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A Companion Volume to The Thiele Family of Doncaster, 1849-1989
Eric Collyer
Doncaster I Templestowe Historical Society
Front cover: Henry Thiele's shop and residence, Main Road Doncaster. Sketch by C.H. Wilksch, 2001 based on an original photograph.
Back cover: photo montage depicting various aspects of Friedensruh (photos by David Thiele).
DISCLAIMER Information contained in the family trees of this publication is based on data supplied by family descendants. Any discrepancies or omissions are unintentional and sincerely regretted.
Copyright © 2003 Eric Collyer Printed by Openbook Print, Halifax Street, Adelaide, South Australia
Acknowledgements ... V
1989 Family Reunion ..Vl
The Thiele Family in Sarichen ..... .IX
Johann Gottlieb Thiele -Family Listing
Johann Gotthold Adalbert Oswald Thiele Family
.2 Maria Ottielie Adelheide Straede Family
5 Marie Anna Auguste Straede Family 11 Edmund Maximilian Valentin Thiele .... 16 Ambrose Friedrich Thiele Family. ..... 17 Agnes Auguste Dettmann Family ..... 29 Max Herman Thiele Family .33 Anna Martha Bunge Family ......40 Alfred Albert Otto Edwin Thiele Family ·-· .....52
Johann Gottfried Thiele -Family Listing Matthias Johann Heinrich Thiele ......66 Carl August Heinrich Thiele Family ... 67 Gottfried Heinrich Thiele Family .72 Ernst Ferdinand Thiele Family ... . .....77 Dorothea Ida Schurmann Family ......79 Friedrich Johann Ferdinand Thiele Family .......81 Franz Eric Thiele Family ....84
Appendix 1: The German Settlement at Doncaster ...... .87 Appendix 2: Friedensruh Property ..... .... 88 Appendix 3: Heritage Markers -Ruffey Lake Park....... ..89 Appendix 4: "The Doncaster District", The Australasian, 6 July, 1907 ... ...... 90 Appendix 5: "Sound Management Displayed in a Doncaster Orchard", ......94
The Weekly Times, November 11, 1933
It is now fourteen years since the Thiele Family of Doncaster 1849-1989 was published to commemorate the 140th anniversary of the arrival of our forebears in Australia on 6 March 1849. This year marks the 150th anniversary of their settlement at Doncaster in 1853 and was therefore considered an appropriate time to update the family record.
In this companion volume, the family trees are presented in their updated form together with a brief history of the family background in Germany prior to the emigration of our forefathers to these shores 154 years ago. Information for this section has been researched by family descendants in Australia on visits to Germany. from parish records of the Lutheran Church at Kodersdorf where members of the family were baptised and worshipped, and at Horka where the parents of our forebears in Australia were married in 1819.
Further research into our ancestry in Germany will remain a task for future generations and it is my hope that this publication might provide some incentive in that direction.
The following statistics may be of interest to readers of this addendum.
As at 16 April 1989:
• Total number of descendants including spouses/partners -1047 As at 24 October 2003 :
• Total number of descendants including spouses/partners -1490 (approx)
• Number of family units -460
• Oldest living descendant -Oswald Tudor Straede, born 21 September 1913
• Youngest living descendant -Rachel Page Harrison born 16 September 2003 (sixth generation)
May this publication provide an ongoing link between past and present generations of the Thiele Family and give to the younger generations in particular a sense of place and pride in that which binds us together as one family -our common ancestry.
Eric Collyer
24 October 2003
The contribution made by the following people in the production of this book is acknowledged with grateful thanks.
• Family descendants for providing information and photographs for this publication
• Richard Thiele for invaluable assistance with the entering and storage of family history data provided by family descendants, scanning of photographs, typing and proof reading
• Tim Bunge for information relating to the Thiele family background in Germany, and for photographs taken of Sarichen, Kodersdorf and Horka in Germany
• David Thiele for photographs taken at Sarichen and the Lutheran Church at Kodersdorf, Germany, the Thiele family reunion in 1989 and the various colour photographs of Friedensruh and its garden (which appear on the back cover of this book)
• Harold Wilksch for art work featured on the front cover of this publication
• Robert Wuchatsch for providing information in Appendixes 4 and 5
• David Sweeney and staff of Openbook Publishers, Adelaide, for advice and technical assistance
For additional copies of this publication, please contact Eric Collyer at Friedensruh, 10 Waldau Court, Doncaster, Victoria, 3108. Copies of the original family history publication The Thiele Family ofDoncaster 1849-1989 may also be obtained from this address.
Doncaster I Templestowe Historical Society
Areunion of approximately 200 family descendants of Gottlieb and Gottfried Thiele was held at
Doncaster, Victoria, on the weekend of April 15-16, 1989.
The weekend reunion began with a morning tea and light luncheon at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall at Doncaster, which included the official launch of the original family history book
The Thiele Family of Doncaster, 18491989 by Pastor John Sims.
On Saturday afternoon, a car tour of historic sites associated with family forebears took place. The tour included stops at Waldau Cemetery and Trinity Lutheran Church, Doncaster; Boroondara Cemetery at Kew (which contains the graves of Gottlieb and Gottfried Thiele, among others); Trinity Lutheran Church,
Thiele family reunion, April 1989
Parliament Place, Melbourne and St John's Lutheran Church, Southgate.
On Saturday evening, a spit roast meal was held at Serpell Primary School Hall,
Thiele family reunion 1989. Judy Rowe and Max Bunge cutting the cake.
East Doncaster. The evening concluded with the cutting of a special reunion cake by Judith Rowe and Max Bunge.
On Sunday, David Modra (a family descendant), took group photographs of those who attended the reumon. Afterwards, commemorative trees were planted by members of the family in the adjacent Ruffey Lake Park. A picnic lunch was then held in the grounds of Friedensruh.
The weekend festivities concluded with a Service of Thanksgiving held at St Paul's Lutheran Church, Box Hill. Pastor Robert Thiele (another family descendant) based his address on Psalm 115:1. Plaque commemorating the descendants ofJohann Gottfried Thiele, Ruffey Lake Park Plaque commemorating the descendants ofJohann Gottlieb Thiele, Rujfey Lake Park
Michael Thiele planting tree at family reunion
Since the publication of the original family history in 1989, further research has provided some interesting details to add to the already scant amount of information already known about the background of the Thiele family in Germany prior to the migration of Gottlieb and Gottfried Thiele to Australia.
It is known for certain that Gottlieb and Gottfried Thiele hailed from Sarichen, a small farming town located near the city of Garlitz in the former Kingdom of Prussia, and emigrated to Melbourne in 1848. From their migration records, it is also known that Gottlieb's occupation was that of a tailor, and his younger brother Gottfried a stonemason. Gottlieb was also married and had two young children.
Main street, Siirichen
baptismal records would suggest, before some members of the family settled in Sarichen in the early 1800s .
What has hampered research in recent times is the fact that some 95% of the original township of Sarichen was obliterated during fierce combat between advancing Russian troops and retreating Nazi soldiers in the closing stages of World War II, thus destroying many valuable records, sites and family links to the area in the process. The nearby towns of Kodersdorf and Horka were, however, spared major damage. The small Lutheran churches in these towns survived, the former being where the Thiele family attended worship services.
After the war and the subsequent division of Germany into zones of occupation by the Allies, Silesia was for the most part partitioned and the tiny remaining portion of the province, which included Sarichen, became part of the German Democratic Republic (DDR). Furthermore, access to any surviving records was made difficult by the communist authorities that governed East Germany until 1989.
With the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989 and the reunification of East and West Germany in October 1990, travel to regions within the former DDR was made much more viable as was gaining access to existing family sites and records.
The Origins of Gottlieb and Gottfried Thiele
From the baptismal register located at the Kodersdorf Lutheran Church, it has been ascertained that Gottlieb and Gottfried Thiele had six siblings, two of whom died in infancy. Some sketchy details of Thiele descendants of at least one of these four other surviving siblings can be gleaned from anecdotal information provided by elderly residents of the village in the 1990s. There is, however, no-one bearing the name of Thiele in the village of Sarichen today.
The marriage register at the Horka Lutheran Church has also survived, and the following (translated) entry appears for the 28th February 1819:
"Johann Gottfried Thiele married Maria Rosine Jahne, born in 1791, the adopted daughter of Johann Dittrichs of Oberhorka-Miickenhain. Johann Gottfried Thiele was born at Miickenhain in 1790 to a single mother. His father was Willy Elias Dhirls, a market gardener"
From the date of the marriage entry at Horka, it is also evident that Johann Gottfried Thiele and Maria Rosine Jahne ma1Tied only 11 weeks before the birth of their first child, Johann Gottlieb, who was born on 16th May 1819. It is not clear what Gottfried's occupation was at the time of his marriage, however baptismal records for his later children reveal that he was a building constructor, or mason, in Sarichen.
How Gottfried came to be given the surname Thiele is unclear. One theory is that it was his mother's maiden name.
Altar and pulpit in Kodersdorf church
However, it is more probable that his mother married after he was born and that it was the name of his adoptive father. In a baptismal record located at the Kodersdorf Lutheran Church for the first of Gottfried's children, Johann Gottlieb, in 1819, his brother Andreas Thiele is listed as a witness. It is also recorded that Andreas was a farmer at Sarichen. In 1835, another baptismal entry reveals the existence of Andreas' wife, Maria, as well as their eldest son, Juvenes Johann Gottlieb.
Curiously, a Hans Georg Thiele is mentioned as being a witness at the baptism of Johann Gottfried Thiele in 1825; also a Michael Thiele, son of Hans Christoph Thiele, at the baptism of Johann Traugott Thiele, in 1828. The relationship of these other Thieles to Johann Gottfried snr cannot be clearly established.
Eight children are known to have been born to Gottfried and Maria Thiele. All of these children were baptised in the Lutheran Church at Kodersdorf. They were:
1. Johann Gottlieb THIELE (born 16.5.1819; baptised 18.5.1819) *
2. Anna Rosine THIELE (born 4.9.1820; baptised 16.9.1820)
3. Johanna Christiana THIELE (born 4.3.1823; baptised 11.3.1823)
4. Johann Gottfried THIELE (born 24.9.1825; baptised 28.9.1825) *
5. Johann Traugott THIELE (born 6.2.1828; baptised 9.2.1828; died 16.11.1835; buried 18.11.1835; reason given for death: arthritis)
6. son [unnamed] (born and died 22.5.1830; died suddenly of apoplexy at 5 hours old)
7. Johann Christoph THIELE (born 29.8.1831; baptised 31.8.1831)
8. Johann Michael Gotthelf THIELE (born 29.9.1835; baptised 5.10.1835)
* emigrated to Australia in 1848
The main street, Siirichen showing entrance to Thiele home on left
Thiele home at Siirichen. The house was destroyed in World War II, but rebuilt in its original form
It is probable that some or all of Gottlieb's and Gottfried's surviving siblings who remained in Germany married. From scant evidence available, it is believed that, apart from Gottfried snr's brother Andreas, there were Thiele descendants still living in Sarichen until the early 1930s.
According to the research of Tim Bunge, a family descendant who visited Sarichen in 1991, there was someone by the name of Gotthelf Thiele (possibly a son of Johann Michael Gotthelf Thiele, the eighth and youngest child of Gottfried Snr and Maria) who lived in Sarichen from c.1860 to 1930; he had three children -Martha, Hedwig and Berthold.
Martha and Hedwig both married, but their respective husbands were killed in World War I. Martha is known to have had two sons, Erich Renner (b.1910) and Herbert Renner (b.1915), both of whom were killed in World War II. Berthold, his wife and son migrated to western Germany around 1933 and their present whereabouts, or those of any descendants, is not known.
