L-R: Jack Aumann, Elsie Zerbe, Peter Aumann, Dorothy Aumann, Keren Aumann.

Aumann family taken on the occasion of Carl and Isabelle Aumann’s Silver Wedding, Templestowe. 1930. L-R: Back Row: Hermann, Emma (Harry’s wife), Harry.

Second Row: John Pump, Anna (Artie’s wife).

Third Row: Albert, Paul, Christina (Paul’s wife), Caroline (Pump), Lydia (Albert’s wife), Ernest, Artie. Front Row: Anna, Carl, Caroline (mother), Lewis, Isabelle, Jack and his wife Dorothy.

The family of John Milne and Dorothy Mathilde Aumann

1. Peter Carl Aumann

b. 10.2.1933 Heidelberg Vic

Valerie Eunice Swan b. 6.10.1937 Euroa Vic

1. Alison Jane Aumann

b. 30.5.1967 Dandenong Vic

2. Geoffrey Ormond John Aumann

b. 9.12.1968 Dandenong Vic

2. Christopher Neil Aumann b. 6.3.1935 Kew Vic

Enid Vera Lehmann b. 21.8.1936 Dimboola Vic

1. Jan Maree Aumann 1. Jessica Maree Keller

b. 25.10.196l Richmond Vic b. 26.8.1991 Clayton Vic

Daniel Mathias Keller -

b. Germany

2. Christopher John Aumann b. 16.11.1964 Richmond Vic


Keren Margaret Aumann b. 30.12.1945 Kew Vic

Thomas Robertson Miller McWhirr

b. 4.2.1944 Glasgow Scotland

1. Narel Keren McWhirr b. 3.2.1969 Mitcham Vic

Matthew Grahame Daly b. l6.12.1969 Wollongong N.S.W.

1. Luke Patrick Daly

b. 5.3.1993 Wollongong N.S.W.

2. Scott John McWhirr

b. 23.10.1970 Wollongong N.S.W.

The 3rd child of Ernst August and Caoline Ernestine Aumann







July 9th, 1871, Doncaster, Victoria

February 10th, 1951, Warrandyte, Victoria

February 12th, 1951, Warrandyte, Victoria

August 28th, 1901, Doncaster, Victoria

Ernst August Aumann and Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke


BORN: August 3rd, 1876, Doncaster, Victoria

DIED: May 14th, 1955, Warrandyte, Victoria

BURIED: May 16th, 1955, Warrandyte, Victoria

DAUGHTER OF: Johann Pump and Christina Eva nee Stecher

Friedrich Wilhelm Aumann and Maria Catherina Pump.

Children of Freidrich Wilhelm Aumann and Maria Catherina nee Pump


ERIC ALFRED 1903-1946



Flriedrich Wilhelm (Bill) Aumann was born on July 9th, 1871 at Doncaster, Victoria, the third child of Ernst August Aumann and Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke.

He was educated first at Pastor Schramm’s school, then later at the Doncaster State school.

He married Maria Catherina nee Pump at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, on August 28th, 1901. Maria was born on August 3rd. 1876 at Doncaster and was the daughter of Johann Pump and Christina Eva nee Stecher.

Both Bill and Maria were born in George Street,

First Doncaster Brass Band. 1890. Practice was in Mrs Finger’s laundry.

L-R: Charles Aumann, Templestowe, Henry Fromh old, Ferdinand Finger, Fred Zerbe, Frederick Winter, CarlAumann, August Zerbe, August Aumann, Ernest Hanke.

Front: Henry Thiele, Bill Aumann.

Bill and Maria’s home, Warrandyte, Victoria.

however Maria would have been educated at East Doncaster State school. Maria was a sister to Christina Anna who married Bill’s brother, Paul, and Bill’s sister, Caroline, married Johann Pump a Cousin of Maria’s.

Bill’s father purchased 60 acres of land in Tindals Road, Warrandyte from the Hick’s Bros and settled Bill on 30 and his brother Harry on the other 30

acres. Later Bill purchased the 30 acres from Harry and today his grandchildren still run an orchard on the 60 acres.

On Harry’s portion the shed had timber from the old Waldau Church used for its construction. A door on the shed from the church is still there today.

