Templestowe College

Templestowe College has been operating since 1994, but our current story really starts in October, 2009 when the school took on a whole new direction. The school had not moved with the times and student numbers had fallen from 1000 students to a tiny 286 students. With just 23 year sevens there was a serious threat of the school being closed.

The College Council and a group of committed staff and students decided on a complete change in focus. Rather than remaining just another traditional school, Templestowe College would embrace its smaller size and become experts in personalised learning. TC as we now call it, was born.

Interest from students and their parents who were feeling lost or dissatisfied with the current education system and wanting to explore a new style of education, saw numbers start to climb. Following a strategic review in 2013, TC moved towards individualised learning, and by 2015 we dropped all reference to year levels, and now all students Take Control of their learning by selecting 100% of their course load from more than 150 electives as part of their Individualised Learning Plan (ILP) once the basic literacy and numeracy is established.

In 2018 we are now a school with over 1100 students, and a total learning community of over 1200 people. We have launched our new school vision of "to co-create high quality learning experiences within an inclusive and supportive community".  This vision has been created by our whole community after a lengthy consultation process. As a school we will always continue to look at ways that we can improve and offer young people true advocacy in their education and learning. As an example, at the end of 2017, College Council made the decision to remove compulsory uniform, based about a campaign led by our students.

We will always continue to look to move beyond Student Voice towards Student Action, a cornerstone of what has made our school a place where young people thrive and feel valued.  As a school we are working with a federation of schools, including Mount Alexander College, Bundoora Secondary College, Beechworth Secondary College and Playford International School who all work together with a similar philosophy.



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