Since 1997, no other comprehensive research into the family origins in Germany has been undertaken. Further work may yield more information that could add to the Thiele family story.
Typical record from Kodersdorf Lutheran Church register (part only)
Original outbuilding, Thiele home at Sdrichen baptised here
Original farm house, Sdrichen detail
Lutheran Church at Horka
View from tower of Kodersdoif church
A spring garden, Sdrichen
born: 16 May, 1819 died: 2 March, 1893 married: January, 1845
born: 5 October, 1823 died: 24 June, 1915
Children of Gottlieb and Phillipine:
1. Johann Gotthold Adalbert Oswald
2. Maria Ottielie Adelheide
3. Paul
4. Marie Anna Auguste
5. Edmund Maximilian Valentin
6. Ambrose Friedrich
7. Anna Hedwig
8. Agnes Auguste
Max Herman IO.Anna Martha I I.Alfred Albert Otto Edwin
Hblorieo.l Society
The 1st Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 12 October, 1845 died: 22 November, 1939 married: 3 January, 1873
born: 17 August, 1843 died: 20 December, 1940
Only Child of Oswald and Christianna Thiele
Kt.Batch., DSc., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., M.Inst.M.M. born: 29 November, 1874 died: 17 July, 1971 married: 4 September, 1909
born: 25 July, 1882 died: 3 January, 1972
The Descendants of Edmund Oswald Teale and Charlotte (Lottie) Wilhelmine Stalker
1. Margaret Compton TEALE b. 22.4. I 9 l3 d. 24.11.1977 m. Feb 1947
Thomas BIRRELL b. Abt 1910 d. 27.3.1975
2. Ronald Edmund Littlewood TEALE b. 19.10.1915 m. 7.2.1947
I. Esther Margaret TEALE b. 8.9.1948 m. 6.12.1975
Laurence Jon INGRAM Rhoda Margaret CANTLAY
b. 27.7.1948 b. 4.10.1920 d. 16.11.1999
2. Miriam Eunice Ruth TEALE b. 20.12.1950 m. 28.1.1972
Brian Colin CLARK b. 13.11.1945
3. Paul TEALE b. 1.7.1964
4. Shirley NATAREYA (nee Teale) b. 6.9.1964
5. Moses TEALE
b. 17.12.1965 1. Michelle Joanne INGRAM b. 5.8.1977
2. Amie Cherie INGRAM b. 14.7.1980
1. Stephen Gary CLARK b. 11.1.1973 m. 14.3.1998
Tracey Marie BOWATER b. 26.9.1973
2. Phillip Richard CLARK b. 31.10. 1974 m. 17.7.2002
Anna Ingrid SPEAR b. 22. 11.1978
3. Deborah Lisa CLARK b. 13.10.1976 m. 19.4.1997
Michael David HAWKINS b. 6.7.1974
I. Liam David HAWKINS b. 4.9.2002
Ron Teale with his family Ruth and Brian Clark
Mike and Debbie Hawkins
Tracey and Stephen Clark
Anna and Phillip Clark
The 2nd Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 5 August, 184 7 died: 25 June, 1913 married: 1 November, 1870
born: 20 June, 1833 died: 23 January, 1904
The 1st Child of Adelheide and Carl Straede
born: 9 August, 1871 died: 27 March, 1937
The 2nd Child of Adelheide and Carl Straede
born: 12 April, 1873 died: 7 November, 1962
The 3rd Child of Adelheide and Carl Straede
born: 18 April, 1875 died: 13 July, 1937
The 4th Child of Adelheide and Carl Straede
born: 19 March, 1877 died: 7 November, 1960
The 5th Child of Adelheide and Carl Straede
born: 18 October, 1878 died: 20 August, 1969
The 6th Child of Adelheide and Carl Straede
born: 31 December, 1881 died: 4 August, 1913
The 7th Child of Adelheide and Carl Straede
born: 22 January, 1884 died: 16 June, 1962 married: 24 August, 1910
born: 29 August, 1881
died: 7 May, 1953 Lindner family 1928
Standing l-r Max, Em, Theo and Elma
Centre Ruth
front l-r Frank, Arthur, Elisabeth
The descendants of Agnes Louise Elisabeth Straede and Franz Theodor Lindner
I. Theodor Johann Carl LINDNER b. 2.9. 1911 d. 13.2. I 995
2. Ernst Oswald LINDNER b. 19.1.1913 d. 3.12.1978 m. 11.6.1949
Elsa Josephine SCHULZ b. 11.6.1925
3. Max Ehrhardt LINDNER b. 17.9.1914
4. Elma Agnes LINDNER b. 27.2.1916 d. 18.2.2003 m. 27.5. 1948
Otto Herbert Max SCHILG b. 12.6.1890 d. 27.6.1972
5. Ruth Adelheit LINDNER b. 26.4. 1919
I. Elizabeth Henrietta Lindner
I. Elizabeth Helen LINDNER
b. 30.7. 1950
b. 6.4.1984
m. 18.12.1971
John Stanley NEWTON
b. 13.7. 1951
I. Enuna Jane LINDNER
2. Margaret Naomi LINDNER
b. 28.1.1956 m. 19.2.1978 (div)
Russell TURNER b. 29.12.1955
I. Max Otto SCHILG b. 11.2.1950 d. 14.2.1950
2. Martin A1thur SCHILG b. 17.6.1952 m. 9.1.1982
Heather Ann McKENZIE b. 4.9. 1957 b. 18.10.1974
2. Eli James TURNER b. 11.5. 1980
3. Izaak Eben LINDNER b. 18.7.1990
I. Geoffrey Martin SCHILG b. 4.7.1987
2. David William SCHILG b. 10.8.1990
3. Ann Emilia SCHILG b. 15.6.1993
6. A1thur Wi ll iam LlNDNER b. 20.1.1925 m. 7.12.1955 I. Garnet Frallk LINDNER b. 3.3. 1957 m. 22.12.1990
Helen WOOD b. 3.3.1926 Patricia KNAPP b. 9.6.1957 2. Joanna Ruth LINDNER b. 29.7.1958 m. I8. 1.1980
Peter James TEMME b. 10.9.1954 3. Mary Louise LINDNER b. 28.3.1962 m. 28.9. 1986
Simon John KOTZUR b. 26.5. I 964 4. Nicholas John LINDNER b. 2.4. I 965 m. 30.9.2000
Deborah Ruth AERFELDT b. 11.3.1964
I. Matthew TEMME b. 7.9.1981
2. James Colin TEMME b. 2.8.1983
3. Michael Peter TEMME b. 4.9.1986
I. Jax Amme KOTZUR b. 9.1.1992
2. Levi Zy KOTZUR b. 24.10.1993
3. Yaniqui Trea KOTZUR
b. 29.8.1996 I. Paris Louise LINDNER b. 25. 1.2003
The 8th Child of Adelheide and Carl Straede
born: 15 November, 1885 died: 30 May, 1950
Doncastsr Templestowa Historical Society UBRft,RY
The 3rd Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 2 January, 1850 died: 12 October, 1850
The 4th Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 14 June, 1851 died: 17 February, 1925 married: 3 October, 1871
born: 20 April, 1831 died: 13 October, 1909
The 1st Child of Mary and William Straede
born: 9 July, 1872 died: 18 January, 1883
The 2nd Child of Mary and William Straede
born: 11 February, 1875 died: 23 September, 1972
The 3rd Child of Mary and William Straede
born: 30 April, 1877 died: 19 March, 1878
The 4th Child of Mary and William Straede
born: 23 May, 1879 died: 10 November, 1963 married: 8 February, 1911
born: 8 February, 1887 died: 3 December, 1949
The Descendants of William Oswald Maximilian Straede and Jessie Tudor Jean Ferguson
I. John William (Jack) STRAEDE b. 25.1.19 12 d. 30.6.1979 m. 6.1.1939 I. John Oswald STRAEDE b. 17.8.1941 m. 1.12.1971
Cheryl M GOW b. 10.l l.l9S! d. 31.8.2000
Edith Monica DIXON
b. 26.8.1917
d. 27.11.1946 2. Eli zabeth Mona STRAEDE
b. 21.8.1945
d. 19.2.1946
I. Barlennan Ferguson STRAEDE
re-m. 20.12.1957
Anne SEWZIK b. 1.12.1958
b. 15.5.1 922
2. Oswald Tudor STRAEDE b. 21.9.1913 m. 4.5.1947
Yvonne Eleonor YEADOW b. 10.4.1918 d. 13.5.1994
3. William Thomas Charles
b. 5. l.1 944
b. 8.5.1963 b. 14.8.1916
m. 17.11.1962
m. 24.9.1988 m. 1.1 2. 1942
Patricia Margaret
b. 15.1.1968 b. 17.4. 192 1
b. 1.6.1943 d. 7.4.2003 re-m. 17.1.1998
Michelle STADHAMS b. 28.6.1969
2. Damian Carl STRAEDE b. 22.9.1965 m. 6.2. 1993
Walter and Patricia
b. 21.10. 1964
Straede, July 2002
Bill and Kay Straede
3. Matthew Richard STRAEDE b. 18.9.1967
4. Kylie Michelle STRAEDE b. l0.1 2.1969 m. 3.3. 1990
Bernard Joseph MEYER b. 4.4.1969
I. Mackinley Walter STRAEDE b. 12.6.1988
2. Eartha Ruth STRAEDE b. 3.12.1990
Yaara Patricia Penelope STRAEDE b. 28. 12.2000
1. Thomas William STRAEDE b. 20.9. 1997
2. Laura Charlotte STRAEDE b. 11.4. 1999
3. Henry George Brendan STRAEDE b. 11.9.2001
4. Archie Jonathan STRAEDE b. 23.7.2003
1. Chloe Jean MEYER b. 6.6. 1990
2. Alexandria Joan MEYER b. 31.8.1992
I. Thomas Anthony LUCAS b. 29.4.1999
2. Emi ly LUCAS b. 23.12.1997
1. Louise STRAEDE b. 10.4.1946
2. William STRAEDE
b. 9.5.1967 m. 19.11.1966
m. 3.8. 1996 Elke Sophie Louise NISSEN
Gary Anthony LUCAS b. 1.9.1945
b. 9.4.1971
2. Martin Wi lliam STRAEDE b. 23.3.197 1
Damian and Sandra Straede and their family l-r Laura, Sandra Three generations ofthe Straede family nursing Archie, Damian with Henry and Thomas, July 2003 l-r Mackinley, Bill Straede s,u:, Steven and Eartha
4. Walter Ferguson STRAEDE b. 23.5.1918 d. 9.3.1942 m. 3.7.1 941
Vivian Jean COUSINS b. 31.7. 1921 d. 9.3 .1 942
5. Elizabeth Jean Marie (Betty) STRAEDE b. 11.5.1921 d. 18.11.2000 m. 1.9.1942 John Wilson (Jock) McORIST b. 26.7 .1 918 d. 3.9.1993 1. Jessie Jean McORIST 1. James Raymond Wilson b. 20.4.1944 WALKER m. 4.2.1967 b. 11.10.1972 m. 2.12.1995 Robe11 Clifford WALKER b. 30.4.1945 Zaheeda KHAN b. 17 .6. 1972 2. Robin Christopher Robe11 WALKER b. 23 .10.1975 m. 10.4. 1999 Margarita VELOSA b. 6.9 .1974 3. Jane Elizabeth Joan WALKER b. 27 .9.1 978 m. 26.4.2003 Bradley SINCLAIR b. 21.12. 1978 --2. Wilson McORIST 1. Jock McORIST b. 24. 11.1945 b. 18 .3.1982 m. 12. 12.1 970 2. Firth McORISTSuzanne Elizabeth b. 28 .3.1984 McMASTER -b. 7.10.1949 3. Ian Ferguson McORIST b. 6.1 1.1949 4. Steven McORIST b. 11.6.1 956 m. 18.10.1 980 Sandra Leigh McGREGOR b. 1.6.1 9581. Kit WALKER b. 5.10.2000
2. Shaan WALKER b. 6.8 .2002
The 5th Child of Mary and William Straede
born: 3 October, 1881 died: 21 November, 1973
~ •• -·."; ··\:,;:;_~ ;·~( ~_:::, --;,y ~ . ··. ,., .,.,
i.. • ; • t· ;. : :.
The 5th Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 2 July, 1853 died: 19 November, 1937 married: 30 September, 1933
born: 25 August, 1904 died: about 1974
The 6th Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 30 May, 1855 died: 30 January, 1949 married: 20 June, 1889
born: 11 December, 1856 died: 3 November, 1942
DoncasterTemplestowe Historical Society Li8RARY
The 1st Child of Frederick and Ada Thiele
born: 20 March, 1890 died: 17 August, 1973 married: 30 August, 1919
born: 20 June, 1892 died: 9 March, 1971
The 2nd Child of Frederick and Ada Thiele
born: 18 May, 1891 died: 7 April, 1963 married: 14 June, 1919
born: 9 October, 1891 died: 6 August, 1945
Laura and Rupert and their family, 1933. Back l-r Edmund, Rae, Laura, Rupert and Marie. Front l-r Fred, Laurence, Janet and Charles
The Descendants of Laura Burckner Thiele and Rupert Talford Gedye
I. Robert John HALL
I. Rae Moncrieff GEDYE
I. Catherine Ann HALL
b. 25.2.1949
b. 27.12.1920
b. 8.5.1976
d. l0.11.1984
m. 26.7.1975
m. 8.5.1948
Cyril John Goodwin HALL b. 26.12.1920 d. 1.9.1990
b. 30.5.1946
2. Charles Edward HALL b. 8.5.1950
3. Stuart Raymond HALL b. 28.12.1951 m. 1972
2. Jeanette Marie HALL b. 27.9.1978
3. Sarah Jane HALL b. 30.9.1981
Karina HALL b. 1952
4. Dorothy Anne HALL I. Anthony James DYKES -I. b. 4.4.1954
b. I 6.5. I 979 m. 16.10.1976
m. 27.7.2001
Steven Anthony DYKES b. 16.12.1956
5. Andrew Moncrieff HALL b. 30.3.1956 (twin) m. 15.9.1979 (div) Sarah Elizabeth EVANS b. 18.12.1980
2. Nicholas Sean DYKES b. 23.6.1 981
3. Rachel Anne DYKES b. 20.6.1 985
I. Renee Tracey HALL b. 22.7.1981
2. Cindy Maree HALL
Lorraine LOMAX
b. 13.3.1984
b. 1.7.1958
6. Graeme Douglas HALL
I. Sandra Gail Goodwin HALL
b. 30.3.1956 (twin)
b. 4.10.1981
m. 19.3.1977
Gail LOMAX b. 3.l0.1956
7. Jennifer Laurel HALL
b. l. lO. I 960 m. 23.11. 1985
Rodney Arthur RAWSON b. 20.1.1954
2. Deborah Rae Goodwin HALL b. 3.2. 1985
I. Desirae Laura RAWSON b. 30.4.1986
2. Yasmin Elizabeth RAWSON b. 25.11.1987
I. Amelia Rose GEDYE b. 26.2. I 986
2. Shaun Talford GEDYE b. 21.3.1988
I. Josephine Katrina OREMEK b. 19.1.1992
2. Nicholas Andrew OREMEK b. 15.8.1994
Lucinda Katie DYKES b. 30.12.1999
2. Frederick Talford GEDYE b. 20.1. 1923 d. 10.2. 1998 m. 5.8.1950 I. Richard Talford GEDYE b. 1-1.1.1952 m. 14.3.1987
Anne McCREADY b. 12.11.1954 d. 16.4.2003
Nancy Margaret FENN b. 14.4.1926
2. Anne Margaret GEDYE b. 26.l0.1954 m. Unknown
Edward Andrew OREMEK
b. 23.9.1952
3. Marie Edith GEDYE b. 15. 10. 1924 m. 20.4.1946
Hugh Bruce GOULTER b. 23.8.1923 d. 9.7.1999
The McMenimanfamily l-r Colin, Heather, Karen and Amy (front centre)
I. Heather Marie GOULTER b. 25.1.1947 111. 24.7.1976
Colin Leo McMENIMAN b. 24.6. I 949
2. John Leslie GOULTER b. 26.6.1948 111. 5.12.1970
Wendy Uoy PHILLIPS b. 26. 11.1 949 d. 15.7.1981
re-111. 21.2. 1983
Robyn Maree SPURWAY b. 30.10. 1947
re-111. 7.10. 1989
Suzanne Gael VEITCH b. 7.10.1954
I. Amy Colleen McMENIMAN b. 15.2.1979 (twin)
2. Karen Louise McMENIMAN b. 15.2.1979 (twin)
I. Nicole Sarah GOULTER b. 22.8. I 972 m.
David Vance HAHN b. 20.3.1972
2. Sally Maree GOULTER b. 27.5.1975
3. Matthew John GOULTER b. 13.6.1977
I. Johnathon Wayne Edward GOULTER b. 3.8. 1992
3. Janet Barbara GOULTER b. 30.6. I 950 m. 19.12. 1970 I. Kara Leanne MAVIN b. 28.12.1972 111. 18.9.2002
Peter Neil MAVIN b. 21.1. 1949 Scott Paul McKAY b. 16.8.1975 2. Angela Renee MAVIN b. 29.3.1975 m. 15.3.2003
Scott NIGEL-BROWNLEE b. 29.12.1975 3. Daniel Craig MAVIN b. 6. 11.1 976 m. 13.9.2003
Rosina Kylie SEMPLE b. 16.11.1972 4. Laura Estelle MAVIN b. 18.12.198 1 111. 1.9.2001
Peter Adam SMITH b. 8.5.1976
I. Chaase NIGELBROWNLEE b. 16.7. 1998
2. Tyla NIGEL-BROWNLEE b. 26. 7 .200 I
I. Tiarni Michelle MAVIN b. 5.8.2000
2. Kori Kara MAVIN b. 3.2.2003
I. Isabelle Kimberley-Joan SMITH b. 15.5.200 I
re-m. 14.11.1998
Wynand Franz Alexander SCHRODER b. 2.10.1946
4. Ian Bruce GOULTER b. 29.2. 1952 m. 6.5 .1978
Jill Elizabeth RAYNER b. 23.3 .1953 5. Kaye Margaret GOULTER b. 3.4.1954 m. 11.4. 1981
Ian Glaister McCULLOCH b. 14.9 .1951 6. Marion Joy GOULTER b. 30.8.1958 m. 11.9.1982
