Meetings of the MUIOOF
Meetings for members and committee members of the Doncaster Lodge and MUIOOF groups were regularly held locally and in country areas.The Loyal Doncaster lodge was part of the Yarra Yarra grouping of lodges which had the following associated lodges: Ashburton Lodge, Balwyn Lodge, Blackburn Lodge, Boroondara Lodge, Box Hill Lodge, Burwood Lodge, Camberwell Lodge, Charles Dalley I Croydon Lodge, Doncaster Lodge, Healesville Lodge, Kew Lodge, Kew William Wollard Junior Lodge, Lilydale Lodge, Mitcham Lodge, Powelltown Lodge, Surrey Hills Lodge, Tunstall Lodge, Warburton Lodge, Yarra Junction Lodge. Regular quarterly meeting of this group was held and often reported in local papers. The newspaper report in the “Reporter (Box Hill)” of March 1902 seemed to show that once business was discussed, the meeting became quite entertaining events.
With the Oddfellows at Mitcham - A Mitcham correspondent writes :-The grand quarterly meeting of the Yarra Yarra District M.U.I.O.O.F. was held in the Recreation hall, Mitcham, on Tuesday evening, 4th inst. Bro. G. M. T. Mackie presided, and was assisted by Bro. D.G.M. W. G. Town and Prov. C.S. Chas. Dalley. This being the first occasion on which the grand quarterly meeting had been held at Mitcham, and also the Prov. D.G.M. being a local merchant, the brethren of the Mitcham lodge attended in great numbers. There was also a very large number of visitors from other lodges, Box Hill, Doncaster, Kew, Camberwell, Balwyn, Ringwood, Boroondara, and Lillydale lodges being well represented. The interior of the Mitcham Hall that evening looked at its best. After the business had been smartly got through, P.D.G.M. Town announced on behalf of the N.G., Bro. C. E. Husband, that all present were to be entertained at the festive board, and the meeting soon developed into one of merriment and enjoyment. The first toast honored was that of 'The king," which was received with musical honors. Mr D. McClelland then charmed the audience with a song. Bros. C. Dalley and Craig also sang. Bro. T. R. McClelland proposed "The district officers." Bro. Husband contributed a song, and from Bro. Foley proposed "The Mitcham lodge," Bro Husband responding. Bro. Kingsley Gray proposed the toast of "The visitors," to which Bros. Gurney (Box Hill), Johnstone (Lillydale), and Craig Doncaster, responded. As most of the visitors had to return by an early train, the conviviality of the evening had to be short and sweet. A most enjoyable evening was wound up by the singing of the national anthem. Professor J. H. Rawlings of Box Hill, fully maintained his reputation at the piano.
Source: 1902 'With the Oddfellows at Mitcham.', The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic.: 1889 - 1925), 14 March, p. 2. , viewed 17 Nov 2022,
The MUIOOF had an extensive network of branches across Victoria and was governed by its Annual Moveable Conference (AMC) which, as its name suggests, was held in a different Victorian country centre each year. Lodges sent delegates to the AMC, where they voted on policies and rules, and elected the new Board of Directors for the coming year. The Loyal Doncaster Lodge attended these conferences and there is photograph held by Doncaster Templestowe Historical Society showing Mr August Zerbe at the Bendigo conference. Newspaper reports show that a conference was held in Bendigo in 1910 so the photograph may have been taken at this event.
Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows (MUIOOF) (Friendly Society) - The Loyal Doncaster Lodge
The Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows (MUIOOF) had its origins in Manchester, England. It was established in Melbourne on 7 December 1840 when Augustus Greeves, a member of the MUIOOF in England, migrated to Australia and formed the first lodge, Australia Felix Lodge, with journalist Thomas Strode. By the late nineteenth century, Manchester Unity had an extensive network of lodges in metropolitan and country Victoria. The Society was governed by its Annual Moveable Conference (AMC) which was held in a different Victorian country centre each year. Lodges sent delegates to the AMC, where they voted on policies and rules, and elected the new Board of Directors for the coming year.Friendly societies began life as trade-orientated benefit clubs with the purpose of protecting member workers and their families from being financially distressed due to injury or ill health, a loss of tools that would prevent them from being able to work, or even the death of a family member. Branches of friendly societies were generally formed by ordinary Australians who banded together in their local areas. Members made a small contribution each week to a common fund which paid benefits to those in the group who had become ill, lost work, or suffered hardship.
