Winter Family

Research needed to describe relationships (if any) between these records. May 2022

John G F Winter: - Probate

Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28).  165/428 John G F Winter: Grant of probate
Given name : John G F; Family name : Winter; Residence : Doncaster; Occupation : Orchardist; Nature of grant.  VPRS 28/P0003, 165/4281919-07-31 - 1919-07-31Open, PhysicalNorth Melbourne: 15 pages. 
File Image 1: 165428 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA. Probate Jurisdiction  IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER, late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased.  ORDER FOR PROBATE. 2/8/19.  V Wischer. 

File Image 2: IN THE SUPREME COURT  OF VICTORIA.  Probate Jurisdiction. IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER, late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased. BEFORE THE REGISTRAR  The 31st day of July 1919. UPON APPLICATION this day made by the Proctor for the applicant and UPON READING the several Affidavits of Christina Winter and Victor Wischer respectively sworn and filed herein THIS COURT DOTH ORDER that Probate of the said Will be granted to Christina Winter of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Widow, the executrix appointed by the said Will.  BY THE COURT. Registrar of Probates. 

File Image 3: 165428. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA. Probate Jurisdiction. IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased.  AFFIDAVIT OF EXECUTRIX  V Wischer

File Page 4: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA  Probate Jurisdiction IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased. I CHRISTINA WINTER of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Widow, make oath and say:
    1. That I am seeking to obtain Probate of the Will of the abovenamed John George Frederick Winter deceased and I am of the full age of twenty-one years.  The said deceased was and I am a natural born British subject.
    2. The said deceased died on the nineteenth day of June one thousand nine hundred and nineteen.
    3. The said deceased was married to me at the time of his death.
    4. The said deceased left a Will bearing date the second day of February, One thousand nine hundred and seventeen which is as I believe the last Will and Testament of the said deceased and which is unrevoked.
    5. That the Testator was of the full age of twenty-one years at the date of the execution of the said Will.
    6. By his said Will the said Testator appointed me executrix thereof.
    7. The paper writing now produced and shewn to me at the time of swearing this my Affidavit and marked “A” is the true last Will and Testament of the said deceased as I verily believe.
    8. The said Will was executed in the presence of Victor Wischer of 443 Chancery Lane, Melbourne in the said State, Solicitor and of Stanley Bishop now residing at Number 1 Belfast Street, Brunswick in the said State, Labourer.
    9. The said deceased left real estate in the State of Victoria not exceeding the value of One thousand six hundred 

File Image 5: pounds and personal property in the said State not exceeding the value of One thousand three hundred and eleven pounds – two shillings and ten pence as set out in the Inventory now produced and shewn to me at the time of swearing this my Affidavit and marked with the letter “B”.
    10. That if I obtain Probate I will well and truly collect and administer according to law to the best of my knowledge and ability, the property, lands and hereditaments, goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased at the time of his death, which at any time after shall come to the power or control hands or possession of me as his executrix or of any other person or persons for me that I will make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular, the property lands and hereditaments, goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased which shall have come to the hands possession or knowledge of me or to the hands or possession of any other person or persons for me and the same so made will sign with my proper handwriting and will exhibit and deposit or cause to be exhibited and deposited the same inventory in the office of the Master-in-Equity within three calendar months next ensuing the order granting Probate and further that I will make or cause to be made a true and just account of the Administration of the estate which I have undertaken as to my receipts and disbursements and as to what portion is retained by me and which portion remains uncollected and the same so made will sign with my proper handwriting and will exhibit and deposit or cause to be exhibited and deposited the same account in the said office of the Master-in-Equity within fifteen calendar months next ensuing the order granting Probate.
SWORN at Melbourne in the State of Victoria this 25th day of July One thousand nine hundred and 
nineteen before me:  C Winter  H Jennings A Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Victoria for taking Affidavits.