- David William WHELDON b. 31. 8. 1957
I. Megan Elizabeth GOULTER b. 3.3.1983
2. Scott Mackie GOULTER b. 29.1. 1985
3. Ellen Meredith GOULTER b. 22.1 1.1989
I. Katina McCULLOCH b. 26 .12.1988
2. Shani McCULLOCH b. 23 .12.1991
I. Christopher John WHELDON b. 25.9.1984
2. Brett Leslie WHELDON b. 9.12.1986
3. Rebecca Jane WHELDON b. 12.7.1989
I. Tressie Laura NORTON b. 17.8.1979
2. Alex Ralph Edward NORTON b. 17.4.1982
3. Malcolm William NORTON b. 9.5.1 990
4. Gregg Talford NORTON b. 15.8.1992
1. Tevita Rasiga LESUMA b.7.11.1 979
2. Amy Loris Arundale LESUMA b. 1.6.1 982
3. Joni Atonio Rabici LESUMA b. 13.6.1 990
4. Ulamila Tavunavanua LESUMA b. 27.10.1993
I. Jake Edmund Talford GEDYE b. 30.7.1992 (twin)
2. Jade Kathleen Rae GEDYE b. 30.7. 1992 (twin)
3. Bree Amber Marie GEDYE b. 19.12. 1998
4. Skye Anne Alison GEDYE b. 27.9.2001
Ian and Jill Goulter and family Back l-r Megan, Ian, Scott Front l-r Ellen, Jill
Doncn2tsr Tornr:+~sto1va Hi.::.toric:.il 8oclni.y
21 LIDH/\fiY
5. Charles Maxwell GEDYE b. 8.7.1928 111. 30.9.1950
Hazel Margaret HOWSHIP b. 29.9.1928
Norma and Laurence Gedye
6. Laurence Rupert GEDYE b. 18.6.1930 m. 10.10.1953
Norma Ruth TULLY b. 28.9.1929
l. Dennis Malcolm GEDYE b. 11.7.1951 m. 12.1.1975
Betty May BRUCE b. 12.7.1952
2. Kelvin Bruce GEDYE b. 17.6.1953
3. Philip Charles GEDYE b. 15.11.1956 m. 28.1.1989
Jillian Debbie CADD b. 2.8.1959
4. Margaret June GEDYE b. 21.12.1960 m. 5.4.1983
Martin Richard GOODING b. 31.3.1949
5. Paul Rupert GEDYE b. 2.8.1966 m. 9.8.1986
Caroline Michele HEAD b. 31.12.1962
l. Patricia Ruth GEDYE b. 18.8.1954 m. 9.12.1975
Mark Brendon HULSE b. 7.7.1954
I. Peter John Talford GEDYE b. 23.6.1976
2. David Charles Bruce
l. Rachel Sarah Bayes GEDY E GEDYE
b. 30.10.1998 b. 30.4.1979
Melissa BAYES b. 28.10.1979
m. 6.12.2003
Cassandra Florence
b. 10.6.1977
3. Elizabeth Joy Margaret Louise GEDYE b. 13.12.1983 m. 26.7.2003
Peter Adam NEWMAN b. 26.6.1980
4. Catherine Anne Sa.rah Charlotte GEDYE b. 1.4.1989
l. Samuel Gordon GEDYE b. 13.7.1993
2. James Charles GEDYE b. 18.10.1995
l. Jared Charles GOODING b. l0.8.1986
2. Elanor Kaye GOODING b. 13.1.1989
3. Charmajne Ruth Marguerite GOODING b. 7.8.1991
4. Charlotte Lilian Vidette GOODING b. 23.6.1994
l. Justine Michele GEDYE b.3.3.1989
2. Aaron Craig GEDYE b. 4.6.1991
3. Steven Paul GEDYE
Natasha & Adrian Hulse
b. 5.l.1995
I. Shauna Louise HULSE b. 4.7.1979
l. Michael Adam HULSE
b. 21.6.2003 m. 2.2.2003
Rhiannon HARRIS b. 8.3.1984
2. Adrian Leigh HULSE b. 27.7.1 982 (twin)
3. Natasha Ruth HULSE b. 27.7.1 982 (twin)
7. re-m. 14.2.1999
2. Maxwell George RUSSELL b.6.4.1961 Julie Ann GEDYE b. 2.2.1957 m.19.11.1983
3. Maurice John MORANDO b. 24.6.1 955 David Laurence GEDYE b. 4.7.1 959 d. 8.6.1998 m. 20.5.1989 (div)
4. Simone WHITE b. 3.6.1961 Kathryn Joy GEDYE b. 18.3.1962
5. Desmond Andrew SULLIVAN b. 11.8.1963 Christine Fay GEDYE b. 18.3.1962
1. David John MORANDO b. 4.3.1986
2. Stephen Dean MORANDO b. 10.2.1989
3. Kelly Ann MORANDO b. 20.8. 1994
I. Matthew James SULLIVAN b. 2.6.2003
I. Jared Leigh MILLER b. 5.6.1986
2. Liam Tait MILLER b. 24.8.1988
3. Amy Kathleen MILLER b. 11.9.1990
4. Bryce Daniel MILLER b. 18.11.1993
I. Jayde Rebecca NICHOLSON b. 30.6.1984
2. Aaron Ross NICHOLSON b. 26.3 .1 987
3. Brent Ryle NICHOLSON b. 4.5.1990
Jayde Nicholson
4. Beth Meredith MILLER b. 5.4.1964 m. 13.2.1988
Colin James CAULFIELD b. 27.5.1961
5. Kenneth Graham MILLER b. 27.3.1967 m. 13.2. l994
Natalie Rachael MOLONEY b. 4.2.1970
6. Scott Rupert MILLER b. 27.3.1967
8. Alison Amy GEDYE b. 26.9.1934 d. 13.5 .1970 m. 23.8.1952 I. David John KENLEY b. 9.11.1953 m.
Naomi Helena CAMPBELL b. 18.5. 1965
Walter John KENLEY
b. 11.10.1924 2. Heather Alison KENLEY b. 5.6.1955 3. Andrew Ross KENLEY b. 21.3.1957 4. Bronwyn Marie KENLEY b. 26.3. I 958 m. 7.12.1991 Kevin Michael CULLINAN b. 4.11.1958
5. Bruce Stewart KENLEY b. 30.9.1961
I. William John CAULFIELD b. 10.1.1993 d. 10.1.1993
2. Lachlan James CAULFIELD b. 21.1.1994
3. Ella Rebecca CAULFIELD b. 19.1.1996
4. Ainsley Beth CAULFIELD b. 16.10.1997
I. Joshua Alexander MILLER b. 14.3. 1991
2. Ethan John MILLER b. 16.11.1995
3. Bailey Jade MILLER b. 26.7.1998
4. Jackson Jai MILLER b. 28.11.2002
The family ofJanet and Claude Miller Back 1-r Natalie Miller, Ken Miller, Aaron Nicholson, Jayde Nicholson next to Aa,vn, Peter and Marie Nicholson, Claude and Janet Miller, Jared Miller, Lisa Miller, Karen Simpson (family friend) and Scott Miller Centre 1-r Ethan Miller, Josh Miller, Ryan (family friend), Brent Nicholson Front 1-r Bailey Miller, Jan Miller, Bryce Miller, Greg Miller, Amy Miller, Liam Miller, Lach/an Caulfield, Colin Caulfield holding daughter Ella, Beth Caulfield holding daughter Ainsley
1. Benjamin David Campbell KENLEY b. 3.6.1993
2. Joshua Aaron Campbell KENLEY b. 4.3. l995
1. Alison Rosemary CULLINAN b. 7.7.1993
2. Nicholas Kevin John CULLINAN b. 18.6.1996
9. Dorothy Ann GEDYE b. 20.7.1939 d. 22.7.1939
The 3rd Child of Frederick and Ada Thiele
born: 23 March, 1893 died: 14 October, 1976 married: 29 April, 1920
born: 2 April, 1892 died: 1 November, 1965
The Descendants of Genevieve Christiana Marie Thiele and Rupert John Whitten
I. Eleanor Marie WHITTEN
I. Alan Peter BOYLE
b. 21.4.1922
b. 3.3.1947
m. I.I 2. I 945
m. 22.2.1969 (div)
Colin Sheumais BOYLE b. 20.7.1915 d. 20.4. I 969 Sally Lorraine DEAR b. 13.6.1949
re-m. 29.6.2003
Ramphan WATTHANASRI b.11.1 0.1 960
2. Colin John BOYLE
b. I 9.9. I 949 m. 30.11.1974
Ann Christine CARMAN b. 26.3.1952
3. Ann Marie BOYLE b. 12.2. 1954 m. 19.1 0. 1974
Andrew John TREDREA b. 30.3.1 952
l. Colleen Lorraine BOYLE b. 29.9.1 969
2. Natalie Marie BOYLE b. 20.12.1970 (twin)
3. Adrienne Marie BOYLE b. 20. 12. I 970 (twin) ct. 20.12. I 970
I. Kanlaya SONGSAENG b. 23.7. 1983
I. Melissa Jayne BOYLE b. 18.5.1 977 m. 18.3.2001
Marcus Raymond EDWARDS b. 5.12. I 974
2. Alison Michelle BOYLE b. 15.l l.1979
3. Steven John BOYLE b. 14.4.1983
-I. Paul Robert TREDREA b. 4.8. 1979
2. Judith Marie TREDREA b. 21.5.1981 m. 19.7.2003
Daniel Richard FALISZEWSKI b. 7.6.1981
3. Genevieve Elizabeth TREDREA b. 26.9.1984
4. Vanessa Leah TREDREA b. 28.3. 1988
2. Adrienne Dulcie WHITTEN b. 5.3. 1926 d. 1.5. 1994 m. 11.1 2. 1948
Donald Fraser EMMERSON b. 20.6. 1922 d. 6.9. 1984
Bronwyn and Graeme Emmerson
4. Brian Robe1t BOYLE b. 11.7. 1963 m. 10. 11.1990
Judy Lorraine
b. 23.3. 1964
I. Timothy John EMMERSON b. 30.9.1949 m. 11.5. 1974
Annette Margaret EMERY
b. 23. 11.1 953
2. Graeme Robert EMMERSON b. 8.4. 195 1 m. 6.5. 1975 (div)
Jennifer Leigh WEBSTER b. 25.9.195 1
re-111. 25 .3.2000
Bronwyn Bernadine
b.4. 1.1963
3. Bronwyn Anne EMMERSON b. 6. 11.1 953 m. 14.9. 1974 (d iv)
Way ne Eric MILLS b. 23.9.1 949
re-m. I 6.3.2002
Phillip PARSONS b. 3. 11.1 958
4. Kathryn Jane EMMERSON b. 12.2. 1956 m. 24.2.1983
Johann Hans-Hermann (John) DARDEMANN b. 20.4.1946
5. Ian Dav id EMMERSON b. 4.12. 1958 m. 23.4.1983
Karen Rania PENGLlS b. 16.2. 196 1
6. Barry Dean EMMERSON b. 20.6.1 963
t---m_._l _I._3_.1_9_90_ (d_iv_) ____, Deanne SMITH b. 16.6. 1967
1. Adriana Marie BOYLE b. 22.10.1992
2. Tyler Robert BOYLE b. 8.4.1995
I. Anthony John EMMERSON b. 30. 11.1 977
2. Michael Dean EMMERSON b. 23.8. I 979 m. 21.6.2003
Allana WALLACE b. 28.4. I 977
3. Daniel Alexander EMMERSON b. 6.7. I 982 111.
Clemency Clare WORRALL b. 12.11.1 982
I. Nicholas James EMMERSON b. 13.2. 1980
2. Benjamin David EMMERSON b. 16.3. 198 1
I. Tess Olivia EMMERSON b. 2.4. I 997
I. Christopher James MILLS b. 14.4. I 977
2. Matthew Scott MILLS
b. 23 .8. 1979
3. Robert Andrew MILLS b. 21.6.1982
I. Nicole Christiana DARDEMANN b. 28.4. 1984
I. Kellie Bree EMMERSON b. 24.3. 1986
2. Mark David EMMERSON b. 9. 1.1988
3. Hay ley Megan EMMERSON b. 26.10. 1990
I. Karlie Ruth EMMERSON b. 23 .11.1 993
Michael and Allana Emmerson on the occasion of their wedding 21 June 2003
I. Ty ler Jordan EMMERSONWORRALL b. 3. 11.2001
The 4th Child of Frederick and Ada Thiele
born: 9 May, 1895 died: 19 August, 1922 married: 22 October, 1921
born: 28 July, 1891 died: 17 April, 1943
The Descendant of Adrienne Moss Thiele and Claude Bull
I. Frederick Adrian BULL b. 12.8.1 922 d. 3.2.1 996
DoncestGr Tc,nplestov11a Historical Society LIBRA.RY
The 7th Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 7 April, 1857 died: 24 September, 1858
The 8th Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 7th April, 1859 died: 6 February, 1954 married: 4 February, 1891
The 1st Child of Agnes and Otto Dettmann
born: 26 January, 1893 died: 29 January, 1893
The 2nd Child of Agnes and Otto Dettmann
born: 7 October, 1894 died: 5 August, 1953 married: 10 June, 1925
born: 7 March, 1906 died: 15 March, 2003
The Descendants of Albert Otto Gottlieb Dettmann and Helena Mary Jones
I. Stewart Pryor DETTMANN b. 31.3. 1926 d. 18.3.1975 m. 11.10. 1950 I. Sandra Anne DETTMANN b. 14.2. 1951 m. 20.1.1972
Douglas Malcolm KELLY b. 30.3. 1944 2. Leon BaITett DETTMANN b. 23 .12. 1954 m. 17.1.198 1 1-----------1 2. Cheryl Ann BUDD b. 5.3.1957
Jacqueline Hope BARRETT b. 1.1.1931
I. Bryn Stewart John KELLY b. 28.2.1978
2. Bridgette Anne KELLY b. 21.8.1979
I. Tessa Louise DETTMANN b. 25.5. 1985
Luke Adam DETTMANN b. 8.4.1987
Leon and Cheryl Dettmann and family Back l-r Leon, Tessa. Front 1-r Cheryl, Luke, James
2. Anna June DETTMANN b. 15.2.1928 m. 31.I0.I953 l. Robert CHAMPION b. 8.9.1954 m.11.10.1975
William Leonard CHAMPION b. 25.I.1926 Patricia Mary LAKEY b. 24.7.1942 2. Michael CHAMPION b. I3.l.1956 d. 21.7.1974 3. James CHAMPION b. 25.6.1957 m. I7.l.1981
Shilo Louise MASSINA b. 4.5.1955
3. Esma Agnes DETTMANN b. 5.5.193I m. 14.5.I955
John A MAIN b. 14.6.1932
4. Edmund William DETTMANN b. IS.7.1934 m. 17.7.1955
Roselee May GRANWIRTANEN b. 9.12.1934
I. Janice MAIN b. 12.2.1956 d. 1.3.1977
l. Megan CHAMPION b. 7.5.1976 (twin)
2. Rebecca CHAMPION b. 7.5.1976 (twin)
I. Layla CHAMPION b. 24.7.1982
2. Benjamin CHAMPION b. 20.I0.I986
I. Alisa Renee HOCKING b. IS.5.1988
2. Sean Daniel HOCKING b. 10.1.1990
I. Peter David DETTMANN
b. 4.9.1956
m. 16.8.1997
Livia LEBARDA b. I9.5.195I
2. Michelle Louise DETTMANN b. IO. I 1.1959 m. 23.4.1983
John Leslie HOCKING
b. 15.8.I958
The 3rd Child of Agnes and Otto Dettmann
born: 29 February, 1896 died: 11 February, 1990
The 4th Child of Agnes and Otto Dettmann
born: 19 March, 1897 died: 26 June, 1986 married: 22 September, 1945
born: 2 March, 1916 died: 21 July, 1993
The 9th Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 4 December, 1860 died: 11 May, 1959 married: 24 December, 1888
born: 26 January, 1868 died: 17 August, 1956
Doncaster T mnplestowe Historical Society LIBRA.RY
The 1st Child of Max and Rosabel Thiele
born: 7 May, 1890 died: 6 July, 1982 married: 18 October, 1919
born: 1892 died: 4 June, 1967
The Descendant of Adelaide Newton Porsche Thiele and Arthur Wallace Spencer-Maggs
1. Arthur Wallace SPENCERMAGGS b. 4.7.1921 d. 8. 11.1 944
The 2nd Child of Max and Rosabel Thiele
born: 2 October, 1891 died: 12 December, 1985 married: 18 October, 1919
born: 8 November, 1894 died: Mar 1964
The Descendant of Sylvia Newton Thiele and Russell Hepburn Walters
I. Sylvie Rosemary WALTERS b.21.9.1920 d. 23.9.1963 I. Warwick Anthony STENIN b. 9.12.1944 m. 28. 12. 1967
m. 11.11.1942 Stephanie Ruth COOMBER
Warwick Sydney Lees
b. 24.10.1914
d. 19.3 .1 988
re-m. 12.11.1976
Margaret Mary McHUGH
b. 4.12.l947
I. Angela STENING b. 10.12.1969 d. 19.12.1969
2. Andrew Peter STENING b. 30.10.1970
3. Chare Joanne STENING b. 1.11.1971
I. Caroline Rosemary STENING b. 19_ _
10 1977
2. Victoria Moira STENING b. 25.10. 1979 2. Peter STENING b. 30.6.1948 m. 9.7.1976
Jane FORSYTH b. 12.7.1946
2. Adrienne Nance WALTERS b. 1923
3. Dorothy Eunice WALTERS I. Jennifer Anne CORDEROY
b. 4.8.1925 b. 29.9.1951
m. 12.5.1950 m. 22.5. 1978
Henry Morgan CORDEROY b. 5.4.1924 John Gerald GAINER b. 9.4.1943
2. Grant Hilton CORDEROY b. 29.4. 1956 m. 22.12.1984
Kim Lon-aine MILLARD
b. 27.2.1958
I. Edward STENING b. 4.2.1981
2. Charles STENING b. 13.12.1984 (twin)
3. William STENING b. 13.12.1984 (twin)
I. Christopher John GAINER b. 21.4. 198 1
I. Elizabeth Amy CORDEROY b. 31.10. I 986
2. Rachel Ann CORDEROY b. 28.7.1988
The 3rd Child of Max and Rosabel Thiele
born: 14 March, 1893 died: 5 November, 1987 married: 14 September, 1932
born: 16 May, 1896 died: 13 May, 1958
Max and Rosa Thiele with their family
Back Max Centre 1-r Sylva, Rosa, Oswald, Adelaide and Rosa