Societies were also socially-oriented, with regular meetings and social events providing entertainment and creating a sense of community spirit, particularly in emerging mining and rural districts.
Establishment of the Loyal Doncaster Lodge Branch of the MUIOOF
The Loyal Doncaster Lodge branch of the MUIOOF was established in Doncaster on 12 July 1889 as Branch No 6730 within the Yara Yarra district with initial trustees being August Zerbe (gardener) of Doncaster, Robert Williamson (farmer) of Bullen and William Meader (gentleman) of Box Hill.The Registrar of Friendly Societies subsequently acknowledged the registration of the Loyal Doncaster Lodge branch of society under the “Friendly Societies Act 1877” on 16 July 1889.
The Public Records of Victoria (PROV) has some limited records relating to the Loyal Doncaster Lodge. The few records available show the notice of establishment of the Lodge and a number of appointment of Trustees (but not all Trustees over the years of the Lodge).
12 July 1889 Notice of Establishment of Branch - Loyal Doncaster Lodge No 6780
Acknowledgement of registration of the Loyal Doncaster Lodge branch of the MUIOOF
PROV records also have details on a number of later trustee appointments made by members at meetings of the Doncaster Lodge held at the Atheneum Hall Doncaster as dated below:
It is interesting to note that Mr E. Bienvenue was the secretary of the branch for at least 30 years between 1929 to 1959.
Reference: Images: Public Records of Victoria, PROV. Ref: VPRS 284/P0001, 1578 - Loyal Doncaster Lodge; Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows; MUIOOF (need hyperlinks)
The MUIOOF provided assistance to members who had fallen on hard times, who were sick or to families on the passing of a family member. Little information is readily available on the finances of the Loyal Doncaster Lodge, of membership Nos or details of assistance provided by the lodge to members.
Some newspaper reports however provided limited details of the balance sheet, membership Nos, and on benefits being paid to members. The Reporter newspaper edition of 17 December 1909, gave the following report:
- 14 January 1903 – Frederick Carl Zerbe, fruitgrower, Waldau Lane Doncaster east, appointed a trustee in place of Otto Leber who had resigned – signed by secretary William Craig.
- 14 June 1905 – George Beavis, fruitgrower, Doncaster east, appointed in place of William Meader, licenced victualler, Whitehorse Road Blackburn, deceased - signed by secretary William Craig.
- 21 February 1929 – Frederick Carl Zerbe, orchardist, George Street Doncaster east, Stanley George Beavis, orchardist, King Street Doncaster east, and Nellie Evelyn Kingsworth Jolley, home duties, 26 Collins Street Box Hill, all appointed trustees – signed by secretary E. Bienvenue.
- 12 June 1930 – Squire Beavis, municipal employee, Church Road Doncaster, appointed in place of Stanley George Beavis, removed - signed by secretary E. Bienvenue.
- 17 August 1933 – George Bull, orchardist, Leeds Street, Doncaster appointed Trustee appointed in place of Nellie Evelyn Jolley, resigned - signed by secretary E. Bienvenue.
- 12 April 1934 – Frederick Carl Zerbe, orchardist, George Street Doncaster east, appointed Trustee in place of Frederick Carl Zerbe, deceased - signed by secretary E. Bienvenue.
- 16 August 1936 – Albert August Zerbe, orchardist, Blackburn Road Doncaster East, appointed Trustee in place of Frederick Carl Zerbe, deceased - signed by secretary E. Bienvenue.
- 7 June 1943 – Alan Robert Read, garage manager, Main Road Doncaster, appointed Trustee in place of Claude Bull, deceased - signed by secretary E. Bienvenue.
- 10 June 1954 – Charles William Lloyd, orchardist, Wetherby Road Doncaster, appointed Trustee in place of Alan R Read, ineligible due to arrears - signed by secretary E. Bienvenue.
- 8 December 1955 – Kathleen Mary Chaffey, domestic duties, Lawfords Road Doncaster east, appointed Trustee in place of Squire Beavis, deceased - signed by secretary E. Bienvenue.
- 15 December 1959 – Harry Sinclair, orchardist, Firth Street Doncaster, appointed Trustee in place of Kathleen M Chaffey, resigned - signed by secretary E. Bienvenue.
