City of Doncaster and Templestowe Heritage Study (1991) Pt0A

City of Doncaster and Templestowe Heritage Study 1991 Richard Peterson

Listed on Manningham Heritage Resources Webpage (May2020):  Direct download of pdf  flat image scan (i.e. no OCR or searchable text)

May2020 - Manningham Council gave permission to publish full text on website subject to attribution:  
Excerpt from: City of Doncaster and Templestowe Heritage Study (Context Pty Ltd, Peterson R & Stafford B, 1991) 

The text is a compendium so it's contents need to be been spread throughout the site pages as additions to other stories.  A searchable version can be downloaded from: City of Doncaster and Templestowe Heritage Study (Context Pty Ltd, Peterson R & Stafford B, 1991) SEARCHABLE TEXT

City of Doncaster and Templestowe Heritage Study

General Report. August 1991
Report prepared for the. City of Doncaster and Templestowe
Context Pty Ltd. in association with Richard Peterson, Conservation Architect and Brian Stafford, Architect and Landscape Architect
Jointly funded by the City of Doncaster and Templestowe and the National Estate Grants Program
ISBN 0 947175 12 1
Front cover: The township of Warrandyte, County of Evelyn. Lithograph. Surveyor General's Office, October 30th 1856.

The consultants gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the project Steering Committee; Ms Sonia Rappell (City of Doncaster and Templestowe); members of the Doncaster Templestowe Historical Society and Warrandyte Historical Society, especially Irvine Green, Beatty Beavis, Bruce Bence and Shirley Rotherham; the staff of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria); the architects who assisted by providing advice on the examples of their work within the municipal­ity.

Study Team
Chris Johnston, Project Manager, Context Pty Ltd
Bruce Greenhill, Researcher, Context Pty Ltd
Claire Hunt, Researcher, Context Pty Ltd
Moira Vosper, Word Processing, Context Pty Ltd
Richard Peterson, Architectural assessment, Conservation Architect
Brian Stafford, Landscape assessment, Architect & Landscape Architect

Historical Societies
Doncaster Templestowe Historical Society Warrandyte Historical Society

The ongoing work of Council's Heritage Advisory Service has and will uncover additional information regarding the heritage listings (and additional heritage sites not currently included) in the City of Doncaster and Templestowe Heritage Study.
Further details may be obtained by contacting the Strategic Planning Department at the City of Doncaster and Templestowe.

The City of Doncaster and Templestowe Heritage Study records many of the historic build­ ings, structures, areas and plantings that remain in the municipality.
It is an important step towards greater community appreciation of our history, and demonstrates that it is still possible to see today evidence of the lives and works of our forebears from the goldfields of Warrandyte to the orchards of Doncaster and Templestowe, through to the architec­ tural excellence of recent buildings.
Other equally important aspects of our heritage - the natural environment and significant Aborig­ inal places - are documented in other studies.
This report aims to record these historic places, and raise awareness of their significance.

Thanks to Carolyn Screen for formatting and proof reading.
SourceCity of Doncaster and Templestowe Heritage Study (Context Pty Ltd, Peterson R & Stafford B, 1991)  Published online with permission of Manningham Council (May2020)

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