File Image 6: 165428. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA Probate Jurisdiction IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased. PROBATE I certify that the sum of four hundred and forty-four pounds thirteen shillings and twopence, the duty hereon, has been paid. R W Welders??? Commissioner of ???   August 20th 1919.  V Wischer

File Image 7: IN THE SUPREME COURT  OF VICTORIA Probate Jurisdiction IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased. BE IT KNOWN that on the thirty-first day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and nineteen, the will (a true copy of which is hereunto annexed) of John George Frederick Winter late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased, who died on the nineteenth day of June One thousand nine hundred and nineteen and who had at the time of his death real estate within the jurisdiction sworn not to exceed in value One thousand six hundred pounds and personal estate within the jurisdiction sworn not to exceed in value One thousand three hundred and eleven pounds, two shillings and ten pence, was proved by Christina Winter of High Street, Doncaster, aforesaid Widow, the executrix named therein, she having been first sworn that she would well and truly collect and administer according to law, the estate of the said John George Frederick Winter, and would exhibit and deposit in the office of the Master-in-Equity a true and perfect inventory of the said estate within three months of the order granting Probate and a true and just account of her administration of the said estate within fifteen months of the said order. This Grant is made upon the condition that no portion of the assets shall be distributed or paid during the War to any beneficiary or creditor who is a German, Austro-Hungarian, Turkish, or Bulgarian subject wherever resident or to anyone on his behalf or to or on behalf of any person resident in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, or Bulgaria or whatever nationality, without the express sanction of the Crown and 

File Image 8: if any distribution or payment is made contrary to this condition, the Grant of Probate will be forthwith revoked. GIVEN at Melbourne this 21st day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and nineteen. J Carter Registrar of Probates

File Image 9: 165428. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA Probate Jurisdiction
IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street, Doncaster in the Sate of Victoria, Orchardist deceased. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION OF NOTICE AND OF SEARCH V Wischer. 

File Image 10: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA Probate Jurisdiction IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased.  I Victor Wischer of 443 Chancery Lane, Melbourne in the State of Victoria, Solicitor, make oath and say:
    1. That I am the Proctor acting generally in the above application.
    2. That the following advertisement duly appeared in the “Argus” newspaper published in Melbourne on the twenty-sixth day of June 1919 namely:
“After the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court that Probate of the Will of John George Frederick Winter late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased, may be granted to Christina Winter of the same place, Widow, the sole executrix appointed by the said Will”
“DATED the twenty-fifth day of June 1919”
    3. That I have since the death of the deceased searched and find that no Will of the abovenamed deceased is deposited in the office of the Registrar-General.
    4. That I have this day searched in the proper office of the Honourable Court and find that no caveat has been lodged in this matter.
    5. That no application for probate or administration of this matter has heretofore been made to or been granted by this Court or the Registrar of Probates of this Court.
    6. That on the twenty-second day of February One thousand nine hundred and seventeen I was present with one Stanley Bishop of Number 1 Belfast Street Brunswick in the State, Labourer whose name appears at the foot of the Will now produced and shown to me at the time of swearing this my Affidavit marked “A”, and that I did see John George Frederick Winter above described deceased execute the said will marked “A” by making 

File Image 11: his mark thereto and that I and the said Stanley Bishop then and there at his request in his sight and presence and in the presence of each other, thereto subscribed our names as witnesses.
    7. That previous to such execution of the said Will as aforesaid, the said Will was read over and the meaning and effect explained to the said testator John George Frederick Winter, when he seemed perfectly to understand the same and approve of the meaning and effect thereof and admitted that such will had been drawn up strictly in accordance with and in the terms of the instructions previously given by him.
    8. That the mark “x” which appears at the foot of the said Will is the proper mark of the said John George Frederick Winter above described deceased he being unable to write his name owing to illness.  That the signatures “V Wischer” and “Stanley Bishop” which also appear at the foot of the said Will are of the respective proper handwritings of myself this deponent and the said Stanley Bishop the attesting witnesses thereto.
SWORN at Melbourne in the State of  Victoria this twenty-fifth day of  July One thousand nine hundred and nineteen, Before me Oswald Barrett A Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Victoria for taking Affidavits

File Image 12: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA Probate Jurisdiction IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased. INVENTORY.  V Wischer