- 11 February 1972 – Alan Frederick Tolley, leading hand, 37 George Street East Doncaster, appointed Trustee in place of Albert August Zerbe, deceased - signed by secretary W. Walmsley ??.
Example of Resolution Appointing Trustee – Kathleen Mary Chaffey 1955
Reference: Images: Public Records of Victoria, PROV. Ref: VPRS 284/P0001, 1578 - Loyal Doncaster Lodge; Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows; MUIOOF (need hyperlinks)
The Activities of the Loyal Doncaster Lodge
The Loyal Doncaster Lodge operated out of the Atheneum Hall in Doncaster which was constructed in 1871 in Doncaster Road, Doncaster, part of the site being purchased from the Crown and a further acre donated by Alfred Hummel. The hall opened on 29 November 1871 and contained the first public library in the district. Over many years, a number extensions and modifications were made to the building to that shown in the photograph below.Doncaster Athenaeum Hall, Before the supper room was added in 1914. Taken from the corner of Church Road. Shows the side wall of the original 1870 hall, as well as the timber additions at the rear containing the Library and Lodge Room. The adjoining paddock, belonging to the Church of England, is bounded by a post and 3-rail fence. DP0049
Some newspaper reports however provided limited details of the balance sheet, membership Nos, and on benefits being paid to members. The Reporter newspaper edition of 17 December 1909, gave the following report:
Doncaster News. The half-yearly meeting of the Loyal Doncaster lodge, M.U.I.O.O.F., was held on the 8th inst., when the balance sheet showed the amount of £811 to the credit of the lodge. There are 109 financial members on the books, and six others receiving benefits. The officers for the ensuing half-year are: A. Wasbausen, G.M.; F. Zerbe, V.G.; R. Sutherland, V.G. Over £90 sick pay was paid away during the year.On many occasions, newspaper notices of the death of Doncaster residents made mention of the deceased person as being a member of the MUIOOF and it is possible that the Lodge assisted the families with support following the passing of the family member.
Source: 1909 'Doncaster News.', The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic. : 1889 - 1925), 17 December, p. 4. , viewed 19 Nov 2022,
For example, “The Reporter, Box Hill”, in its 23 March 1917 edition had the following:
An “In Memorium” Service in memory of Private Frank Svanborg, who lost his life at the front from wounds received in battle, was held on Sunday evening, March 18, in the Christian Chapel, Main Road, Doncaster. The building was well filled, a good number of the M.U.I.O.O.F. (of which society he was an honored member) being present. Mr. John Tully referred to the deceased soldier's connection with the Sunday school, church, Oddfellows, and as a citizen in that district, and expressed the deep sympathy of all for his bereaved relatives. Mr. W. Wilson delivered an earnest sermon, taking as his text, "All things work together for good." The choir sang suitable anthems, and special hymns were rendered. The National Anthem and "God save our splendid men" were sung by the congregation. Source: 1917 'DONCASTER NOTES.', The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic. : 1889 - 1925), 23 March, p. 4. , viewed 19 Nov 2022,, The Argus 24 May 1941 had a notice as follows:
LEBER - Loyal Doncaster Lodge, MUIOOF.
Officers and Brethren of the above Lodge and the Order in general are informed that the remains of our esteemed Bro. O. LEBER, P.G., will be interred in the Box Hill Cemetery. The funeral will leave his late residence, Doncaster East, THIS DAY (Saturday, May 24), at 11 a.m. E. LEBER, N.G. E. BIENVENU, Secretary.
Source: 1941 'Family Notices', The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 24 May, p. 9. , viewed 19 Nov 2022,
Sporting and Social Events of the Loyal Doncaster Lodge
From newspaper reports, it appears that the Doncaster Lodge was a key group in organising and running sporting and social events over many years for the residents of Doncaster.The Annual Sports and Picnic Carnival
The Loyal Doncaster Lodge branch for many years held an annual sports and picnic carnival. A newspaper article advertising the 1910 carnival indicated that that this was the 21st anniversary of the carnival which suggests that the carnival had originated back around to 1889 when the Loyal Doncaster branch was established. It appears that the carnival was held at Doncaster Recreation Reserve on Easter Mondays.Local newspapers reported on the events of the day and articles show that carnivals included a wide range of events that could include running races for boys, girls, ladies and men, bicycle races (from 1903 onwards), wood-chopping, high jump, and novelty events like bowling a cricket ball, counting competitions, ladies nail driving competition. Events required an entry fee and monetary prizes were on offer for winners. Spectators were often entertained by the local Doncaster band.