Doncaster-1ernplestowe Historical Soci:3ty USH/.\FlY
The Descendant of Max Eric Thiele and Ethel May Johns
I. Jean Margaret (Johns) THIELE b. 30.10. 192 1 m. 6. 12. 1943
John Dyson DUNKERLEY b. 29.5. 1908 d. 9.1. 1967
re-m. 15.9. 1973
James Arthur ELLIS b. 27.8. 1930
l. David John DUNKERLEY b. 12.3.1945 m. 17. 10. 1969
Vivien Ivy LANE b. 28.8. 1947
2. Roland James DUNKERLEY b. 30.6. 1950 (twin)
3. Christopher Max DUNKERLEY b. 30.6.1950 (twin) m. 23.8. 1980
Joy Pamela DENHAM b. 13.8.1955
I. James Livingstone ELLIS b. 7.4. 1965 I. Alex Stuart DUNKERLEY b. 10.11.1973
2. Catherine Emma DUNKERLEY b. 24.8.1975
David and Vivien
Dunkerley and family
l-r Catherine, David,
I. LowennaMay
Vivien and Alex
DUNKERLEY b. I0.6. 1982
2. Owen David DUNKERLEY b. 13.7. 1984
3. Kerensa Jean DUNKERLEY b. 5.6. 1987
l. Zachary James Livingstone Roland Dunkerley ELLIS b. 10.8.2000
James Ellis and Zachary
2. Sydney Maxwell (Johns) THIELE b. 11.6.1927 m. 22.8.1953 I. Jennifer Gay THIELE b. 21.2.1957 m. 5.3.1977
David Royce HOLDSWORTH b. 25.4.1956 2. Douglas Maxwell THIELE b. 22.5. I958 3. Diane Nerida THIELE b. 22.8.1960 m. 3.1.1987
Barbara Ruth CUNNINGHAM b. 23.9.1934
Graham Lynn CLARK b. 13.2.1943 4. Rodney Bruce THIELE b. 8.9. 1962 m. 26.1.1985
Gigi Louise LE JUGE DE SEGRAIS b. 26.12. 1960
I. Troy David HOLDSWORTH b. 3.12.1983
2. Amy Michele HOLDSWORTH b. 5.3.1986
3. Emma Caris HOLDSWORTH b. 15.11.1988
I. Gavin Noel CLARK b. 6.3.1992
2. Liam Geoffrey CLARK b. 19.1.1996
I. Steven Rodney THIELE b. 18.1.2001
I. Rosabel Grace RAMSDELL b. 26.4.2003
3. Rosabel May THIELE b. 1.3. I934 m. 1.3.1958 I. Margaret Jewell TAN GE b. 4.1.1960 2. Damien James Gerard TANGE b. 4.4.1961 3. Cecily Catherine TANGE b. 1.6.1964 4. Peter Dominic TANGE b. 20.12.1965 5. Gabriella Louise TANGE b. 2.7. I97 I m. 22.12.2001
John Damien TANGE b. 13.4. I 924 d. 15.6.2003
Scott Richard Edward RAMSDELL b. 22.11.1968
The 4th Child of Max and Rosabel Thiele
born: 9 August, 1895 died: 27 September, 1966 married: 28 February, 1925
born: 23 January, 1895 died: 24 September, 1944
remarried: 12 February, 1948
born: 1903 died: 12 December, 1976
The Descendant of Adelbert Oswald Thiele and Isabel Emma Hogg
I. Kenneth Oswald THIELE b. 23.7.1928 d. 13.3.1 983
The 5th Child of Max and Rosabel Thiele
born: 11 January, 1899 died: 2 February, 1995 married: 2 July, 1924
born: 12 November, 1899 died: 22 August, 1961
The Descendants of Rosabel Holloway Thiele and Hampton John Gleeson
I. Donald GLEESON b. 8.7 .1925 m. 10. 10.1 952
Fay Vera EMMETT b. 14.7.1925
2. Frances Patricia GLEESON b. 12.4.1927 m. 30.6.1951 (div)
John Gordon BROWNE b. 17.3.1926
. Andrew Hampton GLEESON b. 4.9.1957
Christopher David
Jasslyn Heather BROWNE BROWNE
b. 20. I l.1995 b. 3 1.1 2.1957 m. 24.2.1991
2. Phoebe Frances BROWNE t---K-ay_e_E_l-iz-a-be_t_h_L_IN-SD_E_L_L-< b. 3·1°· 1998
b. 7.9.1960
2. Susanna Amy McGEE I. Samantha Sue McGE~l. Liam Christopher OLSSON b. 26.3.1959 b. 21.7.1981 b. 9.6.2003 m. 29. I l.l980 (div) m. 3.8.2002
f------------f--------M u rr a y DEDMAN Neil OLSSON b. 14.3.1954 b. 7.1.1980
Back 1-r Gordon, Chris holding Phoebe, Frances holding
Jasslyn, Susanna
Front Neil and Samantha
3. Margaret Rosabel I. Michael James CLARIDGE
GLEESON b. 24.4.1956
b. 15.7.1932 m. 15 .9.1 979
m. 30.10. 1954 Julie Anne KENDRICK
James Alfred CLARIDGE b. 25.4.1957
b. 5.5.1932
2. Jennifer Susan CLARIDGE
b. 13.12.1957
111. 5.3.1977
An thony John STRATTON
b. 29 .11. 195 1
3. Wendy Anne CLARIDGE
b. 9.3.196 1
m. 16.4. 1983
Richard Ives BENNETT
b. 8.4.1953
Samantha and Neil Olsson with Susanna McGee ( centre) 2002
I. Scott James CLAR][JGE b. 29.12.1981
2. Rebecca Jane CLARIDGE b. 23.3.1984
3. Ashlee Jean CLARIDGE b. 6.2.1990
I. Troy STRATTON b. 26. l 1.1978
2. Rachel Tamara STRATTON b. 30.3 .1982
I. Matthew James BENNETT b. 16.10.1990
2. James Richard BENNETT b. 9.5.1995
Hi.,tariGi\l ~oc.,it).y 39 UJR'I.RY
The 10th Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 3 March, 1863 died: 24 January, 1931 married: 3 October, 1888
The 1st Child of Anna Martha Thiele and Johannes Traugott Bunge
born: 16 December, 1890 died: 10 November, 1955 married: 27 April, 1916
born: 11 September, 1885 died: 3 September, 1976
The Descendants of Clara Phillipina Maria Agnes Bunge and Max Ferdinand Schultz I. Adrienne Maria Anna SCHULTZ b. 2.4.1917 m. 4.6.1948 1. Anne-Marie MODRA b. 1.4.1950 2. John Louis MODRA b. 26.9. I 95 I m. 16.4. l994
Louis Henry MODRA b. 27.7.1914 d. 22.3.1970
Christine Barbara WARD b. 9.2.l952 3. Christopher Max MODRA b. 22.7. I 953 m. 18.12.1976
Toni Leigh SHEPHERD b. l.3. 1953 re-m. 25.5.2002
Cindy Jane JACKSON b. 11.2.1970 4. David Alfred MODRA b. 26.4.1955 m. 25.8. l979
June Dorothy MICKAN b. 7.8.1957
1. Daniel James MODRA b. 5.5.1995
I. Comtney Jayne MODRA b. 23.2.1981
2. Sherridan Leigh MODRA b. 12.7. 1983
I. Justin Louis MODRA b. I.I0. l983
2. Belinda Anne MODRA b. 25.6. I986
3. Julian Peter MODRA b. 1.7. I988
4. Amanda June MODRA
b. 27.10.1991 2. John Max SCHULTZ b. 27.3.1919 d. 7.3 .1 993 m. 19.3.1949
Ruth Marie JORDAN b. 15.6.1926
3. Sylvia Agnes SCHULTZ b. 17. 12. 1920 m. 16.2. I 964
James Heaton CATER b. 12.9.19 13 d. 15.3.1 975
5. Paul Bernard MODRA
b. 19.5.1 957
m. l0. l.l 98 l
Zena Maree BERGHAUSER b. 3 1.1 0. 196 1
6. Mark Adrian MOD RA b. 29.4.196 1 m. 29.3.1 986
b. 6.6. 1959
I. Peter John SCHULTZ b. 15.5. 195 1 m. 26.3. 1977
Margaret Ellen GELLERT b. 19.7. 1953
2. Nevi l Bruce SCHULTZ b. 20.2.1 956 m. 8.5.1 982
Eleanor Gladys SCHMIDT b. 27 .1 2. 1957
3. Colin James SCHULTZ b. 14. 11.1 960 m. 13.4.1985
Helen Jane UEBERGANG b. 2.5. 1962
I. Matthew Paul MODRA b. 17.4.1983
2. Renee Maree MODRA b. 29.4.1985
3. Timothy Louis MODRA b. 8.2.1988
4. Benjami n Luke MODRA b. 12.10. 1989
I. Luke Jonathan MODRA b. 12.7. 1988
2. Joel Christopher MODRA b. 23 .8. I 989
3. Hannah Marie MODRA b. 3.11.1990
4. Paul David MODRA b. 13.9 .1 993
5. Clare Adrienne MOD RA b. 19. 12. 1994
I. Melinda Alison SCHULTZ b. 10.1 0.1 983
2. Mariela Isabel SCHULTZ b. 29.12.1989
I. James Michael SCHULTZ b. 11.3.1988
2. David Colin SCHULTZ b. 17.5.1990
3. Catherine Rose SCHULTZ b. 28 .5. 1994
4. Hannah Rachel SCHULTZ b. 28.8.2000
Graham and Shona Promnitz and their family l-r Renee, Shona, Graham, Miranda, Luke
4. Edna Clara SCHULTZ I. Graham Errol PROMNITZ I. Renee Louise PROMNITZ I. Caleb Joshua LINTON
b. 11.4.1922 b. 28.12.1947 b. 29.6.1973 b. 15.7.1999
m. 21.9.1946 m. 27.1.1973 m. 18.10.1997 ___
R_o_y_M_e-rv_y_n_P_R_O_M_N_IT -_Z_-+--Sb_h-on-_a_L_-le -s1-1·e-S_P_E_N_C_E_R- t--A-n-dr_e_w_N_e_i_lL_I_N_T_O_N , 2· ~~~;~~nd rew Dominic
123 952 b. 13.9.1919 d. 18.6.1998
b. 21.9.1971
b. 19__
7 2001
2. Matthew Graham PROMNITZ b. 31.1.1975 m. 27.9.1997
Emma Louise GRAY b. 11.5.1976
3. Miranda Janelle PROMNITZ
b. 16.12.1977 Anthony Walker & wife Julieann (Foxe) withfamily. Anthony holding
4. Luke Maxwel PROMNITZ
Isabelle, Julie holding Makaylah, Talissa & Bayley in front.
I. Talissa Maree WALKER b. 27.2.1995
2. Bayley Matthew WALKER b. 17.11.1997
3. Isabelle Angela WALKER b. 23.8.1999
4. Makaylah Ann WALKER b. 2.9.2002
I. Jayden Mark WALKER b. 18.3.1997
Joshua James WALKER b. 27 _8_1998 (twin)
3. Ashleigh Marie WALKER b. 27.8.1998 (twin)
Kelly and Rodney Walker
Jenice and Bradley Walker
HiBtorical Society U3Ri\RY
5. Ernest Wilfred SCHULTZ b. 5.1.1928 d. 27.7.2000 m. 24.3. I 956
Gloria Leonie GOULD b. 17.1.1937
3. Nigel Roy PROMNITZ b. 1.11.1958 m. 12.4.1986
Susan Kay MAAS b. 11.5.1960
I. Stephen Andrew SCHULTZ b. 7.2.1957 m. 13.9.1980
Gai l WRJGHT b. 4.11.1955
2. Jeffrey Max SCHULTZ b. 30.6.1959
3. Timothy John SCHULTZ b. 15.6.1961
4. Paul David SCHULTZ b. 11.8. 1964 m. 23.4.1994
Glenda Joy MICKELBROUGH b. 7.2.1973
6. Ruth Antonie SCHULTZ b. 10.7.1934 m. 7.2. 1959 I. Jennifer Ann SHAW b. 7. 12.1959 m. 17.4.1982
Alan David SHAW b.15. 11.1 930 Antony Martin ZUIDERWYK b. 5.4.1959 2. Robin Joy SHAW b. 14.12.1961 3. Pamela Ruth SHAW b. 2.3.1964 01. 6.2.1993
Michael John TRAKAS b. 5.7.1961 4. Jacqueline Maree SHAW b. 22.9.1965
I. Mark Andrew PROMNITZ b. 30.1.1989
2. Michael James PROMNITZ b. 9.1.1992
3. Katrina Jane PROMNITZ b. 24.4.1994
I. Anouska Jean SCHULTZ b. 18.11.1984
2. Jessica Kathleen SCHULTZ b. 21.1.1988
I. Stephanie Anna SCHULTZ b. 23.6.1995
2. Megan Renae SCHULTZ b. 1.2.1997
3. Katelyn Fiona SCHULTZ b. 14.10.1998
4. Hannah Jane SCHULTZ b. 18.10.2001
I. Timothy Ma,tin ZUIDERWYK b. 8.6.1988
2. Angela Ruth ZUIDERWYK b. I 6.6.1990
3. Peter Antony ZUIDERWYK b. 2. 12.1992
I. Renee Georgia TRAKAS b. 12.4.1998
2. Alexander Michael TRAKAS b. 13.8.2000
Pam and Michael Trakas with Alexander and Renee
Nigel and Susan Promnitz and family l-r Susan, Michael, Mark, Katrina and Nigel
The 2nd Child of Anna Martha Thiele and Johannes Traugott Bunge
born: 1 July, 1892 died: 16 May, 1976 married: 28 April, 1927
born: 6 July, 1900
died: 15 March, 2000 Hermann and Ruby Bunge and their family l-r Alys, John, Rex, Ruby, Hermann and Ron
The Descendants of Hermann Johannes Edmund Bunge and Rubina Henrietta Elsa Nuske
l. Alys Maitha BUNGE ~ I. Daryl Wallace STURROCK
b. 16.12.1927
b. 20.7.1951
m. 24.6.1950
m. 1.1.1994 Wallace STURROCK
Mariana PINNY
b. 3.1.1923
b. 25.12.1965
2. Janet STURROCK b. 29. 12. 1953 m. 5.7.1975
Keith Ronald ROBINS b. 17.6.1953
3. Graeme John STURROCK b. 3.3. 1957
4. Neil Robe1t STURROCK b. 13.5.1958 m. 4.11.1989
Carol Elizabeth HOFFMANN b.11.5.1967
5. Peter Andrew STURROCK b. 20.2.1961
2. Ronald Ernest BUNGE I. Diane Lois BUNGE
b. 12.12.1928 b. 30.8. 1954
m. 30.1.1953 (div)
Lois Olive CHURCH b. 9.9.1 934 Malcom John HOEHMANN b. 25.12.1 950
2. Carol Ann BUNGE b. 23.4.1956 m. 12.6. 1982
Peter Raymond RUSSELL b. 8. 11.1957
l. Maria PINNY b. 29.5.1983
2. Svetlana PINNY b. 19.8.1985
l. Casey Gene ROBINS b. 17.4.1979
2. Meisha ROBINS b. 6.10.1981
3. Jay ROBINS b. 17.8. 1987
l. Ashley Michael STURROCK b. 23.5.1994
2. Amy Jean STURROCK b. 23.4.1999
I. Jesse BUNGE b. 1.10.1985
I. Mark John RUSSELL b. 15.3.1974
2. Matthew Adam RUSSELL b. 13.8.1983
3. Wayne Ronald BUNGE b. 13.6. 1958 m. 15.3. 1986
Rosemary Katrina DAX b. 4. 12.1962
I. Jye Kaleb BUNGE b. 16.7.1988
2. Zeke Josef BUNGE b. 3.11.1991
3. Isaac John BUNGE b. 23.5.1994
4. Oswald Rex BUNGE b. 10. 1.1935 m. 23.3.1957 I. Beverley Ann BUNGE b. 7.9.1958 m. 23.6. 1979 (div)
Valda May ZADOW b. 24.9. 1933 d. 30.12.1 997 Colin James ROGERS b. 29.5. 1956 re-m.
Gerald Michael RYAN 2. Lynn Maree BUNGE b. 26.5.1960 m. 15.11.1985
Thomas Douglas KEDWELL b. 10. 11. 1957 3. Helen Joy BUNGE b. 2 1.5. 1962 m. 30.3.1996
Gerald Michale DALY b. 3.7.1961 4. Debra Kay BUNGE b. I 6.6.1967 m. 27.9.2003
Bernard Gerrard MCNAMARA born: 16 April, 1896 died: 23 February, 1952
Wayne and Rosemary Bunge and their family 1-r lye, Wayne, Rosemary, Zeke and Isaac
1. Leonie Joanne ROGERS b. 25.1.1981
2. Keith William ROGERS b. 7.11.1983
I. Damien BUNGE b. 30.8.1991
2. Noel Francis BUNGE
b. 10.11.1993 l. Laura Kate KEDWELL b. 10.12.1986
2. Mary Jane KEDWELL b. 8.2. 1989
I. Clare Maree DALY b. 20.12.1997
2. Ethan Samuel DALY b. 28.1.1999
3. Dominic Martin DALY b. 8.6.2000
The 3rd Child of Anna Martha Thiele and Johannes Traugott Bunge
The 4th Child of Anna Martha Thiele and Johannes Traugott Bunge
born: 26 November, 1897 died: 2 June, 1922
The 5th Child of Anna Martha Thiele and Johannes Traugott Bunge
born: 18 March, 1900 died: 17 March, 197 5 married: 15 July, 1926
born: 31 December, 1905 died: 20 October, 1996
Walter and Sylvia Bunge and family l-r Marjorie, Sylvia, Dawn, Walter (Wally) and Betty
The Descendants of Walter Otto Bunge and Sylvia Maryann Holland
I. Levi IRVING b. 28.7. 1927
I. Danny IRVING I. Marjorie Dorothy BUNGE I. Judith THEWLIS b. 12.3. 1977
b. 7.7.2001 m. 4.2. 1950
b. 14.10.1950
m. 25.9. 1976 Colin THEWLIS
Robert Stanley IRVING b. 19. 10. 1921
b. 13.3.1952
2. Shara IRVING d. 10.6. 1993
b. 24.6. 1978
I. Ebony THEWLIS b. 15.3.1953
2. Kev in THEWLIS
b. 30.12.198 1 m. 7.10. 1978
2. Brett THEWLIS Pau line Marie TOWNLEY b. 30.7.1984
b. 8.5.1958 '-I. Cloe NITSCHKE b. 31.1.1957
3. Lynette THEWLIS
b. 24.3. 1984 m. 7.5.1983
2. Joel NITSCHKE Nevi n Paul NITSCHKE b. 8. 12. 1985 b. 16.12.1959
3. Holly NITSCHKE b. 9.3.1988
4. Jeffrey THEWLIS
I. Leigh Matthew THEWLIS b. 9.8.1963
b. 24.9.1983
m. 26.3.1983 2. Renee Michelle THEWLIS Debbie Marion MCKENZIE b. 25 .5. 1986 b. 31.7.1962
I. Brendan Robe1t THOMAS b. 20.3. 1929
2. Dawn BUNGE