Bill and Maria worked hard on their orchard, and it was here that their four children were born to them. Of their two sons and two daughters, only one son, Herbert, married.

Having been reared in a strict Lutheran background, Bill and Maria worshipped regularly. Following their marriage and move to Tindal’s Road, Warrandyte, they attended St Phillip’s Church of England, Deep Creek, East Doncaster where Bill was a vestryman. The family took an active part in church life.

In their spare time, the couple enjoyed gardening and fishing. While Maria loved her flower garden, Bill often accompanied his brothers, Paul and Bertie on fishing expeditions to St Leonards.

Bill died at home on February 10th, 1931 and Maria also died at home on May 14th, 1955. Both were buried in Anderson’s Creek Cemetery, Warrandyte, Victoria.


Herbert Leslie Aumann was born on May 23rd, 1902, at Warrandyte, Victoria; the eldest child of Friedrich Wilhelm Aumann and Maria Catherina nee Pump. He was educated at the Warrandyte School and on completing his education worked at home on the orchard in Tindals Road.

On October 23rd, 1933, Herbert married at Wonga Park, Victoria, to Marjorie Olive nee Read who was born on August 11th, 1914; at Wonga Park; the daughter of Herbert Newton Read and Blanche nee Fulford.

Herbert and Marjorie had one daughter and three sons. The three sons now work the orchard in Tindals Road, Warrandyte which has been in the Aumann family for some ninety years, previously Dwned by their grandfather and before him, Harry \umann. It is about the only orchard left in the Doncaster and Templestowe City, and still cover a :onsiderable acreage.

Marjorie died at home on July 17th, 1951 and was interred at the Springvale Crematorium, and Herbert died on July 28th, 1986, some thirty-five years after lis wife. He also was interred in the Springvale Crematorium, Victoria.

The family of Herbert Leslie and Marjorie Olive Aumann

1. Gwenyth Blanche Aumann b. 4.9.1934 Box Hill Vic

Albert Mahoney b. 18.3.1933 Box Hill Vic

2. William Noel Aumann b. 23.12.1936 Box Hill Vic

Marjorie Elizabeth Hunt b. 15.6.1941 Camberwell Vic

1. David Eric Mahoney b. 17.4.1963 Kew Vic

Fiona Maree Scott b. 14.6.1963 Ballarat Vic

2. Kathryn Marjorie Mahoney b. 3.5.1966 Box Hill Vic

Roger Radcliffe Thomson b. 18.4.1965 Barham N.S.W.

1. Gregory Noel Aumann b. 21.7.1963 Kew Vic

2. Jennifer Leanne Aumann b. 24.8.1965 Box Hill Vic

Bruce Victor Bachmann b. 24.9.1959 Melbourne Vic

3. Tracey Michelle Aumann b. 14.3.1968 Box Hill Vic

Andrew Kevin Salter b. 25.12.1964 Bristol England

3. Richard Leslie Aumann b. 30.10.1943 Box Hill Vic

Robyn Margaret Mudford b. 8.12.1950 Surrey Hills Vic

1. Brett Leslie Aumann

b. 18.3.1971 Box Hill Vic d. 22.5.1992 Warrandyte Vic Buried Springvale Vic

2. Christopher Victor Aumann b. 28.1.1975 Box Hill Vic

3. Larissa Joyce Aumann b. 8.1.1979 Kew Vic

4. Barry Martin Aumann b. 14.5.1946 Box Hill Vic

Michelle Ellen Spencer b. 9-8.1950 East Melbourne Vic

1. Susannah Rose Aumann

b. 17.1.1977 East Melbourne Vic

2. Michael James Aumann b. 24.9.1978 Kew Vic

3. Caroline Ellen Aumann b. 20.10.1982 Kew Vic


Eric Alfred Aumann was born on January 7th, 1903, at Warrandyte, Victoria; the 2nd child of Friedrich Wilhelm Aumann and Maria Catherina nee Pump. He also was educated at the Warrandyte School.

Eric remained single and worked at home on the orchard until his death on July 30th, 1946, and was buried in the Warrandyte Cemetery, Victoria. His death was attributed to overstraining himself while fighting bushfires which burnt through Warrandyte in January 1939- He died after a long period of illness.