The Reporter newspaper in its 4 March 1910 edition included the following advertisement for the sports carnival detailing the events to be held on the day.
M.U.I.O.O.F. Loyal Doncaster Lodge 21st ANNIVERSARY Sports & Picnic will be held in the RECREATION RESERVE, DONCASTER, on EASTER MONDAY, MARCH 28th, 1910.
£73 in prizes
1. DISTRICT HANDICAP 120 yds. 1st prize, £1 10/; 2nd, 7/6; 3rd 2/6. For residents within a radius of four miles of the reserve who have never won an advertised race; 10 yds. limit. Entrance fee, 1/6.
2. BOYS' RACE (under 14 years); 100 yds. 1st prize, 5/; 2nd, 3/; 3rd, 2/. Entrance, 6d.
3. GIRLS' RACE (under 14 years), 75 yds. 1st prize, 5/; 2nd, 3/; 3rd, 2/. Entrance, 6d.
4. DONCASTER M.U. HANDICAP, 120 yds.-Sheffield. 1st prize, £2 10/; 2nd, £1 5/; 3rd, 15/. Limited to members of the Doncaster Lodge, M.U., up to date. Heats to be drawn on the ground. Entrance, 2/6.
5. HANDICAP OPEN BICYCLE RACE, 1 mile. 1st prize, £3; 2nd, 15/; 3rd, 5/. Entrance, 2/6.
6. OPEN HANDICAP, 120 yds. -Sheffield. 1st prize, £10; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £1; 4th, 7/6. Entrance, 7/6.
7. OPEN HANDICAP HALF-MILE FOOT RACE. 1st prize, £3; 2nd, £1; 3rd, 10/. Entrance, 3/.
8. DISTRICT BICYCLE RACE, One mile and a half. 1st prize, £3; 2nd, £1; 3rd, 10/. Open only to residents of Shire of Doncaster for at least six months prior to date of race. Entrance, 2/6.9.
9. BOWLING CRICKET BALL at Single Stump. 1st prize, £1; 2nd, 7/6; 3rd, 2/6. Entrance, 1/.
10. OPEN WOOD-CHOPPING HANDICAP. - 1st prize, £10; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £1; 4th, 7/6. Entrance, 7/6. 18-inch logs. Committee will provide logs proper size, fix same, and draw lots for chopping.
11. OPEN HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, 120 yds. 1st prize, £3; 2nd, £1; 3rd, 10/. Entrance, 3/.
12. OPEN BICYCLE RACE (handicap), Two miles. 1st prize, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £1. Entrance, 4/. 13. RUNNING HIGH JUMP (handicap). 1st prize, 15/; 2nd, 10/; 3rd, 2/6. Entrance, 1/.
15. LADIES' RACE (over 14 years). Two Trophies donated by Yarra Yarra District Officers, M.U.I.O.O.F.
16. OPEN DISTRICT HANDICAP WOOD CHOP, 5-mile radius. 18-inch logs. 1st prize, £3; 2nd, £1; 3rd, 10/. Entrance, 3/.
Don't Forget-Entries close SATURDAY, 12th MARCH, and entry fees must accompany same, otherwise they will not be accepted.
First Race to start at 11 a.m. sharp.
RULES AND CONDITIONS. Nominations for Events Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 16, as above, must be lodged with the Secretary, P. CLAY, Doncaster, not later than SATURDAY, 12th MARCH, accompanied by entrance fees and past two years' performances. If no performance within that time, then the LAST Two Performances. All other events Post Entry. No acceptance fees. Six (6) entries each event or no contest. All protests must be entered within 15 minutes after the event, accompanied by a deposit of 5/, which will be forfeited if the protest is deemed frivolous. Disputes will be settled by the Protest Committee, whose decision will be final. The Committee reserve the right to refuse any entry. Entries unaccompanied by fees will NOT be accepted.
