Pin Oak, Outside 47 Boyd St Doncaster
Manningham City Municipality
The Quercus palustris located at Boyd Street, Doncaster is of local significance for being a good specimen located in a prominent position, being of good size, with high aesthetic value.
Heritage Study/Consultant Manningham - Heritage Garden & Significant Tree Study - Stage 2, John
Patrick Pty Ltd, 2006;
Hermes Number 22815
Melway Ref: 47D10
Setting/Position: Positioned in nature strip outside 47 Boyd Street, on a prominent corner.
Height: 25m
Canopy Spread (m) E-W: 15m
N-S: 19m
DBH: 715mm
Approx. Age of Tree: 50-60 years (Mature)
TPZ: 7.4m CRZ: 3.0m
History: Original street tree planting from time of subdivision
Other/Notes: Tree appeared to be in good health at the time of inspection.
Health Rating: 2
Threats/Risks to Tree: Tree is susceptible to compaction, trunk damage from lawnmowers and root severance involved with development and service maintenance. Tree is also susceptible to power line clearing on eastern side of canopy.
Hazards/Risks: Co-dominant branches, V-crotched
Other/Notes: Tree is v-crotched and will eventually require cabling. A small wound exists at the base of the trunk on the tree's south-west side, and the tree is starting to lift the footpath on the northern side; although it has not cracked the concrete. The form of the tree is slightly irregular due to the v-crotched trunk, however it should be noted that there are no powerlines directly interfering with the growth of the canopy, allowing good size and form to develop. Powerlines are present some distance to the trees east and have not impacted on initial form development, although they will prevent full expansion of the trees canopy in this direction.
Structure Rating: 4
This place/object may be included in the Victorian Heritage Register pursuant to the Heritage Act 2017. Check the Victorian Heritage Database, selecting 'Heritage Victoria' as the place data owner.
For further details about Heritage Overlay places, contact the relevant local council or go to Planning Schemes. Online. MAY2020
Pin Oak BoydSt DONCASTER VHD GoogleMaps2019
Pin Oak BoydSt DONCASTER VHD GoogleMaps2018
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