b. 9.9. 1952
b. 26.5. 1974 m. 1.9.1951
m. 17.3.1973
m. 20.3.1999 Robert THEWLIS
Leslie Wilfred THOMAS
Melanie MCDONALD b. 18.11.1926
b. 4.4.1950
b. 25.11.1 97 1
2. Craig THOMAS b. 3.3.1 976
3. Kylie Marie THOMAS
I. Robe1t Bailey MILLER b. 2.6. 1979
b. 1.10.2000
Glenn MILLER b. 7.5.1 977
I. Adam THEWLIS b. 8. 11.1 954
b. 22.3.1983 m. 12.6.1982
2. Bradley THEWLIS Susan Elizabeth Forrister b. 13.2. 1985 BOTT '-b. 26.6. 1956
I. Ryan THEWLIS b. 21.10.1957
b. 12.9. 1992 m. 4.6.1983
2. Jarryd THEWLIS
Deborah Louise RENDLE
b. 26.5. I 995
b. 29.4.1962
Jason and Emma Cook
Family ofDonald Cook 1-r Chelsea, Donald, Anne, Jason and Chad
Don.co.'.'.0:ter T ernplest<.NJa Historical Society LIBRARY
The 6th Child of Anna Martha Thiele and Johannes Traugott Bunge
born: 6 March, 1906 married: 6 February, 1932 died: 27 October 2003
born: 5 July, 1905
Max George Carl Bunge and Rubena (Ruby) Alma
died: 10 April, 1988
Bunge (nee Habel)
The Descendants of Max George Carl Bunge and Rubena Alma Habel
I. Josiah Kym HOLLIDAY b. 11.1.1 995
I. Anita Rebekah BUNGE b. 2.2.1987
2. Tatjana Rachel BUNGE b. 5.5.1989
3. Kirrily Elisha BUNGE b. 8. 12.1990
4. Jonanthan Luke BUNGE b. 7.11.1992
5. Nadia Ruth BUNGE b. 23.8.1995
I. Jesse Neil REICHELT b. I0.10.1990
2. Shea Alexander BUNGE b. 30.1.l 998
3. Georgia-Alice Kara BUNGE b. 21.4.2000
1. Robert John BUNGE b. 10.8.1933 m. 10.1.1959 I. Julie Maree BUNGE b. 27.6.1959 m. 21.12.1985
Beverley Dawn FROST b. 6. 11.1 936 Brian Kym HOLLIDAY b. 25.2.1 957 2. Peter John BUNGE b. 31.8.1960 m. 1.3.1986
Megan Leanne POLACK b. 28.7. 1962 3. Timothy Graeme BUNGE b. 21.8.1962 m. 19.3.1995
Christine Louise ROHRLACH b. 12.10.1962 4. David Andrew James BUNGE b. 15.11.1966 m. 27.5.2000 Rahel TANNER b. 16.2.1971 5. Susan Anne BUNGE b. 26.2.1969
3. Ke ith David BUNGE I. Mark David BUNGE
b. 21.11.1940 b. 7.4.1967
m. 19.6.1965 m. 31.10.1992
Rosalie Ann BAULCH b. 22.5.1942 Jane Louise KENNEDY b. 31.12.1965
2. Hugh Alexander BUNGE b. 10.10.1968
3. Anna Louise BUNGE b. 22.1.197 I m. 31.12.2001
Andrew Lawrence
b. 18.2.1970
2. Graem Maxwell BUNGE b. 22.11.1936 d. 24.5.1962
4. Kenneth Bunge b. 31.5.1943 d.31.5 .1 943 I. Samuel Robert BUNGE b. 20.3.1995
2. Lucinda Rose BUNGE b. 6.2.1997
3. Thomas David BUNGE b. 12.7.1999
I. Georgia Louise DONOGHUE b. 21.8.2003
The 11th Child of Gottlieb and Phillipine Thiele
born: 1 February, 1868 died: 10 July, 1960 married: 13 April, 1898
born: 6 December, 1872 died: 30 August, 1965
The 1st Child of Alfred and Minna Thiele
born: 31 March, 1899 died: 22 February, 1979 married: 10 October, 1928
born: 4 June, 1902 died: 24 December, 1986
The Descendants of William Alfred Thiele and Benita Aline Cartwright
Marion Catherine WEST Chris and Wendy Thiele and family 2002 b. 7.3.1935
l-r Daniel, Ben, Wendy, Chris and Sam
2. Michael John THIELE I. Jacqueline An n THIELE
b. 13.4.1932 b. 13.2.1963
m. 1.12.1960 m. 6.3 .1993
Josephine Ann WELLS b. 26.11.1940 Gary Ronald COLLINS b. 5.7.1958
2. Richard Michael THIELE b. 17.2.1965
3. Sarah Jane Mary THIELE b. 30.12.1971 m. 4.4.1998
Alistair James BRYDON
b. 5.4. 1967
I. Courtney Ann COLLINS b. 13.9.1996
2. Steven Gary COLLINS b. 6.9.1999
Gary and Jackie Collins with Steven and Courtney
3. Philip William THIELE I. Anne Elizabeth THIELE
b. 12.3.1934 b. 7.10.1964
m. 10.8. 1963 m. 14.12.1991
Reta Ethel WIEBE b. 25.1.1934 Frank Axel RASENBERGER b. 12.4. 1965
2. Jonathan Phi lip THIELE b. 8.1.1 966 m. 27.2. 1988
Christina Maria CSIPEK b. 19.9.1964
3. Pauline Marie THIELE b. 1.11.1 967
I. Katharine Grace THIELE b. 6.2.1999
2. Laura Jane THIELE b. 23.1 1.2000
4. Lawrence Christopher THIELE b. 13.9.1 935 m. 3.1 0.1964 I. Andrew John THIELE b. 6. l 1. 1965 2. Timothy Lawrence THIELE b. l 9.9. l 967 3. Nicholas Christopher THIELE b. 21. 11. 1969 m. 21.l l.1 998
Susan Hope BAYLISS b. 10.1.1 935
Rebekah Jane CROSS
b. 2 1.9.1 970
I. Lachlan Bailey THIELE b. 27.1.2000
2. Catelyn Naarahn THIELE b. 16.12.2002
5. Elizabeth Benita THIELE
I. Andrew John SEWARD b. 6.12.1939
b. 4.3. 1969 m. 9.9.1 967
m. 12.1.2004 John Lester SEWARD
Chie MATSUBARA b. 29.3. 194 1
b. I0.4.1969
David Alistair SEWARD b. 10.8.1971 m. 30. 10. 1999
Lisa Anne CONE b. 14.6.1 966
David and Lisa Seward
The 2nd Child of Alfred and Minna Thiele
born: 18 February, 1901 died: 26 December, 1971 married: 6 April, 1929
born: 10 September, 1901 died: 10 December, 1980
The Descendants of Otto Edwin Thiele and Henriette Dorothea Ampt
1. James Barnabas THIELE b. 1.6.1930 d. 26.7.1997 m.21.1.1956
Eunice Winifred NOSKE b. 22.5 .1931 d. 28.4. I 958
re-m. 4.1.1964 _ _A_1_m_e_W_1-.n-if-re_d____--<
b. 29.3.1940
Anne and James Thiele
1. Stephen James THIELE b. 23.10.1956 m. 7.4.1984
Kathryn Ruth STOECKER b. 17.9.1959
I. David Michael THIELE b. 22·7·1965
2. Peter Harold THIELE b. 23 .3.1 968 d. 15.5. 1998 engaged: February 1998
Michelle Louise PETERSON b. 14.6.1965
3. Paul Robert THIELE b. 3. 1.1 972 m. 14.1.1995
Jane Marie
SIMPFENDORFER b. 1.1. 1972
1. Rebecca Kate THIELE b. 29.5.1991
2. Oskar Edwin THIELE b. 10.2.1995
3. Jasmi ne Grace THIELE b. 26.10. 1998
I. Jacob Eric THIELE b. 20.4.1997
2. Emma Drew THIELE b. 11.4.1999
3. Bethany Jane THIELE b. 9.12.2001
Back l-r Paul, Rebecca, Kate, Stephen with Oskar Seated l-r Jacob, Jane, Jasmine, Anne holding Bethany, Emma, David and Michelle Anne Thiele and family
2. Robert Charles THIELE I . Andrew David THIELE
b. 4.1.1933 b. 19.9.1966
m. 11.7.1964
2. Petryn Marie THIELESWIFf b. 26.7.1968
Pamela Ann DOLLING b. 23.8. 1942
3. Lisa Ann THIELE b. 21.8.1971
Robert and Pam Thiele 4. Carl Robert Edwin THIELE b. 2.9. 1982
3. Geoffrey Andrew THIELE b. 22.7. 1935 m. 4.1.1972
------------1 Frances Anne ORR b. 14.5.1939
Geoffand Martin Thiele
The family of Otto a11d Ettie Thiele Back 1-r Geoff, Pam and Robert, Jonathan, Bill, Carl Front l-r Anne, Dorothy and Dean, Anne, Jan
I. Isaac Samuel THIELESWIFf b. 8.7. 1998
Andrew Thiele
2. Henry Noah THIELESWIFf b. 30. 10.2000 Petryn Thiele
Lisa Thiele
l. Bronte REGOS THIELE b. 13.4.1997
2. Asha REGOS THIELE b. 5.11.1999
I. Wi lliam Lyon THIELE b. 24.5.1960 2. Fiona Anne THIELE b. 26_11_1964 3. Heather Joy THIELE b. 26.9.1969 m. 26.11.1999
David CUSSAN b. 18.6.1965 4. John Lawrence THIELE b. 8.9.1973
Ellen REGOS b. 22.1 I. 1970 5. Martin Karl THIELE b. 2.4.1979 (twin) 6. Mark Phillip THIELE b. 2.4.1979 (twin)
4. Janet Rosemary THIELE b. 7.8. 1941 m. 30.8 .l971 Dayle Norman DODDRIDGE b. 27 .7.1 939 d. 6.10.1 992 re-m. 29.6.1996 William BLACKJE I. Lloyd Owen DODDRIDGE b. 17.5.1963 m. 30.6.1984 Lisa Karen SAINT b. 18.1.1964
I. Alexandra Jade DODDRIDGE b. 2.4.1990
2. Benjamin Lloyd DODDRIDGE b. 27.l0.l991
3. Jordan Dayle DODDRJDGE b. 3.3.1994
b. 2S. lO. 1940
S. Dorothy Margaret THIELE b. 14.12.1943 m. 23.l0.1976
Dean Wi lliam ZWECK b. 18.4.1946
I. Nicholas Paul ZWECK b. 13.11.1977
2. Anna Katherine ZWECK b. 30.9.1980
3. Jonathan Mark ZWECK b. 15.3.1985
The 3rd Child of Alfred and Minna Thiele
born: 5 October, 1902 died: 6 December, 1981 married: 23 January, 1932
born: 20 April, 1901 died: 13 September, 1970
The Descendants of Selma Irene Emilie Thiele and Louis Edward Collyer
I. John Louis COLLYER b. 29.10. 1932
2. Pau l Alfred COLLYER b. 3.3.1935 rn. 10.9.1966
Edna May STASINOWSKY b. 17.6.1 93 1
3. Eric Leonard COLLYER b. 14.1 2.1 936
I. Nicholas Paul COLLYER b. 1.6.1969
2. Pauline Maree COLLYER b. 12.7. 1972
4. Hugh Richard COLLYER
I. Anna Louise COLLYER b. 17.7.1939
b. 24.8.1969 d. 25.2.200 I rn. 3. 12.1966
2. Robert Edward COLLYER --J-ai-,e-t_L_o,-1is_e_M_U_N_R_O___, b. 7·7·197 1
b. 30.3.1942
3. Emilie Jane COLLYER b. 28.5.1973
The 4th Child of Alfred and Minna Thiele
born: 13 September, 1905 died: 1 May, 1970 married: 23 October, 1945
born: 27 August, 1917
The Descendants of Ernest Herbe1t Thiele and Moira Hamilton Byrne
I. Colin David Andrew THIELE b. 21.11.1946 m. 18.5.1979
b. 20.2. I 951
2. Simon Alfred THIELE b. 1.2.1949 (twin) m. 16.1.1971
Robin SUTHERLAND b. 18.6.1949
3. Sandra Aileen THIELE b. 1.2.1949 (twin) m. 11.8.1973
2. I.
------------<2. Douglas Raymond TUNE
b. 25.11.1944
3. I. Clare Christina THIELE b. 23.2.1985
2. Madeleine Jane THIELE b. 28·3· I989
I. Belinda Lois THIELE
b. 23.4.1974
Jennifer Aileen THIELE b. 14.12.1976
Byron Douglas TUNE b. 21.7.1977
Kellie Moira TUNE b. 23 _3_
Sarah Emi ly TUNE b. 1.9.1982
Historical Society LIBRARY
The 5th Child of Alfred and Minna Thiele
born: 25 June, 1907 died: 10 October, 197 5 married: 18 February, 1933
born: 3 September, 1908 died: 10 April, 1978
The Descendants of Betty Alfreda Thiele and James Thomas George Smith
I. Betty Louise Curtis SMITH I. Catherine Jane BEATON
b. 15.7.1934 b. 19.6.1962
m. 10.1.1959 m. 12.1. 1985 (div)
Glynn BEATON b. 26.4.1934 Ian Malcolm HARVEY b. 29.7.1959 re-m. 17.5.1997 f--D-a-v-id-M-ic-ha_e_lS_C_H_U~.. TZ---j b. 12.3.1966
2. Mark Andrew BEATON b. 13.12.1963 m. 16.11.1985
Jillian Joy GEBERT
b. 6.12.1962
I. Madeline Rose SCHUTZ
BEATON b. 21.10.1998
2. Mia Alessandra SCHUTZBEATON b. 17.10.2000
I. David Mark BEATON b. 21.5.1987
2. KiITily Anne BEATON b. 31.8.1989
3. Brendan James BEATON b. 15.I0.1993
3. Alistair Glynn BEATON
I. Cameron Alistair BEATON b. 12.8.1968
b. 10.12. 1997 m. 21. 1.1 995
2. Amelia Elizabeth BEATON
Pedita Simone ROWE
b. 1.6.2000
b. 17.11.1968
4. Megan Louise BEATON
I. Jessica Isabelle NICHOLAS
b. 17.6.1970
b. 27.11.1999
m. 30.9.200 I 2. Marni Louise NICHOLAS Christopher John b. 23.1.2003
NICHOLAS b. 18.5.1973
2. Dorothy Anne Curtis I. Timothy James HORBURY SMITH b. 13.3.1963
b. 8.12.1936 m. 30.3.1985 I. Emma Alexandra
Cameron and Amelia
m. 7.1.1961
b. 15.3.1963
2. Jonathan Mayne HORBURY b. 10.9.1964 m. 7.11.1987 (div)
Janine Maree BUONO
b. 7.8.1962
re-m. 8.3.1 997
Mandy Louise
b. I l.7. 1972
b. 18.2.1989
Ian Roger HORBURY b. 4.3.1935
I. Brooke Maree HORBURY b. 30.8. l99 l
l. Curtis James HORBURY b. 27.3.1999
2. Wyatt Mayne HORBURY b. 10.5.2000
Megan Nicholas holding Marni, and Jessica
Doncaster ; -t" 0i-r1plc:.;towt;1 Historic~! Society
3. Katrina Loui se HORBURY b. l 0.2. l 967 m. 23. l l.l 99 l
Kim Leslie ARCHIBALD b. 4.11.1 958 4. Richard Curtis HORBURY b. 8.8.1968
Linda Diane KERBY b. 4.3.l 967 5. Ian Alexander HORBURY b. l6. IO. l 972 d. 6.8 .l 977 6. Eli zabeth Anne HORBURY b. l6.ll.l 976 7. Alison Claire HORBURY b. 4. 10. 1979
I. Prudence Louise ARCHIBALD b. 28.2. l 996
2. Alexandra Kate ARCHIBALD b. 6.7. 1997
3. Georgina Lucy ARCHIBALD b. 30.6. 1999
4. William Ian ARCHIBALD b. 25.7.200 l
Domthy Horbuty and her grandchildren icing Christmas biscuits l-r Wyatt, Emma, Alexandra, Dorothy and Curtis
3. James Ernest CURTIS
SMITH b. 26.2.1943
b. 27.8.1968 m. 3.8.1968
111 . 26.11.1994
Robyn Lynne MOREY
Brent HARDCASTLE b. 16.8.1946
b. 27.10.1971
2. Joanne Robyn CURTISSMITH b. 23.7. I970
LeeOLLEY b. 12.12.1966
3. James Simon CURTISSMITH b. 23.8. I971
Rachel Suzanne BEAVER b. 21.7.1965
4. Emma Katrina CURTIS
Jamie and Rachel Curtis
SMITH Smith with their niece b. 5.3.1975 Arabella
Thomas BAXTER b. 31.1.1976
5. Louise Margaret CURTISSMITH b. 14.2.1977 111. 16. IO. I999
f--J-o_h_n_N_i_ch_o_la_s_H_ _AR_R_IS_O_N___,
b. 14.5. I962
I. Anne Ojales CURTIS__C_a_r_m_e-nc-i-ta_D_e_Y,_er-a------< SMITH
OJALES b. 17.2.1985
b. 14.1 1. 1960
2. Jasmine Cassandra CURTIS-SMITH b. 6.4.1994
3. Thomas James Ojala CURTIS-SMITH b. 3.3.1999
4. Thomas Edwin Cu1tis
b. 12.3.1973 b. 8.11.1944 m. 5.8. I 972 (div)
re-111. 30.1 1. 1996 I. Sophie Jean May SMITH
_____________, b. 9.4.1999 Terese Margaret
McCOWEN b. 3.8.1960
I. Bohdi James HARDCASTLE b. 23.2. I994
Joanne and Emma Curtis-Smith
I. Arabella Kate HARRISON b. 30.10.2000
2. Taliman Thiele HARRISON b. 2·I2·2002
Emma, Louise, Robyn, Jamie and Kate on the occasion ofLouise Curtis-Smith's wedding I 6 October 1999
The 6th Child of Alfred and Minna Thiele
born: 25 September, 1910 died: 10 November, 1985
t •. :·
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born: 24 September, 1825 died: 21 July, 1896 married: 22 January, 1856
born: 29 September, 1829 died: 10 November, 1883
Children of Gottfried and Maria:
1. Matthias Johann Heinrich (Henry)
2. Anna Maria
3. Maria Magdalena
4. Son (stillborn)
5. Martha
6. John
7. Martha Elizabeth
8. Maria Lydia
Doncaster I Templestowe Historical Society
The 1st Child of Johann Gottfried and Anna Maria Thiele
born: 20 February, 1857 died: 21 February, 1937 maITied: 15 April, 1880
born: 11 September, 1857 died: 31 August, 1923