Ada Christina Aumann was born on July 13th, 1903, at Warrandyte, Victoria; the 3rd child of Friedrich Wilhelm Aumann and Maria Catherina nee Pump. Educated at the Warrandyte School, she worked at home on the orchard after completing her education.

Ada took an active part in church life at St Phillip’s, Deep Creek, East Doncaster, Victoria, where she was organist from 1924-1967. She was also active in the Sunday School and ladies organisations. In 1973, a baptismal font in the church was dedicated to her memory.

Ada never married. She died at home on November 8th, 1972, and was buried in the Anderson’s Creek Cemetery, Warrandyte, Victoria.

Ada Christina Aumann, 1929.


Mary Caroline Aumann was born on May 26th, 1910, at Warrandyte, Victoria; the youngest child of Friedrich Wilhelm Aumann and Maria Catherina nee

Mary and Ada Aumann.

Pump. Mary was also educated at the Warrandyte School and on leaving school, lived and worked at home on the orchard.

Like her sister, Ada, Mary took an active part in church life at St Phillip’s, Deep Creek, East Doncaster, Victoria. She took her turn as organist when her sister was unable to play, and for 44 years worked in the Sunday School. She also served as a vestrywoman for a number of years.

In May 1980, her friends from St Phillip’s presented her with a gold watch on her 70th birthday.

Today she lives in the old home on the orchard at Warrandyte, with her nieces and nephews being frequent visitors to her home.

Harvest Thanksgiving, St Phillip’s Church, Deep Creek, Victoria.

The 4th child of Ernst August and Caroline Ernestine Aumann


BORN: April 1st, 1873

Doncaster, Victoria DIED: March 28th, 1950

Templestowe, Victoria BURIED: March 30th, 1950

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria MARRIED: September 21st, 1904

Horsham, Victoria SON OF: Ernst August Aumann and

Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke





October 5th, 1880 Horsham, Victoria August 18th, 1962 Templestowe, Victoria August 21st, 1962 Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria Gustav Hermann Blobel and Maria nee Hartwich

Children of Ernst August and Pauline Agnes Aumann



HILDA CAROLINE (Schafter) 1916-1990 EDMUND ALBRECHT KUHNE 1909-1980

Ernst August Aumann was born on April 1st, 1873, at Waldau, Doncaster, Victoria; the fourth child of Ernst August Aumann and Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke.

August was educated at Pastor Max von Schramm’s School in Doncaster Road, Doncaster, and later at the East Doncaster School in Blackburn Road, East Doncaster. On leaving school, he worked at home for a time, then worked for the Baum family near Sale, Victoria. He also worked for John Finger who owned the orchard just opposite August’s home in George Street.

It was while working on the Finger property that he met Pauline Agnes Blobel, who was also working for her Aunt, Mrs. John Finger.

August Aumann’s home, WarrandyteRoad, Templestowe, Victoria. 1904.

August and Agnes Aumann’s family. L-R: August, Hilda, Ruby, Agnes, Gertrude.

On September 21st, 1904, August married Agnes at Horsham, Victoria.

Agnes was a daughter of Gustav Hermann Blobel and Maria nee Hartwich She was also a sister to Anna Maria Agnes and Esther Lydia who married August’s brothers — Gustav Adolph and Johann Otto Albert Aumann.

In 1898, August and his brother Carl purchased 60 acres of land in Warrandyte Road, Templestowe, from Rob Smith — each retaining 30 acres, August having the lower portion while Carl kept the higher part. They paid ten pounds per acre, saved from money which was earned from wages of two pounds a week- their mother banking thirty shillings of the wage from the time they started working

The land was bush and had to be cleared and planted with fruit trees. While the trees were growing, peas and vegetable crops were planted for an income.

On marrying, August built a home on his land and it was here that he brought his new wife to live. They remained there until August died on March 28th, 1930, and Agnes on August 18th, 1962. They were both buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

Agnes assisted her husband with orchard work,

and like most women of her time, excelled at cooking and housekeeping.

August and Agnes had two daughters, Ruby Dorothy and Gertrude Agnes, and reared another child, Hilda Caroline Schafter, who was treated as a third daughter although not adopted.

