in 1874....

  • Doncaster and Templestowe had a population of 1,600. 
  • Much of the land had been cleared and the itinerant wood cutters who had been living in bark huts throughout the area moved on to districts further out. 
  • At the Templestowe Roads Boards elections, Edward Tatham, who lived in his stone cottage in Leeds Street was elected Chairman. 
  • At Templestowe, a new State School was built. 
  • At Doncaster Max Schramm had sold his school to the Education Department and started to build a stone cottage.
  • George Holden formed a cricket club to play in the paddock behind the Doncaster Hotel. 
  • At Warrandyte, gold mining was booming and the rich Pig Tail mine was opened.
1974 02 DTHS Newsletter

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