The 1st Child of Henry and Emma Thiele
born: 1 March, 1881 died: 23 August, 1949 married: 12 June, 1912
born: 14 September, 1884 died: 19 November, 1978
August and Annie Thiele with their family Back l-r Dorrie, August, Robert (Bob) Front l-r Dulsie, Slyvia, Walter (Jack), Annie
The Descendants of Carl August Heinrich Thiele and Anna Marie Elizabeth Rieschieck
1. Dorothea Elsa THIELE
I. Brenda Dorathea AUMANN b. 29.9.1913
b. 3.7.1942 d. 26.11.1975
m. 16.4.1966 m. 5. 10. 1939
Alan Gordon HUGHES Walter Adolph AUMANN
b. 5.7.1942 b. 1.8.1910 d. 10.7.1974
2. Janice Elsa AUMANN b. 23.8.1945 m. 3.5.1969
I. Susan Marie HUGHES b. 18.1.1969 m. 27.2.1999 l. Thomas James VENTON b. 8.3.2000
James Charles VENTON
2. Paul Stuart HUGHES b. 20.10.1970
3. And rew James HUGHES b. 7.12.1973
I. Tamlyn Joy STEWART b. 25.7.1974
1----1-0-hn-W-al-te-r-ST_E_W_A_R_T_ ___, 2. Michael Ross STEWART b.12.9.1943
b.20.2.1977 3. Carla Anne STEWART b. 6.12.1979
2. Sylvia Annie THIELE I. Max Louis HEDT b. 11.10.1914
b. 2.7.1938 d. 9.1 1.1 997
m. 8.4.1961 m. 12.10.1937
Gwenda Elaine Rudolph Louis HEDT
SCHNEIDER b. 19.8.1910
b. 9.11.1938 d. 19.2.1972
2. Elsa Dawn HEDT b. 10.9.1942 m. 20.4.1968
Carl Albin DOHLER b. 25.3. 1936
3. Ian Lawrence HEDT b. 24.4.1944 m. 1.4. 1967
Valerie Joan ROSS b. 15.8. 1944 I. Michelle Ann HEDT b. 22.1.1962 m. 28.1.1990
Gregory PITMAN
b. 8.2.1961
2. Paquita Marie HEDT b. 29.6.1964 m. 14.8.2000
Jamie Terence GILLIS b. 4.4.1969
3. Rolf Max HEDT b. 9.12.1967 m. 13.3.1996
Sharon Lee PYERS b. 20.1.1967 I. Sara Catherine DOHLER b. 4.2. 1969 m. 8.1.1994
Julian Roger Martin BAYHA b. 12.7.1966
2. John Carl DOHLER b. 24.3.1970 m. 14.12.1996
Nicole Brit EVANS
b. 12.11.1 970
3. Simon Paul DOHLER b. 2.1 2. 1976
-I. Andrew Lawrence HEDT b. 19.6.1968 m. 30.4.1994
Julie Anne MENZEL b. 17.11.1969
2. Jacinta Narelle HEDT b. 29.5. 1970 m. 31.3.2001
Jeffrey Wayne DUFTY b. 10.9.1975
3. Michael Paul HEDT b. 12.5.1972
4. Tracy Lee HEDT b. 5.1.1977 m. 29.3.2003
David Leigh RICHARDSON b. 11.1. 1978
1. Eleni Margot PITMAN b. 7.10.1992
2. Jonty Doyle PITMAN b. 30.6.1994
1. Hamish Maxwell GILLIS b. 26.6.200 l
l. Jason William GLENISTER b. 21.l0.1987
2. Scott Andrew GLENISTER b. 2 1.4.1990
3. Brady Louis HEDT b. 13.3. 1997
I. Jacqueline Ruth BAYHA b. 30.12.1996
2. Timothy John BAYHA b.7.101999
I. Joanna Kathleen DOHLER b. 10.4.1998
2. Charlotte Louisa (CharlieLou) DOHLER b. 25.5.2002
I. Luke Andrew HEDT b. 30.4. 1997
2. Joshua Ian HEDT b. 26.4.2000
1. Tahlia Jade DUFTY b. 12.6.2002
4. Eric Robert HEDT
I. Julian Clu-istopher HEDT b. 27.1.1946
b. 29.3.1972 m. 30.1.1971
m. 23.11.1996
Leanore Joy HEINTZE
Nicole Maree KRUGER b. 29.2.1944
b. 25.6.1972
2. Nathan Eric HEDT b. 3.2.1974 m. 19.10.1996
Carolyn Yvette (Yvette) HOSKIN b. 30.5.1968
3. Amos Victor HEDT b. 19.6.1977 m. 24.4.2000
Hannah Margaret
b. 26.1.1977
4. Jonathan Leigh HEDT b. 8.6.1979
s. Wendy Sylvia HEDT -~ I. Ashley John WURST b. 22.1.1950
b. 2.2.1983 m. 23.1.1982
2. Stephanie Louise WURSTJohn David WURST b. 22.5.1985
b. 15.9.1944
3. Joel Samuel WURST b. 9.1.1988
6. Brian Keith HEDT
I. Suzannah Hilary HEDT b. 2.9.1951
b. 27.10.1975 m. 23.3.1974
m. 22.9.2001
Pamela Lillian RUDOLPH
Daniel Paul WOUTERS b. 23.9.1950
b. 20.11.1975
2. David Rudolph HEDT b. 15.9.1977
3. James Andrew HEDT b. 8.10.1980
I. Bethany Joy HEDT b. 28.10.1997
2. Rebecca Grace HEDT b. 13.12.1999
3. Sylvia Alice HEDT b. 28.4.2001
I. Matthew James WOUTERS b. 5.2.2003
3. Dulcie Margaret THIELE b. 22.4.1916 d. 4.7.2001 m. 10.4.1940
Norman Hugo SEMMLER b. 16.4.1910 d. 23.4. 1991
1. Helen Margaret SEMMLER
I. Mark Andrew ASKHAM
b. 11.12. 1941
b. 16.5.1968
m. 16.3.1963
2. Kevin John ASKHAM
Walter Frederick ASKHAM
b. 2.8.1970
b. 25.10.1939
2. Judith Anne SEMMLER
I. Carolyn Anne HAY -I. Rachel Anne PARNIS b. 23.5.1944
b. 23.3.1970
b. 12.9.2000 m. 1.6.1968
m. 14.9.1996
2. Luke Stephen PARNIS Barry Leslie HAY
Stephen James PARNIS
b. 22.5.2002
b. 2.9.1940
2. Joylene Maree HAY -I. Isabelle Ivy OROSZ b. 23.6.1971
b. 22.1.2003 m. 11.3.2000
Levente Istvan OROSZ b. 18.1.1977
3. Maryanne Joy HAY b. 23.4.1975
4. Peter Leslie Norman HAY b. 27.12.1977
3. Doreen Norma SEMMLER b. 12.9. l947 m. 30.5.1964
Peter William KEAR b. 17.10.1943
4. August Robert THIELE I. Gwenyth Margaret THIELE b. 25.7. 19 18 b. 24.3.1947 m. 10.12.1942 m. 28.4. 1966 (div)
Theresa Viola BLOCK Harvey Theodor VOIGT b. 8.10.1918 b. 8. l0.1944 d. 8.1.1968
Gwen Voigt, Robert and Renee
re-m. (div)
Raymond Frederick SKENNAR b. 18.1.1945
Robert Anthony MORGAN b. 25.5.1949
I. Wayne Peter KEAR b. 30. 12. 1964 <l. 9.5.1972
I. Alexandra Lily MANNION b. 5.9. l967 2. Julie Anne KEAR
b. 26.4.200 1 m. 7.9.1991
Andrew William MANNION b. 28.3.1968
3. Ashley David KEAR b. 21.1.1972
4. Glenn Wayne KEAR b. 9.11.1973 m. 10.3.2001
Leanne Maree TILLEY b. 1.5.1970
I. Michelle Andrea VOIGT b. 30.8. 1967 m. 31.10. 1987
Kevin John OAKES b. 1.4.1961
re-m. 9.9.2000
Warren James BEESLEY b. 5. 10.1958
2. Stephen Andrew VOIGT b. 17.3.1969
3. Christopher Leigh Robert VOIGT b. 23.7.1972
Shiralee BIDDLE b. 2.1.1974
4. Luke Damien VOIGT b. 27.2.1980
5. Tamarra Kirtson VOIGT b. 27.2. 1980
I. Renee Elizabeth SKENNAR b. 17.9.1988
I. Brendan Robert OAKES b. 31.3.1987
2. Krystle Michelle OAKES b. 23.9. 1988
I. Joshua Leigh VOIGT b. 2.3.1996
2. Dy lan Harvey VOIGT b. l6.7. l 997
3. Liam Nathan VOIGT b. 24.9.1999
Family of Gwen Voigt . l-r Chris, Luke, Stephen, Michelle, Renee and Tamarra
re-m. 9.5.1972
Stella Elma DYMKE b. 27.9.1 923
5. Walter John (Jack) THIELE b. 26. 10.1 921 m. 8.3.1946
Ilene Lesly ASTON b. 4.10.1922
2. Mervyn Robe1t THIELE b. 3.2.1949 m. 19.12.1970 I. Matthew Dean THIELE b. 5.9.1972 m. 1.11.1994
Roslyn Edith HEINTZE b. 6.8.1946 Karryn GENESE b. 24.1 1.1 972 2. Keren Renee THIEU,'. b. 10.3.1975 m. 23.9.2000
Joshua Charles SUTTON b. 24.8.1973 3. Joel Robert THIELE b. 13.1 2.1981 4. Kathryn Lea THIELE b. 29.10.1985
I. Benjamin Bennett THIELE b. 23.7.2001
2. Kayla Lorraine THIELE b. 27.3.2003
I. Trevor John THIELE
I. Karla Michelle THIELE b. 26.2.1947
b. 30.5. I 978
m. 18.2.1972
m. 19.4.2003 Lorraine Jean McALPINE
Jason Anthony CAUGHEY
b. 23.6.1950
b. 8.6.1977
2. Tanya Nicole THIELE b. 1.8.1980
2. Kevin Noel THIELE
I. David John THIELE
1. Cameron Thomas THIELE
b. 30.1.1949
b. 7.2.1971
b. 12.5 .2002
m. 15.8. 1970
m. 31. 10.1 999 Linda May YORK
Francis Maree GLADWIN b. 21.5.1951
b. 18.5.1970
2. Joanne Maree THIELE b. I 9.8.1974
3. Carolyn Jane THIELE b. 16.1.1976
3. Bronwyn Heather THIELE b. 3.3.1950 m. 10.5.1971 (div)
Malcolm Stuart ANDERSON b. 1.7.1950
re-m. 20.11.1999
William Charles THOMAS b. 6. 10. 1953
I. Mark Phillip ANDERSON b. 19.4.1974
2. Michael John ANDERSON b. 2.8.1975
3. Belinda Jane ANDERSON b. 3.4.1978
I. Bradley Charles James THOMAS b. 28.9.1982
2. Christopher George Frederick THOMAS b. 20.3. 1985
3. Natalie Rose Underwood THOMAS b. 3.1 1.1 988
DoncasterT emplestcwe Historical Society UBRI\RY
The 2nd Child of Henry and Emma Thiele
born: 28 June, 1882 died: 29 May, 1896
The 3rd Child of Henry and Emma Thiele
born: 8 October, 1883 died: 10 June, 1957 married: 12 October, 1910
born: 7 September, 1886 died: 18 October, 1948
Harry and Minna Thiele on their wedding day
The Descendants of Gottfried Heinrich Thiele and Minna Dora Baum
- I. Flora Beatrice THIELE I. William Frances KITTO I Diane Flora KITTO
b. 17.5.1912 b. 8.2.1934 b. 5.8.1959
d. 11.8.1943 m. 16.5.1959 (div) d. 30.6.1992
m. 21.10.1933
Irene Nghina TAWA
Frances Charles KITTO
b. 29.11.1939
b. 20.6.1905
d. 2003
d. 2.12. 1979
re-m. 4.2.1989
d. 10.11.1984
Sandra Kathleen KNIGHT b. 1.2.1942
2. George Henry KITTO
I. b. 9.3. 1936 m. 15.2.1 956
Shirley Lon-aine SUTCLIFFE b. 15.4.1936
3. Kenneth Maxwell Stuart KITTO b. 14.8. I 938 d. 14.8. 1987 m. 27.7.1961
2. 3. 4. 2. 3. I.
Rosemary Lily PATTERSOl'
b. 12.2.1940
2. 2. Henry Godfried THIELE I. Minna Jean THIELE
b. 15.9.1913 b. 9.2.1950
d. 16.10.1972 m. 30.6.1973
m. 4.11.1939 John CECCHIN
Jean Agnes BENSON b. 21.8.1943
b. 3.7.19 13
2. George STADS
Bryan William KITTO b. 23.4.1961
Allan Winstone KITTO b. 23.8.1962
Glenn-Lee Frances KITTO b. 25.4.1972
Julie Eileen KITTO b. 10.10.1956 m. 7.2.1976
Michael Jon Leigh RUSSELL b. 30.9.1954
Mark George KITTO b. 27.9.1959
Matthew Brett KITTO b. 14.11.1963
Stuart James KITTO b. 21.9.1965 m. 14.4.1990
Paula Tracy WILDE b. 14.7.1 968
Phillip Francis KITTO b. 25.10. 1968
Petra Jean CECCHIN b. 28.4. 1975
Henry Stua1t John CECCHIN b. 8.12.1980
I. Shannon STADS b. 1989
2. Casey STADS b. 1991
I. Laura Melissa RUSSELL b. 23.12.1 981
2. Luke RUSSELL b. 8.6.1984
I. Chantel Cherie KITTO b. 19.9.1991
2. Chelcea Katelynd KITTO b. 28.6.1994
3. Troy Dylan KITTO b. 17.9.1995
3. Yvonne Loris THIELE
I. Alan Edward CASE
b. 20.6.1915
b. 24.11.1944
m. 12.10.1940
m. 2. 12.1995
Edward John CASE b. 2.2.1911 d. 27.9.1993
Ted and Vonnie Case
4. Lyle Aletta THIELE b. 24. 1.1919 d. 8.5. 1921
5. Evelyn Clare THIELE b. 24.3.1922 m. 8.6.1946
Lenin Aubrey SON OGAN b. 30. 11.1920 d. 5.11.1998
Janice CARNELL b. 13.7. 1944
2. Lorna Valmai CASE
I. Wayne Allan ADAMS b. 5.4.1946
b. 14.4.1974 m. 14. 11.1 970
Maree Louise BOWEN
Allan Charles ADAMS b. 21. 12.1941
3. Donald Henry CASE b. 5.4. 1946 m. 26.2.1972
b. 22.9.1977
2. Brett Edward ADAMS b. 4.6.1976 m. 4.11.2001
Marisa MATTUCCI b. 3.3. 1974
3. Ashley Donald ADAMS b. 17.3.1978
I. Valerie June CASE b. 29.10. 1973
2. Bradley Donald CASE
Dorothy June GREENHALL
b. 28.9.1979
b. 17.5. 1946
I. Samantha Julie CARTER
I. Loris Annette SON OGAN
b. 27. 1.1 947
b. 28.7. 1970
m. 3.2. 1968
m. 2.5. 1998
Anthony John CARTER b. 23.6. 1944
2. Henry Laurence SONOGAN b. 14.8. 1948
3. Geoffrey Lenin SONOGAN b. 1.10.1949
4. Raymond Eric SONOGAN b. l7.9.1951 m. 28.6.1980
Paul Ion McGIVERN b. 22.9.1967
2. Nerissa Anne CARTER b. 18.9. 1972 m. 15.9.2001
Mark Leonard WORWOOD b. 31.8.1974
3. Janelle Lee CARTER b. 22.10.1976
I. Emma Jane SON OGAN b. 19.5.1982
2. Bronwyn Kate SONOGAN Jennifer Ann CRITTALL b. 13.5.1983
b. 30.6.1957
3. Rodney Lenin SONOGAN b. 2. 1.1 985
4. Timothy John SONOGAN b. 10.12.1987
5. Ben Geoffrey SONOGAN b. 23.6. 1990
I. Justin Wayne ADAMS b. 1.12.2000
Four generations l-r Lorna Adams, Yvonne Case nursing Justin Adams, and Wayne Adams
The Adams family l-r Ashley, Allan, Marisa and Brett, Loma, Wayne and Maree with Justin
5. Robert Maxwell Charles SONOGAN b. 20.12.1952 m. 8.9.1979
Janice Elisabeth PRATER b. 3.9.1952
6. Janice Evelyn SONOGAN b. 28.1.1954 m. 13.5.1978
John Roger COATES b. 8.1.1944
7. Bruce Godfrey SONOGAN b. 16. 11.1 957 m. 24.8.1991
Carol Ann FREEMAN b. 29. 10. 1950
8. John Peter SONOGAN b. 16.12.1959 m. 30.12.1982
Julie Anne COULTER b. 18.4.1961
I. Ian Bruce SONOGAN b. 31.1.198 1
2. Derek James SONOGAN b. 24.6.1982
3. Martin Robert SONOGAN b.12.1.1984
4. Mitchell Hugh SONOGAN b. 18.3. 1986
5. Jenna Marie-Clare SONOGAN b. 2.6.1989
I. Peter John COATES b. 1.10.1986
2. Gregory Robert COATES b. 29.3.1989
I. Peter FREEMAN b. 2.7. 1979
2. Kate Blisse SONOGAN b. 31.3.1993
3. Anna Clare SONOGAN b. 19.11.1994
I. Jacinta Lee SONOGAN b. 9.6.1 987
2. Joel Andrew SONOGAN b. 6.2.1990
3. Jesse Edwin SONOGAN b. 30.4.1992
9. Ethelinda Dawn SONOGAN b. 19.7.1962 m. 31.3. 1986
Anthony Michael McKEW b. 26.1.1959
l. Michael James McKEW b. 19.3.1988
2. Bartholomew John McKEW b. 12.7. 1989
3. Annilee Loren McKEW b.7.4.199 1
4. Shane Anthony McKEW b. 26.12.1993
6. Gladys Winsome THIELE b. 26.9. 1927 m. 15 . l.1949 Reginald KNIGHT b. 3.9.1927 I. Reginald Stuart KNIGHT l. Paul Matthew KNIGHT b. 17.7.1950 b. 7.12.1974 m. 18.3.1 972 m. 22.3.2003 Lorraine Lesley GOODALL Robyn Kathleen DUNN b. 3 1.5.1951 b. 30.3. 1977 2. Leisa Maree KNIGHT b. 26. 1.1978 m. 5.1.2003 Jason Richard McCOY b. 21.9.197 1 ~ ~ 2. Douglas Richard KNIGHT 1. Catherine Mary KNIGHT b. 18.8. 1953 b. 13.2.1978 m. 4.10.1975 m. 30.11.2002 Mary Josephine BLEESE Lindsay Allan PARKER b. 16.1 2.1952 b. 26.8.1974 2. Anthony Douglas KNIGHT b. 17.7.1981 3. Bradley Richard KNIGHT b. 9.6.1984 ~ ~ I. Mark Christopher ZAPPIA 3. Heather Winsome KNIGHT b. 10.10.198 1 b. 23. 10.1959 m. 23 .9.1978 2. Robert Michael ZAPPIA b. 23. 10.1983Santo ZAPPIA b. 31.3. 1955 ~ 3. Caroline Elizabeth ZAPPIA b. 9.10.1985
The 4th Child of Henry and Emma Thiele
born: 24 July, 1885 died: 10 October, 1957 married: 8 October, 1913
born: 16 April, 1888 died: 18 May, 1971
The Descendants of Ernst Ferdinand Thiele and Esther Henriette Hartwick