The family worshipped regularly at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster, where they all took an active part. August was an Elder and Sunday School teacher for over 20 years. August and Agnes were both conversant with the German language and were able to understand church services held in German, although that language was not used in the home.

While rearing their family and working hard, the couple had little time for recreation, although August was fond of fishing. He fished in the Yarra, not far from his home and later went sea fishing at Tooradin, Victoria.

Their orchard consisted mainly of peaches. It was a long job taking the fruit to the Victorian Market by horse and dray, and one August carried out for over 40 years.

Today, this property is part of suburbia, with houses covering the old orchard land.


Ruby Dorothy Aumann was born at Templestowe, Victoria on August 27th, 1905; the eldest child of Ernst August Aumann and Pauline Agnes nee Blobel. Ruby was educated at the Templestowe School.

On August 18th, 1934, she married Robert Paul Keppler who was born at Pforzheim, Germany, on December 1st, 1908. Ruby and Paul lived on her father’s orchard property at Templestowe, and they had a family of one son and one daughter.

Paul came from Germany in the 1920’s when he went to work on Charles Uebergang’s orchard, and later worked his father-in-law’s orchard.

Ruby Dorothy Aumann.

Paul and Ruby were devout Christians and worshipped regularly at the Doncaster Lutheran Church, where they both took a very active part in the life of the church. Paul was Sunday Superintendent for many years and was also found helping around the church, in his quiet manner.

Paul and Ruby retired into a home in Doncaster not far from the church when this gave Paul more time to assist with matters relating to the church. Paul died on November 10th, 1987 and Ruby died on March 10th, 1993- Both are buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.

Paul and Ruby Keppler. August 18th, 1934.

The family of Paul Robert and Ruby Dorothy Keppler

1. Ruth Dorothy Keppler b. 29.10.1940 Kew Vic

Alfred Horst Borchert b. 4 .3.1936 East Prussia

1. Vivienne Ruth Borchert b. 9.5.1963 Sunshine Vic

Ian Lutze

b. 17.6.1962 Lobethal S.A.

2. Karryn Louise Borchert b. 2.2.1965 Sunshine Vic.

1. Joel Alexander Lutze

b. 24.6.1988 Adelaide SA

2. Danielle Kate Lutze

b. 29.7.1990 Maitland NSW

1. Adma James Dymke b. 15.11.1991

Andrew Stuart Dymke b. 6.11.1965 Jeparit Vic

3. John Martin Borchert

b. 28.4.1966 Sunshine Vic.

Charmaine Rosalie Dymke b. 8.4.1962

4. Sandra Leanne Borchert b. 9.10.1971 Sunshine Vic.

1. Sarah Nicole Borchert b. 3.2.1989 Adelaide SA

2. Meagan Jessime Borchert b. 18.4.1991 Naracorte SA

2. Paul Martin Keppler 1. Mark James Keppler

b. 23.10.1945 Mont Albert Vic b. 16.6.1979 Melbourne Vic

Christine Gagic -

b. 1954

Jan Curtis b. 23.7.1952


Gertrude Agnes Aumann was born on March 20th, 1909 at Templestowe, Victoria; the second child of Ernst August Aumann and Pauline Agnes nee Blobel. Like her sister, Gertie was educated at the Templestowe School.

On August 10th, 1936, Gertie married Heinrich (Heine) Albert Kuhne at the Lutheran Church,

Doncaster. Henie was born at Horsham, Victoria on January 7th, 1907; the son of August Heinrich Kuhne and Maria Elizabeth nee Peucker.

Heine and Gertie made their home on a farm outside Horsham and had three sons and one daughter.

Both live in retirement, leaving the farm to be managed by the family.

Heine and Gertie Kuhne. August 10th, 1936.

Gertrude Agnes Aumann.

The family of Heinrich Albert and Gertrude Agnes Kuhne

Donald Edwin Kuhne b. 10.11.1937 Horsham Vic

1. Andrew Graham Kuhne b. 23.4.1962 Madang .P.N.G.

Jeanette Elizabeth Millar b. 22.5.1939 Horsham Vic

2. Christine Lauren Kuhne b. 26.9.1963 Madang P.N.G.

Gordon John Kuhne b. 18.5.1939 Horsham Vic d. 26.5.1939 Horsham Vic Buried

3. Robyn Maree Kuhne

b. 30.9.1964 Madang P.N.G.