R GLAY, Secretary
Source: 1910 'Advertising', The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic. : 1889 - 1925), 4 March, p. 7., viewed 17 Nov 2022,
Oddfellows picnic on Easter Monday, at the Recreation Ground at the corner of Doncaster Road and Leeds Street. A woodchopping event is photographed taking place. Other events that took place were athletics and bicycle races - DP0598
Wilfred Crouch and brother Ethelbert in racing togs and racing bikes at the Crouch orchard in Williamsons Road, Doncaster. Wilfred Crouch is wearing the "Kew Flyer" jersey and Ethelbert is wearing "Rose Cycles" jersey. Possibly they also participated at the MUIOOF Doncaster sports carnivals - DP0298
The running of the carnivals required the approval of the Doncaster Council. An article in the Reporter newspaper of 6 March 1908 reported on a meeting between council and the Oddfellows to discuss aspects of the upcoming carnival. Matters discussed included the need to stop gambling on events, maintenance of the bicycle track, and a need to stop bicycle race participants from practicing on the track on Sundays. The article read:
From W. Craig, sec. Doncaster lodge M.U.I.O.O.F., asking permission to hold the annual lodge sports in Recreation reserve on Easter Monday, under same conditions as those of last year.—Request granted, on motion of Crs Tully and Crouch.—Cr Sell hoped better precaution would be taken to stop gambling. He knew that two or three bookmakers came out at last sports and set to work, as he had found a ticket at his own place. He suggested that the lodge and the council join in the expense of employing a private detective at the sports.—Mr Craig thanked the council for granting the request. He, and no doubt the other members of the committee, had no idea of gambling being carried on, and if it was it must have been done very quietly. They did their best to stop gambling, and would be only too pleased to fall in with the council's suggestion. They wanted the sports as pure as could be, and had always endeavoured to carry out ever thing in a proper manner.—A deputation was present from the Oddfellows to ask that the bicycle track be put in good order, that the embankment be raised at a certain spot, and one or two other small matters attended to. It was desirous that the work should be undertaken at once, as cyclists were anxious to train. They were prepared to assist the work to any reasonable extent, and would like to hear suggestions from the council.—Cr Tully moved that the public works committee meet the Oddfellows and decide upon the work to be done, and that the council grant £3 out of the £9 on the estimates for the reserve. He thought every credit was due to the Oddfellows for the way they conducted the sports. He had not seen any gambling, and it was the first he had heard of the matter. There was no doubt that many classes of sport had been ruined through the element of gambling, and he would be quite willing to adopt Cr Sell's suggestion. One thing he wished to express his opinion on, and that was that he would do all he could to stop the ground being used on Sundays. Several complaints had been made to him last year, but he felt sure the Oddfellows would give him every assistance in preventing the ground being used in such a manner as was done last year.—Cr Sell seconded, and agreed that Sunday training should be put down. He felt satisfied the Oddfellows would assist in this matter, as they were just as eager as the council to see that nothing occurred as would redound to the discredit of the sports.—Cr Tully's motion was carried.-Mr Craig, in thanking the council for the courtesy extended the deputation, said that he did not see how they could stop Sunday training unless the police took up the matter.—Cr Sell replied that the president could request the police to prohibit anyone entering the ground on a Sunday, and this would be the easiest way to get over the difficulty.In preparation for the 1910 carnival, council rejected the MUIOOF’s application for a publican’s beer booth at the carnival to sell beer to the attendees and expressed their disappointment that such an application had been made. It’s so similar to today’s times where the sale and consumption of alcohol, sports betting at events and condition of the sports facilities are often raised as matters of concern.