I. Ruth Esther THIELE I. Joy Ruth PATERSON I. Anita Joy JANETZKI I. Brendan Wesley McGILL
b. 29.12.19 14 b. 22.4.1941 b. 19.4.1963 b. 31.10.1985
d. 30.5.1998 m. 19.5.1962 m. 26.5.1984
m_._z_s_. 93l_.l_9___ e_----<1---D-o-n-al_d_S-ta_n_ly JA_N ETZKl_ t--_Eric_ Ch-ar-le_s_M_c_G-I L-L---1 2· Nathan Charles McGILL
Charles Albert PATERSON b. 27.4. 1940 b. 1.7.1914 d. 15.10.2003
Em and Esther Thiele with their family 1-r Ruth, Ron, Ern, Frank, Esther and Clem
b. 15.1.1958
2. Andrew Donald JANETZKI b. 16.7. 1965 m. 13.5.1989
Pauline Maree RUSSO b. 17.4.1960
3. Ross James JANETZKI b. 17.9.1969 m. 22.5.1999
Claire Jayne MOTT b. 12.11.1974
b. 8-12-1986
I. Lachlan James JANETZKI b. 19.5.1998
2. Aimee Jayne JANETZKI b. 29.3.2001
2. Ian Charles PATERSON b. 22.10.1944 m. 23.8. 1969 1. Lisa Annabelle PATERSON b. 28 .1.1 971 m. 4.4.1994
Margaret Elizabeth SHERA b. 7.6.1943 Peter Graeme BIRKETT b. 12.12.1962 d. 9.10.1995 re-m. 3.9.2002
Ross Anthony GOEMAN b. 10.2.1 969
r111 77
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2. Ronald Ernest THIELE b. 29.9.1916 d. 10.9.1993 m. 15.9.1951
Elma Sylvia THIELE b. 10.4.1918
3. Clement Louis THIELE b. 12.12.191 8 d. 10.9.2000
4. Frank David THIELE b. 3.5.1 921 d. 12.1.1987
I. Brian Ronald THIELE b. 14.12.1952 m. 6.5.1989
Lorraine Josephine PEARCE b. 19.3. 1955
2. Diane Elizabeth THIELE b. 29.1.1954 m. 16.2. 1974
Jeffrey Kenneth WILSON b. 29.2. 1952
3. Julie Suzanne THIELE b. 2.11.1958 m. 23.3.1985
b. 8.1.1958
Ross Graham PARSONAGE b. 9.8. 1961
2. Katrina Ellouise PATERSON b. 26.4.1974 m. 30.4. 1994
Gregory John SMITH b. 22.2.1956
re-m. 10.12.2000
Donald Vincent Samuel EVANS b. 9.4.1964
3. James Peter David PATERSON b. 22.11.1978
4. Paul John Mark PATERSON b. 28.12. 1982
I. Cameron Brian THIELE b. 16.10. I990
I. Penny Elizabeth WILSON b. 8.5. 1983
2. Miranda Grace WILSON b. 4.7. I990
I. Callum Lawson PARSONAGE b. 20.9.2000
I. Kyrn Michael SMITH b. 28.10.1994
2. Jared Lee SMITH b. 21.8.2000
The 5th Child of Henry and Emma Thiele
born: 20 February, 1887 died: 23 August, 1889
The 6th Child of Henry and Emma Thiele
born: 25 November, 1888 died: 25 August, 1889
The 7th Child of Henry and Emma Thiele
born: 17 August, 1890 died: 17 August, 1980 married: 5 August, 1913
born: 29 September, 1886 died: 9 June, 1979
The Descendants of Dorothea Ida Thiele and Edwin Carl Schurmann
I. Max Edwin SCHURMANN b. 20.3.l915 d. 27.12.1992 m. 13.9.1941
Eva Joyce REID b. 10.3.1918
2. Edwin Adolf SCHURMANN b. 7.8.1917 m. 29.4. l944
Victoria May RIDDLES b. 13.8.1923
I. Margaret Beverley SCHURMANN b. 2.6.1944 m. 19.6.1987
David Cameron WALE
b. 2.10.1938
d. 8.12.1998
2. Marion Joyce SCHURMANN b. 20.4.1949 m. 19.2.1972
Kenneth Robert SHEERS b. 30.11.1947
I. Richard Paul SCHURMANN b. 23.12.1947 m. 23.3.1972 (div)
Shirley June BROWN b. 12.3.1947
2. Susan Katherine SCHURMANN b. 9.6 .1 949 m. 14.8.1972
Roger Vernon TAYLOR b. 24. 10.1949
Richard Schurmann and family l-r Chris, Richard, Anna and Sanjeev
I. Anna Therese SCHURMANN b. 24.10.1974 m. 15.3.2003
Arcot Ananth Sanjeev NARRAIN b. 23.3.1973
2. Christopher Clamor SCHURMANN b. 3.6.1978
3. Be,tha Dorothea (Betty) SCHURMANN b. 6.11.1921 m. 10.1.1948 Max Edgar THIELE b. 23.9. 19 19 d. 18.10.1992 -I. Elizabeth Maxine THIELE b. 25.11.1948 m. 17.5.1969 Wayne Spencer HOOPER b. 29.7.1945 -I. Ricky Wayne HOOPER b. 9.1.1971 (twin) 2. Steve Mike HOOPER b. 9.1.1971 (twin) m. 6. 1l.l999 Jacqueline Marie COPPIN b. 20.6. I973 2. Timothy Carl THIELE b. 20.3.1950
3. Valerie Joyce THIELE b. 22.11.1951 m. 15. 12. 1973 (div) -I. Shaun Peter ASTLES b. 14.6.1975 m. 22.4.2000
Graeme David ASTLES b. 30.8.1949 Mary-Anne MERTENS b. 17.8. 1977
2. Grant Nathan ASTLES b. 29.1.1977
- Sarah FORD b. 20.1 1.1 977
re-m. 6.7.1996
Peter Charles GERSCH b. I I. IO. 1942
4. Nolene Dorothea THIELE b. 5.2. 1954 d. 13.5. 1954
5. Julie Fay THIELE b. 14.9.1959 -I. Michael Edward BRANSON b. 6.12.1967
m. 21.6. 1986
Garreth Marcus BRANSON b. 13.4.1944
2. 6. Marilyn Ruth THIELE b. 21.8.1961 m. 24.10.1981
John DOUTSAKIS b. 16.8.1958
4. Robert Eric SCHURMANN I. Rosslyn Joy SCHURMANN
b. 6.11.1922 b. 28.3. 1956
d. 27.6.1994 m. 8.5.1982
m. 20.2. 1954 Peter John DONNELLY b. 17.4.1955
Dorothy May WYLLIE b. 19.7.1917
2. Brendon Robert SCHURMANN b. 6.8.1957
I. 2. 3. Carla Margaret GRIMWOOD b. 17.3. 1968
Andrew David BRANSON b. 21.2.1969
Kelly Erin DONNELLY b. 20.12.1983
Karen Elizabeth DONNELLY b. 15.8. 1986
Katie May DONNELLY b. 16.9.1990
I. Crystal Lorraine ASTLES b. 6.11.1998
I. Peter Andrew BRANSON b. 7.9.1993
2. Ri ley Thomas BRANSON b. 6.9.1995 (twin)
3. Justin Michael BRANSON b. 6.9.1995 (twin)
Betty Thiele and her family Back l-r Grant Ast/es, Valerie Gersch, Marily Doutsakis, Timothy Thiele, Julie Branson, Liz Hooper Centre l-r Rick Hooper, Betty Thiele nursing Crystal Ast/es Front l-r Steve Hooper, Shaun Ast/es
The 8th Child of Henry and Emma Thiele
born: 12 March, 1896 died: 1 July, 1968 married: 29 April, 1919
born: 7 August, 1897 died: 24 July, 1946
remarried: 19 October, 1949
born: 6 February, 1901 died: 21 April, 1995 Ferdie and Daisy Thiele
The Descendants of Friedrich Johann Ferdinand Thiele and Daisy Hampton
I. Reginald Eric THIELE b. 13.6.1920 d. 3.9.1974 m. 21.4.1945
Phyllis PUMP b. 30.1.1916 d. 25.7.2003
I. Kaylee Rebecca MALADY b. 3.8.1999
2. Tegan Elizabeth MALADY b. 2.10.200 1
Phyllis Thiele seated with daughter Janet (right) and
I. Ellie Louise PEARCE b. 19.7.2000
grand-daughter Denise holding great grand-daughter Kayley
2. Brooke Zoe PEARCE b. 9.4.2002
3. Lo,rnine Margaret THIELE I. Stephen Eric O'NEILL b. 19.11.1949 b. 28.2. I975 m. 1.5.1971 m. 11.10.2003
Terence Anthony Wallis Renee VAN VLIET O'NEILL b. 19.9.1980 b. 5.7.1947
I. Brody Ryan O'NEILL b. 26.6.1998
2. Stephanee Lorraine O'NEILL b. 20.3.2002
2. David James O'NEILL b. 30.1.1977 m. 2.9.2000
3. Jas mine Rae VARDY b. 17.12. 1978 Teresa Lorraine O'NEILL b. 8. 11.1 978 m. 14.2. 1998
Gavin David PARISH b. 23.3. 1978
2. Percy Victor THIELE b. 26.11.1922
3. Leslie Ferdinand THIELE b. 19.10.1924 d. 19.9.1 928
4. Stanley Hampton THIELE b. 2.12.1929 m. 24.1.1952
Phyllis Margaret BOND b. 1.1.1 928
4. Chri stopher Steven THIELE b. 8.5.1 956 m.3.l.198 1
Wendy Elizabeth
b. 22.4.1 960
I. Margaret Anne THIELE b. 3.7. 1954 m. 28. 1.1 977
Richard David COCKBURN b. 23.5. 1952
2. David Hampton THIELE b. 19.2. 196 1 m. 27.4. 1985
Karen Elizabeth BURGE b. 15.7.1961
I. 2. I.
2. I. 2. 3. I. 2. I.
2. Janice Nicole THIELE b. 17. 12.1984
Samuel Luke THIELE b. 9.4. 1987
Michael Richard COCKBURN b. 9. 11.1980
Sarah Faith COCKBURN b. 21.7. 1983
Kayla Michelle THIELE b. 17.10.1989 (twin)
Danelle Louise THIELE b. 17. 10.1989 (twin)
Nathan David THIELE b. 7.9. 1993
Annie Diane THIELE b. 23.7. 1993
Alan Geoffrey THIELE b. 5.3. 1995
Cassandra Blaze HARRISON b. 12.4.2001
Rachel Page HARRISON b. 16.9.2003
5. Wilfrid Charles Ackerman (Bill) THIELE b. 8.3.1935 m. 25 .2. 1961 (div) I. Geoffrey Bruce THIELE b. I 0.4. 1962 m. 11.9.1 992
Lucy ZHOU b. l 0.2.1954 2. Karen Grace THIELE b. 26.1 2. 1965 m. 5.10.2002
Diane Grace DEWAR b. 10.7.1 941
Jeffrey Mark HARRISON b. 19.2. 1967 3. John Wilfrid THIELE b. 14.8. 1970 m. 2.9.2000
Suntan WANG b. 3.1. 1975
Ferdie and Daisy Thiele with their family Back l-r Stan, Reg, Daisy and Vic Front 1-r Maurice, Ferdie and Wilfrid
6. Maurice Denis THIELE b. 7.3.1939 m. 19.3.1960 I. Andrew John THIELE b. 5.1 1961 2. Mark THIELE b. 14.4.1962 d. 14.4.1962 3. Peter Philip THIELE b. 6.6.1963 m. 2.11.1985
Lynette Mary BAILEY b. 28.2.1940
Lisa Dianne BRITTON b. 1.12.1963 4. Delton Paul THIELE b.16.7 .1 964 m. 17.11.1984
Merran Eli zabeth BROWNBILL b. 13.2.1965 S. Timothy James THIELE b. 31.10.1966 m. 19.9.1992
Danielle Ruth YOUENS b. 30.1.1970 6. Ruth Marise THIELE b. 20.12.1973 m. 10.2.1996
Christopher Barnabas HOLMES b. 22.8.1972I. Damien Peter THIELE b. 13.10.1988
2. Amber Dianne THIELE b. 20.9.1990
3. Matthew Philip THIELE b. 5.3.1996
Tamara Louise THIELE b. 26.12.1984
2. Melissa Jane THIELE b. 28.1 1.1986
I. Bethany Jade THIELE b. 18.5.1996
2. Joshua Ryan THIELE b. 29.8.1999
The 9th Child of Henry and Emma Thiele
born: 21 April, 1898 died: 28 June, 1974 married: 31 July, 1924
born: 22 March, 1901 died: 10 July, 1983
The Descendants of Franz Eric Thiele and Ada Marie Aumann
1. Judith Linda THIELE b. 19.5.1933 m. 14.1.1954 I. Mari e Joy SEMMENS b. 11.2.1955 m. 30.3.1985
Douglas George SEMMENS b. 15 .1 1.1930 d. 23.8. 1979 Steven Martin BANKS b. 24. I I. 1959 2. Janet Lorraine SEMMENS b. 4. 12. 1956 m. 23.7.1984
Christopher Rivers FOUNTAIN b. 6.5. 1958 3. David Allan SEMMENS b. 24.8. I 958 ct. 24.3.1962 4. John Richard SEMMENS b. 11.3. 1963 m. 31.1.1987
Dianne Lynn SPENCE b. 25.11.1963
1. James Douglas BANKS b. 6.5.1989
2. Annie Rose BANKS b. 19.5.1994
I. Jackson John SEMMENS b. 20.9.2000
re-m. 18.12.1982
Stanley Edgar ROWE b. 4.9.1927 d. 1.5 .1 992
The 2nd Child of Johann Gottfried Thiele and Anna Maria Goethe
born: 11 August, 1858 died: 3 January, 1862
The 3rd Child of Johann Gottfried Thiele and Anna Maria Goethe
born: February, 1860 died: 5 January, 1862
The 4th Child of Johann Gottfried Thiele and Anna Maria Goethe
born: Nov 1861
The 5th Child of Johann Gottfried Thiele and Anna Maria Goethe
born: 27 December, 1863 died: 27 December, 1863
DoncasterTemp!estowe Historical Soclsl:y
The 6th Child of Johann Gottfried Thiele and Anna Maria Goethe
born: 10 January, 1868 died: 10 January, 1868
The 7th Child of Johann Gottfried Thiele and Anna Maria Goethe
born: 9 March, 1869 died: 15 December, 1873
The 8th Child of Johann Gottfried Thiele and Anna Maria Goethe
born: 20 February, 1871 died: 27 April, 1871
Appendix 1
The German Settlement at Doncaster
The precise time in 1853 of the Thiele family settlement at Doncaster is not known. However, information that has recently come to light suggests that this would most likely have been in the latter half of that year.
Initially the German settlers called the area in which they settled Breslau, after the capital city of the Prussian province of Silesia from where a number of them had emigrated. However, it would appear that by about 1856 the use of the name Breslau was discontinued in favour of the name Waldau, meaning a clearing in the forest. This may well have alluded to the clearing of land to plant the first crops. At that time the area was extensively timbered in Yellow Box, Stringy Bark, She-oak, Peppermint and Apple. Black Wattle was also abundant. The area was sometimes refen-ed to as the 'Stringy Bark' range.
Although the name Doncaster was officially used from 1853, the small German settlement retained the name Waldau for many years. Roads were given German names and these remained until the outbreak of World War 1 in 1914. Victoria Street was known as Bismarck Street, King Street as Wilhelm Street (presumably after King Frederick Wilhelm IV of Prussia) and George Street was called German Lane or sometimes Waldau Lane.
The earliest known reference to the German settlement in the area appeared in a monthly German church newsletter known as Der Pilger in Victoria (The Pilgrim in Victoria) published by Matthias Goethe, the pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Melbourne. This was published for the benefit of members of his congregation and outlying areas such as Germantown (Grovedale) near Geelong. It would appear that only six issues were published, all of them between July and December of 1853; it was replaced by Die Christenbote in 1860.
Edition Number 3 dated 30 September 1853 contains the following statement:
The German Settlement of Breslau
Several German families recently purchased 750 acres1 ofland in the vicinity of Templestowe on the Yarra about JO miles from Melbourne. There they intend to establish a German village to be called Breslau. Some weeks ago a meeting was held at that very place and it was decided to make the following announcement:
We the undersigned landowners in the Colony of Victoria have decided that Section 9a, b and Section 10 situated near Templestowe in the County of Bulleen2 should be known henceforth as Breslau.
Straube, Helbrig, Walther, Reinitz, Grunert, Kaiser, Simon, Schultz, Gottlieb Thiele, Gottfried Thiele, Christian Finger sen., Christian Finger jun., Wilhelm Finger, Heinrich Finger and Pastor Goethe3. (Reproduced with the permission of Rare Books Collection, State Library of Victoria.)