Graeme Ernst Kuhne b. 21.7.1941 Horsham Vic

1. Madeline Anne Kuhne b. 12.9-1981 Horsham Vic

Susanne Raie Schirmer b. 12.6.1945

Anne Kathryn Shephard b. 23.9.1953 Horsham Vic

Robert David Kuhne b. 5.1.1945 Horsham Vic

1. Rachel Tamieka Kuhne b. 1.6.1976 Horsham Vic

Cheryl Marie Cramer b. l6.ll.1951 Horsham Vic

2. Ellersley Shae Kuhne b. 19.11.1978 Horsham Vic

Glenys Noelene Kuhne b. 26.12.1949 Horsham Vic

3. Liana Fleur Kuhne b. 9-6.1980 Horsham Vic

Denis Ross Manz b. 26.6.1945 Lowood Qld


Hilda Caroline Schafter was bom at East Doncaster, Victoria, on March 1st, 1916. Hilda’s mother was very sick after Hilda was born, and eventually died. Auntie Bertha Pump, the Schafter’s next door neighbour in Anderson’s Creek Road, already had eleven children of her own but offered to raise Hilda. When August and Agnes heard of this, they offered to raise Hilda, who was about eighteen months old at the time. Mr Schafter appreciated this, but although he allowed

Edmund and Hilda Kuhne, 1936.

Hilda Caroline Schafter.

August and Agnes to bring Hilda up as their own, he could never quite bring himself to give her away. Consequently she was never legally adopted. She was educated at the Templestowe Primary School.

On December 12th, 1936, she married Edmund (Ed) Albrecht Kuhne at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Ed was born on November 17th, 1909, at Burnt Creek, Victoria, the son of August Heinrich

Kuhne and Maria Elizabeth nee Peucker. He was a brother to Heine, who married Hilda’s “sister” Gertie. They farmed in the Horsham area and it was here that they raised their four daughters.

Ed died on July 17th, 1980. Hilda continued to live at Horsham until her death on July 9th, 1990. Both are buried in the Horsham Lawn Cemetery, Victoria.

The family of Edmund Albrecht and Hilda Caroline Kuhne

1. Lois Pauline Kuhne

b. 22.6.1937 Melbourne Vic

1. Megan Leanne Polack b. 28.7.1962 Mortlake Vic

Trevor Alfred Polack Peter John Bunge

b. 22.8.1934 Horsham Vic b. 31.8.1960 Coleraine Vic

1. Anita Rebekah Bunge b. 2.2.1987 Albany W.A.

2. Tatjana Rachel Bunge b. 5-5.1989 Portland Vic

3. Kirrily Elisha Bunge b. 8.12.1990 Portland Vic

4. Jonathan Luke Bunge b. 7.11.1992 Portland Vic

2. Darryn James Polack 1. Anna Caroline Polack

b. 19.11.1963 Mortlake Vic b. 7.10.1992 Warrnambool Vic

Caroline Majella Dooley -

b. 28.7.1964 Ballarat Vic

2. Denise Elizabeth Kuhne b. 19.8.1935 Horsham Vic

Bob Mossel

b. 13.6.1936 Amsterdam Holland

1. Leon Robert Mossel

b. 26.9.1981 Modbury S.A.

2. Kara Jane Mossel b. 3.6.1985

3. Nerida Joy Kuhne

b. 20.9.1945 Horsham Vic

Raymond Ronald Schultz b. 13.6.1936 Murtoa Vic

4. Rhonda Lynette Kuhne b. 27.5.1951 Horsham Vic

Lance Herbert Baker b. 31.8.1948 Murtoa Vic

1. Thomas Ray Schultz

b. 2.4.1972 Adelaide S.A.

2. Tessa Joy Schultz

b. 2.5.1974 Adelaide S.A.

3. Clare Nerida Schultz

b. 10.4.1977 Ballarat Vic

4. Hanna Joy Schultz

b. 8.3.1980 Ballarat Vic

5. Leah Nerida Schultz

b. 26.10.1983 Perth W.A.