File Image 13: IN THE SUPREME COURT  OF VICTORIA Probate Jurisdiction IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased. INVENTORY Real Estate
    1. ALL THAT piece of land containing 11 acres 1 rood and 36 perches or thereabouts being part of Unwin’s Crown Special Survey Parish of Bulleen County of Bourke comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 2962 Folio 592335
    2. ALL THAT piece of land containing 15 acres or thereabouts being part of Unwin’s Crown Special Survey Parish of Bulleen County of Bourke comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 2852 Folio 570399.  Vacant land, half uncleared, half grazing land
    3. ALL THAT piece of land containing 14 acres and 13 perches or thereabouts being part of Crown Block of five thousand one hundred and twenty acres known as Unwin’s Crown Special Survey said Parish and County comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 1470 Folio 293842 with seven roomed brick house thereon.  Total Municipal value of the land in the three Certificates of Title £92.  Total value 1600.0.0
Personal Estate
Harness and Saddlery - 5.0.0
Live stock: 2 horses £20, 1 cow £10 - 30.0.0
Farming implements: 1 waggon £25, 1 lorry £15 - 40.0.0
1 drill £15, 3 ploughs £4 - 19.0.0
Money in Bank on current account.  State Savings Bank Abbotsford with interest to 1st July 1919 - 195.16.11
Money in Bank on deposit: National Bank of Australia Limited due 1st August 1920 - 600.0.0
Interest to date of death from 1st February 1919 - 10.5.7
English Scottish & Australian Bank due 25th June 1920 - 300.0.0
Interest thereon to date of death from 25th December 1918 - 6.9.5
Debentures or bonds.  Commonwealth Treasury Bond 4½% - 100.0.0
Interest thereon to date of death - 4.10.11
DATED the 15th day of July 1919 C Winter   Executrix 

File Image 14: IN THE SUPREME COURT  OF VICTORIA Probate Jurisdiction IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street, Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased. This is the Inventory marked “B” referred to in the Affidavit of Christina Winter as being shewn to her at the time of swearing her Affidavit this 25th day of July 1919
Before me H Jennings, A Commissioner etc

Probate Jurisdiction IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street Doncaster in the State of Victoria, Orchardist deceased.  PRAECIPE. V Wischer. 123 Granted 31/7/19

John G F Winter - Will

Wills (VPRS7591).  165/428 John G F Winter: Will; Grant of probate.  3 pages
Given name : John G F; Family name : Winter; Residence : Doncaster; Occupation : Orchardist; Nature of grant  VPRS 7591/P0002, 165/4281919-07-31 - 1919-07-31Open, PhysicalNorth Melbourne, Online 3 pages
Need to download and transcribe.

File Image 1: 165428. Dated the 22nd February 1917 Will of Mr John George F Winter 19th June 1919

File Image 2: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA Probate JurisdicNon IN THE WILL of JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK WINTER late of High Street Doncaster in the State of Victoria Orchardist deceased
This is the Will marked “A” referred to in the Affidavit of ChrisNna Winter as being shewn to her at the Nme of swearing her Affidavit this twenty-fiZh day of July 1919. Before me H Jennings A Commissioner etc  This is the Will marked “A” referred to in the Affidavit of Victor Wischer as being shewn to him at the Nme of swearing his Affidavit this 25th day of July 1919 F Oswald Barre] A Commissioner etc
File Image 3: 165428 “A”.  I John George Frederick Winter of High Street Doncaster Orchardist declare this to be my last Will and Testament. I appoint my wife ChrisNna sole trustee and executrix hereof. I give unto her for her life for her own use and profit all my real property and aZer her death I devise the said real property unto my daughter Anna Rosina Soderlund absolutely. I give unto my wife and said daughter in equal shares all my ready money bank deposits securiNes for money and Commonwealth or State bonds or stock. I give unto my wife the residual of my personal property absolutely. As witness my hand this twenty second day of February one thousand nine hundred and seventeen.
Signed by the testator by his affixing his mark hereto (he being unable owing to illness to sign his name) and by him declared to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at the same Nme who at his request in his sight and presence of each have hereto subscribed their names as witness.
John George Frederick Winter his X mark.  V Wischer Solicitor Melbourne.  Stanley Bishop No 1 Belfast St Brunswick. Labourer

DP0215 | Winter's house |c1900 | Photograph of the first home of Mr and Mrs Frederick Winter, built after their marriage in 1881, on their property in High Street Doncaster. Later, a large brick house was built which they called 'Kehre Wieder'. (Photograph mounted with caption) | Doncaster  Winter, Frederick|Kehre Wieder

DP0329 | Trinity Lutheran Band |1890s | Members of the Trinity Lutheran Band. (Photograph mounted with caption) |   Bands|Music|Doncaster Lutheran Church|Trinity Lutheran Band|Aumann, Charles|Fromhold, Henry|Finger, Ferdinand|Zerbe, Fred|Winter, Frederick|Schuhkraft, Frederick|Aumann, Carl|Zerbe, August|Aumann, August|Hanke, Ernest|Thiele, Henry|Aumann, Bill