The amount of land actually purchased was 784 acres. 2 This should correctly read the County of Burke, Parish of Bulleen. 3 Not all of these people lived in the area and some sold their holdings to other settlers, who were for
the most part German.
Appendix 2 Friedensruh Property
This photograph is believed to be an early view of the Friedensruh orchard as seen from the north (now the eastern end of Ruffey Lake Park). The original photograph is in poor condition and on the reverse side are the words "an ancient view of Friedensruh" hand written by Alfred Thiele ( 1868-1960) who lived on the property for the duration of his life.
Viewed from same position today, the profile of the land looks the same. A small section of Victoria Street (then known as Bismarck Street) can be seen at the extreme left. The plantings in the centre are most likely berries which were grown on the property in the early years before any extensive planting of fruit trees was made. However, some orchard planting is discernible (centre left). Ruffey Creek, which at the time supplied water for the irrigation of crops, can partly be seen at right of the vegetation in the foreground.
The house (upper left) is that of Carl or "Father" Aumann. Trinity Lutheran Church, built in 1892, now stands on that site in Victoria Street. Below the Aumann house is the home of August Lenkersdorf who was the local carpenter. This property of approximately two acres was purchased by Alfred Thiele about 1905 and the buildings demolished for orchard expansion. The house (right of centre) is Friedensruh, the Thiele home, but in its early form before later additions were made. The house on the hill (upper right) is that of the Fromhold family.
The photograph would most likely have been taken circa 1870s.
Appendix 3
Heritage Markers -Ruff ey Lake Park
In 2002, twenty heritage markers were erected around Ruffey Lake Park as a key component of the interpretive strategy adopted by the City of Manningham in the development of the park. These markers form the basis of a heritage trail and depict sites that were, for the most part, connected with the families who previously owned and farmed the land on which the park is established.
Appendix 4
The following article appeared in The Australasian on 6 July 1907 under a report on fruitgrowing and is reprinted here. However the article is incorrectly attributed to the orchard of Mr A.E. (Alfred) Thiele and was in fact that of his brother A.F. (Frederick) Thiele in Church Road Doncaster as the description of the irrigation system and fruit store clearly affirms to those who still remember the property.
THE DONCASTER DISTRICT (by our own reporter)
It has come to be generally recognised that if fruitgrowing is to be made profitable, some system of irrigation must be practised. There are very few districts where a full measure of success can be gained without the use of water. No matter how favourable are the climatic conditions, it almost invariably happens that during the summer, there comes a spell of dry weather which arrests the growth of the trees, exhausting their vitality, and temporarily checking the development of the fruit. Though cultivation may go far towards imprisoning the moisture, keeping it in the soil and within the reach of the roots, if a heavy crop of fruit is to be brought to maturity, the trees should not be handicapped by being made to search for it during a time when they require all their energies to satisfy their own needs. The trees may recover from a severe setback without serious injury but a crop of fruit rarely can. The illeffects will be noticeable as a rule in the pinched or dwarfed appearance of the fruit. Or it may be that the assistance of an artificial supply of water is necessary during the spring to ensure the setting of the blossom. Districts which cannot enlist the sympathy of a paternal government and are beyond the reach of any public scheme, or which are without the assistance of rivers or creeks, labour under a very big difficulty. The absence of any natural water supply, therefore, imposes upon the Doncaster growers an important and a heavy task. But it is one that has been resolutely faced and to a great extent accomplished. As far as possible, in a great many instances the orchards are now supplied with a complete irrigation scheme of their own, full advantage having been taken of the hilly nature of the land, by the construction of capacious dams in the hollows to provide storage accommodation for a large enough body of water to tide over the worst weeks of summer. To do more than this is impossible. The enormous quantities of water that would be necessary to completely satisfy the demands of the trees during a long drought could not, as a rule, be conserved unless huge dams were constructed, and though these could be erected, every footi or two additional rise in the height of the face embankment would be accompanied by the submergence of perhaps an acre or two of landii. Many of the dams are built as close to the summit of a hill as possible, the dip between two steep slopes being closed at the head of the valley, so that all the land lying beneath its lowest level may be served by gravitation. Often these hillside excavations are used for the dual purpose of storing water for irrigating the lower parts of the orchard and as the main reservoir for subsidiary distributing depots made on the highest and most conveniently situated parts of the property. A system therefore, as complete as the physical characteristics of the district will allow has been designed, and that despite many obstacles.
The orchard of Mr A.E. Thiele, the president of the Doncaster Fruitgrowers' Association, furnishes an instructive example of dauntless enterprise and thoughtful design. The value he places on an efficient system of reticulation which can only be obtained when there is a big supply of water, is evident from the trouble and money he has expended on his service. Mr. Thiele's supply consists of four dams, two in the hollow, which are capable of storing just over one million and a quarter gallonsiii, and two on the crest of the hills, which bring the total storage capacity of the place to over two million gallons. The water is pumped from the lower dams by means of an 8-horse power steam engine, working at a pressure of 50lbiv_ This force is sufficient to till and propel the water through a main two inchv pipe to both the hill reservoirs. Once the top dams are filled the connection between the pump and main pipe is cut off, enabling it to be used for distributing the water through the pipes which run at right angles at varying distances throughout the whole orchard. These cross-pipes are generally placed at six or eight row intervals and range in size from one inch to two inch, according to the height of their position. They are fitted with a series of taps which allow a hose to be attached for conveying the water from one row to another. Surface irrigation is the only system in use, and by the aid of a plough furrow, the water is made to run to any part required. The water is allowed to run outside the trees and never near the base, for a time varying from ten minutes to a quarter of an hour. The citrus plants, Mr Thiele has found, do not require the water in such large quantities as other trees. During a dry spell it is customary to let the water run through a three quarter inch hose for ten minutes. At the expiration of this time the tap is turned off and no water is given to the trees for a fortnight. Larger quantities of water have a tendency to make the soil cold. Several trees were pointed out that had been over-watered last year, and in all instances they were on the side where the soakage was greatest, invariably of a yellow and sickly appearance. These trees appeared to be suffering in much the same way as one would expect to find those ailing from collar rot. Experiments in winter irrigation have so far shown that the ground does not dry, and should rain follow there is a great risk of the land becoming supersaturated, and of the soil being carried away by the wash and water. Irrigation is
consequently seldom resorted to between the months of April and the latter end of August.
As a fruit-growing district, Doncaster has been very well treated, having everything that could be desired -situation, climate, soil, and facility of a close market. It has also a very fair share of things which are not desirable, namely, insect pests. With the exception of the fruit fly, most other pests and diseases that harass the orchardist, codlin moth, black spot, scale, aphis, borers, red spider, shot-hole, collar rot, smut, and numerous others are present. The first two are the most prevalent. The codlin moth and black spot are the two pests which are causing consternation among the growers of pretty well all districts, and Doncaster could hardly expect to be exempted from these afflictions. Good work is being done to combat and keep them down. So far the arsenate of soda mixture has been proved the most effective for keeping down ravages of the moth, but care must be taken in the mixing, as an overdose burns the leaves and scorches the fruit. Mr Thiele is so particular of the mixing of this spray, that he does not trust his men to do the work, preferring to mix the compound himself, and so ensure more satisfactory results. The moth has been worse this year than ever. Apart from the spraying, the bandaging of the tree is done and inspected at intervals of eight days throughout the season. The bandaging is done by means of zinc strips placed around the trees, which serve the double purpose of providing a hiding place for the moth and a barrier to the root borer. This latter pest lays its eggs from November to January. They begin to ascend the trees from the soil during October and November, and unless prevented by bands, go up and lay their eggs in the leaves, which hatch and dropping to the ground, renew the attack on the roots. They are found in peaches and apricots, and this year odd ones have been found among the citrus, but most of their attention is given to the apples, pears and plums. In placing the bands to prevent their going up into the trees, care is exercised that they are so fixed as to have a slight slope, the sloping position apparently being more detetTent than a straight band. Trees attacked are noticeable by the weakly state of the buds and limbs. Fortunately this pest is fairly in check and the growers hope that the time is not very far off and the borer will be the exception rather than the rule. The peach aphis is another pest that the growers have to contend with and so far the only effective spray has been found to be the tobacco wash. This is mixed in the proportion of one bran-bag of tobacco waste to every 100 gallons of water. The tobacco leaf is placed in the water and allowed to soak for a week during which time it is frequently stirred and kept in circulation so as to thoroughly infuse the water with the tobacco.
Each year sees an increasing tendency towards the use of the leguminous plants for supplying humus to the soil. This is not to be wondered at, as the system of manuring, while one of the most effective is also one of the cheapest methods of supplying the soil with nourishment. A good crop of green stuff, owing to the time it takes to decompose, keeps the ground in good heart, and this somewhat slow process of decomposition allows the plants to assimilate the various ingredients as they are freed from the crop. For the last two years it has been Mr Thiele's custom to sow field peas between the rows of trees. Drilling is resorted to, and a liberal dressing of 2cwtvi, of superphosphate is sown with the seed giving them a reserve to draw upon until they are well rooted and able to forage for themselves. The peas are allowed to grow until the flowering stage. At this period of their existence they are putting forward all their energy and drawing upon the air for nitrogen necessary to the formation and maturing of the seed and it is on this account that they are in the best condition for turning under. Generally the harrows are run over the crop to enable the plough to more satisfactorily perform the duty of turning it under.
One of the most interesting features of the place is the building which receives the fruit from the orchard. The building is one containing a cellar and two floors. The ground floor is roughly three feet above the level of the ground and is used for packing purposes. The reason of this plan of construction is to facilitate the moving of the fruit into the store and packing-room. At the end, remote from the entrance, there is a room sufficiently large for a cart to be backed in, having a ramp going down to within a foot or two of the underground room , enabling the cases to be lifted from the cart either into the cool chamber or the packing room, to the latter by means of a landing several feet above the height of the cart, and nearly on a level with the floor. This obviates the carrying of any fruit up or down a flight of stairs. This is a convenience which would only have to be experienced to be thoroughly appreciated. The top floor, or case room, also contains an advantage which, unfortunately, is seldom seen. The louvres at each end of the room are wired in with very fine mesh, making them fly-proof and at the same time allowing of a free circulation of air. It is lighted by windows similarly placed, with troughs of two inches in width situated at the base, and running the whole length of the window. These troughs are filled with kerosene, and the entrance to the room closed. All insects brought in either in the chrysalis state, or fully developed must within a short space of time make for the light, and this natural instinct or fascination for the windows whichever it may be, is eventually the cause of their death. After vainly fluttering against the panes of glass, and not finding a foothold, they become exhausted, and one by one drop down into the trap awaiting them. Another point worth mentioning is the construction of the windows which light the cellar. They are constructed with two panes, so fitted as to enclose an air space, which forms a sort of regulation chamber, keeping a more even temperature throughout the summer and winter.
1 foot = 0.3048 metres (m) 11 1 acre= 0.4047 hectares (ha) m 1 gallon= 4.5461 litres (L) iv 1 pound per square inch (psi) = 6.8948 kilo-Pascals (kPa) v 1 inch= 2.54 centimetres (cm) vi 1 hundred weight (cwt) = 50.8023 kilograms (kg)
Doncaster I Templestowe Historical Society LIBRPiRY
Appendix 5
This article is re-printed from The Weekly Times dated November 11, 1933. Sound Management Displayed in a Doncaster Orchard Noted for High-Quality Pears
By "Tillage"
Few of the orchards which I have been p1ivileged to visit in this State bear evidence of such careful layout and good management generally as that of Mr. August Thiele of Doncaster. Orderliness and thoroughness are the keynotes of his operations and everything is kept in its place. The land consists mostly of heavy grey soil, overlaying a light loam, and clay under that.
Mr. Thiele took possession in 1897, and has planted 29 of the 43 acres in the prope1ty. It is almost surrounded by pinus insignis, which provide fine shelter for the fruit trees. The owner, however, has come to the conclusion that while some protection of this kind is desirable, it can be over-done. Exclusion of the air, he considers, assists in the development of black spot -the most destructive fungus disease in apples and pears.
Practically the whole of the orchard is underground drained with two-inch pipes, which are connected with three-inch outlets. Six catchment dams provide water for irrigation. The largest of these can be filled from a windmill, and supplies also are available from the O'Shanassy scheme.
Spraying operations are greatly facilitated by a platform in the centre of the orchard, on which the material for this work is prepared and stored. There are four casks, three of which are used for bluestone and the other for lime. The casks have a capacity of 40 gallons each.
Although he is regarded as one of the best pear growers in Victoria, Mr. Thiele, with characte1istic modesty, asserts that there are many men, even in his own district, whose knowledge of that branch is at least equal to his. He states that up to about four years ago apple and pear growing were very profitable, but since then low prices, particularly for export fruit, have been a severe blow.
Last season he shipped 4500 cases of pears overseas, on which it is doubtful if any profit will be made, but payable prices were obtained for 2000 cases supplied to the Sydney market. In his opinion better regulation of shipments is necessary for the export trade, and after the disastrous results from the 1933 crop, there is now general agreement among growers on that point.
Eighteen acres are under pears, comp1ising the Beurre Bose, Josephine, Packham's Triumph, Winter Nelis, Winter Cole, Broompark and Black Achan vaiieties. The Bemre Bose, Josephine and Winter Cole are regarded as the best commercial kinds.
The last-named was the worst seller among the peai·s exp01ted last season, but Mr. Thiele points out that this cannot be taken as an indication that it is declining in populaiity, as the shipment arrived when the market was over-supplied. He had found the Winter Nelis a shy bearer, but its fruit is of good quality.
The trees are 18ft. apait, and provision has been made for cross-pollination by having the different varieties interspersed with rows of other kinds which bloom at the same time. Some pear growers consider that Beurre Bose is self-fertile, but on this property it has been found to do better alongside another variety.
In many instances cultivation work in orchards is performed in a haphazard manner, neatness in ploughing being a secondary consideration. This, however, is not so in the case of Mr. Thiele. He ploughs twice in the spring on the crosswise principle, and once in autumn. In addition the land is well worked in autumn with the solid tine cultivator, or the spring-tooth if it gets hard.
Most of the cultivation work is done with tractor power. At one time only blood manure was used, but for the last two years a complete fertiliser has been employed, the allowance being from 4 to 61b. a tree, according to its general condition and the crop being carried. The complete fertiliser promises very well, and on some parts it is being alternated with blood manure.
The advantages of having a green crop to be ploughed under in spring are fully appreciated, but the obstacle to this practice often is that it cannot be sown early enough to avoid clashing with harvesting or other operations.
The whole of the orchard is sprayed in winter with red oil at the rate of one gallon to 20 of water, as a general safeguard against scale pests. Black spot is a source of great trouble in the pear crop. Last year it was necessary to spray six times with Bordeaux mixture of 12-8-80 strength, but three seasons ago the spraying programme was even more extensive than this.
Vaiieties such as Packham's Triumph and Winter Nelis are found very susceptible to the disease. Liberal pmning of the pear trees is claimed to be a decided advantage. During the last couple of years some of them have been cut back six or seven feet, and not only has the yield been equal to that obtained before the trees were heavily lopped, but the fmit has been of better quality.
Spraying, harvesting and other operations have also been facilitated by having the branches lower. Therefore, the future policy in the case of all pear trees will be not to let them get too high.
Thinning is practised with pears and apples, and the proportion of culls is reduced to a minimum. The operation is carried out soon after the setting stage, so that all the energy of the tree goes into fmit that will be eventually harvested.
The area under apples is seven acres, consisting of the Jonathan, Yates, Rokewood, Five Crown and Stewart's Seedling varieties. The Rome Beauty was given much attention up to recent years, but it has gone out of favour, and is being worked over to the Granny Smith and Stewart's Seedling.
Alternate Bearing
Irregular beating of apple trees at Doncaster is a big problem as in many other pa.its of the State. Mr. Thiele states that the only varieties of which he is reasonably sure of a crop every year are the Yates and Rokewood. The former yield a heavy crop and extensive thinning is necessary to ensure high quality fmit.
Experience generally among orchardists who grow the Yates is that it rarely produces fmit above the dessert size. It is often difficult to keep the fmit up to a reasonable standard, even on vigorous growing trees.
The manuring of apples is the same as for pears. Black spot is much more easily controlled than in the case of the pear crop, one application of Bordeaux mixture and one of lime sulphur in propmtions of two gallons to 80 of water being sufficient. An ai·senate of lead spray is given for codlin moth.
Lai·ge quantities of apples are placed in the co-operative cool stores. The Five Crown and Stewart's Seedling are sold mostly in Melbourne but the others are sent to the Sydney and Brisbane mai·kets.
Like most of the orchardists at Doncaster, Mr. Thiele gives attention to lemons, having about two acres of the Lisbon vaiiety. At one time he had a cittus nursery on his property and supplied many of the trees now to be found in the disttict.
Evidence of the suitableness of this land for lemons is supplied by the fact that one acre ( or 100 tt·ees) has furnished up to 1000 cases. The fmit is available throughout the greater part of the year.
Source: "The Thiele Family of Doncaster 1853-2003 - A companion Volume to The Thiele Family of Doncaster 1849-1989" Eric Collyer 2003. No ISBN. Permission granted from Eric Collyer to publish online.
A companion to a previous publication: Collyer, Eric & Thiele, David & Thiele Family Reunion Committee. 1988, The Thiele family of Doncaster : a history of Johann Gottlieb Thiele and Johann Gottfried Thiele and their descendants, 1849-1989 / written and compiled by Eric Collyer and David Thiele. Thiele Family Reunion Committee [Doncaster, Vic.] ISBN 0731648706
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