Source: 1908 'DONCASTER SHIRE COUNCIL', The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic. : 1889 - 1925), 6 March, p. 5. , viewed 19 Nov 2022,
Following the annual carnivals, local newspapers would often provide a report on the day’s activities. For example, the Box Hill Reporter of 24 April 1908 reported on the carnival held earlier in the week as follows:
DONCASTER M.U. SPORTS. Great success attended the annual sports and picnic of the M.U I O.O.F. Loyal Doncaster lodge, held in the recreation reserve, East Doncaster, on Easter Monday. A liberal programme, a beautiful situation, a most careful attention to every regard for the com fort of visitors have combined to make this the premier sports event of the Eastern suburbs, and this year that reputation was, if possible, further enhanced. Itself a growing concern, the lodge keeps the sports well apace with its progress. The sports are not run for a commercial advantage, and each step of success that has been made in the past has been characterised by a further step in the direction of providing a firmer basis and a better quality of sports. This year the prize money was increased to £75 and the result was larger entries and a larger attendance. From far and near the public gathered, and from the hour of commencement until after lunch, cabs, drags, waggonettes, bicycles, and almost every kind of vehicle for locomotion unburdened themselves of their loads of pleasure-seekers at the reserve gates, until at about 2 o'clock, when the attendance was at its largest, a crowd of considerably over 1000 encircled the barrier of the cycle track. Many were picnickers, and combined the joys of sport with favourable, and though at times it appeared as if the long-looked-for rain would come down on the prepared and unprepared alike, it only came in one slight shower, and after that the pleas ant, warm rays of the sun prevailed. The article went on to detail the winners of the various races and events
Source: 1908 'DONCASTER M.U. SPORTS.', The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic. : 1889 - 1925), 24 April, p. 6. , viewed 19 Nov 2022,
Not all carnivals though were as successful. The 1912 carnival was held on a cold day with heavy rain although the rain appears to have been badly needed by the fruit growers. The “Reporter (Box Hill)” newspaper of 12 April 1912 reported on the day as follows:
Sports at Doncaster. The annual picnic sports of the Loyal Doncaster lodge, M.U.I.O.O.F., were held under exasperating weather conditions at the Recreation reserve, Doncaster, on Easter Monday. The heavy rain, so badly needed by the agriculturists and horticulturists which commenced to fall early on Sunday, continued almost incessantly on Monday, with the result that the ground and the cycling and running tracks wore completely sodden. To infuse ordinary enthusiasm into competitive events under these circumstances was out of the question, and the heavy showers which, accompanied by a cold, biting wind occurred intermittently during the afternoon, added to the general unpleasant ness, and materially affected the gate receipts. Considering the weather, however, there was a large attendance of spectators, and the "Reporter" district brass band, under the baton of Band master Foster, did its best in the face of stupendous odds to diffuse an element of cheerfulness in surroundings which were most depressing and gloomy. There was a series of falls in the bicycle races, owing to the greasy state of the track. but none resulted very seriously. The strong wind, though unwelcome in other respects, did much to improve matters towards the close of the programme, and when several of the finals were ridden the track was almost dry. The complete programme was carried out in spite of the weather.
Source: 1912 'Sports at Doncaster.', The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic. : 1889 - 1925), 12 April, p. 2. , viewed 19 Nov 2022,
The 1928 event seems to be the last reporting of the carnival but it is not evident what happened in later years. Possibly the Depression period of late 1920’s made the holding such events to be too expensive and they were discontinued. The Box Hill Reporter of 13 April 1928 had reported on the 1928 carnival held earlier on Easter Monday as follows:
Doncaster Sports - Perfect weather favoured the occasion of the 39th annual sports held in the Doncaster recreation held on Easter Monday under the auspices of the local branch of the M.U.I.O.O.F. Visitors numbered bout 500, the majority of whom came specially from other districts. Entries in most of the events were good, and showed the keenness of the contestants. Wood-chopping events were undoubtedly the most popular. There were 16 entries each in the standing block and under-hand log chops. Both of these events were won by Mr G. P. Summers, of Mitcham, in fast time. Mr Summers used the latest model "Collins" axe, with which he has been successful in other parts of the State. The novelty wood chop provided the greatest fun of the day. There were 30 entries. Six-inch blocks were used, and the unfortunate competitors were prohibited from touching the logs with their feet and chased their prey with some of the most antiquated axes the district could produce, drawn from sack from which only the tips of the handles protruded. Mr. F. Larsen handicapped the wood-chopping events. Some of the competitors came from Wandong. There were 29 entries in the Hawthorn professional cycling club races, and visitors were given positions to watch. Bowling at the wicket was closely contested, and the event had to be bowled off four times before a final was arrived at. Hot water and refreshments were supplied, and quite a number of visitors enjoyed the opportunity of good weather-and of the pleasant surroundings to the full picnicking in the reserve. Further entertainment was provided in the evening by the Premier Theatrical Concert Party, who gave a splendid programme in the Atheneum Hall. The attendance was fair, and all present enjoyed the various items, most of which were encored. Mr Dick Smith officiated at the piano. Dancing followed the concert, and continued until after midnight.