1. Tanya Lee Baker

b. l6.12.1975 Horsham Vic

2. Shane Troy Baker

b. 24.2.1978 Horsham Vic

3. Glenn Adrian Baker

b. 25.8.1981 Portland Vic

The 5th child of Ernst August and Caroline Ernestine Aumann


BORN: January 17th 1875

Doncaster, Victoria DIED: April 2nd, 1934

The Basin, Victoria BURIED: April 3rd, 1934 Box Hill

Cemetery, Victoria MARRIED: October 10th, 1900

Doncaster, Victoria DAUGHTER OF: Ernest August Aumann and

Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke


BORN: August 17th, 1866

Ahrenlohe, Germany DIED: April 20th, 1940

Ringwood, Victoria BURIED: April 22nd, 1940

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria SON OF: Hans Heinrich Pump and

Margareta nee Brauhs

Children of Johann Pump and Johanna Caroline nee Aumann

















Johanna Caroline Aumann was born on January 17th, 1875 at Doncaster, Victoria, the fifth child and first daughter of Ernst August Aumann and Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke. Caroline was educated at the Doncaster School where Pastor Max von Schramm was headmaster.

On October 10th, 1900, Caroline married Johann Pump at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Johann was born on August 17th, 1867 at Ahrenlohe, Germany, a son of Hans Heinrich Pump and Margareta nee Brauhs. He was the second member of his family to come to Australia, sailing from Bremen in the steerage of the ship Kaiser Wilhelm //, which landed in Melbourne on November 18th, 1889-It is interesting to observe that a fellow passenger was listed as “Michael Sommer, age 20 years”.

Perhaps they were cousins, for Johann’s grandmother was Catherine Sommer.

Johann went to join his uncle, Johann Pump, at his orchard in Waldau Lane (George Street), Doncaster, where he worked for ten years before taking up land for his own orchard on the south side of Canterbury Road, Ringwood, Victoria — now Heathmont. He started with only 15 acres of virgin bush which had to be cleared and planted with fruit trees. The Aumann family helped considerably in this task. There was a shack on this land in which he lived before his marriage. For plates, he used slabs of wood cut from a tree. This seemed unusual to Australians, but it was common practice at Ahrenlohe to eat meat from a wooden platter. In later years, he bought more land near his property in Allen’s Lane,

The home of Johann Pump, an uncle of John. John lived and worked here for ten years before living in Heathmont, Victoria.

George Street, East Doncaster, Victoria.

August and Caroline Aumann’s family. 1930.

L-R: Back: Albert, Hermann, Artie, Ernest.

Centre: Carl, August, Anna, Paul, Bill. Front seated: Harry, Caroline (mother), Caroline (Pump).

adjoining the railway line. This had already been partly planted with fruit trees — mainly apples.

After their marriage, Johann (John) and Caroline (Carrie) made their home on this property near Heathmont and had a family of six children.

Caroline died at The Basin on April 2nd, 1934 and Johann died on April 20th, 1940. Both are buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

After Johann’s death, his property was sold and the proceeds divided between his six children. Ernst

August continued to work his orchard at The Basin, George Hermann took a job with the Department of Agriculture and the remaining four children loaded their belongings on a truck and headed to Western Australia, where they were able to purchase a dairy farm in coal-bearing country at Buckingham. In later years, after the boys had died, the girls were able to sell the farm and move to Collie, where they now reside.


Ernst August Pump was born on October 15th, 1901, at Ringwood, Victoria; the son of Johann Pump and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

He was educated at the Bayswater School, being recorded in the pupils’ register as No. 618 — Pump Ernst.

Ernst married Doris Cornelia nee Hall at

Echuca, Victoria. Doris was born at Echuca.

Ernst and Doris made their home on the orchard property which Ernst acquired at The Basin, Victoria.

Ernst died on February 14th, 1970 at Melbourne and is buried in the Ferntree Gully Cemetery, Victoria.

Ernst and Doris Pump with son Peter.

Ernst and Doris Pump on their wedding day.

The family of Ernst August and Doris Cornelia Pump

1. Peter Ernst Pump

b. 10.11.1940 Ringwood Vic

Roslyn Margaret Rennie b.