DP0227 | Winter Park |1970s | Photograph of part of Winter Park, a cluster development in High Street on land formerly belonging to the Soderlund family. The name 'Winter Park' commemorates the maiden name of Mrs Rosina Soderlund. The development was a Merchant Builders project. (Photograph mounted with caption) | Doncaster  Winter Park|Soderlund family|High Street|Merchant Builders|Subdivisions|Scanned images | 

DP0235 | Soderlund house |1967 | Photograph of the house known as 'Kehre Wieder', High Street Doncaster, built by Frederick Winter around the year 1900. Mr and Mrs Winter's only child, Rosina, married Henry Soderlund, and lived in this house until she died in about 1973. The paddock in the foreground is now 'Winter Park' cluster housing estate. (Photograph mounted with caption) | Another copy [36 x 45 cm] in plan file | Doncaster  Doncaster|Kehre Wieder|Winter, Frederick|High Street|Soderlund, Rosina (Mrs)|Soderlund, Henry|Winter Park|Scanned images | Green, Irvine |

DP0560 | Waldau Cemetery |c1930 | Members of the Winter and Soderlund family standing by the headstone of Henry Finger in the Waldau Cemetery. The people in the photograph are (left to right) Ralph Soderlund, Violet Schleigh (nee Soderlund), Leo Soderlund, Rosina Soderlund (nee Winter) and her father Fredrick Winter. (Photograph mounted with caption) | The people in the photograph were identified in March 2015 by Leigh Marian, daughter of Ralph Soderlund. | Doncaster  Waldau Cemetery|Finger, Henry|Finger, Karl Heinrich|Winter, Frederick|Winter, Rosina|Soderlund, Rosina|Soderlund, Leo|Soderlund, Violet|Schleigh, Violet|Soderlund, Ralph|Soderlund family|Scanned Images |

DP0648 | Mrs Frederick Winter | Christine Finger, later the wife of Frederick Winter. She was one of five daughters of Henry Finger, and was born in 1859. She married Frederick Winter in 1881, and they lived in High Street, Doncaster. (Photograph mounted with caption) | Duplicate copy in plan file |   Winter, Frederick|Winter, Christine|Finger, Christine|Finger, Henry|Scanned images | 

DP0849 | Kehre Wieder |c1905 | Photograph of the home of Frederick Winter, High Street Doncaster. Known as 'Kehre Wieder' it was built in the 1890s and is still standing. The lady in the front garden is Rosina his only child. Frederick Winter died in 1919. | See 'German Pioneer Families in Australia' page 56 | Doncaster  Doncaster|High Street|Kehre Wieder|Winter, Frederick|Winter, Rosina|Soderlund, Rosina (Mrs)|Scanned images |

DP0962 | Ladies' Guild of Trinity Lutheran Church, Doncaster |1958 | Photograph of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Lutheran Church, Doncaster. Mrs Rosina Soderlund (nee Winter) is seated at the left-hand end of the front row. (For complete list of names see "Centenary - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Doncaster, 1858-1958

DP1029 | Star of Doncaster Brass Band | Photograph of the "Star of Doncaster" Brass Band. Mrs E P Whitten claimed it was Doncaster's first band, and identifies some of the band members, viz.,  Edwin Lawford, Laurie Smith [the painting and drawing master], Mr Oberdorf [Band Master], Fred Pickering, Bert schramm, and Fred Winter. The house in the background has not been identified. | Doncaster  Bands|Star of Doncaster Brass Band|Lawford, Edwin|Smith, Laurence Hislop|Oberdorf, Mr (Band Master)|Pickering, Frederick|Schramm, Bert|Winter, Frederick|Scanned images

DP1037 | Kehre Wieder |1958 | Photograph of 'Kehre Wieder', the of the Winter and Soderlund family in High street, Doncaster, built for Frederick Winter, and at the time this photo was taken [1958], owned by his daughter Rosina Soderlund. | Doncaster  Winter, Frederick|Soderlund, Rosina Mrs|Kehre Wieder|Scanned images | Whitten, E. P. | 

DP1289 | J. G. F. Winter | Photograph of J. G. Frederick Winter, orchardist, of High Street Doncaster. | This photo was copied by Eric Collyer from the 1958 Lutheran Church centenary souvenir booklet, for inclusion in a display during Heritage Week in May 2016 at Schramms Cottage, in honour of the memory of the pioneer settlers of the City of Manningham.|For further information see the book 'German Pioneer Families in Australia', page 56. |   Winter, John George Frederick|Scanned images

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