Source: 1928 'DONCASTER SPORTS', Box Hill Reporter (Vic.: 1925 - 1930), 13 April, p. 6. , viewed 17 Nov 2022,
Social Events
Over the years, the MUIOOF held a number of social events and soon after its formation, the first social in connection with the Doncaster Lodge was held in the Atheneum Hall, Doncaster, on 14th November 1889. “The Reporter” newspaper of Box Hill reported on the event as follows:Loyal Doncaster Lodge M.U.I.O.O.F. The first social in connection with the above was held in the Atheneum, Doncaster, on Thursday night, 14th inst., and was a great success. A large number went from Box Hill, in order to show their sympathy with their friends at Doncaster. The first part of the entertainment consisted of a concert which interested as well as amused the audience. Mr. F. Groman opened the entertainment by playing, with his usual good taste and feeling, an overture on the piano. This was followed by a song from Mr. Fogg, whose voice sounded well in "Let me like a soldier fall." Mr. Chescoe, whose services are brought into requisition at every concert, amused the company by singing " For ever and for ever." The next item on the programme was a duet by Misses E. and A. Rawlings, who sang in good time and tune " Home to our mountains;" this song was deservedly applauded. Mr. Watson, of Kew, gave a comic song, " A night with the baby" to the satisfaction of all. Miss N. Collings had some reason to favor the company with a song called " Bother the men," because they do bother her, and will continue to do so while she still retains the prefix " Miss," and in doing so they show their good taste. A clog dance by Mr. Legg brought down the house. " Annie Laurie" was well rendered by Mr. Albert Groman. Miss L. Collings sung very sweetly " Tit for Tat," and Mr. Gurney favoured the audience with the "Bay of Biscay." Mr. Chescoe again made his appearance, when he acquitted himself with credit by singing, " In the sweet by-and-bye." Mr. Watson sang, "Just a little " in fine style. Mr. F. Groman gave a comic song, entitled " A dim party," with good effect. Miss Alice Rawlings delighted the company by singing, " Out on the rocks," and her sister, Miss E. Rawlings, who was in good voice, rendered very sweetly, " The old, old, way." Mr. Meader, sen., occupied the chair. The ladies of Doncaster attended to the creature wants of the ladies and gentlemen who had gone over to help them, and it is difficult to say who were the most pleased— those who went to the entertainment or their entertainers. After the concert the room was cleared when the lovers of the dance finished np their enjoyment.
Source: 1889 'LOYAL DONCASTER LODGE M.U.I.O.O.F.', The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic.: 1889 - 1925), 22 November, p. 3. viewed 22 Oct 2022,
The MUIOOF it seems was the catalyst for much of the social activities happening at Doncaster. Concert and balls were held in the Atheneum Hall at various times and particularly following the annual sports carnivals held at the Doncaster reserve. It was reported that the concert goers were entertained in songs, musical performances and recitations by “really” first-class talent engaged for the occasion with the building crowded to the doors and with a thoroughly appreciative audience
An article in the Reporter newspaper of 22 August 1924 reported on the recent fortnightly dance at the Athenaeum Hall.
Doncaster Dances - The usual fortnightly dance, under the auspices of the Doncaster branch of the M.U.I.O.O.F. eventuated in the Athenaeum Hall on Thursday night, 7th August. Prizes were given for the best dancers in the various sections. The annual ball in connection with the above will be held on Thursday night, 2nd Oct, when the arrangements will be in charge of Mr J. Crossnian. and the music will be supplied by Mr Widge Emerton and his famous Jazz Hounds (six in number). Tickets are now selling rapidly, and a record crowd is assured.
Source: 1924 'Municipal Election Contests', The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic. : 1889 - 1925), 22 August, p. 2. , viewed 20 Nov 2022,
Photograph of a fancy dress ball held in the Athenaeum Hall, Doncaster. Possibly a Loyal Doncaster Lodge event – DP0996
Photograph of the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows conference at Bendigo. August Zerbe of the Doncaster Lodge is first in the first row on the left of the photo - DP0723
The Loyal Doncaster Lodge MUIOOF Honour Board – World Wars 1 & 2
Many MUIOOF branches throughout Victoria commissioned Roll of Honour boards to commemorate the its members and their family members the who served in World War 1 (1914-1918) and/or World War 2 (1939-1945).