1. Lisa Margaret Pump - 1. Charmaine Margaret Pump

b. 8.12.1960 Woodville S.A. _b. 24.9.1982 Woodville S.A.

2. David Keith Pump

b. 30.10.1962 Adelaide S.A.

3. Ruth Narelle Pump

b. 5.4.1967 Elizabeth S.A.

Peter Walsh b.

4. Ashley Keith Pump

b. 14.5.1969 Elizabeth S.A.

2. Gwendoline Pump

b. 6.5.1942 Ringwood Vic

Brian Charles Pascoe b. 15.12.1944 Mont Albert Vic

1. John Brian Pascoe

b. 15.1.1970 Box Hill Vic

2. Donna-Maree Pascoe b. 2.2.1971 Box Hill Vic

3. Leon Charles Pascoe

b. 24.1.1974 Box Hill Vic

3. Stanley Ernest Pump b. 2.3.1950 Ringwood Vic

Pamela Yvonne Pascoe b. 24.10.1948 Surrey Hills Vic

Johann and Caroline Pump’s four sons.


Carl Heinrich Pump was born on April 21st, 1904 at Ringwood, Victoria, the son of Johann Pump and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

He was also educated at the Bayswater State School; recorded in the pupils’ register as No. 692 — Pump Heinrich.

After the death of his parents, the family property was sold and he moved to Buckingham, Western Australia, where he lived in his retirement.

Heinrich died on May 23rd, 1876 at Collie, Western Australia and is buried in the Collie Cemetery. Heinrich did not marry.


John Frederick Pump was born on September 18th, 1906 at Ringwood, Victoria, the son of Johann Pump and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

He was also educated at the Bayswater State School and was recorded in the pupils’ register as No. 769 — Pump Frederick.

He went to live in Western Australia with his brother and sisters at Buckingham.

He died at Collie, Western Australia on December 8th, 1968 and was buried in the Collie Cemetery. He never married.


George Hermann Pump was born on June 17th, 1910 at Ringwood, Victoria, the youngest son of Johann Pump and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

Like his brothers and sisters, he was educated at the Bayswater State School.

After leaving school, he worked on the family orchard at Heathmont, Victoria until he later became a Fruit Inspector with the Department of Agriculture, Melbourne.

On October 21st, 1944, at Ringwood, George married Violet Joyce nee Living, who was born on February 22nd, 1914 at Carlton, Victoria.

George and Joyce later lived at Doncaster, Victoria, and had a family of two sons.

On retirement, the family moved to Yarrawonga, Victoria where George died on August 20th, 1978 and was buried in the Yarrawonga Cemetery.

Joyce still lives at Yarrawonga with her two sons.

The family of George Hermann and Violet Joyce Pump

1. John Frederick Pump

b. 23.3.1947 Camberwell Vic

2. William Geoffrey Pump b. 27.9.1949 Box Hill Vic


Margreta Caroline Pump was born on November 24th, 1912 at Ringwood, Victoria; the eldest daughter of Johann Pump and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

Margreta (Greta) did not marry and kept house for the family before the property was sold at Heathmont.

The two unmarried boys and the two girls left together and bought a small farm at Buckingham, Western Australia. After the two brothers died the farm was sold and the two girls now live in Collie, Western Australia. The property was bought by the mining company as there were coal deposits in the land.


Ethel Jean Pump was born on January 1st, 1919 at Ringwood, Victoria, the youngest child of Johann Pump and Johanne Caroline nee Aumann.

She did not marry and took up residence at

Buckingham, Western Australia with her sister and two brothers when the property at Heathmont, Victoria was sold.

The 6th child of Ernst August and Caroline Ernestine Aumann


BORN: December 10th, 1876

Doncaster, Victoria DIED: April 17th, 1964

Templestowe, Victoria BURIED: April 19th, 1964

Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria MARRIED: August 18th, 1909

Doncaster, Victoria SON OF: Ernst August Aumann and

Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke





September 8th, 1882 Horsham, Victoria January 30th, 1952 Templestowe, Victoria January 31st, 1952 Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria Gustav Hermann Blobel and Maria nee Hartwich

Children of Gustav Adolph and Anna Maria Agnes Aumann











Gustav Adolph (Artie) Aumann was born on December 10th, 1876, at Doncaster, Victoria; the sixth child of Ernst August Aumann and Caroline Ernestine nee Hanke. Gustav Adolph or Artie as he was known, was the 6th child of Ernst and Caroline, who had nine sons and two daughters. He was educated at the East Doncaster School.