The Loyal Doncaster Lodge commissioned such a board that lists 53 names from the area. It is not known when the board was made but it was sometime after World War 2 as names from that war are listed on the board. The Board is made of dark stained timber with a peaked timber feature at the top with the member names and inscriptions printed in gold lettering with small representations of Australian and British flags painted on the top of the board. It is possible that the Board was originally located in the Atheneum Hall prior to the hall demolition in 2001 and possibly relocated to the Doncaster branch of the Returned Soldiers League (RSL).
In 2022 the board was donated by the Doncaster RSL to the Doncaster Templestowe Historical Society and is now on display at the Schramm’s Cottage Museum Complex.
The names and inscriptions on the on the board are:
1914-18: + Bloom. R | Bloom. H | Barker. C | Bayley. W | + Bell. G | Clark. N | Clark. H | + Clay. H | Craig. F | Duncan. D | + Dobson. W | Dempster. G | Ellis. G | Harris. A | Hooper. W | Hunter. T | Jones. A | Lloyd. G | Longmore. A | + Longmore. F | Longmore. R | Mathews. J | Mahoney. B | Petty. T.H | Schafter. G | + Simpson. J | + Svanborg. F | Theile. O | Williamson. H | Zerbe. H | Zerbe. F |
1939-45: Betton. W | Blomfield. H | Britt. D | Britt. T | Beavis. G.G | Beavis. W.C | Beavis. J.L | Bienvenu. E.T | Bienvenu. D | Duncan. B | Fixter. E | Gill. N | Gilmour. D | Handasyde. J | Jewell. G | Johnston. T | Lloyd. C | Leber. E. Sister | Read. H | Tolley. F.H | Withers. J |
Names with “+” against them are presumed to be those killed in action.
Loyal Doncaster Lodge – MUIOOF Honour Board
Later Records of The Loyal Doncaster Lodge MUIOOF
Much of the information on the activities of the Loyal Doncaster Lodge has been sourced from the National Library of Australia “TROVE” on-line scanned images of newspapers. News on the Loyal Doncaster Lodge featured prominently in local newspapers “Reporter (Box Hill)” and “Box Hill Reporter”. While the ‘Box Hill Reporter” was in publication to 1964, scanned copies are only available up to 1931 so much of this article is up until this date.
At the time of writing this piece (November 2022), it is unclear when the Loyal Doncaster Branch ceased to exist. It was still in place at least to 1972 as shown earlier with the appointment of trustees in that year.
Possibly the branch existed up to 1993 when Manchester Unity (Victoria) merged with the Australian Natives Association to form Australian Unity Friendly Society Limited, now known as Australian Unity Limited. The MUIOOF had existed from 1840 – 1993.
The Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra holds the records of many lodges at its Noel Butlin Archives Centre. Victorian Metropolitan Lodge records are held under reference Z262 with the specific Loyal Doncaster Lodge records contained in boxes 240-244 and as follows:
- Box No 240 Minutes of Meetings: 1889-1897, 1897-1904, 1921-1928, 1928-1932, 1932-1936, 1936-1943.
- Box No 241 Minutes of Meetings: 1941-1944, 1944-1950,
- Rough Minutes of Meetings: 1889-1897, 1897-1900
- Trustees’ Cash Book: 1954-1960
- Box No 242 Record of Sickness: 1934-1965
- Treasurer’s Disbursement Account: 1963-1966
- Applications for memberships & Clearance: 1952-1963
- Miscellaneous Items - 1 Envelope: 1889-1898
- Box No 243 Contribution Book: 1956-1959
- Box No 244 Secretary’s Cash Book: 1953-1966
It is hoped that one day these records can be examined by DTHS to further expand the history of the Loyal Doncaster Branch of the MUIOOF.
Source: Australian National University (ANU) - Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Source: Ian Schafter, DTHS Member, November 2022
Loyal Doncaster Lodge No.6730 Wooden Ceremonial Battle Axe
Amicitia Amor Et Veritas. English: "Friendship, Love and Truth".
DTHS Collection - DJ number ?????
Photo by A. Aberline. Ceremony performed on 10th June by Mr. Walter West, Grand-Master of the Order.
Source: 1916 'No title', Punch (Melbourne, Vic. : 1900 - 1918; 1925), 29 June, p. 25. , viewed 26 Mar 2023,
Need DP1641 and caption info
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