After leaving school as a young man, still living with his parents in Doncaster, he worked for Ferdinand Finger on the orchard. At one period, while scooping a dam, he was paid one pound, one shilling per week because of the excessively hard work; other orchard workers got one pound per week.

Artie, with three of his brothers, bought land at Templestowe, Victoria which they cleared and

turned into successful orchards. They then built five houses on their land before marrying; three of the brothers married three sisters.

The Aumann home, Templestowe, Victoria.

On August 18th, 1909, at Doncaster, Artie married Anna Maria Agnes nee Blobel who was born on September 8th, 1883, at Horsham, Victoria; the daughter of Gustav Hermann Blobel and Maria nee Hartwich. Annie was educated at the Horsham School and worked on her father’s farm when she finished her education.

Artie and Annie lived on the orchard property in Smith’s Road, Templestowe. They were always self-supporting, inasmuch as they had a cow for milk and butter, all the fruit they needed, and pigs which were fattened on the left-over fruit and scraps, then killed and turned into delicious sausages, pork, ham and bacon. Annie made bread, kuchen and also tended the fowls which provided eggs. When the fowls passed laying age they were eaten, so their five children were never hungry.

Artie and Annie with their children were found worshipping Sunday by Sunday at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. The family took an active part in church life and the children were all baptised, confirmed and married at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Annie was a member of the Templestowe State School Mother’s Club, and was involved in the Ladies Guild at the Lutheran Church.

Life was not easy in those days on the orchard — as during the season, after picking and packing the fruit, it was transported to market with horse and wagon — this meant leaving home at 10 p.m and returning the next day at 1 p.m, after which there was always work to be done.

Artie had a good sense of humour, was a lover of children and animals (especially horses and dogs) and obtained pleasure from the simple things of life.

Annie died on January 30th, 1932, and Artie on April 17th, 1964 — both at home where they had

L-R: Joyce, Walter, Ernest, Claris Aumann.

lived all their married life. Both were buried in the Box Hill Cemetery, Victoria.

The orchard was then carried on by his son, Ernie, until it was sold when the district grew into a suburb of Melbourne. Ernie and his wife still live on a block of land which was part of the orchard.


Walter Adolph Aumann was born on August 1st, 1910, at Ivanhoe, Victoria; the eldest child of Gustav Adolph Aumann and Anna Maria Agnes nee Blobel.

He was educated at the Templestowe School and on leaving school, worked at home on the orchard with his father until he purchased his own orchard property in Tindals Road, Warrandyte, Victoria where he lived until his death.

On October 5th, 1939, Walter married Dorothea Elsa nee Thiele, at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Dorothea was born on September 29th, 1913, at Doncaster East; the daughter of August Charles

Thiele and Annie Maria Elizabeth nee Rieschieck.

Walter and Dorothea had a family of two daughters. They were found worshipping regularly at the Lutheran Church, Doncaster where they all took an active part in the life of the church.

Walter died at Warrandyte on July 10th, 1974, and was buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria. After the Tindals Road property was sold, Dorothea bought a home in East Doncaster and lived there until her death on November 26th, 1975. She was also buried in the Templestowe Cemetery, Victoria.

Walter and Dorothea’s Wedding. October 5th, 1939.

The family of Walter Adolph and Dorothea Elsa Aumann

1. Brenda Dorthea Aumann b. 3-7.1942 Box Hill Vic.

Alan Gordon Hughes b. 5.7.1942 Williamstown Vic

1. Susan Marie Hughes

b. 18.1.1969 East Melbourne Vic

2. Paul Stuart Hughes

b. 20.12.1970 East Melbourne Vic

3. Andrew James Hughes b. 7.12.1973 Carlton Vic

2. Janice Elsa Aumann b. 23.8.1945 Box Hill Vic

John Walter Stewart b. 12.9.1943

1. Tamlynjoy Stewart b. 25.7.1974

2. Carla Anne Stewart b. 6.12.1979

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